League of Legends Questions
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Iceborn Gauntlet on Ryze?
Do you guys think that its viable viable to get [[iceborn gauntlet]] instead of [[frozen heart]] on [[Ryze]]? [[iceborn gauntlet]] gives more mana and has the slow on autoattacks, but the other stats are better on [[Frozen heart]], so the question is, what is worth more? I feel like [[iceborn gauntlet]] is slightly better in most games, but is it worth the 400 extra gold?
Can summoner teleport be interrupted?
If you are stunned or silenced or the like while channeling summoner teleport, will it interrupt the cast?
Best runes for Nunu jungler ?
Can Simeone tell me the best runes for Nunu jungler ? Thanks for the upcoming answer
Warmogs or Randuin's first?
Since BORK is running its thing (oh noes, not another BORK thread!!), I'm surprised to see that top-laners are still building [[Warmog's Armor]] early than say [[Frozen Heart]] or [[Randuin's Omen]]. If it truly is "the league of BORK", then why not just rush its counters earlier? Besides, it'll shut down a few top-laners anyways, like [[Teemo]], [[Xin Zhao]], and [[Fiora]]. I...
Game Intuition for ADCs
As an ADC, where does most of the knowledge come from when thinking about engaging a fight? Like, how do I know which engages result in no deaths, etc? Does the knowledge come from knowledge from extensively playing each ADC and support? Or does it come from experience as playing one specific ADC / support? Just curious.
Statikk Shiv and Draven
Ok, this is a legit question as I cannot find any confirmation on it. [[Statikk Shiv]]: "At 100 charges, your next attack expends the charges to deal 100 magic damage to up to 4 targets. This damage can critically strike." [[Wicked Blades]]: "Draven's critical strikes deal 30 + (4 Γ level) bonus physical damage over 4 seconds." Does the lightning proc...
Blade of the Ruined King
After the nerf, what are your thoughts?
When do you buy GP10 items (behind or ahead, etc. and why)?
I know GP10 items set you behind as you go into lane, but because of that, when do you buy it? For example, when getting [[Youmuu's Ghostblade]] on [[Xin Zhao]], I often opt for a [[vampiric scepter]] over an [[avarice blade]] because I rush [[Youmuu's Ghostblade]] as my first item, and I prefer the extra AD and life-steal from [[vampiric scepter]], even if I'm having a hard time in lane....
Spirit Visage on ADC?
This may be a silly question, but I've been looking into some rather interesting items on certain champions and it seems like no ones ever had the idea. Would anyone build a [[Spirit visage]] as a defensive item choice on an AD carry? Obviously it would only be really good against AP heavy teams, and doesn't give a lot of health. But I'm thinking, the item synergizes with the massive amount of...
What are your opinions? Should Tristana max W or E first?
I am really interested in what skill orders other people take on Trist. Some people say max W and others say max E. With the recent buffs to the damage on her E, is it better to max E over W despite the increased pushing due to its passive? EDIT: I have been maxing W mainly but I have tried maxing E and it seems just as good if not better.
Need sevices for guide making
I would really appreciate it if someone could give me the names of some members that can help me with my guide. What I need specifically? [list] [*]Someone to make for me introductory images for every chapter of my guide just like those in the guide of LaCorpse for [[Ahri]]. Of course I will give you the original image you will be using and the text. I would like also (if possible) line...
Quinn and Valor is best as ADC or Solo Top?
Quinn have a really interesting skill set, he can both dominate at top and btm as a Solo Top or as a ADC. So, which lane is Quinn better at?
How do you counter the Blade Of The Ruined King?
I know you can get a frozen heart but that doesn't help as much as it should, and you don't want everyone on the team to have a frozen heart. So I was just wondering if there is anyway to stop the BOTRK from just demolishing on any AD champion.
Best runes for Alistar jungler ? [SEASON 3]
Hi guys, im really enjoying alistar jungle but he is a little bit slow, i think is because i use ad or ap runes. so can someone tell me what's the best runes for Alistar jungler ? Thanks for the upcoming answer.
Why isn't Cho'Gath built AP?
I mean, his Q has 1.0 AP Ratio, his W and R have 7.0 (plus R with 300-650 True damage) and his autoattacks can hit 3.0 to everyone in the tf... So why is everybody building RoA and letting it there?
Is there and easier way to move around in Unlocked screen mode?
Is there an easier way to move around the map on unlocked screen, I find it annoying sometimes when I have to to to the edge ro the screen. This excludes clicking on the minimap or using arrow keys. Thanks
How do you update the stats of your build on here
I've looked at a few builds for some of my champs, but i just decided to create my own build, when i was trying to view the build i noticed it still showed all the stats (health, attack damage, etc) as if i had no items and whatnot, just wanted to know if its something i need to edit somewhere or if its something mods do on routine or something to that arrangement... How do i display the...
Top 5 Champions for Solo Que Mid Lane?
So as a summoner relatively new to the ranked scene and hoping to climb my way up the ranks; I'm wondering what champions a more veteran player would recommend a person hoping to do well as a mid-laner should learn to play well.
Is Mordekaiser viable in ranked? and as what lane?
Is he good in ranked? what is wrong with him?
How should you build Katarina top lane?
So I have been seeing a lot of [[Katarina]]'s going top lane lately and they almost always rush a [[Warmog's Armor]] or a [[Sunfire Cape]]. I don't know if this is ideal or not because they literally have NO damage early-mid game. So, what do you guys think? I was thinking of getting a early [[Rylai's Crystal Scepter]] or maybe a [[Seeker's Armguard]] depending on the matchup since both these...
is lux still viable for ranked?
I think Lux is an awesome champ and i live to play as her but is she still viable for ranked? I would prefer to play her mid. I have tried her mid several times and it wasnt that bad. I do see supp lux often. Anyway is she still viable for ranked? I heard she gets countered a lot in mid.
Is Rengar still a viable pick for top?
Is it true that he is no longer a viable pick for top after his nerf?
What is the status of Leblanc mid?
I'm considering picking up Leblanc as my 16th champion, and I play mainly AP mid. How viable is she at this point in the metagame? I know she is often banned out against Reginald, which makes me suspect that she is very playable against certain champs if you're good with her. Is she a solid counterpick to certain champions or does she fall off too hard in the lategame to be viable at all?
Morgana ultimate with stealthesd characters?
Will morganas ultimate be awayable if there is a stelthened champion in its range?
Does worth to buy Karma guys?
Can Tristana Attack People Without Getting Hit by the Obelisk in ARAM
My question is, can Tristana attack people where enemies spawn without getting hit by the Obelisk in ARAM at lvl 18?
Lifesteal on shields
Maybe a very stupid question, but it seems a good one to me. Life steal means that you steal life. If someone is shielded, that is not "life". You'd say, that shields do not count for lifesteal, Is this true?
Viable kennen build?
Ive been going top with kennen alot recently and ever since i got him ive been on this same build and its worked out fine, but im still lookin for some feedback. Magic pen boots > Sunfire cape > abyssal sceptre >hourglass then just w/e.. usually a GA into GG...
What is a good Mark rune for supports?
I've always wondered what is the best Mark rune for supports. Currently im running Flat ad Marks for better turret pushing when it comes to that, but my guess is i'm probally using the wrong thing here. The rest of my runes i think are fine, the basic things like Armor Seals, Scaling MR glyphs and gp+ quints. The main supports i use are Soraka and Janna
How to play unlocked screen?
I have played for a while but always on the locked screen mode. This makes it really annoying to play on purple side, especially bot lane. Any tips for unlocked screen?? I've tried it but i just cant focus while moving the screen around. THANKS in advance!
Why no one plays Heimerdinger ?
Hi guys im here for asking a question: Why no one plays heimerdinger ? he has an OP pushing power and his rockets can destroy the entire enemy team when he has his ulti activated, also he can blind/stun the entire enemy team. so why his popularity is only 0,70% ? thank you for the upcoming answer P.S. im italian so my english sucks
Is better zephyr or phantom dancer for this champ?crit or cooldown?many guides say crits...but i want more opinions...thanks
Hybrid Kog'Maw?
So I have an idea for a potential hybrid Kog'Maw because I love his ability combos and making it rain on turret huggers. The items I tagged are a definite part of the build (boots may change) and the last item is I believe dependent on how the game is going but I think it's between; the black cleaver, guardian angel, and deathfire grasp. If anyone can help me figure out what the final build...
one idea for jungle nocturne runes and masteries
i tested a lil bit around with some rune/mastery setup's for jungle nocturne and i think this runepage really good :D but i want to hear some opinions from other summoner's. my question, what do you think about this setup? [runes=http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/rune-page-planner#&rune=277:9-262:9-320:9-391:3]...
Irelia Season 3 Itemization
Hi guys, since the release of Irelia I always had a kind of bond made between her and myself, even if not playing her constantly I had a very high win rate on Top lane and was able to dominate and carry a game in almost every match. Sadly when preseason of S3 patch appeared I had a lot of issues with playing Irelia as I find it very hard to switch my head to the "Warmog Meta"...
Are tank items op atm?
I'm just tired of being stomped over and over again by bruisers. Garen for example it's a champion who can rush a Sunfire Cape, Warmog's, Randuin's and still do a lot of damage mid game (Which is why my team can hardly reach late game) or Olaf, with a Warmog's he's already a threat. Xin Zhao can rush an Iron Solari or a Warmog's and still do an efficient damage. Rumble gets a Rylai's and then...
How to upload a video so you can view it on your guide itself
Fast Question how do you upload a video so viewers can just view it on my page. I'm not that good at coding and stuffs.
What TT champion set you pick?
I've been playing TT for a long time, before hitting level 30 things were just easy 1 top - 2 bot (2 tanks 1 carry or 3 tanks with bruiser skills) Now I see many different champion picks, 1 top 1 jungle 1 bot 1 top (bruiser tank) 1 support 1 carry Which is the best pick? best team? (ps: I never saw 3 tanks lose btw)
Is rengar even a viable top-laner anymore?
So I was thinking back the other day when [[rengar]] was always banned or picked every game, mostly for being a top-laner. I was wondering, is he even good anymore? He barely has any damage, or even has the ability to trade well in lane.
Is Urgot a solid duo bot choice for solo queue?
I can't quite figure out the role of Urgot (when he's not played as a solo laner, that is). He's picked in duo bot lanes (but maybe only with a champion like Taric) to counter out the enemy's ADC, but doesn't really seem to be an ADC himself, as he often builds Tear, early Warmogs etc. Can he be reliably played in solo queue in a duo lane instead of a more standard AD Carry, or will the team...
League System - Is it possible to get demoted?
Hey all, So with the new League System in, I think most of us know that to get your rank up/promoted, you get 100 points and win the next 2/3 games or win the next 3/5 games. But my question is, is it possible to get demoted? Like maybe if you're stuck at 0 points and you lose like the next 5 games in a row? Thanks.
What made Rammus viable?
If he isn't viable, what made him at least playable. I've been spectating a lot of games where rammus is being played in high elo at the moment, and most of the games he is actually successful. What changed this season that made him playable?
are this runes good for an ad mid tristana ?
Hi guys im here to post another question,i play a a lot of ad mid tristana and i want to make a rune page for her . My idea was Quints = fiat ad Red = hybrid penetration Yellow = flat ad Blue = mr scaling So the question is : Is this rune set good for ad mid tristana?can you give me your idea ? Thanks for the upcoming answer P.S. My english sucks
Twitch jungler still viable after rework ? [SEASON 3]
Hello guys I am here again to ask if jungler Twitch is viable after his rework, I've already tried maxing R> Q (gank)> E> W but I wanted to know your opinion. tell me if you can still do. P.S. for viable mean if you can win a ranked game with twitch jungler Thanks in advance for your answers
Can't Find My Guide On Lists
Err I just released a new guide a few days ago. I realized that I cannot find it on the Yorick Guide lists. I copy and pasted all of the words and it was over 5000 words so I'm not sure what happened. People can only see it if I give them the link. Help.