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Posted a Comment: Sep 23rd, 2019
"One way to get level 3 is to go Red > Krugs > Raptors and a lot of streamers recommend clearing Krugs as often as possible to level them up because they are worth a lot of experience. But for most champs it takes a long time.
For example. Pantheon by the time Pantheon is done clearing"
Posted a Comment: Sep 23rd, 2019
"I don't know how this going to work out, but it is interesting trying to go into the game with an early game plan about what I'm going to do. The thrust of the plan is this
Guess or know from experience which lanes will push
Cheat sheet: (IIRC there are more elements than these two)
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
Illaoi vs Pantheon. Illaoi pushes
Lux vs Yasuo. Lux pushes.
Sivir + Nami vs Caitlyn + Nautilus. tBot pushes.
I probably don't win the 1v1 vs Lee Sin.
Me: Red > Raptors >"
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
I'm pretty we lost this game cause Galio is blind. Had a fight in Bot lane that his ult would have turned, but he ulted in about 15 seconds after the damage was done.
We have all pushing lanes, so that means "
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
I dodged this one because they had three potential tanks and our ADC locked in Jhin and our Mid laner locked in Gangplank with no obvious games of GP played and being on a 6 game losing streak. And I don't find"
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
Tryndamere pushes Garen. Guess. Spin vs Q. Have to see this matchup more times, Tryn seem to have a slight edge in the push, but nothing crazy.
Sylas pushes Malphite. True
Ezreal + Lux push"
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
Darius pushes in Kayle. True
Ziggs pushes Leblanc. True
Kai'sa + Blitzcrank pushes Jhin + Pyke? In retrospect I'd say this is not true, but I'll have to see the matchup a couple "
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
Okay got some coaching advice.
I stick with Hecarim as my primary and if he is banned I play Jarvan IV. My off role is ADC as Sivir. This is based on my current winrates with the champions. Basically "
Posted a Comment: Sep 22nd, 2019
Monekying with Shyvana in ranked. Blitzcrank was a beast a hooking despite being a Leona main. Tristana got ridiculously fed and we road that to victory. Tristana and Rakan offered him some tips "