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Posted a Comment: Sep 21st, 2019
Let's see Katarina walked face first into two ganks I pointed out where coming. Cho'gath also walked into one. Pretty sure that Bot lane didn't get to play LoL since Fizz was in their lane 247. With Cho'g"
Posted a Comment: Sep 21st, 2019
Up to the tanks again to buy healing reduction. No idea why this concept is so hard. If you can get throught the early game on Dr. Mundo. Like two items and boots you are good to go.
Thought this one might be"
Posted a Comment: Sep 21st, 2019
I turned on my chat solo to tell my team to buy healing cuts. Who buys them both? The tanks. smh
For the record Thornmail does not work very well against Vladimir and I guess Yuumi because they don't hav"
Posted a Comment: Sep 19th, 2019
Team destroyed by tank Teemo Top. I'll be honest, I have no idea why he still does damage, but he did an no one on my team would buy an Executioner's Calling until way late in the game, despite me pinging it ou"
Posted a Comment: Sep 19th, 2019
Jax styled on Nasus and Tryndamere, with some helpful pings from me to let him know he was getting ganked and one gank. So Top lane was set. That let me focus Mid and Bot. Blitzcrank had a beautiful gr"
Posted a Comment: Sep 19th, 2019
Thought this one was going to be a loss with Bot lane getting slaughtered and DCing a couple of times. But helped Qiyana get ahead and together she and I eventually got our Bot lane to a usefulish state. Despite ge"
Posted a Comment: Sep 17th, 2019
Mid and Top got shit on. To be fair to the Camille she got better as the game went on, but giving three kills to a Tryndamere in early laning phase makes the later part of the game a lot harder. Annie did one usef"
Posted a Comment: Sep 17th, 2019
We got our assess kicked by Janna. Okay the rest of their team did stuff too, but Janna rolled Bot lane and then was able to roam which ended up screwing me and Diana on a couple of plays. Team voted to surrender."
Posted a Comment: Sep 17th, 2019
Got off to a good start personally with IIRC a kill in Mid, got Teemo a kill in Top, then chain ganked Bot lane since we had CC there and we rolled two infernals, so basically every time my snowball was off cool down a"