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Recommended Items
Runes: standard runes precision
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
one of the best early jungler, be really careful about your vision, ping your team early to cover your buffs
if you can go after 15 min without a stomp, you can win
Passive + slow on Q = satisfying
Passive + slow on Q = satisfying
Champion Build Guide

His kit is simple to understand :

Master Yi is an easy-to-play champion. But don't think it makes it easy to play every game : it's a trap !
Yes, everybody can understand his kit, but a few people can make it effective against a counter comp, where a beginner will be in 0/10 at 15 minutes.
So, Master Yi is an easy-to-play champ, but also a hard-to-master one.

Currently, imo it's too early to conclude if this item can be included in Yi build, but i don't think you will rush it after your jungle item (because

For lethality build, I think you can buy it for a 3rd item too (I don't think it can replaced

10.5 : The current change on

To make it clear, when you spawn in the summoner's rift, you are (80% of the time) weaker than every other champ in your game. You will generally have to avoid 1v1 early game.
BUT you have a great scaling.
In conclusion, you generally need to scale at a certain point when you can drive the game.
And the question is : how to scale as Master Yi ?
I will try to give you a lot of key-points to answer this question.
But before going further, you need to understand a GUIDE CAN'T MAKE YOU BETTER IF YOU DON'T PLAY. You need to play regularly Master Yi if you want to improve.
Plus, you will see the more the question is hard, the more the answer will be something like "with experience you can know what is the best choice to do at this moment".
Because yes, Master Yi is hard to master.
PS for Yi mains :
Don't get me wrong, you can also have a really aggressive play style and drive the game at the beginning of the game, but it depends about the game, your comprehension of LoL in general and your own playstyle. I will develop this part further.
Imo one of the "best" road jungle to start Yi is a standard full clear:
Red -> Krugs (+smite) -> Raptors -> wolves -> Blue -> Scuttle -> Gank (if possible)
During your clear, you have to check regularly your mini map to see how is the situation on each lane everytime, and more (if there is a gank of their jungler and so the possibility to invade etc)
When you will try to start the scuttle (around 3:20 when you did a good clear), check for the priority of your midlane : if you meet the jungler in the river for the scuttle, you fight ONLY if you have the priority of midlane (and toplane in the best situation). If not, just go back and try to take the scuttle bot.
After your first clear + 1 scuttle, you'll have the red smite and a dagger. Now, the better way to chase after the game for you is to return bot to clear the krugs and check for a gank mid or bot and the drake (if possible).
Master Yi is really good at sneaking drake with this stuff. So in low elo, you can try to take the red plant to go on the dragon pit and do it, even if you didn't take the scuttle bot (because we assume if they did the scuttle bot they will not put more vision on the drake).
Master Yi early game is always about taking opportunities, to be in reaction and not really taking action. After some experience, you will probably have the ability to trace the enemy jungler. So you'll have more opportunities to counter gank or invade his jungle. If you want to climb, you'll need this ability.
Everytime in a game, your opponents will always do mistakes (in laning phase, they will overstay, or trade without vision, or go to deep in their lane...). So, because you check your minimap a lot, you will see these opportunities to gank/catch. And you will adapt your gameplay to punish their mistakes to start or increase your advantage : that's the base of snowball.
Simply, You will not have to create opportunities, but more taking them.

The second option is like this : We assume here you have an aggressive playstyle, or

Your objective is to be reallyaggressive early/mid game thanks to your "burst" on AA with

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- meditate reset
- tips for jungle
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- tips for ganks- general tips
- main precision
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