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Braum Build Guide by Guoblide

Support [12.4] Unbreakable Braum Support Guide!

Support [12.4] Unbreakable Braum Support Guide!

Updated on February 22, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Guoblide Build Guide By Guoblide 120 6 267,190 Views 14 Comments
120 6 267,190 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Guoblide Braum Build Guide By Guoblide Updated on February 22, 2022
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1 2 3
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

[12.4] Unbreakable Braum Support Guide!

By Guoblide

When you think about Warden supports, you probably immediately think of Braum. Braum is one of the most recognizable champions in League and acts as a shining example of what Wardens should look and play like. He can peel and defend his teammates in game and can pull his weight when the team needs him most. In a solo-queue environment, where everyone is trying to carry each other, Braum can stand back and help his team hit their full potential. In a competitive environment Braum can make big plays by making his carries untouchable from the enemy.


One of the best Wardens in the game
Has amazing peel and disengage
Can stun and lock down enemies with his Concussive Blows
Can slow with Winter's Bite and Glacial Fissure
Extremely fun to play
Is amazing into aggressive enemy team comps
Easy to pick up/low skill floor and ceiling
Can carry lane
Can block and shield damage with Unbreakable
Can get very tanky
Good disengage and shielding with Stand Behind Me


Relatively weak laning phase
Low damage output
Can be kited by high mobility champs
Bad into safe champions that can out-scale him like enchanters
His stun is very predictable making it easy to outplay
Bad engage
Bad without a teamate with significant carry potential
Not a lot of build variety
Can get boring to play for some people (Not me though :D)
Can run out of mana in lane fairly easily (More bearable after 10.20 buffs)
One of his best skins, Santa Braum, is legacy
Flash is the most powerful summoner spell in the game and most champions in League take it each game no matter what. Flash can be used offensively to gap close or finish off kills or it can be used defensively to get to safety or dodge skillshots. It is an extremely versatile spell and can be useful at all stages of the game. A trick to using Flash with Braum is to use either Winter's Bite or Glacial Fissure and then immediately Flash. The spell will continue its brief cast time when you use Flash which makes it cast immediately once your Flash finishes its animation. This is way faster than Flash > Winter's Bite/ Glacial Fissure and can make it almost undodgable. Another tip is buffering Stand Behind Me and Flash. If you are out of Stand Behind Me's range and target an ally then Braum starts walking in that direction and will auto-cast Stand Behind Me when he gets in range. If you Flash into the Stand Behind Me range then Braum will automatically jump the moment he gets into the range. This can save way more time than Flashing and then casting Stand Behind Me on an ally.
Ignite is the best aggressive summoner spell to take on Braum. Its damage over time is great at getting ahead in drawn out trades or finishing off enemies at the last second. Its true damage can shred through tanks and heavily armored enemies. Ignite also applies Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds. Grevious Wounds is a debuff that reduces the amount of healing the champion affected gets. The Grevious Wounds from Ignite is amazing in the laning phase into enemy supports with tons of healing like Soraka and Nami. Ignite can also be ridiculous in the late game if applied to fed hypercarries like Master Yi and Yasuo. A trick with Ignite is to cast it on an enemy before they use Heal. The Grievous Wounds from Ignite will reduce the amount of healing they get significantly.
Exhaust is one of the best defensive summoner spells and can be argued to be better than Ignite on Braum. Exhaust excels against high damage/hypercarry ADCs like Vayne, Twitch, and Kog'Maw. It is also great against assassin champions like Kha'Zix and Zed. Casting Exhaust on them before they cast all of their spells significantly reduced the damage that they deal. During the laning phase casting Exhaust on the enemy ADC in extended fights can be miles more useful than Ignite. It can also be used on enemies to slow them when Braum and his ADC are retreating.
The last viable spell to run on Braum is Heal. Heal is only good if your ADC does not go Heal. This is because Heal is 50% less effective on allies that have previously been Healed in the last 35 seconds. Running Heal is good when your ADC runs something like Cleanse against CC heavy bot lanes like Thresh and Ashe or Teleport for more map pressure. You should look to use Heal before or 5 seconds after the enemy Ignites you to prevent the Grievous Wounds from affecting you or your ADC. Heal can also boost you and your target's movement speed. This is good for catching up to enemies or getting away from them.


Guardian: Guard allies within 350 units of you, and allies you target with spells for 2.5 seconds. While Guarding, if you or the ally take 70 - 150 damage or lethal damage in the last 2.5 seconds, both of you gain a shield for 80 - 200 (+15% of the Guardian's Ability Power) (+9% of the Guardian's Bonus Health) for 1.5 seconds.

70 - 40 seconds Cooldown (based on level). Guardian only goes on cooldown when the shield is triggered.

Guardian is the most defensive main keystone in the resolve tree with great shielding and peeling capabilities. It fits perfectly on Braum due to him mainly caring about protecting his ADC and not worrying about dishing out damage in fights. Throughout the course of the game Braum is usually right beside his carry making it easy for him to proc it a lot. Guardian is great at defending him and his allies when they are engaged on by aggressive supports or poked from afar by long range threats. The Guardian shield can provide even more safety to him and his ADC and can even weasel them out of life-threatening moments.
Font of Life: Impairing the movement of an enemy champion marks them for 4 seconds.

Ally champions who attack marked enemies heal for 5 (+1% max) over 2 seconds.

Font of Life is another great rune that adds even more defense to Braum's kit. Font of Life can be triggered off of any movement impairment meaning that the stun from Concussive Blows, the slow from Winter's Bite, and the knock-up from Glacial Fissure can all activate the healing. Font of Life can help Braum keep his ADC sustain in lane or heal his teamates in teamfights.
Bone Plating: After taking damage from an enemy champion, for 1.5 seconds, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from the same enemy champion deal 30 - 60 (based on level) less damage.

Cooldown: 45 seconds

Bone Plating is great on Braum because it helps him survive in the laning phase and make it to the mid and late game which is where he excels. It can prove irreplaceable against all-in champions like Leona and Nautilus due to its damage reduction in drawn out fights. Later in the game it can make Braum tanky enough to protect his adc from assassins and backline threats
Unflinching: Gain 10% slow resist and 10% Tenacity. Gain up to 20% more slow resist and Tenacity based on missing health

Unflinching is a great choice into heavy CC enemies like Leona, Nautilus, and Alistar. The slow resist and tenacity Unflinching gives makes Braum able to proc his Concussive Blows faster and peel for his adc better in fights. Against poke or scaling lanes I would take Overgrowth instead due to its scaling threat.


Magical Footwear: You get free Slightly Magical Boots at 12 minutes (-45 seconds per takedown), but you cannot buy boots before then.

Slightly Magical Boots give you an additional +10 Movement Speed.

Magical Footwear is a great rune on most champions due to it basically being 300 free gold in exchange for a runes spot. Magical Footwear is especially good on Braum and most other supports due to them not getting much gold income, especially in Season 11. Getting free boots helps Braum complete Locket of the Iron Solari faster which makes him tankier and able to peel for his adc better as well.

Biscuit Delivery: Gain a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will every 2 minutes, until 6 minutes. If the inventory is full while receiving a biscuit, it will appear as soon as a place in the inventory is freed.

Biscuits restore 10% of your missing Health and Mana over 5 seconds (Calculated upon consuming the biscuit). Consuming any Biscuit increases your Mana cap by 50 permanently. You will also gain the increased mana if you sell the biscuit for 30 gold.

Biscuit Delivery is another insanely strong rune on most supports. It can either help Braum sustain in if he is low or can be sold to gain some extra gold. It also increases Braum's maximum mana pool when consumed or sold. This versatility makes it good in pretty much every matchup and scenario. A trick with Biscuit Delivery is to to consume a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will whenever you are low on hp and mana. This is because it regenerates based on missing hp and mana % so the less you have the more you regenerate.


Hail of Blades: Basic attacking an enemy champion grants 110% bonus Attack Speed for your next 3 basic attacks. While active, Hails of Blade removes the attack speed cap.

Hail of Blades lasts 3 seconds, and each basic attack refreshes the duration to 2 seconds. Cooldown: 8 seconds

Hail of Blades is a rune that can help Braum deal massive amounts of damage in the early game. Although it is a high elo rune mainly used to make roams and objective securing easier with the increased damage output it can be used in lower brackets of play in the right situation. The attack boost from Hail of Blades can make Braum win trades and secure kills in the early game by making him get more auto attacks off and triggering his Concussive Blows stun extremely quickly. Hail of Blades can help Braum win lane early which lets him shove and look for roams or objectives. The best time to run Hail of Blades is if the enemy has a lot of melee champions because they will be closer to Braum making it easy for him to run around triggering Concussive Blows on everyone. If Braum runs it into ranged comps then he won't be able to get close to them at all due to his low mobility making Hail of Blades close to useless. Hail of Blades is also good with low attack speed adcs like Jhin and Senna. This is because Braum usually relies on his adcs to proc Concussive Blows with their fast attack speed. With Hail of Blades Braum can proc Concussive Blows himself and doesn't have to worry about his low attack speed adcs not being able to proc it.
Cheap Shot: Basic attacks and damaging abilities deal 10 - 45 (based on level) bonus true damage to slowed or immobilized enemy champions.

Cheap Shot is a great rune for Braum's Hail of Blades build as it can increase Braum's damage output by even more. The rune procs on any slow or cc meaning that Braum can activate it off of Concussive Blows, Winter's Bite, and Glacial Fissure. All these ways to proc it makes Braum a dangerous threat to enemies in lane and during teamfights. During the early game getting a single Winter's Bite slow off and following it up with your Hail of Blades empowered auto attacks can dish out insane damage and proc Concussive Blows very quickly.
Zombie Ward: Takedown on enemy Ward cause friendly Zombie Wards to sprout from their corpses. Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power for every Zombie Ward spawned, up to 10. After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, additionally gain 10 adaptive force.

Zombie Wards grant sight over 1100 units, are visible to the enemy team, have 1 health, last for 120 seconds and don't count towards your ward limit.

Zombie Ward is a great vision rune that can can increase your vision around the map and bump up your damage as well. Zombie Ward fits well with Braum due to him buying Oracle Lens and lots of Control Wards as well as roaming around the map and destroying wards in key locations. However, in low elo players tend to ward way less so picking up Ghost Poro for the guaranteed vision and quicker stacking could be more beneficial for you.
Relentless Hunter: Gain 5 (+8 per Bounty Hunter stack) out of combat Movement Speed. Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.

Relentless Hunter is a ridiculously strong rune on most supports including Braum. It lets Braum roam around the map faster which enables him to contest important objectives, roam, and get back to lane faster. Braum specializes in racking up assists so he can get to maximum Relentless Hunter stacks fairly early on in the game.


Biscuit Delivery: Gain a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will every 2 minutes, until 6 minutes. If the inventory is full while receiving a biscuit, it will appear as soon as a place in the inventory is freed.

Biscuits restore 10% of your missing Health and Mana over 5 seconds (Calculated upon consuming the biscuit). Consuming any Biscuit increases your Mana cap by 50 permanently. You will also gain the increased mana if you sell the biscuit for 30 gold.

Biscuit Delivery is another insanely strong rune on most supports. It can either help Braum sustain in if he is low or can be sold to gain some extra gold. It also increases Braum's maximum mana pool when consumed or sold. This versatility makes it good in pretty much every matchup and scenario. A trick with Biscuit Delivery is to to consume a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will whenever you are low on hp and mana. This is because it regenerates based on missing hp and mana % so the less you have the more you regenerate.

Approach Velocity: Gain 7.5% bonus movement speed when moving toward a movement-impaired enemy champion. Increased to 15% if you were the one who impaired their movement.

Approach Velocity is a great rune on Braum and synergizes extremely well with Hail of Blades as well. It lets Braum quickly chase down enemies who are movement impaired. Having Braum get close to enemies is dangerous for them due to him being able to proc all 3 Hail of Blades attacks or hit a point blank Winter's Bite. Since Winter's Bite and Glacial Fissure both movement impair enemies Braum always has a way to gap close and proc his Hail of Blades or Concussive Blows.

Steel Shoulderguards is the best starting support item to go with on Braum. Starting with an AD support item is better than starting with an AP item due to Braum relying more on Basic Attacking enemies in fights. He does have AP scaling on all of his abilities but it isn't that much. Braum is a tanky champion and doesn't have range or damage on most of his attacks and abilities so going Steel Shoulderguards over Spectral Sickle for the Spoils of War passive and extra HP is an obvious choice. Steel Shoulderguards grants Braum 3 AD, 2 gold every 10 seconds, 30 Health, and 25% base Health regeneration. It also gives the Spoils of War passive. This passive gives Braum a Spoils of War charge every 45 seconds, stacking up to 3 charges. Each time he auto attacks a unit under 50% health he consumes a charge, executes the unit, and gives gold equal to what he earned to a nearby ally. This is great for helping your ADC farm under tower or for last hitting for your ADC if they cant walk up to CS. You should prioritize using your Spoils of War stack last hitting the cannon minion, then the melee minion, then lastly the caster minion. You should try not to use your Spoils of War stack on caster minions but if your ADC is going to miss last hitting one then go ahead and help him out.

Kindlegem is one of the major components that builds into [{Braum]]'s core mythic item Locket of the Iron Solari. Kindlegem grants Braum 10 Ability Haste and 200 Health. 10 Ability Haste is great in the laning phase as it lets Braum poke with Winter's Bite more often as well as get Glacial Fissure back off cooldown sooner. The 200 HP can make Braum tankier and able to block more damage as well as greatly increase the amount of damage Winter's Bite deals due to it scaling off of max %HP. Try to buy Kindlegem before Aegis of the Legion due to HP always being stronger than armor/MR in the early game.

Aegis of the Legion is the other major component that builds into [{Braum]]'s core mythic item Locket of the Iron Solari. Aegis of the Legion grants Braum 10 Ability Haste, 30 Armor, and 30 Magic Resistance. The Armor and MR can make Braum withstand more damage from enemy champions and, while not being as effective as HP early on, can still make him a pretty tanky threat in the early game. The ability haste lets Braum have his cooldowns up more often.

Locket of the Iron Solari is Braum's best mythic item due to its great defensive abilities. Locket of the Iron Solari grants Braum 20 Ability Haste, 200 Health, 30 Armor, and 30 Magic Resistance. These are great all around stats for Braum and can make him quite tanky. Locket of the Iron Solari also gives a passive which grants all nearby enemies in a radius 5 Armor and 5 Magic Resist. The passive grants everyone an additional 2 Armor and Magic Resistance for each legendary item Braum owns. All this stuff is cool but the most important part about Locket of the Iron Solari is the active. The active grants nearby allies a 230-385 HP shield (Scaling off of the target's level) that decays after 2.5 seconds. The active is great at granting massive AOE shielding to the entire team in teamfights or can be used to peel for your ADC by providing just enough shielding to secure a kill or make an escape. It can also be used on Braum himself when escaping from enemies or in 1v1 situations.


Mobility Boots are Braum's go-to boots option in most games. They give massive out-of-combat speed as well as some base movement speed increase. Mobility Boots are great at letting Braum travel the map quickly. He can get to key objectives to set up faster, help contest scuttles before the enemy support, and roam mid after he crashes the wave. They can also be used simply to get Braum back to lane quickly after a back or a death. They also only cost 1000 gold which is cheaper than both Plated Steelcaps and Mercury's Treads. The downside to Mobility Boots is that they don't do much in combat. They only give a bit of extra movement speed and no offensive or defensive abilities.

Plated Steelcaps are Braum's best boots option into heavy AD enemy teams. Try to aim to build them if there is at least 4 enemy AD threats (including high damage AD supports like Pyke and Senna. You can also build them if the main AP threat on the enemy team relies a bit on Basic Attacks like Akali, Kayle, and Teemo. Plated Steelcaps reduces all damage taken from enemy Basic Attacks by 12% which makes him extremely tanky to AD champions and ADCs. It also a lot of movement speed which doesn't get reduced in combat like Mobility Boots. It does cost 1100 which makes it more expensive than Mobility Boots which is one of its major drawbacks. It also sets Braum back from completing his Locket of the Iron Solari which is a very important powerspike for him.

Mercury's Treads are Braum's best boots into AP or heavy CC enemy teams. They give 25 Magic Resist along with 30% tenacity to stuns, slows, taunts, fears, blinds, and immobilizes. The Magic Resistance makes Mercury's Treads strong into Ability Power ADCs like Syndra, Teemo, and Swain. The 30% Tenacity can also make it powerful into heavy CC bot lane combos like Miss Fortune + Leona or Jhin + Nautilus. Even though Mercury's Treads seem like they're only good into heavy AP teams they can also be good into mixed AD/AP teams if the AD threats dish out a ton of CC like Ashe, Jhin, Pyke. Just like Plated Steelcaps, Mercury's Treads cost 1100 gold which makes them more expensive than their Mobility Boots alternative and makes Braum complete his Locket of the Iron Solari powerspike later on in the game.


Zeke's Convergence is Braum's best all-around legendary item and is usually what people build after Locket of the Iron Solari. Zeke's Convergence grants Braum 20 Ability Haste, 25 Armor, 250 Health, and 250 Mana. Its passive links a selected ally to Braum and designates them as his accomplice. Its active empowers your accomplice's Basic Attacks and Abilities to deal 30-70(Based on Level)(+7.5% AP)(+1.5% Max HP) bonus magic damage to enemies recently immobilized by Braum. Braum can immobilize enemies through stunning them with Concussive Blows or by knocking them up with Glacial Fissure. Zeke's Convergence works best when linked to your ADC as they usually output the most damage through Basic Attacks and nearby to you through most of the game which makes it easier for them to follow up on your CC.

Thornmail is a great source of Armor and Anti-Heal for Braum It grants Braum 60 Armor and 350 Health. These stats make him extremely tanky against enemy teams with a lot of AD threats. The most important part about Thornmail though is the passive. The passive deals 10(+10% Bonus Armor) magic damage and inflicts 40% Grievous Wounds for 2 seconds on an enemy champion whenever they attack you. The passive also inflicts 60% Grievous Wounds whenever Braum immobilizes someone. This means that the stun from Concussive Blows and the knock-up from Glacial Fissure can apply Grevious Wounds to enemies. Thornmail is far and away the best item on Braum into high sustain hyper-carries like Yasuo, Fiora, and Master Yi. It can also be decent into On-Hit ADCs that rely on attacking quickly like Vayne and Kog'Maw. If you are laning into healing supports like Soraka or Yuumi then picking up a Bramble Vest on your first or second back and upgrading it into Thornmail later on could help win you the lane.

Frozen Heart is a great item into teams with heavy AD threats. Frozen Heart gives Braum 20 Ability Haste, 80 Armor, and 400 Mana. 80 Armor is the highest amount of Armor any item gives so completing it can make you almost unkillable to AD threats. The Ablity Haste is a nice add on as well and the mana can let Braum poke with Winter's Bite a bit more before running out of mana. Frozen Heart's passive reduces all damage taken from attacks by 5 for every 1000 Health Braum has, capped at 40% of all damage. Against teams with 4-5 AD threats this passive is amazing and can let Braum block an obscene amount of damage for his team. In addition to all of this [{Frozen Heart]] also creates an aura around Braum that reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies by 15%. This aura can significantly reduce the damage output of AD hyper-carries or champions like Master Yi, Kalista, and Tryndamere who rely on Basic Attacking a lot to reduce their CDs or set up abilities.

Randuin's Omen is another great item into enemy teams with heavy AD damage threats. Randuin's Omen grants Braum 10 Ability Haste, 80 Armor, and 250 Health. Just like with Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen grants 80 Armor which is the most Armor an item can give. These are the only two items in the game that grant this much Armor. Unlike Frozen Heart though Randuin's Omen grants 250 Health which can tank Braum up and improve his Winter's Bite damage. Randuin's Omens passive is the same as Frozen Hearts. The passive reduces all damage taken from attacks by 5 for every 1000 Health Braum has, capped at 40% of all damage. This passive makes him super hard to kill into 4-5 enemy AD threats. Randuin's Omens active slows nearby enemies in a radius by 99% for 0.25 seconds, reduces their attack damage by 10% for 4 seconds, and reduces their critical strike damage by 20% for 4 seconds. The slow is pretty unimportant but can be used when chasing down enemies or setting up skillshots like Winter's Bite or Glacial Fissure. The damage reduction is great at countering Crit and AD Heavy carries like Yasuo, Jinx, and Twitch.


Mikael's Blessing is a situational Magic Resistance item that is good into teams with heavy CC. Mikael's Blessing grants Braum 15 Ability Haste, 20% Heal and Shield Power, 50 Magic Resistance, and 100% Base Mana Regeneration. 50 Magic Resistance is a lot on Braum and can be super helpful into heavy AP enemy teams. The Ability Haste and Mana Regen aren't that important but are nice little things to have. The main reason why Mikael's Blessing is good on Braum though is because of the passive. The passive acts as a targeted cleanse that removes all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne, Blind, Disarm, Grounded, Nearsight, and Suppression). It also heals the target for 100-200 Health (Depending on target's level). Since Mikael's Blessing doesn't provide any Health it is best to buy it after 2 core items in order to still be tanky enough to peel for your team. Mikael's Blessing is great into heavy CC enemy teams or bot lanes. It is especially good into telegraphed catch abilities like Death Sentence, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Dark Binding, and Solar Flare.

Abyssal Mask is a great item into 3+ enemy AP threats. Abyssal Mask grant Braum 350 Health and 60 Magic Resistance. 60 Magic Resistance is the MOST Magic Resistance an item can give (The only other items that gives 60 MR is Force of Nature which is another possible option and Gargoyle Stoneplate but at 3300 gold it is too expensive for Braum). Getting this much MR against a team with 3-4 AP champions can make Braum incredibly strong. Abyssal Masks passive increases the damage enemy champions take by 10% for 4 seconds whenever they are immobilized by Braum. This means that getting a Concussive Blows stun or a Glacial Fissure knock-up can set up even more damage for your carries.

Force of Nature is another decent option into 3-4 enemy AP threats. Force of Nature grants Braum 350 Health, 60 Magic Resistance, and 5% Movement Speed. Just like Abyssal Mask, Force of Nature grants the most Magic Resist possible for an item. This can make Braum ridiculously tanky into teams that have a little too much AP damage. Force of Nature's passive gives Braum a stack every time he takes damage from a unique spell stacking up to 5 times. Each stack gives 6 bonus Movement Speed and 4 bonus Magic Resistance. This passive is great at getting Braum around teamfights quickly and lets him gap close or peel for teammates better. The additional Magic Resistance also lets him tank more for his team during extended fights.


Knight's Vow is a great peeling item for Braum. Knight's Vow grants Braum 10 Ability Haste, 400 Health, and 300% Base Health Regeneration. The increased Health is great at letting Braum tank more damage as well as buffing up his damage from his Winter's Bite. The Base Health Regeneration lets Braum stay around the map longer as well as letting him live longer in teamfights. Knight's Vows active designates a selected ally champion as a Worthy Ally. Whenever your Worthy Ally is nearby Braum takes 15% of damage that they would take up until Braum has 30% HP. If your Worthy Ally is below 50% of their Maximum Health then Braum gains 35% additional movement speed when moving towards them. Knight's Vow is superb into high burst/assassin enemies when bound to your major carry as it can stop 15% of all damage your ally takes from them. The extra movement speed when moving towards them can help Braum get to his allies quicker and improve his peeling.

Redemption is a great teamfighting support item for Braum. Redemption grants Braum 15 Ability Haste, 200 Health, 20% Heal and Shield Power, and 100% Base Mana Regeneration. These stats are decent, especially the extra Health, but the most important part of Redemption is the active. The active reveals an aura at a target location which, after 2.5 seconds, strikes the ground healing allied champions for 180-360(Depending on target's level) HP and dealing 10% Max HP damage to all enemy champions. Redemption is the ultimate 5v5 teamfighting ability. Placing it in the middle of a crowded fight can heal your entire team as well as damaging 10% max HP to each enemy champion. This can singlehandedly win fights just from an item active. It can also be used on your frontline to have them tank longer or on your backline to help them survive burst or poke damage. In some cases Redemption can even be used to execute a low Health enemy as they try to run away!

Mikael's Blessing is a situational support item that is good into teams with heavy CC. Mikael's Blessing grants Braum 15 Ability Haste, 20% Heal and Shield Power, 50 Magic Resistance, and 100% Base Mana Regeneration. 50 Magic Resistance is a lot on Braum and can be super helpful into heavy AP enemy teams. The Ability Haste and Mana Regen aren't that important but are nice little things to have. The main reason why Mikael's Blessing is good on Braum though is because of the passive. The passive acts as a targeted cleanse that removes all crowd control debuffs (except Airborne, Blind, Disarm, Grounded, Nearsight, and Suppression). It also heals the target for 100-200 Health (Depending on target's level). Since Mikael's Blessing doesn't provide any Health it is best to buy it after 2 core items in order to still be tanky enough to peel for your team. Mikael's Blessing is great into heavy CC enemy teams or bot lanes. It is especially good into telegraphed catch abilities like Death Sentence, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Dark Binding, and Solar Flare.

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Braum's basic attacks and Winter's Bite apply stacks of Concussive Blows. Once the first stack has been applied, the basic attacks of any allied champion will generate Concussive Blows stacks. Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 seconds and takes 16 + (10 * level) magic damage. After an opponent is stunned from Concussive Blows, they no longer gain Concussive Blows stacks and instead take 14-48 bonus magic damage from basic attacks for the next 8 seconds.

Concussive Blows is mainly what makes Braum so scary to play against especially in the laning phase. For every auto attack and non-ultimate ability Braum lands on an enemy he applies a stack of Concussive Blows. At 4 stacks the enemy is stunned for 1.25 - 1.75 seconds depending on level and damaged. If an enemy has a stack of Concussive Blows on them then any auto attack from a friendly champion will add a stack of Concussive Blows. Concussive Blows is what makes Braum so strong with high attack speed ADCs like Jinx and Kog'Maw. Their fast attack speed can proc Concussive Blows in no time and set up easy kills. Concussive Blows is also an amazing peeling ability. In the mid to late game stunning an enemy diving your backline is almost a guaranteed kill. It can also be used to stun people from far away with Winter's Bite.

- Q -

| RANGE: 1000 | COOLDOWN: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 | MANA COST: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 |

Braum propels ice from his shield that travels forward in a line, dealing 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+2.5% of Braum's max. health) magic damage and slowing the first enemy hit by 70% that decays over 2 seconds.

Winter's Bite is Braum's primary poke ability and way of applying Concussive Blows from a long distance. Winter's Bite is a long range projectile that slows and deals max HP% damage to the first enemy hit. Winter's Bite is extremely versatile can can be used to achieve many different things. The 70% decaying slow can be used to help your ADC kite out enemies or it can be used to catch enemies out and set up picks for your team. Winter's Bite can also deal a shocking amount of damage due to it dealing 2.5% of Braum's maximum HP. Braum only buys tanky items that give plenty of health so this ability can hit like a truck after a couple of item purchases. During the laning phase use Winter's Bite to suite what your ADCs goal is. If you have an aggressive laner like Lucian or Draven try to poke with it and set up Concussive Blows stacks for your ADC to follow up on. If you have a late game hyper-carry ADC like Jinx or Kog'Maw then use Winter's Bite to slow and peel for your ADC when you get engaged on. Keep in mind that Winter's Bite costs a lot of mana in the early game so try and refrain from spamming it too much. In the late game use Winter's Bite to catch out enemies by slowing them or peeling for your ADC with it.

- W -

| RANGE: 650 | COOLDOWN: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 | MANA COST: 40 |

Braum leaps to the aid of a nearby ally, positioning himself between his target and their nearest enemy champion. On arrival, the ally gains 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 (+12% bonus armor and magic resist) bonus resistances and Braum gains 10 / 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 (+36% bonus armor and magic resist) bonus resistances for 3 seconds.

Stand Behind Me is Braum's only mobility spell. When Stand Behind Me is cast, Braum leaps to an ally and gives both them and himself some armor and magic resist for 3 seconds. Stand Behind Mes dash is amazing and can be used to either get to an ally quickly to peel for them with Winter's Bite and Unbreakable or to escape by jumping to an allied player or minion. It can also be used to set up massive Glacial Fissure knock ups. The added resistances that Stand Behind Me gives to both Braum and the ADC may not seem like a lot but can be a deciding factor in long drawn out trades. A trick with Stand Behind Me is that Braum can self cast it on himself and still gain the armor and magic resistance. This can be super helpful in 1v1s against low health enemies or the support.

- E -

| COOLDOWN: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 | MANA COST: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 |

Braum raises his shield, creating a barrier that intercepts all oncoming, hostile projectiles for the next 3 / 3.25 / 3.5 / 3.75 / 4 seconds.

Braum takes no damage from the first projectile he intercepts and 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40% reduced damage from intercepted projectiles thereafter, and gains 10% movement speed for the duration.

Unbreakable is the most defensive ability in Braum's kit and is one of the reasons why he makes such a great Warden. Unbreakable is a frost shield that lasts for 3-4 seconds and reduces incoming damage. It also completely negates the first projectile that hits and and then hastes Braum for the remained of the shield duration. Unbreakable is great at intercepting tons of damage and helping you tank for your team. Braum is practically unkillable for the 3-4 second duration due to the 30-40% damage reduction. The best way to use Unbreakable when peeling for your ADC is to save to to block high damage missiles like Super Mega Death Rocket! and Void Seeker. It can also be used to help your ADC survive backline assassins if you keep the shield pointed at them when they engage. Keep in mind that Unbreakable blocks the damage from projectiles not the effects so blocking things like Dark Binding or Enchanted Crystal Arrow will block the damage but you will still be rooted/stunned.

- R -

| RANGE: 1250 | COOLDOWN: 120 / 100 / 80 | MANA COST: 100 |

Braum slams his shield into the ground, dealing 150 / 300 / 450 (+60% AP) magic damage to all enemies in a line as well as those in an X-radius area around him. The first champion hit is knocked up for 1-1.5 seconds based on distance from Braum for the first target hit in the fissure, every other target hit or within close vicinity is knocked up for 0.25 seconds.

For the next 4 seconds a field of ice remains, slowing enemies that enter the area by 40 / 50 / 60% for 0.25 seconds.

Glacial Fissure is Braum's big teamfight ability that can singlehandedly turn fights in favor of your team. When Braum casts Glacial Fissure he knocks up nearby enemies for 1-1.5 seconds and enemies farther away for 0.25 seconds. Enemies who stay in the knock up zone are slowed. Glacial Fissure is great at disrupting enemies in teamfights. Knocking up a large group of enemies can deal great burst damage and set them up for your team with the AOE slow. Getting a huge knock-up can also set up combos with champs like Yasuo and Samira who capitalize of of AOE disruptions. Glacial Fissure can also be used to peel for your carry. Landing an inner circle knock-up on a diving enemy can set them up for an easy kill for your ADC.

+ + +

This combo may seem boring, but it is Braum's fastest way of fully stacking Concussive Blows on enemies. Braum can either start this combo off with a Winter's Bite if he is far away to apply a slow and close the gap quickly or he can start with a Basic Attack and then animation cancel it with Winter's Bite. Always start the combo off with a Basic Attack into Winter's Bite animation cancel if Braum is in melee range because it stacks Concussive Blows the fastest.

Another basic Braum combo is the Winter's Bite and Flash trick. Winter's Bite has a brief wind up time so if you Flash right as the wind up time starts then the wind up time will finish right as Braum comes out of his Flash animation. This is quicker than Flashing and then casting Winter's Bite and makes it harder to dodge as well. This combo can be used to catch enemies off guard and set them up for your team by slowing them. It can also be used to guarantee a Winter's Bite hit if you think the enemies will be able to dodge it. Learning how to do this combo is necessary on Braum because it can lead to kills in game as well as be incorporated into other Braum combos.

+ +

This is one of the combos that uses the Winter's Bite + Flash tech. Use Stand Behind Me to jump to a champion that is close to an enemy and then Winter's Bite + Flash to gap close onto them and land a guaranteed slow. Hitting them with a Winter's Bite slow can set up a Concussive Blows stun and hopefully a kill. This combo is one of Braum's best gap closing abilities. It can be used either aggressively to set up kills for your team or defensively to peel for an ally. Since Braum uses Stand Behind Me in this combo him and his ally also gain some armor and magic resist. Keep in mind that you don't need to use Flash in this combo if the targeted enemy is super close to your Stand Behind Me target.

+ + +

This is Braum's best peel combo as well as being his best engage combo that doesn't use Flash. Stand Behind Me to an ally getting pressured by enemies and Unbreakable to shield them from oncoming damage. Then Glacial Fissure to knock them up and immediately fire a Winter's Bite at a knocked up enemy to chain CC them and guarantee Winter's Bite to land. This combo is amazing at peeling for your allies and can also turn a fight on its head if you land a big Glacial Fissure knock up. It is also a good engage combo if you jump to an allied tank that is getting focused by a large group of enemies.

+ +

This is Braum's standard run of the mill engage combo. Flash to close the distance on target enemy, immediately Glacial Fissure, and then immediately Winter's Bite in their direction. The Winter's Bite travels faster than Glacial Fissure so both projectiles should hit the enemy at the same time. This combo can be used in lane or at other parts of the map as a way of catching out mispositioned enemies. Getting both the knock up and Concussive Blows stack on them can make it easy for you team to follow up as well as proc the Concussive Blows stun for an easy kill. This combo can also be used in teamfights as a way of setting up big Glacial Fissure knock-ups on the enemy team. The enemy team will usually absentmindedly group together right before a fight so Flashing and then Glacial Fissureing will cover a suprising amount of distance and catch them off guard.

+ + + +

This combo is Braum's most difficult combo and one of his most impactful ones as well. Stand Behind Me to an allied champion to gain a bit of distance. Then do a Winter's Bite + Flash combo to make Winter's Bite harder to react to and then immediately Glacial Fissure. The Winter's Bite should hit your target before Glacial Fissure so the slow from Winter's Bite should make dodging Glacial Fissure harder for them. Afterwards throw up an Unbreakable to dodge incoming damage and tank for your team. This combo can cover massive distance and can catch most of your targets completely off guard. In teamfights this combo can shoot Braum across the battlefield to land a massive Glacial Fissure knock-up that can get a pick on a high priority enemy or land a large AOE knock-up to win your team the teamfight.
In fights try to run around and apply a stack of Concussive Blows on every enemy before focusing on targeting just one.
Try to coordinate with your team during fights in order to proc as many Concussive Blows stuns as possible.
Braum deals extra magic damage to enemies who have Concussive Blows immunity (8-6 second period after being stunned by it).
Winter's Bite can deal a suprising amount of damage due to it doing damage based on Braum's %Max Hp (And he prioritizes building HP).
Try not to poke with Winter's Bite too much as it can make Braum run out of mana quickly.
Try to use Stand Behind Me early on in teamfights as most enemies tend to unload all of their abilities as quickly as possible.
In lane Braum can Stand Behind Me to an allied minion that the enemy ADC walks up to CS in order to gap close quickly and get a guaranteed Basic Attack or Winter's Bite off.
Braum can use Stand Behind Me on allied minions when running away to escape from sticky situation
In 1v1 situations Braum can self cast Stand Behind Me]
You can buffer Stand Behind Me by targeting an ally with it and then Flashing into range to make Braum auto cast it immediately.
Braum gains a burst of movement speed and ignores unit collision when he activates Unbreakable.
Glacial Fissure can also knock-up enemies behind and to the sides of Braum if they are close enough. This makes missing Glacial Fissure on point-blank enemies almost impossible.
Glacial Fissure leaves a slowing field after the cast for 4 seconds making it easier to lock down enemies or CC in teamfights.
Unbreakable is an amazing skill on Braum and having the ability to block tons of abilities makes him a great tank and defender. Unbreakable can block most champion abilities but there are a few that can ignore Braum's shield and dodge the damage reduction. Knowing which abilities can go through . Unbreakable is extremely important if you want to play Braum to his maximum potential.

Alistar's Triumphant Roar
Annie's Incinerate
Aurelion Sol's Cosmic Creator
Aurelion Sol's Astral Flight
Aurelion Sol's Falling Star
Bard's Tempered Fate
Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze
Cho'Gath's Feral Scream
Corki's Gatling Gun
Ekko's Parallel Convergence
Fiddlesticks' Terrify
Irelia's Defiant Dance
Jarvan IV's Dragon Strike
Jhin's Deadly Flourish
Kassadin's Force Pulse
Kennen's Electrical Surge
Lucian's Piercing Light
Lux's Final Spark
Malzahar's Malefic Visions
Mordekaiser's Death's Grasp
Nunu & Willump's Biggest Snowball Ever!
Ornn's Bellows Breath
Pantheon's Grand Starfall
Qiyana's Elementless Edge of Ixtal
Rumble's Flamespitter
Sejuani's Winter's Wrath
Senna's Piercing Darkness
Sett's Haymaker
Singed's Mega Adhesive
Swain's Death's Hand
Syndra's Force of Will
Trundle's Subjugate
Udyr's Wingborne Storm
Vel'Koz's Life Form Disintegration Ray
Vi's Relentless Force
Volibear's The Relentless Storm
Wukong's Nimbus Strike
Xerath's Arcanopulse
Xerath's Rite of the Arcane
Xin Zhao's Wind Becomes Lightning
Ziggs' Mega Inferno Bomb
Azir's Basic Attacks
Fiddlesticks's Basic Attacks
Lillia's Basic Attacks
Rakan's Basic Attacks
Thresh's Basic Attacks
Vel'Koz's Basic Attacks
Aphelios's Basic Attacks while equipped with Severum, the Scythe Pistol
Kayle's Arisen Basic Attacks
Samira's Melee Basic Attacks
Viktor's Siphon Power empowered Basic Attacks
Zoe's More Sparkles! empowered Basic Attacks
Yuumi's Feline Friendship empowered Basic Attacks
Neeko's Shapesplitter empowered Basic Attacks
Aphelios's Sentry
Azir's Conquering Sands
Azir's Emperor's Divide
Fizz's Chum the Waters
Gnar's Boulder Toss
Jhin's Captive Audience
Jinx's Flame Chompers!
Olaf's Undertow
Orianna's Command: Attack
Shen's Twilight Assault
Syndra's Dark Sphere thrown by Scatter the Weak and Unleashed Power
Taliyah's Weaver's Wall
Xayah's Clean Cuts
Xayah's Double Daggers
Xayah's Featherstorm
Yasuo's Wind Wall


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Zeke's Convergence / Redemption
Unbreakable can Block: Nothing

Alistar is a fairly easy matchup for Braum due to Alistar's aggression being fairly linear and easy to shut down. However, Alistar can make some unexpected outplays that less skilled Braum players won't know how to play around. Alistar is a tanky Vanguard support than can be played either as an engage tank or a Warden depending on the champions on either team. Against Braum however Alistar will usually be played as an engager focused on catching out Braum or his ADC. Alistar spikes a bit at Level 2 with him gaining access to his Headbutt + Pulverize combo. This combo isn't especially strong into Braum though if Braum stands near his ADC as a well placed Unbreakable can block most of the follow up damage from the enemy ADC. Alistar spikes again at Level 3 as the acces to Trample provides him more lockdown CC. His final spike is at Level 6 with Unbreakable Will although this spike isn't as scary as Braum lanes are usually looking to outscale over get kills on the enemy support. When Braum gets to lane he should be able to get some poke off with Winter's Bite and maybe deny the enemy ADC CS. Alistar is not a threat at Level 1 due to Pulverize not providing a lot of CC and requiring Alistar to get near an enemy to land. Back off at Level 2 and try to stick near you ADC to peel for them due to Alistar being able to engage from a long distance with his Headbutt + Pulverize combo. This combo gets even scarier at Level 3 with Trample being able to extend the CC chain on your ADC. Play safe up until Level 6 where Glacial Fissure gives Braum better peel and pick potential if the enemy ADC mispostions. Braum outscales Alistar and provides way better peel and engage to an extent in late game team fights so getting through Levels 1-5 without misplaying should make the game way easier after the laning phase is over.


Recommended Items: Boots of Swiftness / Zeke's Convergence / Knight's Vow
Unbreakable can Block: Traveler's Call Empowered Basic Attacks / Cosmic Binding

Bard is a pretty even matchup for Braum with both supports being relatively weak in lane and focused on scaling into the mid and late game to provide peel for their carries. However, Bard is an amazing roamer and can easily get other lanes snowballing if left unchecked. Bard is a jack of all trades support who can be played as a tank, enchanter, catcher, warden, and roamer. He fits into most team comps and can build many different items. Analyzing how to play against Bard can be tricky due to him being able to do so many different things. Bard only really spikes at Level 6 where he becomes able to catch out teamates with Tempered Fate and set up kills for his team. His damage spikes at 5 meeps where he gets access to a 25% slow and 15 meeps where his meeps deal splash damage. In lane Braum can easily poke Bard with Winter's Bite due to it having more range than Cosmic Binding. Past Level 2 Braum can block Cosmic Binding with Unbreakable if he mispositions and get targeted by it. Try to have your ADC crash the minion wave into Bard's tower as much as possible to deny roams which stops him from putting pressure on the map and collecting meeps. After Level 6 Braum should stand a little bit away from your ADC to deny Bard from getting a double Tempered Fate. If Bard tries to Tempered Fate Braum to get to your ADC then Stand Behind Me to an allied minion or your ADC to dodge it. If Bard and his teamates try to Magical Journey into your team to make a play then Glacial Fissureing them as they come out of the portal is a good way to set up a teamfight as they will all be grouped together when coming out.


Recommended Items: Mobility Boots / Zeke's Convergence / Knight's Vow
Unbreakable can Block: Rocket Grab

Blitzcrank is a pretty easy and straightforward matchup for Braum as long as the Braum player knows what he is doing. Blitzcrank is a tanky Catch support than specializes in getting picks with his Rocket Grab. He doesn't deal much damage but easily makes up for it with his amazing peel and pick potential. Blitzcrank is a major threat throughout all stages of the game due to his Rocket Grab however once he uses it he is pretty useless. His Levels 1-3 are unmatched and his Level 6 powerspike is good into a few matchups. His Level 9 power spike is strong as well as it is when he maxes out his Rocket Grab and brings the cooldown to 16 seconds. In lane, Braum should play safe until Level 3 where all of his defensive abilities come up. The most important thing to keep in mind when laning against Blitzcrank is positioning. Braum and his ADC should try to stand together behind the minion wave in a way where it blocks of them from Blitzcrank. If Blitzcrank throws out a Rocket Grab then it will hit a minion instead of them. Once Blitzcrank puts his Rocket Grab on cooldown then the lane gets absurdly easy for the Braum player. Throw out Winter's Bite, walk up in front of the wave, zone of the ADC, pretty much anything to make the enemy ADC miss CS for the entire 20 seconds. When Rocket Grab comes back up stand next to your ADC behind the wave and bait it out again. Standing in front of you ADC is important because if Blitzcrank somehow gets a sneaky Rocket Grab through then it will hit Braum and not the ADC. Braum can just throw up an Unbreakable to block the damage from Blitzcrank and his ADC and Stand Behind Me to an ally minion or ADC to get to safety. After Level 6 Braum should look to all-in the enemy ADC with Glacial Fissure when Rocket Grab is on cooldown for an easy kill.


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Knight's Vow / Force of Nature
Unbreakable can Block: Sear / Pyroclasm

Brand is a horrible matchup for Braum due to his massive %Max Hp damage and his AOE spells. Brand is a AP poke mage that is great at dealing burst damage to high HP targets with his Blaze passive. He also has insanely strong teamfighting due to the AOE damage from his 3rd stack of Blaze, Pillar of Flame and Pyroclasm. Brand powerspikes a Level 2 where he gets access to his stun from Sear, 3 where he gets access to procing all 3 stacks of Blaze, and 6 where he gets his burst damage from Pyroclasm. He spikes especially hard against Braum when he completes both Liandry's Torment and Demonic Embrace due to the %Max HP damage he gets from them. In lane, Braum try to dodge Pillar of Flame and poke a lot with Winter's Bite due to the ADC and Brand being squishy champions with no sustain. Only poke when you know you can land the damage though because Winter's Bite eats up a lot of mana. At Level 2 Braum can unlock Unbreakable. When Brand lands a Pillar of Flame onto an enemy he usually walks up and tries to lane a Sear to proc the stun. If Brand does land a Pillar of Flame on you or the ADC then preemptively walk to your ADC and block the Sear with Unbreakable when he throws it. Once Braum gets to Level 6 try to find a pick with Glacial Fissure if Brand or his ADC is mispositioned as they are both easy to kill and dont have a lot of defensive abilities. After Level 6 try to position away from your ADC and Stand Behind Me to them if they get engaged on. This is because standing too close to your ADC can make it easy for Brand to set up a Pyroclasm that can ricochet between you and your ADC for a ton of damage.


Recommended Items: Boots of Swiftness / Force of Nature
Unbreakable can Block: Howling Gale / Zephyr

Janna is a pretty tough matchup for Braum due to her great poke in lane as well as her scaling power. Her peeling is just as good as Braums and her shielding and healing in lane and during fights can become a big issue. Janna is an enchanter support who specializes in her mobility from Tailwind and her amazing peel from Howling Gale and Monsoon. Janna spikes at Level 2 with her Howling Gale that can be used to poke, zone, and peel and then again at 6 where her Monsoon lets her set up plays or provide a ton of safety for her and her ADC. In lane Braum should try and play safe until Level 2 as Janna's Zephyr poke can be extremely dangerous, especially now that most Jannas run Arcane Comet over Summon Aery. Taking a few bad trades can easily force Braum and his ADC out of lane. Once Janna hits Level 2 her Howling Gale can be used as poke or zoning. It won't be used much defensively due to Braum being a pretty passive laner. At Level 2 Braum will have access to Unbreakable which can be used to stop Howling Gale. Howling Gale will still knock Braum up but won't continue onwards. Trading against Janna can be pretty easy though due to Winter's Bite having a pretty long rage advantage over Zephyr. Try to poke Janna out and Unbreakable her Zephyr if she fires one at you. Play passive with Glacial Fissure Level 6 and onwards due to Janna being able to deny engages easily with Monsoon. Keep in mind that Glacial Fissure can be used to knock Janna out of her Monsoon animation so being defensive with it is a safer option than going for a flashy play.


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Knight's Vow / Mikael's Blessing / Redemption
Unbreakable can Block: Zenith Blade

Leona is a pretty easy matchup for Braum due to him being able to provide a lot of shielding and peel for his ADC when engaged on. Leona is a tanky Vanguard support who can play as an engage tank or as a peeler for her ADC. She spikes hard at Level 2 with access to her Zenith Blade engage, Level 3 where her Eclipse makes her insanely tanky, and Level 6 where her Solar Flare gives her engage and catch potential. In lane Braum should try and abuse his range advantage at Level 1 by poking Leona and her ADC with Winter's Bite. Since Leona has no mobility at Level 1 getting her and her ADC low and zoning them off of the minion wave should be easy. Try to get to Level 2 first and look for an engage option. Once Leona hits Level 2 her all-in potential becomes very scary. Try to play safe and stand near your ADC to defend them if Leona engages onto you with Zenith Blade. Unbreakable has a unique interaction with Zenith Blade. Since Zenith Blade counts as a projectile it will make Leona dash to Braum even if it hits another champion last due to Unbreakable redirecting projectiles. Leona is fairly easy to deal with if you make it so that Zenith Blade always dashes her to you because Leona has no other mobility tools making your ADC untouchable in lane. Leona continues to be force Braum to play defensive though up until Level 6 where Braum is able to peel and get picks easier with Glacial Fissure.


Recommended Items: Mobility Boots / Redemption
Unbreakable can Block: Pix, Faerie Companion / Glitterlance / Whimsy

Lulu is a skill based matchup for Braum that can go both ways due to her being outplayable but still scaling much better into the mid and late game. Lulu is an Enchanter support who has great peeling as well as decent catch with her Whimsy. Lulu powerspikes at every level due to her Pix, Faerie Companion passive damage scaling with levels. She also spikes at Level 2 with access to better poke with Glitterlance, Level 3 with Whimsy giving her more aggressive and defensive capabilities, and Level 6 where her Wild Growth provides tons of peel. In lane Braum should abuse his poke and range advantage with Winter's Bite and use it to pressure Lulu and her ADC off of the wave. Once Braum gets Level 2 use Unbreakable to block her Glitterlance and Pix, Faerie Companion empowered Basic Attacks. Keep in mind the Unbreakable does not block Help, Pix! so make sure that Lulu can't get close enough to cast it (The range is pretty short at 650) on you or your ADC to land a guaranteed Glitterlance. Once Lulu hits Level 3 she enables her ADC to attack more or disables Braum or his ADC with Whimsy. Unbreakable CAN block Whimsy though because it is a projectile with a 0.25 second cast time. Braum should try to play fairly aggressive during Levels 1-6 as Lulu becomes a major threat when she hits her mythic item powerspike and Level 6. Once Braum gains access to Glacial Fissure he should look for picks when Lulu or her ADC are out of position and Lulu has her key defensive abilities off of cooldown. Since Lulu's main defensive spell, Whimsy, is also her only mobility spell baiting it out can usually lead to a kill if she is out of position. Since killing Lulu is usually hard try to outroam her and put more pressure around the map.

LUX - THREAT : 4/5

Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Knight's Vow / Mikael's Blessing
Unbreakable can Block: Light Binding / Lucent Singularity

Lux is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to her poke being able to force Braum and his ADC out of lane fairly easily. Lux is a long-range burst Mage that can be built as a hybrid enchanter. She can run many different runes and builds that can change her playstyle for each one. For example, an Arcane Comet Lux will most likely build Luden's Tempest into full AP and focus on poking Braum whereas a Guardian Lux will build Imperial Mandate/ Moonstone Renewer into full enchanter and focus on peeling and keeping her teamates alive. Try to adjust your playstyle to counter theirs. Lux spikes at Level 2 with access to a root with Light Binding, Level 6 with access to a long range Final Spark beam, and then at Levels 11 and 16 where the cooldown to Final Spark gets ridiculously low. In lane Braum should try to play around bushes at Level 1 to help him dodge Lucent Singularity. Try to bait it out and then play super aggressively with your ADC for the 10 seconds where it is on cooldown. Lux without cooldowns is pretty much a glorified caster minion due to most of her damage and items stemming off of her abilities. Once Braum hits Level 2 he can play more aggressively and block Light Binding and Lucent Singularity with Unbreakable if they are cast on him. Keep in mind that Light Binding will still root Braum even if blocked (Although the damage will be reduced) and Lucent Singularity will deal full damage if activated before it hits Braum's Shield. Braum should continue playing around Lux's cooldown throughout the laning phase. Try to shove the wave into the enemies tower so that Lux can't shove the wave into you and get free poke off while pressuring under tower. Doing this will also open up roaming opportunities or better recall timing for Braum. When Braum hits Level 6 Glacial Fissure will let him get picks on Lux or her ADC if she wastes her major cooldowns. Since Lux has no mobility spells getting a knock-up on her when her defensive spells are down will usually lead to a Flash or a kill.


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Knight's Vow / Mikael's Blessing
Unbreakable can Block: Dark Binding

Morgana is a pretty easy matchup for Braum as long as you play around her Dark Binding. Her Black Shield can also be a bit miserable against your Concussive Blows. Morgana is a Catch/Poke Mage support who can also build semi-enchanter or pure AP damage. Her powerspikes are at Level 2 with access to more poke with Tormented Shadow, Level 3 with her incredibly strong offensive/defensive anti-CC capabilities with Black Shield, Level 6 when she gains her ultimate Soul Shackles, and Level 9 where Dark Binding is max leveled and changes the root to an entire 3 seconds. Braum and his ADC should be incredibly cautious about Dark Binding at Level 1, and throughout the course of the entire lane, as getting rooted by it can set up tons of damage for Morgana and her ADC. Try to position so that the minion wave is between you and Morgana. This makes it impossible for Morgana to land a Dark Binding as it will be blocked by the minions. Braum should also stand in between his ADC and Morgana so that if she somehow manages to get a Dark Binding off it will hit him and not his ADC. This is better because Braum is way tankier than his ADC and his resistances and Unbreakable will block a lot of the incoming damage. He can also Stand Behind Me to his ADC to get away quickly once the root is over. If your ADC gets caught out by a Dark Binding then Stand Behind Me to them and Unbreakable to block the incoming damage. Once Braum hits Level 2 he can use Unbreakable to block incoming poke damage and Dark Binding. Although Unbreakable won't stop the root from Dark Binding it will stop the massive damage that it deals due to its 90% AP ratio scaling. At Level 3 Stand Behind Me lets Braum easily dodge Dark Binding and makes the lane much safer. Be aware that this is when Morgana gains access to Black Shield so she can stop any Concussive Blows stun that happens on her or her ADC. Just like other matchups try to shove the wave so that Morgana can't freely poke Braum and your ADC under tower with Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow. Once Braum hits Level 6 try to bait out Black Shield and Dark Binding and then get a pick on either Morgana or her ADC with Glacial Fissure. If you can't bait out her key defensive abilities then it is just better to play defensive and help your ADC CS.


Recommended Items: A Fishing Net
Unbreakable can Block: Aqua Prison / Ebb and Flow / Tidal Wave

Nami is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to her being able to severely out-poke, out-heal, and out-sustain him at all stages of the game. Nami is an Enchanter support who can fish out tons of damage and CC as well as decent peeling and sustain. She is pretty much the jack of all trades Enchanter who can do a little bit of everything. She spikes at Level 2 where Tidecaller's Blessing gives her the ability for her ADC to hit harder, Level 3 where Aqua Prison lets her poke and zone better or set up picks for her ADC, and Level 6 where Tidal Wave lets her set up huge plays for her team and CC chain off of Aqua Prison. In lane Braum should be careful from Level 1 onwards as Nami has amazing poke with Ebb and Flow. Not only does it have long range and can poke through the minion wave but it can also heal her AND her ADC and let her sustain herself throughout the game. Once she hits Level 2 her Tidecaller's Blessing can make her and her ADC win most duels by the sheer stats buff that it gives. In lane her Surging Tides passive lets her run up, poke with her Tidecaller's Blessing empowered Basic Attacks as well as her Ebb and Flow, and run back quickly. Once she hits Level 3 she can even throw in a Aqua Prison for funsies. To counteract this try to Unbreakable and throw out a Winter's Bite for a slow. If she keeps on walking up or mispositions follow up on the Winter's Bite with your ADC and proc the Concussive Blows stun to secure a kill. After Level 6 using Winter's Bite on Nami to catch her out when her abilities are down can usually secure an easy kill as she is relatively squishy. Unbreakable has a pretty unique interaction with Tidal Wave. Since Unbreakable intercepts projectiles and redirects them Tidal Wave will be intercepted and not continue moving past Braum. This can be great at protecting your backline from getting CCed and potentially killed.


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Zeke's Convergence / Knight's Vow
Unbreakable can Block: Dredge Line

Nautilus is one of the easiest matchups for Braum due to him only wanting to engage which Braum's naturally defensive kit counters. Nautilus is a tanky engage/catch support who is great at frontlining and dictating when fights break out. His only mobility spell is Dredge Line though so once he goes into a fight it is hard for him to get out. Nautilus spikes at Level 2 when Riptide grants him an AOE slow that is great at catching out enemies, Level 3 when Titan's Wrath makes him incredibly tanky, and Level 6 when Depth Charge lets him catch out enemies and set up a massive AOE knock-up. In lane Braum should position himself behind the minion wave in between his ADC and Nautilus to make it near impossible for Nautilus to land a [{Dredge Line]] on your ADC. Braum should play safe until Level 3 where he gets all of his defensive abilities up. If Nautilus lands a Dredge Line before Level 3 it can usually lead to a kill or burnt Summoner Spells if he has an aggressive ADC (Which is usually the case). Try to stand in the middle of your minion wave and walk out a little bit to land a Winter's Bite on the enemy ADC when they walk up to CS. Since Dredge Line has a massive hitbox it is super hard to land onto Braum if he stands right next to the minions. The Dredge Line will usually land onto a minion and put him in a bad position. Try to prioritize poking the enemy ADC as Nautilus is pretty hard to kill until Level 6. Once Braum hits Level 6 it becomes much easier to deal with Nautilus as he can use Glacial Fissure to peel for his ADC if they get engaged on. Keep in mind that Depth Charge can't be blocked by Unbreakable so if Nautilus targets your ADC with it the best thing to do is just bodyblock the Dredge Line engage and hope your ADC gets to safety. Once the laning phase is over Braum massively outscales Nautilus so getting out of lane without dying a lot can significantly increase your chances of winning.


Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps / Zeke's Convergence / Redemption
Unbreakable can Block: Charged Bone Skewer / Phantom Undertow

Pyke is a winnable matchup for Braum in the laning phase as long as you peel for your ADC and play around Phantom Undertow. Pyke is an AD Assassin support who specializes in roaming around the map and setting up plays for his team in the early game before he eventually falls off in mid to late game teamfights. Pyke's powerspikes are at Level 2 when Phantom Undertow gives him great engage and grants him access to pull off a lot of different combos and Level 3 when Ghostwater Dive gives him great sustain, mobility, and stealth. His Level 6 powerspike is massive due to Death from Below being a re-castable execute that can go through Unbreakable and create a massive gold advantage for his team if he finished off his targets. Similar to other hook matchups, Braum and his ADC should play super safe until Level 6 and stand behind the minion wave to block Bone Skewer from landing. Braum himself should position in between his ADC and Pyke so he can tank for your ADC if Pyke somehow gets a Bone Skewer through the wave or engages with Phantom Undertow. Once Braum hits Level 2 the lane gets way easier due to him getting access to Unbreakable. Unbreakable has a lot of weird interactions with Pyke. An uncharged Bone Skewer will go directly through Unbreakable and deal full damage but a charged Bone Skewer will be intercepted and blocked by Unbreakable. Pyke will complete his Phantom Undertow dash through the Unbreakable shield but the projectile he leaves behind will be intercepted. This is great at defending your ADC to deny the Phantom Undertow stun if Pyke dashes behind them. Level 3 is scary for Braum due to Pyke being able to Ghostwater Dive behind your ADC and engage onto them from there which makes it hard to defend your ADC. The best thing to do is to have your ADC back into a wall and stick super close to them whenever you hear the Ghostwater Dive sound go off. Since Ghostwater Dive's duration is 5 seconds and Unbreakable's duration is only 3 seconds try to wait 2-3 seconds and then Unbreakable to predict the Pyke Bone Skewer or Phantom Undertow engage. After Level 3 when Braum has all of his non-ultimate abilities unlocked try to shove the wave into Pyke's tower to deny his roaming as Pyke is one of, if not the best, roamers in the game. If you see Pyke dissapear from lane to roam mid then spam ping him and stay behind as Pyke can reach mid in almost half the time as you can. Hope your mid retreats to safety and try to shove the wave and get plates with your ADC or zone the enemy ADC off of CS with the 2v1 advantage. If Pyke roams to a Dragon or river skirmish then follow him with your ADC or pick off the enemy ADC if they are out of position Pyke leaves them behind on accident. After Level 6 Pyke becomes a major threat due to his Death from Below which is an AOE execute that can reset and give him and his teamates extra gold when it kills someone. Try to play safe and back if you are even remotely low as Pyke's mobility and full combo can easily allow him to sneak up on you and one shot you from as much as 60% HP. Try to save Glacial Fissure for picking off the ADC or for peeling when you are engaged on as Pyke can easily dodge it with his Ghostwater Dive and Phantom Undertow. Once Braum gets out of lane though he outscales Pyke by a lot and can be way more helpful later on in the game.


Recommended Items: Knight's Vow / Redemption
Unbreakable can Block: Gleaming Quill

Rakan is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to him being incredibly slippery and hard to kill in lane as well as outscaling Braum in the mid to late game. Rakan is an Engage/Catch support who can also be played partially as an Enchanter. He excels in creating massive CC and disrupt in mid and late game team fights that can win games for his team. Rakan spikes at Level 2 where Gleaming Quill gives him good poke and sustain, Level 3 where Battle Dance gives him great mobility and shielding, and Level 6 where The Quickness enables him to engage easily and set up CC for his team to follow up on. Rakan has a pretty weak laning phase pre-Level 6 but can still be incredibly annoying. Bully him and his ADC at Level 1 by poking with Winter's Bite and zoning them off of the wave. Rakan is super weak Level 1 and can't do much to counteract this. However, poking him at Level 1 (And throughout the course of the game) can be difficult due to Fey Feathers being able to block all of the damage from Winter's Bite. Once Rakan hits Level 2 he gets a bit scary. If he gets Gleaming Quill at Level 2 then he can poke well and sustain with the AOE healing that he gets from it. Keep in mind that Unbreakable can block Gleaming Quills damage but won't stop Rakan from getting the AOE healing from it. If Rakan unlocks Battle Dance at Level 2 then he can Grand Entrance in, take a short trade, and Battle Dance out before Braum is able to proc his Concussive Blows stun. If Rakan stays for too long though then he can be easily punished and killed. Once Level 3 hit Rakan comes online and can make his trades hit way harder. Braum should try to position a little bit away so he can Stand Behind Me to his ADC and Unbreakable to peel for them if they are engaged on by Rakan. Once Rakan hits Level 6 the game is a bit doomed for Braum. Try to play passive and Glacial Fissure Rakan to knock him up and escape if you see him cast The Quickness. The Quickness makes a sound and has a long cast time animation when used so knocking Rakan up when he activates it can make it hard for him to charm you with it. In mid to late game teamfights Rakan can get massive 3-4 man knock ups with Grand Entrance if comboed with The Quickness so try to stand a bit away from your team and then Stand Behind Me to them after they are engaged on by Rakan and his team.


Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps / Thornmail / Frozen Heart
Unbreakable can Block: Last Embrace / Curse of the Black Mist

Senna is a pretty difficult champion to deal with for Braum. She can massively out-poke and out-sustain Braum as well as scale infinitely into the late game. Senna is a ranged marksman support that has some attributes of an enchanter. She excels in a passive and safe laning phase where she looks to get out alive and scale infinitely with her Absolution stacks. Senna spikes at every 20 souls which is where she gets her her extra Range and Critical Strike. She also spikes at Level 2 when she get Last Embrace and again at 6 when she gets Dawning Shadow. In, lane, Braum should try to play passive and not walk up aggressively in order to avoid Senna's Basic Attack + Piercing Darkness combo which grants her a free soul. Since Winter's Bites range is 1000 and Senna's Basic Attack/ Piercing Darkness' range is only 600 it is still possible to poke them in lane. Level 2 is horrible for Braum as well because Unbreakable doesn't block Senna's Basic Attacks and Piercing Darkness. It can block Last Embrace damage but won't stop the root so it is still not worth it to block that either. Try to keep on playing defensively and even give up some CS if needed. Once Braum hits Level 3 the lane does get slightly easier as Curse of the Black Mist is a bit of a dead spell in the Braum v Senna lane. However, still try to play safe and focus on poking with Winter's Bite as well as zoning off the enemy ADC. Try to bait out Senna's Last Embrace and dodge it by jumping to your ADC with Stand Behind Me. Once Braum hits Level 6 the lane becomes playable. Look to make plays with Glacial Fissure by using it to catch out Senna or her ADC if they mis-position or use it to set up ganks for your jungler. Braum becomes a skirmishing powerhouse with Glacial Fissure so look to roam mid or contest river objectives with your jungler. Braum has way better teamfighting and skirmishing than Senna in the early game so try to contest every Scuttle Crab and Dragon with your jungler.


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Force of Nature
Unbreakable can Block: Hymn of Valor / Crescendo

Sona is a skill based matchup for Braum due to her being a hyperscaling support while her poke still enables her to force Braum out of lane in the early game. She is squishy though so catching her out can usually lead to a kill. Sona is an enchanter support who stays in the backline during fights and dishes out massive AOE healing, movement speed buffs, and damage. Sona powerspikes hard at Levels 2 and 3 where Aria of Perseverance and Song of Celerity can help her protect her ADC and get 3 stacks on her Power Chord much quicker. She also spikes at Level 6 where she gains access to Crescendo and get an ultimate passive that gives her 10% cooldown reduction on her basic abilities. She spikes again at Level 11 where her passive cooldown reduction gets bumped up to 25% and finally at Level 16 where her passive cooldown reduction gets bumped up to 40%. Since Sona is squishy and very susceptible to poke try to bully her in lane by poking her with Winter's Bite. Since both Braum and Sona are pretty defensive champions this lane usually comes down to who can get an HP and pressure advantage while still maintaining river priority. At Level 1 try to trade with Sona as Winter's Bite deals more damage than Hymn of Valor and applies a slow as well. If your ADC is aggressive and can follow up on your Winter's Bite easily then try to camp bushes and set up an early kill. Once Sona hits Level 2 her Aria of Perseverance gives her amazing sustain and lets her stack her Power Chord way faster. Try to play defensive when Sona has 2-3 stacks on her Power Chord and save Unbreakable to block her Power Chord empowered Basic Attack. Once Sona hits Level 3 she can poke easily by running in, poking, and running out quickly with her Song of Celerity. If you see Sona activate Song of Celerity and run up to you or your ADC then Stand Behind Me and Unbreakable to block her combo. Once she unloads her full combo she becomes incredibly vulnerable so use this 8-10 second period to pressure her and get some poke off. Level 6 is where Sona starts to take over the game. The 10% cooldown reduction passive lets her poke even more as well as easily sustain through Braums poke. Her Crescendo can let her catch your allies off guard and set up kills for her team. Crescendo is super scary in teamfights as the AOE stun can singlehandedly win fights for her team. Keep in mind that Unbreakable can stop Crescendo from going past Braum due to it being a projectile that can be absorbed.


Recommended Items: Boots of Swiftness / Thornmail
Unbreakable can Block: Starcall

Soraka is a pretty hard matchup for Braum due to her poke and sustain letting her get out of the laning phase alive and scale well into the later stages of the game. Soraka is an Enchanter support who specializes in healing her teamates and making plays around the map with her global heal from Wish. Soraka powerspikes at Level 2 where she gains access to Astral Infusion which is her main sustain tool, Level 3 where Equinox gives her amazing peeling and sometimes catch potential, Level 6 where Wish gives her global presence around the map, and Level 9 where she maxes Astral Infusion which sets it on a ridiculous low cooldown and makes it heal a ton. In lane Braum should play safe and out of range of Starcall at Level 1. If Soraka throws one out then take the 8 second downtime to walkup, pressure her ADC, and poke with Winter's Bite. Once Soraka hits Level 2 she gets extremely strong. The sustain and safety she gets from it makes it virtually impossible to get poked out of lane. She can also finally transfer her Rejuvenation passive from Starcall onto her allies. Dodging Starcall at Level 2 and after is extremely important because Soraka landing one lets her cast a less strong Rejuvination for pretty much nothing. Keep in mind that Unbreakable can block both the damage AND the Rejuvenation part of Starcall though. Once Soraka hits Level 3 her Equinox makes her pretty much impossible to be engaged on. She can also use it as a form of CC if she catches someone out with it and they don't react in time. Continue trying to dodge her Starcalls and pray for a jungler to come and gank your lane. If Braum somehow manages to shove the wave into her tower then look to roam. After Braum hits Level 6 he can look to get a pick on Soraka or her ADC with Glacial Fissure if they are out of position due to Soraka's only major defensive spell being Equinox. Roaming is important on Braum due to Soraka having horrible roams and usually not being able to punish him for doing so.


Recommended Items: Boots of Swiftness / Zeke's Convergence
Unbreakable can Block: Tongue Lash

Tahm Kench is a fairly easy matchup for Braum mainly due to Tahm Kench just not being a very good champion at the moment. Braum is mainly just a better Warden support with better stats and a better kit. Tahm Kench is a tanky Warden support who is used as a [targeted [Zhonya's Hourglass]] dispenser due to his Devour providing amazing peel for his carries. Tahm Kench spikes at Level 2 where he gains access to Devour which is his main peeling tool, Level 3 where Thick Skin (For a thick boy :D) makes him significantly harder to kill, and Level 6 where he gains access to his long range reposition tool Devour. Tahm Kench also spikes at Level 9 where he maxes out Tongue Lash which changes the slow from 30% to an amazing 70%, Level 11 where Devour's range becomes way larger, and finally at Level 16 where Devour's range increases so much it basically becomes a global ult. In lane Braum should focus on poking the enemy ADC and pressuring them off of the wave with Winter's Bite. He can also poke Tahm Kench if the opportunity provides itself. Winter's Bite deals more damage than Tongue Lash so taking a 1 for 1 trade is usually beneficial for Braum. At Level 2 Braum gains Unbreakable which can block Tongue Lash. This makes trading significantly easier and allows Braum to exert even more pressure on the enemy laners. Tahm Kench is a defensive champion and does get out-scaled so engaging on him isn't necessary but is good if the opportunity provides itself. Be aware that Tahm Kench can Devour his ADC and spit them to safety if Braum lands a Concussive Blows stun so some trades may seem better than they appear. Tahm Kench can use the same Devour tactic against Glacial Fissure post Level 6 so Braum should only really look for picks when Devour is on cooldown. Keep in mind that Devour has a flat 20 second cooldown so it is fairly easy to track (Can be changed by Ability Haste though).


Recommended Items: Plated Steelcaps / Thornmail / Zeke's Convergence
Unbreakable can Block: Nothing

Taric is a skill matchup as both champs are defensive Warden supports with not a lot of reliable engage. Taric is an Enchanter/Warden support hybrid who can provide AOE healing over a large distance with Bastion and peel reliably as well. Taric powerspikes at Level 2 when Bastion gives him better support for his ADC and more reach for his Dazzle, Level 3 where Starlight's Touch gives him better sustain, Level 4 where he puts a second point into Starlight's Touch due to 2 points in it grants a really good heal to mana cost ratio (He then maxes it last as the mana cost from upgrading it can be too much), and Level 6 where Cosmic Radiance gives him an AOE invincibility aura. At Level 1 Braum should abuse his range advantage with Winter's Bite by poking [{Taric]] and his ADC and zoning them off of the wave. Dazzle only has a 575 range (Compared to Winter's Bites 1,000 range) so Braum is pretty untouchable in the early game. Try to abuse this range advantage throughout most of the laning phase. Once Taric hits Level 2 Bastion makes Taric and his ADC significantly tankier and harder to kill. It also lets Taric get a second Dazzle beam that can help him land it easier. Try to be more cautious about Dazzle but still poke and try to develop an HP lead. If Taric or his ADC get low enough then try to bait out a Dazzle and then engage on them to proc the Concussive Blows stun. Once Taric hits Level 3 Starlight's Touch makes it hard for him and his ADC to get poked out of lane. It does cost a lot of Mana to use though so if the Taric player spams it too much than he can be forced to back to refill. Continue trading and looking for opportunities to attempt a short trade. All-ining Taric is difficult due to the damage and healing he can output with Bravado and Starlight's Touch combo. Only all-in Taric if he is low on mana and won't be able to spam his abilities. Once Taric hits Level 6 his Cosmic Radiance can become an amazing peeling tool. Try to bait it out by faking an all in and then Stand Behind Me away from him if he uses it. Try not to fight into his Cosmic Radiance unless you know you can kill him once the invulnerability wears off.


Recommended Items: Mercury's Treads / Mikael's Blessing / Redemption
Unbreakable can Block: Death Sentence / Dark Passage

Thresh is an easy matchup for Braum due to his all-in and catch potential being countered by your peel and your superior scaling into the mid and late game. Thresh is the epitome of a jack of all trades support (Sorry Bard). He can engage, catch, peel, poke (Kinda), siege, deal damage, and be like a mini Enchanter with his Dark Passage shield. He is decent at every type of support but isn't especially strong at one. He spikes hard at Level 2 with Death Sentence being a death sentence to anyone it catches, Level 3 where Dark Passage can set up plays or shield for his team, and Level 6 where The Box can trap enemies and zone for a short duration. At Level 1 Braum should hard push the lane with his ADC to deny Thresh from reaching Level 2 first. Be wary of Flay though as it has a suprisingly long range and can knock Braum or your ADC into the enemy minion wave to set up a bit of poke. Once Level 2 hits Braum and his ADC should position so that the minion wave is between Thresh and themselves. This is so that the only way Thresh can land a Death Sentence is by either Flashing into you or by walking around the wave. Braum himself should stand in between his ADC and Thresh so that he can tank Death Sentence if Thresh somehow manages to land one. If Braum is hooked then Unbreakable to block all of the incoming damage and then Stand Behind Me to safety. If your ADC somehow does get caught out and hooked by Death Sentence then Stand Behind Me to them and Unbreakable to tank for them. Once Braum hits Level 6 he can use Glacial Fissure to peel for his ADC when engaged on or to catch out the enemy ADC if they overextend. Only use Glacial Fissure to engage when Dark Passage is on cooldown as Thresh can easily get them to safety with it. Unless you are in low elo. Right clicking the lantern is to mechanically difficult for players in low elo.


Recommended Items: Boots of Swiftness / Thornmail
Unbreakable can Block: Prowling Projectile / Final Chapter

Yuumi is pretty much unkillable in lane and can massively outscale Braum after the laning phase ends, however she can be bullied fairly easily in lane. Yuumi is an extremely passive enchanter that can anchor to allied champions and make her untargetable. She can outsustain pretty much every support, especially Braum, and the %HP damage on Prowling Projectile can make her poke suprisingly strong. Yuumi spikes at Level 2 where she gets all of her abilities unlocked and again at 6 where she gains access to Final Chapter. Since most Yuumis put equal points in Prowling Projectile and Zoomies she gets both abilities max upgraded at Levels 12 and 13. In lane, Braum should play fairly aggressive at Level 1 and try to poke the enemy ADC with Winter's Bite. Landing one can slow them by enough for you and your ADC to engage on them and set up a First Blood. Since Yuumi isn't much of a champion until Level 6 she can be fairly bullied and forced out of lane, especially when she runs out of mana. Level 2 is great for Braum as it gives him access to Unbreakable which can block Prowling Projectile completely. Level 3 is also great as Stand Behind Me can be used to get in front of your ADC to block Prowling Projectile even is Braum is a short distance away. Since Yuumi needs to stay on her ADC for most of the game Braum can easily roam to objectives and exert pressure around the map uncontested. Once Yuumi hits Level 6 it is best to save Unbreakable for her Final Chapter due to Unbreakable being able to block her entire ultimate. Keep in mind that Yuumi's Feline Friendship empowered Basic Attack gains 50 range AND becomes a non-projectile so it cannot be blocked by Unbreakable.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Runaan's Hurricane / Infinity Edge

Aphelios is a late game Assassin Fighter Mage Marksman Support Tank hybrid who uses multiple weapon forms to adapt to different game environments. He can dish out insane amounts of AOE and sustained damage if left unchecked for too long. Aphelios synergizes well with Braum becuase of Braum's great defensive peeling capabilities that can keep Aphelios alive long enough deal enough damage to pretty much 1v5 then enemy team. In lane Braum should play fairly aggressive at Level 1 and try to land a Winter's Bite on an enemy. If one lands Aphelios can proc the Concussive Blows stun from far away with the long attack range from Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle. Once Aphelios hits Level 2 he gains access to his primary weapon abilities. He can use Moonshot to help Braum poke out the enemy ADC or Onslaught to deal insane amounts of damage and healing if Braum goes in for a kill. Braum and Aphelios have a very strong Level 2 so look to engage if the enemy bot laners have a weaker early game. Once Aphelios cycles through Crescendum, the Chakram and Severum, the Scythe Pistol which is around Level 3-4 he gains access to better follow up. He can use Binding Eclipse to set up a Winter's Bite pick. He can use Duskwave to deal tons of AOE damage or Sentry to set up longer and more sustained damage. Aphelios's best guns to all-in with are Severum, the Scythe Pistol, Infernum, the Flamethrower, and Crescendum, the Chakram. Try to take a long trade if Aphelios has some combination of these three guns. Play more poke oriented if Aphelios has Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle or Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon. Once Aphelios hits Level 6 he becomes incredibly scary. Hitting a Glacial Fissure can pretty much guarantee Moonlight Vigil to connect. Similarly, Aphelios can set up Glacial Fissure to connect if he roots a target with Binding Eclipse or Moonlight Vigil, Gravitum. Braum and Aphelios can set up some nasty CC chains if both are played correctly. In team fights Braum can peel incredibly well just by standing near Aphelios and spamming Winter's Bite and Unbreakable. In addition, Guardian and Locket of the Iron Solari can make him even more tanky and hard to kill.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Runaan's Hurricane / Phantom Dancer

Ashe is an early-game utility support who uses her passive Frost Shot to slow enemies and set up plays for her team. She synergizes well with Braum mainly due to her slowing capabilities enabling Braum to engage onto stick on enemy champions easier. This allows Braum to proc Concussive Blows faster or land a guaranteed skillshot. However, pairing an early game ADC with decent defensive abilities and low damage after the laning phase ends doesn't pair that well with Braum who is best with vulnerable out-of-lane carries. In lane at Level 1 Ashe and Braum should try to play aggressive and abuse their amazing poke from Volley and Winter's Bite to gain lane control. Ashe can use her Frost Shot empowered Basic Attacks to slow the enemy and set up a Winter's Bite for Braum. Once Ashe and Braum hit Level 2 they become a huge threat. Ranger's Focus lets Ashe deal tons as well as boost her attack speed to proc Concussive Blows faster. Braum can look to land a Winter's Bite and set up a stun with Ashe which usually leads to a kill or Summoner Spells. Ashe and Braum get amazing pick potential once they hit Level 6. Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow can set up Braum's Glacial Fissure into Winter's Bite CC chain and can pretty much guarantee a kill. Braum can also peel better for Ashe and allow her to dish out damage and the slow from her passive. Since Ashe is so good at defending herself when she is solo in lane Braum can roam easily post-6 and secure ganks or objectives for his team. Ashe can even help out by making plays using her global Enchanted Crystal Arrow.


Core Items: Galeforce / Stormrazor / Infinity Edge

Caitlyn is a long ranged lane bully ADC who uses her 650 range to harass and poke out her enemies in the laning phase. Unfortunately Caitlyn has little synergy with Braum due to her wanting to be a threat in the early game and only synergizing well with heavy CC supports who let her get a guaranteed Yordle Snap Trap CC chain. In lane Braum and Caitlyn should look to play hyper-aggressive and try to poke out the enemy ADC as fast as possible. At Level 1 Braum should try and hit a Winter's Bite which can let Caitlyn follow up with her long ranged Basic Attacks that can quickly proc Concussive Blows. Landing a Winter's Bite can also slow enemy laners which can help set up a Piltover Peacemaker to deal massive poke damage. Level 1 is Caitlyn and Braum's strongest stage of the game as they get relatively weaker synergy when compared to the enemy bot as each level goes by. Once Caitlyn hits Level 3 and gains access to all of her non-ultimate abilities she can combo pretty well off of Braum's CC. Landing a Concussive Blows stun can let Caitlyn pull of her full Yordle Snap Trap combo and deal massive burst damage. If the enemy bot has a melee support then taking Hail of Blades might be beneficial as it can set up more Concussive Blows + Yordle Snap Trap plays. At Level 6 Glacial Fissure gives more ways to get picks and secure kills for Caitlyn. The knock-up can easily set up Yordle Snap Trap. Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Trap gives her tons of safety in a 2v1 which lets Braum make plays around the map solo or with his jungler. In teamfights Braum can be used as a frontline as Caitlyn has great self peel with 90 Caliber Net.


Core Items: Galeforce / The Collector / Infinity Edge

Draven is an early game feast or famine ADC who either singlehandedly wins the lane for you, gets mythic at 7 minutes, and proceeds to 1v9 piss-stomp your game or dies 3 times in lane for overextending, flames you for being hardstuck trash, and sprints it down the nearest lane until your team FF15s. Draven has poor synergy with Braum due to Draven being solely an early game champion who excels with engage support to help him get early kills in lane and start his snowball. Unfortunately, Braum has bad engage and doesn't have access to a lot of lockdown CC. Braum should try to play super aggressive during the entirety of the laning phase in order to help Draven deal as much damage as possible. Just like with other aggressive matchups it might be smart to take Hail of Blades if the enemy bot lane has a melee support. At Levels 1 and 2 Braum and Draven should position aggressively and try zoning the enemy ADC off of the wave. If Braum lands a Winter's Bite then Draven can follow up and deal a huge chunk of damage with his Spinning Axe. All it usually takes is 2 good trades for Draven to put the enemy ADC in kill range. Once Braum hits Level 3 he can look to Stand Behind Me to an allied minion next to an enemy in order to get close enough to pull off a Basic Attack + Winter's Bite combo. If Draven follows up with Blood Rush he can usually proc Concussive Blows and secure an easy kill. Once Braum hits Level 6 he can get picks with Glacial Fissure to set up kills for Draven. Glacial Fissure can also guarantee Whirling Death to hit upon both the initial cast and reactivation. If Draven is fed then Braum can roam around the map with him to extend his lead. Otherwise, Braum can protect Draven and help him farm up to get his core items.


Core Items: Essence Reaver / Duskblade of Draktharr / Ravenous Hydra

Ezreal is a long range poke ADC who has great zoning and self peel with his Arcane Shift. He has an incredibly safe laning phase which lets him farm from a long distance and scale easily into the mid and late game. Ezreal synergizes incredibly well with Braum due to Braum being able to peel for him extremely well and make him virtually unkillable. Ezreal's Mystic Shot applies on-hit and on-attack effects so hitting it can apply a stack of Concussive Blows. Braum can also follow Ezreal when he Arcane Shifts with Stand Behind Me to engage or disengage better. In lane at Level 1 Braum should play up and try to hit a Winter's Bite on the enemy ADC. If he does so Ezreal can quickly Basic Attack + Mystic Shot + Basic Attack to proc Concussive Blows and stun them. If Ezreal can't get close enough to Basic Attack he can just Mystic Shot the slowed target to deal some decent poke damage. Once Level 2 hits Ezreal becomes much scarier. his Essence Flux greatly increases his damage output and the slow from Winter's Bite can help him land it easier. Braum should try to save his Winter's Bite and only use it when he knows Ezreal can follow up to conserve mana and maximize trades. Once Ezreal and Braum hit Level 3 they become incredibly hard to kill. The defensive combination of Arcane Shift, Unbreakable, and Stand Behind Me can make Ezreal almost unkillable. His long range can also let him farm and trade safetly without taking much damage in return. If Braum and Ezreal do get ganked or caught out then Ezreal can just Arcane Shift to safety and Braum can follow up with a Stand Behind Me. Ezreal can also Arcane Shift forward and let Braum Stand Behind Me to close the distance on enemies. Once Level 6 hits Glacial Fissure can provide even more CC for Ezreal to easily hit his skillshots as well as his ultimate Trueshot Barrage. In teamfights Ezreal can easily get out of trouble with Arcane Shift which lets Braum frontline for his team if needed.


Core Items: Galeforce / The Collector / Rapid Firecannon
Jhin is a slow firing, high damage ADC who's kit revolves around the number 4. He gets 4 Basic Attacks until he has to "reload", 4 bounces from his Dancing Grenade, a 4 second slow from Captive Audience, and 4 shots from Curtain Call. Jhin isn't the best with Braum due to Jhin prefering aggressive engage supports who set up easy kills for his high damage output. Jhin also has slow Basic Attacks making is hard for him to proc Concussive Blows reliably. It is highly suggested to take Hail of Blades when you lane with Jhin as it gives Braum a way to quickly proc Concussive Blows in fights while not relying on Jhin. Jhin and Braum have a relatively strong Level 1 so try and poke the enemy bot lane with Winter's Bite and Dancing Grenade to gain an HP advantage. Winter's Bite can slow enemies making it easier for Dancing Grenade to hit. Braum's Level 1 with Hail of Blades is incredible so look for Flash opportunities if the enemy ADC overextends. Once Level 2 hits Jhin can follow up on Winter's Bite with Deadly Flourish which roots and allows Braum to get close enough to use Hail of Blades to proc Concussive Blows which sets up a large CC chain which can usually lead to a kill. Additionally, Jhin landing a Deadly Flourish root if comboed with Dancing Grenade can set up a Winter's Bite for Braum. Jhin and Braum don't powerspike again until Level 6 where Glacial Fissure gives them even more opportunities to set up a CC chain and secure a kill. Braum's lockdown CC combined with Curtain Call's slow can usually lead to Jhin landing all 4 Curtain Call shots and getting a kill. In teamfights Jhin can deal tons of damage so standing close to him and peeling for him with Guardian and Unbreakable is incredibly important. Be extra careful when Jhin uses Curtain Call as it lets enemies see his location and makes him very vulernable.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Runaan's Hurricane / Infinity Edge

Jinx is a late game hypercarry ADC who can swap between 2 different guns depending on her positioning and needs throughout the game. She synergizes very well with Braum due to him giving great peel and protection which lets her deals tons of damage safely. Her passive from Switcheroo! gives her great ramping attack speed which lets her proc Concussive Blows' stun insanely fast. Her Flame Chompers! can also be comboed with Concussive Blows' stun to create a nice little CC chain. Braum and Jinx should try and play relatively safe at Levels 1-5 as they only start to come online once Jinx starts hitting her core items. At Level 1 Braum should focus on poking with Winter's Bite and Jinx can look to get a fast Concussive Blows stun with the passive attack speed from Switcheroo!. Once Jinx hits Level 2 she can land an easy Zap! on an enemy when they are slowed from Winter's Bite for some nice poke damage. Unbreakable can also help protect Jinx from poke and make it easier for her to farm in lane. At Level 3 Jinx and Braum get a bit scary. If Braum manages to get a Concussive Blows stun then Jinx can follow up with Flame Chompers! for a 3ish second CC chain! If you manage to pull this combo off on an ADC then it forces them to either die or burn a Flash. At Level 6 Braum can throw in a Glacial Fissure to set up picks and provide even more CC for Jinx. Knocking up an enemy with Glacial Fissure can also guarantee Super Mega Death Rocket! to hit. Jinx comes online around 20-22 minutes when she gets her Kraken Slayer + Runaan's Hurricane powerspike (Made even easier to hit since the 11.1 changes). Runaan's Hurricane lets her stay in the backline and deal tons of AOE damage with Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher. Braum should always stand next to Jinx and peel for her due to her not having any mobility or defensive abilities outside of Flame Chompers!. Keeping Jinx alive is all Braum needs to do as an unchecked Jinx can easily 1v5 the game.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / The Collector / Runaan's Hurricane

Kai'Sa is a short range burst ADC who is best at dueling isolated targets due to Icathian Rain. She is relatively weak in the early game due to her short range and low damage that relies on her 4-hit passive Second Skin. However, once she gets a couple of items and evolves some of her abilities she becomes a major threat. Kai'Sa is only okay with Braum due to her having short range, low Basic Attack speed without Supercharge, and relying on heavy CC champions to help her proc [{Second Skin]]. However, the fact that Kai'Sa uses Hail of Blades lets her proc Concussive Blows super fast. At Level 1 Braum should usually just use Winter's Bite to zone away the enemy bot lane to help Kai'Sa farm. However, if an enemy walks up too far then Braum can Winter's Bite them and Kai'Sa can walk up, proc the Concussive Blows stun with Hail of Blades, land an isolated Icathian Rain if possible, and walk back to deal a large amount of burst damage. At Level 2 Kai'Sa can follow up on Braum's Winter's Bite slow with Void Seeker to deal some poke damage and gain an HP advantage. Level 3 is a huge powerspike for Kai'Sa as it is when she gains access to Supercharge which gives her a burst of movement speed to gap close on slowed enemies and an attack speed boost which he can use to proc Concussive Blows even faster. She can also use it to disengage if she needs an escape tool. At Level 6 Braum and Kai'Sa get amazing pick potential. Braum can knock up an overextended enemy with Glacial Fissure and Winter's Bite them to apply a stack of Concussive Blows. Kai'Sa can then follow up with Killer Instinct and finish them up with her high burst damage. Kai'Sa becomes a big threat around 15 minutes when she completes Kraken Slayer and evolves Icathian Rain. She spikes again when she get Runaan's Hurricane and evolves Supercharge which gives her amazing self peel and disengage. In teamfights Braum can frontline as Kai'Sa can reposition with Killer Instinct if she gets threatened. If Braum lands a Glacial Fissure on a backline carry then Kai'Sa can Killer Instinct to them and get a fight winning pick. Once Kai'Sa is in the backline Braum can sometimes Stand Behind Me to her to continue peeling for her.


Core Items: Immortal Shieldbow / Runaan's Hurricane / Bloodthirster

Kalista is an aggressive early game ADC who has an incredibly unique passive which lets her dash a certain distance whenever she Basic Attacks. She synergizes incredibly well with Braum due to her Martial Poise letting her stick on enemies to proc Concussive Blows easily as well as getting her to safety behind Braum’s Unbreakable quickly. She also uses Hail of Blades which can make her proc the Concussive Blows stun almost instantly. Kalista and Braum are incredible at Level 1 due to their CC potential. If Braum lands a single Winter's Bite then Kalista can follow up easily by gap closing with Martial Poise and proccing the Concussive Blows stun quickly with her Hail of Blades empowered Basic Attacks. Kalista can also easily stick to enemies during this as her Hail of Blades empowered Basic Attacks speed up the speed of her dashing making her move very quickly. At Level 2 Kalista gets a ton of damage with access to both Pierce and Rend. Braum getting a single slow on the squishy enemy ADC can easily lead to Kalista gap closing, proccing all 3 Hail of Blades Basic Attacks, proccing Concussive Blows’ stun, throwing out a Pierce, finishing with a Rend, and pretty much 100-0ing them. Use Levels 1-5 to attempt to zone the enemy ADC off of the wave by threatening them with an engage. Managing to keep the wave under your tower can deny the enemy ADC farm and gain a huge CS advantage for Kalista. If a dragon is up Kalista can shove the wave and easily gain lane priority to help secure dragons. Once Kalista hits Level 6 she can use Fate's Call to throw Braum into the enemy ADC to set up a point blank Glacial Fissure into a Winter's Bite. Chaining this into a Concussive Blows stun can create a 3.5 second CC chain! Kalista can also use [Fate's Call to get Braum out of sticky situations or as a tool to get Braum in front of her so he can peel with Unbreakable. In teamfights Braum can use Fate's Call to get into a position where he can hit massive Glacial Fissure knock-ups on the enemy team.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Guinsoo's Rageblade / Runaan's Hurricane

Kog'Maw is a late game hypercarry ADC who can deal tons of long range AOE damage once he completes his core Kraken Slayer / Guinsoo's Rageblade / Runaan's Hurricane trinity. Kog'Maw is a great pick with Braum due to Braum providing amazing defence and peeling and providing Kog'Maw enough safety to survive long enough to melt through the enemy team. Kog'Maw’s use of Lethal Tempo can also let him proc the Concussive Blows stun very quickly. In lane Kog'Maw and Braum should play somewhat defensively and focus on CSing to have Kog'Maw get his Kraken Slayer powerspike as fast as possible. At Level 1 Braum should try to poke the enemy laners to create space to let Kog'Maw farm freely. If Braum does land a Winter's Bite then Kog'Maw can easily follow up with his Bio-Arcane Barrage empowered Basic Attacks to proc the Concussive Blows stun as they gain increased Attack Range and Attack Speed. This combo can be used as a quick trade to help Kog'Maw and Braum gain an HP advantage over the enemy bot lane and can generate pressure in lane. Once Kog'Maw hits Level 2 Caustic Spittle's passive grants him bonus Attack Speed (Which scales with the ability level) which can help him proc the Concussive Blows stun faster. At Level 3 Kog'Maw can use Void Ooze to slow enemies and make it easier for Braum to land a Winter's Bite. Braum getting Level 3 also gives him access to all of his major defensive abilities that can be used to keep Kog'Maw alive when he is engaged on. Once Kog'Maw hits Level 6 Living Artillery can let Kog'Maw CS from a farther distance as well as poke the enemy bot lane a little bit. Kog'Maw and Braum should still not take any extended trades until Kog'Maw reaches his Kraken Slayer / Guinsoo's Rageblade spike as Kog'Maw has weak damage until he reaches his core items. In teamfights and skirmishes Braum should be glued to Kog'Maw at all times to ensure that he is safe and secure. Unbreakable, the resistances given by Stand Behind Me, and Glacial Fissure should provide enough defence to let Kog'Maw rain down long range Basic Attacks with Bio-Arcane Barrage. Once Kog'Maw reaches his holy trinity powerspike of Kraken Slayer / Guinsoo's Rageblade / Runaan's Hurricane (Which is around 25 minutes) and beyond he becomes one of the hardest scaling hypercarry ADCs in the game.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Essence Reaver / Navori Flickerblade

Lucian is an early game lane bully ADC who can deal tons of damage with his double hitting Basic Attacks from Lightslinger. Lucian is one of, if not the best, ADCs to pair with Braum as his passive Lightslinger causes his Basic Attacks to trigger twice after he casts an ability. This double Basic Attack can proc 2 stacks of Concussive Blows meaning that any Basic Attack + animation cancel Abilty + Basic Attack combo can immediately proc the Concussive Blows stun. This is amazing synergy and can make Lucian’s already strong laning phase an almost unbeatable early game. At Level 1 Lucian and Braum should play hyper aggressive and zone the enemy bot lane off of the wave. Braum can play in the bushes and threaten a Winter's Bite cast. If the enemy ADC does walk up to CS then Braum can cast Winter's Bite from inside the bushes which masks the animation and makes it harder to dodge. If Braum hits a Winter's Bite then Lucian can easily follow up with a Basic Attack + Piercing Light + Basic Attack combo which can usually lead to a huge chunk of damage or a burnt summoner spell. Once Braum and Lucian hit Level 2 they become even more scary. If Braum hits a Winter's Bite at any point then Lucian can dash forward with Relentless Pursuit and get in range to proc Concussive Blows and deal huge amounts of damage with Lightslinger. Once Braum gets Level 3 he can use Stand Behind Me to jump to an allied minion and onto an enemy champion if they walk up to CS. If Lucian and Braum are threatened in lane then Lucian can Relentless Pursuit to safety and Braum can follow with a Stand Behind Me to get out of danger quickly. Once Lucian and Braum hit Level 6 they can get picks on out of position enemies easily with Glacial Fissure. Lucian can use The Culling on enemies hit by Glacial Fissure in order to guarantee most of the shots to hit. Once Lucian and Braum start snowballing in lane they can use Lucian’s amazing waveclear to shove the wave and look to make plays around the map by roaming mid or securing neutral objectives. In teamfights Lucian can follow up on Braum’s Concussive Blows targets easily with Lightslinger. Lucian can also play more independently without needing as much peel due to the mobilty he gets from Relentless Pursuit.


Core Items: Galeforce / The Collector / Infinity Edge

Miss Fortune is an early to mid game lane bully ADC who can deal consistent poke damage in lane with her Double Up and Make it Rain. She also has Bullet Time which is a massive AOE ultimate that can shred through the entire enemy team when positioned correctly. Miss Fortune is an average ADC to pair with Braum as she usually synergizes well with heavy CC engage supports like Alistar and Leona. However, Braum's Winter's Bite does provide some decent poke and his Glacial Fissure + Concussive Blows CC chain can provide enough CC to set up a lot of damage from Bullet Time. The best thing about Miss Fortune is that Double Up applies on-attack effect meaning that it applies a stack of Concussive Blows. This means that a quick Basic Attack + Double Up + Basic Attack combo can proc the Concussive Blows stun immediately. In lane [Braum should play aggressive as landing a Winter's Bite can let Miss Fortune follow up and proc the stun with her Double Up combo. Additionally, slowing a target with Winter's Bite can make it easier for Miss Fortune to lane a long range Double Up by ricocheting it through a minion. At Levels 2 and 3 Miss Fortune can use Make it Rain to slow the enemy and set up a Winter's Bite. Strut can also be used to help Miss Fortune gap close to get in range with her Basic Attacks and proc Concussive Blows. Level 6 is where Miss Fortune and Braum start to shine better together. Miss Fortune can use Make it Rain to slow out of position enemies and Braum can follow up with Glacial Fissure + Winter's Bite. Miss Fortune can Bullet Time during this to guarantee that most of her bullets land. This combo works even better in teamfights where getting a good Bullet Time can melt the enemy backline and singlehandedly win fights for your team.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Stormrazor / Infinity Edge

Tristana is an extremely mobile burst ADC whos Explosive Charge lets her burst down enemies, clear waves quickly, and chunk down towers. Although her kits lets her deal a lot of burst damage in the early game her Draw a Bead passive gives her bonus Attack Range per Level and makes her scale incredibly well into the late game. Tristana is average with Braum as she synergizes best with heavy CC engage supports who can lock down targets long enough for Tristana to blow up her Explosive Charge. However, Tristana can proc Concussive Blows extremely quickly with her Hail of Blades and Rapid Fire exmpowered Basic Attacks. At Level 1 Braum should zone off the enemy laners to make it easier for Tristana to farm as she has a short Attack Range and can be abused easily in lane. Tristana and Braum should keep on playing defensively through Level 2 which becomes easier with Braum gaining access to Unbreakable. Level 3 is where Tristana and Braum get a ton of kill pressure. If Braum lands a Winter's Bite or a Basic Attack on an out of position enemy then Tristana can engage on them with Rocket Jump, shoot out an Explosive Charge, and quickly proc the Concussive Blows stun with her fast Basic Attacks thanks to Hail of Blades and Rapid Fire. Tristana can then choose to use her reset Rocket Jump onto the original target to follow them and deal more damage, onto another enemy if the original target dies, or into safety if Tristana and Braum feel threatened. Tristana and Braum can use their threat of an all in to zone the enemy laners off of the wave. If a neutral objective is up then Tristana can easily shove the wave with her AOE damage from Explosive Charge and Explosive Charge's passive and roam to it with Braum. Otherwise, Tristana can freely farm and scale up. If Tristana and Braum are ever ganked or engaged on Tristana can Rocket Jump to safety and Braum can easily follow with Stand Behind Me. Once Tristana and Braum hit Level 6 Buster Shot can provide even more safety by knocking back enemies that try to engage onto her. Glacial Fissure can also be used defensively or as a catch tool to knock-up out of position enemies and set up a kill for Tristana.


Core Items: Galeforce / Runaan's Hurricane / Infinity Edge

Twitch is a late game hypercarry ADC who can use the stealth he gets from Ambush to sneak up on the enemy team and delete their backline with Spray and Pray. He has great synergy with Braum due to Braum providing enough protection to let him become become the 1v9 hypercarry montage generator that he is. Twitch and Braum should play pretty safe throughout the laning phase to reduce their deaths and focus on farming so that Twitch can hit his item spikes as early as possible. At Level 1 Braum should use Winter's Bite to zone off the enemy bot lane and give Twitch enough safety to get perfect CS. At Level 2 Braum can use Unbreakable to block incoming poke and help Twitch keep a health HP pool. Twitch and Braum finally gain some kill pressure at Level 3 when Twitch gains access to all of his non-ultimate abilities. Twitch can stealth himself with Ambush and walk in front of the enemy ADC when they walk up to CS. Braum can then Stand Behind Me to the stealthed Twitch and land a Basic Attack or Winter's Bite to apply Concussive Blows. When Twitch comes out of Ambush he gains bonus Attack Speed which he can quickly use to proc the Concussive Blows stun. This combo usually leads to a kill or forces the enemy ADC out of lane which can lead to a CS advantage for Twitch. If Twitch or Braum find themselves in a sticky situation then Twitch can Ambush to safety and Braum can follow with Stand Behind Me. Once Twitch hits Level 6 Spray and Pray boosts his damage as well as his Attack Range. Now when Twitch stealthes in front of the enemy ADC Braum can Stand Behind Me and land a point blank Glacial Fissure + Winter's Bite combo which can lead to a 2.5 second CC chain and a kill. Twitch can perform this same strategy in teamfights which can let Braum land massive Glacial Fissure knock-ups. However, most of the time in teamfights Twitch should stay in the backline and let his penetrating long range Spray and Pray Basic Attacks melt the enemy backline. Staying in the backline can also let Braum defend him easier and make him virtually unkillable.


Core Items: Kraken Slayer / Guinsoo's Rageblade / Blade of the Ruined King

Vayne is a short range late game ADC who’s 3 hit passive from Silver Bolts lets her shred through the enemy frontline and deal tons of damage. Her Tumble and Final Hour also give her a ton of mobility and makes her hard to pin down. Braum is decent with her as his defensive capabilities can enable her to stay alive along enough to deal tons of damage and carry teamfights. Like with most other late game champions, Vayne and Braum should stay passive in lane until Level 3 where they get all of their non-ultimate abilities unlocked. At Level 1 Braum should zone the enemy bot laners off of Vayne with Winter's Bite to help her CS better. Helping Vayne CS is especially important because her 550 Attack Range can make her easy abusable by some enemy laners. However, if Braum does land a Winter's Bite slow on an out of position enemy then Vayne can gap close with Tumble and deal a bit of poke damage before backing off. Level 2 is big for Vayne as Silver Bolts helps her farm better as well as greatly increase her overall damage output. Silver Bolts can also make Vayne’s short trades stronger and proccing her 3 hit Silver Bolts passive can deal a massive burst of damage, especially against tankier champs due to its %Max HP damage. At Level 3 the lane becomes much easier for Vayne. Her Condemn can be used to knock back enemies when they engage on her and Braum’s Stand Behind Me and Unbreakable can provide Vayne great peel and safety. Vayne starts becoming a threat around 17 minutes when she completes her Kraken Slayer + Berserker's Greaves powerpsike. The Attack Speed she gains from both items can help her proc Concussive Blows faster as well as letting her proc her 3 hit Silver Bolts passive multiple times in a fight. Landing a Concussive Blows stun on an enemy in lane can let Vayne land a Condemn into a wall which can provide enough CC for Vayne to burst them down and secure a kill. Braum can also use Glacial Fissure to extend the CC and give Vayne more time to Basic Attack them. Vayne becomes a danger to the enemy team once she gets out of lane especially after she completes her second item Guinsoo's Rageblade. In teamfights Braum’s number 1 priority should be keeping Vayne alive. Vayne has a short Attack Range so Braum should position between her and the enemy team to tank attacks and abilities. If Vayne is flanked from the side Braum can Stand Behind Me to her to protect her. Otherwise, Vayne will remain untouchable and will easily melt down the enemy frontline and then proceed to shred the backline and easily win the teamfight.


Core Items: Galeforce / Essence Reaver / Infinity Edge

Xayah is a slippery and unique mid to late game ADC who uses her feathers mechanic to deal AOE damage and set up roots to finish off kills. Her ultimate Featherstorm can also let her dodge skillshots or get her out of sticky situations. Xayah isn't the best with Braum as she is best with heavy CC supports who can lockdown enemies long enough for her to get a root on them with Bladecaller. However, she is a late game champ so Braum can be good at keeping her alive long enough to 1v5 fights. Her Attack Speed steroid on Deadly Plumage can also help her proc Concussive Blows quickly. Although Xayah is a late game champion her Levels 1-3 are very deadly. At Level 1 if Braum lands a Winter's Bite then Xayah can follow up with her Deadly Plumage empowered Basic Attacks to proc the Concussive Blows stun easily. At Level 2 Xayah if Braum lands a Winter's Bite then Xayah can do her usual Deadly Plumage trade but after attacking 3 times and proccing the Concussive Blows stun she can then recall her 3 feathers with Bladecaller to root the stunned enemy and set up a 2.5 second CC chain! Landing his combo a couple of times can quickly poke the enemy laners out of lane. If Xayah somehow lands a Bladecaller root in lane then Braum can follow up with Winter's Bite for some decent poke damage. Once Xayah and Braum hit Level 6 Braum can catch enemies out of position with Glacial Fissure to set up a combo with Bladecaller which can usually lead to a kill. In teamfights Braum should stand next to Xayah in order to peel for her and keep her alive as long as possible. The combination of Braum's defensive capabilities along with Featherstorm can make Xayah very hard to kill.
At the beginning of the game buy your items and walk to either the bot lane tri-bush if you are on Blue Team or the dragon pit if you are on Red Team. You should always to this at the start of every game to watch for an enemy invade. While you are sitting there think about the following:

-Who is my ADC?
-Who is the enemy ADC?
-Who is the enemy support?
-What do I want to accomplish in lane?
-What do they want to accomplish in lane?

Each bot lane duo plays a certain way and wants to do a specific thing in lane. For example, a Kog'Maw and Lulu bot lane want to play passive in the laning phase and look to outscale the enemy bot lane in the mid and late game. A Lucian and Sett bot lane want to play super aggressive in the laning phase and snowball hard before they fall of in the mid to late game. Think about what your bot lane wants to do in lane and what the enemy bot lane wants to do in lane. Also, think about how to synergize with your ADC (Read the ADC Synergy section) and how to play against the enemy support (Read Bot Lane Matchups section).

At 1:30 the Red Brambleback will spawn in the bot lane for the Blue Team and the Blue Sentinel will spawn for the Red Team. Go and help your jungler clear it if they are starting their jungle path on the bottom side of the map. Help them clear the jungle monster by Basic Attacking the it until around 1:37. You should aim to get to lane by around 1:42. If the jungler isn't starting on the bottom side of the map then walk directly to the bot lane at 1:30.

When Braum gets to lane he should immediately start hitting the minion wave to get to Level 2 before the enemy bot lane does. Keep in mind that getting Level 2 requires killing the entire first wave and 3 melee minions from the second wave. Whichever side hits Level 2 first is way stronger and can use the Level advantage to fight their opponents or zone them off of the wave. Braum should try and hit each minion at least once to apply a stack of Concussive Blows on them. This way when your ADC Basic Attacks enough to apply 4 stacks of Concussive Blows the minions will be dealt extra damage and will help your ADC push faster. You can use all of your Steel Shoulderguards charges on the melee minions in the first wave if your ADC is getting pressured and can't last hit them but I tend to save my charges to use on the second wave of melee minions in order to get Level 2 quickly and catch the enemy laners off guard.
Once Braum and your ADC hit Level 2 immediately check to see what the enemy bot lane is like. If they are still at Level 1 then pressure an engage and force them to back off. This lets you and your ADC zone them off of the wave and deny them CS as well as letting your ADC farm easier. If Braum and your ADC hit Level 2 before the enemy laners and they stay to CS then hard engage on their ADC to force them to burn some Summoner Spells or get a kill. However, if the enemy bot lane hits Level 2 before Braum and your ADC then back off and farm from a distance. Keep in mind that last hitting a minion with Winter's Bite when you have a Steel Shoulderguards charge up will consume a charge and grant your ADC the gold as well. This is a good way to help your ADC farm when they are being zoned off of the wave. At Level 2 Braum gains access to Unbreakable which is great at keeping your ADC as well as yourself alive in lane. If the enemy support is someone like Brand or Lux who throw out projectiles to poke you and your ADC out of lane then Braum can stand in front of his ADC and use Unbreakable to block the poke and keep your ADC healthy. Unbreakable can also be used to reduce poke from enemies when Braum walks up to last hit to use his Steel Shoulderguards passive.

At Levels 3-5 Braum and his ADC have access to all of their non-ultimate abilities so they can opt into a couple of different playstyles. If Braum is with an aggressive ADC like Lucian or Ashe he can play aggressively and poke and look for catch opportunities with Winter's Bite. If an enemy laner walks to close to an allied minion to CS then Braum can Stand Behind Me onto the minion and Basic Attack or Winter's Bite them to apply a stack of Concussive Blows for your ADC to follow up on. If Braum is with a defensive scaling ADC like Jinx or Vayne then he should play more passively and use Winter's Bite as a tool to generate space for his ADC in order to let them farm easier. He can use Unbreakable to block poke and Stand Behind Me as an escape tool if her gets caught out.
Around 6-7 minutes Braum and his ADC should look to back and buy items. Try to shove the wave into the enemy tower and then back in the side lane bushes to avoid being seen. Shoving the wave into the enemy tower before you back is important as it denies the enemy CS due to the minion being killed off by the tower and it also makes it take longer for the enemy minions to reach your tower which can stop your ADC from losing important CS while he walks back to lane. The easiest way to shove the wave is by hitting the caster minions in the back of the wave and then the melee minions in the front. This is because the caster minions deal more damage than the melee minions so having more caster minions in your wave allows your wave to kill off the enemy wave quicker and make your wave reach the enemy tower faster. Once Braum backs pick up a Ruby Crystal or Kindlegem and 2 Control Wards. Always have Control Wards in your inventory as having one on the map at all times is very important for the support. Then, if the enemy mid is pushed up and easy to gank then path mid. Otherwise, path bot to get to lane faster. If you path mid then look to flank around behind and try to get a kill for your mid. Then, place a Control Ward in the bot lane river tribush and walk bot lane.

When Braum hits Level 6 Glacial Fissure gives him great pick potential. If the enemy ADC walks too far up to CS then look to pick them off by casting Stand Behind Me on an allied minion and then casting a point-blank Glacial Fissure or Winter's Bite to CC them and set up a kill for your ADC. Braum can also use Glacial Fissure as a peeling tool. If your ADC is getting engaged on then Braum can line up a 2-man knock up with Glacial Fissure to turn the tides of the fight or to buy enough time to get his ADC to safety. Braum's roams also become way better once he gets Level 6. Pan mid lane occasionally to see if your mid laner needs help. If they do then try to shove the wave with your ADC and then roam mid to make a play with Glacial Fissure. Try to place wards and gain vision control whenever you roam or have down time as it can make a big difference for your team.
The mid game usually begins around the time the first bot lane tower is destroyed. Braum should usually have his Boots and Locket of the Iron Solari at the start of the mid game. During the mid game Braum should still stick with his ADC and get vision control in the bot side of the map, however he gets more freedom to ditch his ADC at times and roam around the map. Try to roam when:

-Your ADC resets to buy items.
-The enemy bot laners reset to buy items.
-The minion wave is in a spot where your ADC can safetly farm by themselves.
-Your ADC is being annoying and killing your vibe.

When you roam you should activate Oracle Lens to clear nearby wards and create a vision advantage for your team. Also, try and ward in key locations while you are walking to the place you want to roam. Try to roam for key objectives like Rift Scuttler, Dragons, and Rift Herald to help your junlger secure them. You can also roam to mid or top lane to try and get a kill to put your teamate ahead.

In addition to roaming solo you can also roam with your ADC if you feel like a massive teamfight is going to break out. Braum has great teamfighting, especially with an ADC by his side, so getting a numbers advantage in skirmishes during the mid game can help create a lead for your team. Just like when you back you should help your ADC hard shove the wave into the enemy side of the map before you and your ADC roam. Doing this starts a slow push into your side of the map so when your ADC comes back a minute later a big enemy wave will be in the center of the map which they can farm to generate a CS advantage.

Have your team group together at the bot lane river about 30 seconds before the next dragon spawns to set up. As a support it is your job to gain vision control of the bot lane river whenever a dragon is about to come up. Place wards in the bot lane river and sweep the dragon pit for wards with your Oracle Lens. Setting up for dragon is extremely important because it gives your team a huge advantage when contesting the dragon. Once the dragon spawns have your team pull it out into the middle of the river to make it harder for the enemy team to steal. If some members of your team die before the dragon spawns then you and the rest of your teamates should look to push waves and take some towers while the enemy team is preoccupied on securing the dragon.
The late game is around the time where teamates are finishing up all of their items and Soul point is approaching for at least one team. Champions can get blown up in an instant in the late game so try to travel in groups in order to avoid getting picked. As a support it is your job to ward major objectives like Dragon and Baron Nashor in order to spot out enemies or reveal if the enemy team is sneaking an objective. Be careful when you ward in the late game as getting picked off and dying can usually lead to the enemy team securing a major objective or taking an inhibitor turret.

Late game teamfight can be chaotic but Braum's game plan usually stays pretty linear. Keep your ADC alive no matter what. Try to scout out the enemy team comp to help you decide how to play teamfights. Does the enemy team have a fed assassin like Zed or Fizz. Buy a Locket of the Iron Solari and Knight's Vow and stand extremely close to your ADC. When the assassin flanks behind to one shot your ADC dump all of your defensive abilities on your ally and shoot off a Glacial Fissure to knock-up the assassin and kill them. Does the enemy team have a fed frontliner like Darius or Renekton? Stand in front of your ADC and make sure that the enemy team has to go through you to get to them. Your ADC is usually your win condition so keeping them alive in teamfights can usually lead to a won fight and an objective or inhibitor.

Dragons are the most important objectives in the early and mid game. 5 minutes into every game a dragon of a random element spawns into the bottom lane dragon pit. Once that dragon is killed it gives your team a buff related to that dragon's element. 5 minutes after the first dragon is killed a second one of a different element is spawned. Once the second dragon is killed your team will get another elemental buff and the third dragon element will be revealed. The map will change in relation to the third element and every dragon that spawns after the third dragon will be of the same element and give your team the same buff. The third elemental dragon will spawn 5 minutes after the 2nd one is killed. Dragons spawn every 5 minutes after the previous one is killed until one team gets 4 dragons. The team that gets 4 dragons first will be given a Dragon Soul which gives your team a powerful elemental buff that relates to the dragon element that you killed. Then, the Elder Dragon will spawn 6 minutes after the last dragon is killed.


MAP CHANGE: The Cloud Map spawns an air circle around the Red Brambleback, Blue Sentinel, and Dragon Pit which boost the movement speed of everyone who walks in it by 20% in combat and 35% out of combat. It also spawns Scryer's Bloom at the entrance of both jungles.

DRAGON BUFF: + 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 % ultimate cooldown reduction

DRAGON SOUL BUFF: + 10 % passive movement speed which is increased to + 50 % movement speed for 6 seconds after casting your ultimate.


MAP CHANGE: The Infernal Map destroys the bushes and some of the walls that surround the Red Brambleback and Blue Sentinel. It also spawns Blast Cones in the alcoves and at the entrances to both jungles.

DRAGON BUFF: + 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 % attack damage and ability power

DRAGON SOUL BUFF: Basic Attacks and Abilities deal 80 ( + 22.5 % bonus AD ) ( + 13.5 % AP ) ( + 2.5 % bonus HP) adaptive damage to the target and nearby enemies ( 3 second cooldown)


MAP CHANGE: 2 big rocks spawn in each quadrant of the jungle

DRAGON BUFF: + 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 % armor and magic resistance

DRAGON SOUL BUFF: Gain a 200 ( + 18 % bonus AD ) ( + 13.5 % AP ) ( + 13.5 % HP ) shield after not taking damage for 5 seconds


MAP CHANGE: 2 big rocks spawn in each quadrant of the jungle

DRAGON BUFF: + 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 % of missing HP regeneration every 5 seconds

DRAGON SOUL BUFF: Heal for 160 ( + 36 % bonus AD ) ( + 22.5 % AP ) ( + 9 % bonus HP ) and restore 80 ( + 3.5 % maximum mana ) mana over 4 seconds whenever you deal damage to enemies. Dealing damage to minions and monsters regenerates with 30 % effectiveness



The Rift Herald is a neutral monster than spawns in Baron Pit 8:00 minutes into every game. When in combat the Rift Herald occasionally spawns an eye on its back. If you hit the eye then you deal 12% of her maximum health as true damage. Whenever an ally Basic Attacks the Rift Herald the eye spawns 2.5 seconds faster. To hit the eye effectively try to walk around the Rift Herald right as she is about to swing at you. If you walk around her to hit the eye too soon then she will just turn towards you and make the eye un-hittable. Once killed the Rift Herald drops an Eye of the Herald that despawns after 20 seconds if nobody picks it up. The Eye of the Herald is a one time use trinket that goes away after 240 seconds. When used the Eye of the Herald spawns a Rift Herald to fight for your team. When the Rift Herald approaches an enemy tower she winds up and dashes to it dealing massive damage to it and herself. Try to use the Rift Herald on a tower after you get it down to about 1/2 health. If you use her on a tower too early then she will destroy all of the plates and leave it at half health. Each time you destroy a plate the tower gets more armor and since she deals true damage (Which goes through armor) then the later you use her the better she is.


Baron Nashor is a neutral monster that spawns in the Baron Pit in the top lane river 20:00 minutes into the game. He has a lot of HP and deals tons of damage so killing him, even with your whole team, is pretty difficult. When killed Baron Nashor gives the entire team that killed him the Hand of Baron passive for 180 seconds as long as they are alive. The Hand of Baron gives the player affected an empowered recall, increased physical damage, increased ability power, and a massive damage and range for surrounding allied minions. The Hand of Baron is great for shredding down towers and inhibitors. The best thing that Hand of Baron does is increase the cannon minion's range by just enough so that it doesn't take any damage when hitting towers. This is amazing for sieging towers with your team. Your team can group in front of it to make it really hard to kill while it chunks down the enemy tower. Securing Baron Nashor is extremely good and can significantly aid your team in winning the game.


Elder Dragon is the Dragon that spawns 6:00 minutes after a team kills 4 elemental dragons and collects the Dragon Soul. Elder Dragon is probably the most powerful and impactful objective in the game right now. Your team should always prioritize killing the Elder Dragon over any other objective if given the chance too. Elder Dragon spawns so late in the game thought that securing it is mostly game winning. Killing the Elder Dragon grants your team the Aspect of the Dragon buff for 150 seconds. The Aspect of the Dragon causes your Basic Attacks and Abilities to deal additional true damage over 2.25 seconds. It also makes you immediately execute enemy champions when you get them to under 20% health. Aspect of the Dragon is extremely powerful and pretty much guarantees your team to win any fight you take as long as you don't throw it. It also shreds through tanks due to it's additional true damage and HP% based execute.

Wards are one of the most important things in League. They grant vision in a radius around them and can spot out terrain, champions, monsters, minions, and abilities from inside the Fog of War. They are invaluable in spotting out the enemy locations, ganks, roams, and jungle pathing. As a support it is your job to put down as many wards as possible for your team to gain an edge in teamfighting and objective taking.



USE: Grants vision in a 900 unit circle around itself

LIFE SPAN: 90 - 120 seconds scaling off of champion level

LIMIT: 3 on the map at one time, limit is shared with Stealth Wards


HEALTH: 3 bars

BOUNTY: 10 gold and 37.2 - 46.4 experience based on ward level


USE: Grants vision in a 900 unit circle around itself

LIFE SPAN: 150 seconds

LIMIT: 3 on the map at one time, limit is shared with Totem Wards


HEALTH: 3 bars

BOUNTY: 30 gold and 37.2 - 46.4 experience based on ward level


USE: Grants vision in a 900 unit circle around itself. It also reveals and disables all nearby enemy wards, stealth traps ( ex. Noxious Trap , Captive Audience ), and camouflaged champions.

LIFE SPAN: Indefinite

LIMIT: 1 on the map at one time


HEALTH: 4 bars and regenerates after not being attacked for 6 seconds

BOUNTY: 30 gold and 37.2 - 46.4 experience based on ward level


USE: Grants vision in a 500 unit circle around itself

LIFE SPAN: Indefinite



HEALTH: 1 bar

BOUNTY: 15 gold and 18.6 - 23.2 experience based on ward level


USE: Spawns whenever a ward expires if you are running the Ghost Poro rune. Grants vision in a 450 unit circle around itself. Disappears when an enemy champion walks into its radius

LIFE SPAN: 60 seconds






USE: Spawns whenever you take down an enemy ward if you are running the Zombie Ward rune. Grants vision in a 900 unit circle around itself

LIFE SPAN: 120 seconds



HEALTH: 1 bar

BOUNTY: 1 gold


Early game warding is pretty straightforward. When the game starts buy a Stealth Ward and walk to lane. Around 3:00 minutes into the game you should place your first ward. Place a ward in the bot lane tri-bush if you are pushing the wave in on Red Side or if you are being pushed in on Blue Side. Place a ward in the bot lane river bush if you are pushing the wave in on the Blue Side or if you are being pushed in on Red Side. These spots are good because they can pretty much always spot the jungler coming in to gank you due to location of where they are placed. You want to save your wards until 3:00 minutes because the jungler usually finishes their first clear around 3:00 minutes. If you ward right when you get to lane then the ward will have expired by the time that the jungler comes and ganks you. Another good spot to put your Stealth Ward is in the bot river dragon pit. This is a great spot because it can spot out enemy jungle pathing, enemy mid lane roams, enemy support roams, and dragon contests. It acts as a mini Rift Scuttler pretty much.

If you are pushing the wave hard into the enemy tower and you know that the jungler is top lane then you can look for deep wards. Deep wards are extremely usefull because they can spot things that you normally wouldn't be able to see like what camps the enemy jungler is taking and when the enemy Red Brambleback and Blue Sentinel are going to spawn. Good deep ward spots are on the Red Brambleback or in one of the two bushes nearby Raptor Camp if you are on Red side or on Blue Sentinel or the tribush near Krugs if you are on Blue Side.

Once you back and get a Control Ward you can put in in bot lane tribush if you are on Blue Side or in the bot lane river bush if you are on Red Side. These spots are good because they are easily defendable and can spot out Stealth Wards that the enemy laners have placed there. My personal favorite spot to put Control Wards though is in the tribush in the bot lane river near mid lane. This spot is amazing because it can spot out pretty much everything. It can show you if the enemy mid laner roams bot or if the enemy support roams mid. It can show the enemy jungler's location and spot out if they are going to gank both bot and mid lane. It can spot out both Scuttle Crab contests, Dragon contests, and enemy invades. In addition to this nobody walk through the river tribush so it can stay up for long periods of time without being destroyed.


Supports get way more warding options once the mid/late game starts. Warding also gets more important the longer the game drags on. The great thing about the start of the mid game is that you get access to Stealth Wards due to Steel Shoulderguards. Once you upgrade Steel Shoulderguards you should replace your Stealth Ward with Oracle Lens. Oracle Lens is great for sweeping out the river and popular warding positions. Warding busy areas like the river tribushes and the Baron / Dragon pits are very important. Warding these areas ahead of time can give your team a huge edge by spotting out isolated enemies or landing long range skillshots onto them.

Warding objectives is also extremely important. Try to get to Baron or Dragon pit about 45 seconds before it spawns with your team. Use all of your wards around the perimeter of the river like in both tribushes and over the pit wall. The tribush locations are really good due to them spotting when the enemy team will try to contest. Seeing them through Fog of War also lets your team land a few poke skillshots before they get to pit to contest. The ward spot over the pit is probably the most important one to place. It can spot out the enemy jungler if they are looking to Flash or Blast Cone over to Smite steal or if the enemy team is looking to contest by Blast Coning over. Once you get your wards down then either Oracle Lens or Control Ward the pit and river to destroy enemy vision. Gaining vision control around objectives before they spawn is super important and can increase your chances of securing it by a lot.
Well... that's my guide! I hope you enjoyed it. I spent a lot of time going over it, adding to it, and learning even more about Braum as I made it. I learned a lot more about coding and I think I improved evem more as a guide writer. If you go back and look at my first Thresh guide and then my second Sett guide you can see how much prettier this one looks compared to them. Hopefully my next guide is even better! I want to thank JHOIJHOI's BBCode guide which taught me everything I needed to know about the coding aspect of guide making as well as well as all of the lovely people over at the MobaFire Discord who answered all of my questions no matter how stupid they seemed. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day :D

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