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Yuumi Build Guide by PicklePantsLOL

Support [12.4] The Magical Cat | D1 Yuumi Guide for Climbing ELO

Support [12.4] The Magical Cat | D1 Yuumi Guide for Climbing ELO

Updated on February 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PicklePantsLOL Build Guide By PicklePantsLOL 176 31 375,353 Views 12 Comments
176 31 375,353 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PicklePantsLOL Yuumi Build Guide By PicklePantsLOL Updated on February 27, 2022
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1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


Standard Start
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


About Me
Hi, my name's PicklePants and I am a League of Legends Content Specialist. I have been playing League of Legends since Season 3- roughly before Lucian was released. For the past few years, I have been working closely with multiple League of Legends content sites: creating guides and other League of Legends content to help players achieve their League related goals and climb ELO. I am currently a full-time content specialist.

I am sitting at the top end of the Diamond Leaderboard- achieving Diamond 1 in both Season 8 and Season 9

Before I worked on this guide, I have created over 100 separate guides spanning over 2 years and over multiple websites. My most famous (live guide; RIP LOLKING) is currently a wave management guide over at Mobalytics. The guide itself is one of the more in-depth guides you'll see and is the most complete wave management guide that is up to date. I would highly recommend reading it if you want to learn how to manage waves correctly. We also have a very in-depth and complete warding guide that is for all lanes and all parts of the game. It's known to be the "biggest and best vision guide you've ever seen". To finish of my accolades, I also created the worlds biggest and most indepth guide- Everything You Need to Know About Team Comps and Teamfighting in League of Legends. You can find it here.

As a content creator, I try to make really in-depth guides that describe everything there is to know about a subject and try to help players in the best way possible. For some, that's by watching videos, for others it is reading. Whichever way is best for you to learn, I am sure that we can help you out. You can find all my other guides here.

Tier List

Summoner Spells

In most cases, you’ll be going for Exhaust and Ignite as your Summoner Spells. The reason for this is that they’re both combat Summoner Spells and can help you win lane- win game and they’re very helpful in team fights. The only other option is Heal which I would only take if your ADC doesn’t take Heal themselves such as if they take Barrier or Teleport.

You do not need to take Flash on Yuumi because she will be anchored to a champion throughout the majority of the game which does make Flash quite useless. The only time you would be able to use Flash is when your anchor has died and even then, it’s not guaranteed that you will survive because you’re quite immobile.

I would always take Ignite regardless of your second Summoner Spell. This is because Ignite provides you with a lot of kill pressure in lane. As games rely heavily on getting kills and snowballing, you need to take Ignite to increase your kill threat in the lane. If the enemy takes Ignite and you do not, you’ve forfeited the lane as they will always have extra damage over you and the ADC. Always take Ignite regardless of your second Summoner Spell.

For the next Summoner Spell, I would personally take Exhaust. This is because it can prevent/ reduce a lot of Yuumi’s weaknesses. Exhaust can prevent ganks, can prevent all-ins, can take out Assassins and can protect you and your ADC’s life. If you already have Heal in the bottom lane, then take Exhaust. Just remember to use it near the beginning of the fight and not after your ADC has died.

If your ADC takes Teleport like Ezreal, then you should take Heal so you two have a little more survivability in lane. Heal is a really good Summoner Spell and there is a reason that ADC’s take it. If your ADC doesn’t- you should!

Rune Breakdown

Summon Aery is Yuumi's main Keystone
Summon Aery is good for Yuumi as it provides your allies with more shielding and protection when you hop on to them or heal them with your Zoomies. Summon Aery will also send Aery to targets that are hit by your basic attacks or abilities too, so it does give you a little bit of extra trading power in lane. It has so much synergy with your kit that it’s silly not to take it.

Manaflow Band is Yuumi's first Rune in line 1
As Yuumi is a champion who needs mana to use her abilities, Manaflow Band is a nice pickup on her because it allows her to have a wider mana pool: allowing her to use her abilities more frequently.
Alternativly, you may wish to take Nullifying Orb if you're against a heavy AP team, against a poke laner like Zyra or Vel'Koz, or if you need some extra survivability.

Transcendence is Yuumi's next Rune in line 2
Transcendence is a great Rune for many Supports because it gives them additional cooldown reduction at level 10. As Yuumi relies on her abilities to deal most of her damage and peel for her team, this added 10% cooldown reduction is a welcome bonus.

Gathering Storm is Yuumi's final Rune in her main tree
For Yuumi's final Rune in the main tree, I recommend taking Gathering Storm. This Rune allows her to have extra damage and provide whoever she is attached to with extra damage. Free damage is great no matter how you look at it, so I would advise that you take it!

For your secondary Rune tree, you do have some freedom, and you can have multiple options. If you don't wish to take this Rune tree, you could also go for Resolve or Inspiration.

Presence of Mind is Yuumi's first Rune in the secondary tree
If you deal damage to an enemy champion, you will increase your mana regeneration for a few seconds. Getting a kill also restores some of your maximum mana. This is a good rune for Yuumi as it helps with some of her sustain problems which in turn buffs her Zoomies.

Cut Down is Yuumi's final Rune in the secondary tree
This rune allows Yuumi to deal more damage to targets that have more health than her. As Yuumi doesn’t build any real tank items, this allows her to deal more damage as a whole. It’s a good rune on her.

For your final set of Runes, I would recommend taking double Adaptive Force (in line 1 and 2) and then for the final Rune you can choose depending on the matchup. If you're against a heavy AP enemy, go for magic resist. If you're against a tank or double AD, go for armor. The health Rune isn't too hot so I would stay away from that one.


We will now breakdown Yuumi's itemisation. We will not be covering every Support item that she can buy as a lot of them are not going to be useful on her. For the most part, she will be completing her warding quest ( Eye of the Watchers) and then going for more utility/ damaging items. If you want to learn more about Support itemisation, I would recommend giving this separate article a read.

Yuumi should always take Spellthief's Edge when playing as a Support. This is because Spellthief's Edge provides her with a decent amount of gold during the laning phase- which is easy to obtain through poke. It also helps Yuumi harass and poke the enemy more efficiently.

On your first back, you should get enough gold to at least buy Dark Seal. This item will start providing you with extra damage when trading and it will also help you out when it comes to getting kills and assists as it will give you extra AP. This will make poking the enemy and getting kills much easier as it provides you with a bunch of stats that help you out.

On your first back, you should also have enough for an additional Health Potion and Control Ward(s) . You need to buy Control Wards throughout the game and the first one is the most important. You should place this first ward near the river bush near your lane or in the middle bush if in the river if you're pushed under Tower.

Your first item on Yuumi is going to be Moonstone Renewer. This item is good on Yuumi as she can proc it easily in team fights. This item buffs her a lot and as it is a mythic item, all of her other items will provide additional ability haste which will allow her to use her abilities more often.

Your next item on Yuumi is going to be Staff of Flowing Water. This item gives Yuumi a ton of AP, additional healing power and it also gives her and her allies additional movement speed when she heals them. This is going to be effective during the laning phase as it allows you to chase down the enemy. It is also going to be really helpful in team fights.

Your next major purchase should be Ardent Censer. It gives you a variety of stats such as cooldown reduction and AP, but it also has a very good Passive that will make your Healing through Yuumi's E Zoomies and also increase your shielding power through your Passive Feline Friendship. It is a good investment and a very good first item pickup.

After you have picked up Ardent Censer, you should go ahead and get Redemption. It acts very similar to Ardent Censer as they both share the same Passives. It too enhances your Healing through Yuumi's E Zoomies and also increase your shielding power through your Passive Feline Friendship. In addition to those stats, it provides cooldown reduction, extra health, mana regen and more. It also has an active that will allow you to heal your allies from afar.

For your final item, I recommend getting Mikael's Blessing. It enhances your shielding and healing: working well with your E Zoomies and your Passive Feline Friendship just like Ardent Censer and Redemption. But it also has an active that will remove crowd control. If the enemy has lots of CC, then this item is a must. I wouldn't get this item much earlier (maybe you could get it before finalising your Support item) because it is only really good for unlocking allies from crowd control. [bold] But, [/bold] if the enemy has CC that is destroying you in team fights- get it earlier.

Situational Items

To finish off this section, let's discuss situational items. Situational items are items that you may not always pick always pick up on Yuumi, but you might do once in a while. Basically, they are items that are not in your core build path, but you might pick up occasionally. We have also made a separate guide on situational items if you want to learn more about what items are situational and when to buy each of them.

Mejai's Soulstealer is a decent item if you can get the stacks to upgrade it. Personally, I never upgrade this item because it can be completely ruined by one death. If you're super fed, then you could go this item. I wouldn't recommend it really though.

I am a utility Support player mostly, but I do play Janna and Zyra. While Luden's Tempest is a decent item and does help you poke the enemy more, it doesn't provide your team with any decent stats that can empower them. You could take this item first if you're investing into the AP route and following it up with Rabadon's Deathcap.

Rabadon's Deathcap is a good item if you're going AP Yuumi. I wouldn't recommend this if you're going full utility. The stats it provides just buff your damage and not your allies. It's quite an expensive item and while I wouldn't personally buy it, it is possible.

Due to the insane amount of healing and shielding there is in the game, getting this item is very important to reduce the enemies sustain. You can always get an early Oblivion Orb if you're against a sustain lane too.


Let's discuss Yuumi's abilities and what each of them does. In this section, we will talk about what each of the abilities do and provide you with some tips and tricks we learnt along the way.

Yuumi's Passive is Feline Friendship

Yuumi’s next basic attack against an enemy champion restores mana and grants her a shield that lasts until it gets broken. While attached to another champion through You and Me!, the shield will be given to the anchor.

Whenever you have your Passive ( Feline Friendship) is ready, make sure you auto-attack the enemy. You never know when the shield will come in handy and having an active shield similar to Malphite's Passive Granite Shield might be the deterrent in the lane and prevent the enemy from fighting you.

To make getting this shield safer, look to auto-attack when the enemy is missing a core ability. For example, when laning against a Nami or Janna, waiting for them to use their W ability before poking will ensure that you come out ahead. When you’re off your anchor, you’re quite squishy, so they might be able to blow you up when you go to attack. Thus, you should always wait for the enemy to use a key ability before hopping off and auto-attacking.

Yuumi's Q is Prowling Projectile

Yuumi first a missile that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits. If the missile is in flight for at least 1 second, it deals bonus magic damage and applies a decaying slow on enemy champions who it hits.

While attached, Yuumi can direct the trajectory of the missile to the target direction. This can be used to dodge minions or select champions: even be used to gain the empowerment.

Your Q Prowling Projectile is a skill shot that deals more damage if it travels further along. For maximum damage output, ensure that the missile is active for at least 1 second. Try to not use your Q point blankly as you will be missing out on the extra damage.

While attached, you can use your Q ( Prowling Projectile) to duck and weave through enemy minions to hit the enemy. Manoeuvre the Q ( Prowling Projectile) around the minion wave so you can dodge the minions and deal maximum damage to the enemy. In some cases, you can use your Q to move around a certain champion to hit the other lane champ.

Yuumi's W is You and Me!

After a brief channel, Yuumi will dash towards an allied champion and attach onto them. While attached, Yuumi is untargetable from champions, minions and monsters but not from towers. While attached, she will follow her anchor’s movements: losing the ability to attack or cast an ability (apart from movement spells).

Yuumi can switch her Anchor at no cooldown, and will detach automatically if her Anchor dies. If re-activated without a valid target, Yuumi will detach from her Anchor. Additionally, if you’re caught out by enemy CC while dashing to a target, you will be pulled out of the dash and it will be put on cooldown.

Hop back onto your ally after you've gained your shield from auto-attacking an enemy with an empowered auto to give them the shield. Additionally, your You and Me! ability can be used in a variety of ways and can be used to jump around your allies quickly. Hop from one to another and onto your frontline to lock the enemy down with your Final Chapter.

Yuumi's E is Zoomies

Yuumi heals herself and gains a bonus movement speed plus attack speed briefly. While attached to her anchor, they gain the heal instead.

Unless your teammates need the health, detrach yourself from them as they will get the Heal rather than yourself. Otherwise, stay attached whenever possible.

You can use your Zoomies on allies who are getting kills to increase your KDA and earn more gold. For example, if you haven't helped in getting a kill, quickly using your You and Me! with your Zoomies shortly after will give you the assist. This cheesy tactic is great at gaining more gold.

Yuumi's Ultimate is Final Chapter

Yuumi's Book launches 7 waves dealing magic damage. Enemies who are hit by subsequent waves take only 50% damage. Champions who are hit by 3 waves are rooted for almost 2 seconds.

While casting your Ultimate Final Chapter, Yuumi can move and cast both her You and Me! W and Zoomies E. So do not be afraid to jump between allies to keep them alive or adjust the positioning of your Ultimate.

You cannot change your Ultimate Final Chapter directly, but you can move it around by adjusting your positioning and adapting who you're anchored with.

Your Ultimate takes a lot of time to get used to but it is very strong. Try your hardest to root as many people with it as possible. While it is rather a niche to be able to jump between allies, don't bother jumping if you're unable to apply CC to them.
Skill Sequence
Now it's time to discuss her skill sequence. Remember that Yuumi unlocks her W You and Me! at level 1.


Matchup Advice

Now let's discuss some matchup advice and tips and tricks. Please note, all of this information is taken from Mobalytics and the Pre-Game. If you want all this information and more and your fingertips before every game, definitely check out the site. Here's a quick video on how to use the Pre-Game.


» Alistar has no real form of poke damage - when attempting to go even with him, look to stay out of him W ( Pulverize) + Q ( Headbutt) combo range while punishing him for stepping up too far in an attempt to use it. Once the Alistar is fairly low, he can't threaten to engage.

» Be careful of the Flash + Q ( Pulverize) combo from an Alistar if his lane is ahead because he'll be looking to use it. Try to stay on your side of the map when this deadly combo is available.

» Without his Ultimate ( Unbreakable Will), Alistar is fairly easy to kill despite looking quite beefy. Take advantage of the 120 second CD and whenever you see him too far forward, look to engage or trade onto him.

» Both Q ( Pulverize) and W ( Headbutt) have a 14 second or longer cooldown in the early game. If one of them is down, you have a huge window to pressure and harass him.

» Annie lacks range and will have trouble trading back or dealing any poke damage if you poke her from afar.

» Annie's Summon: Tibbers has 120s CD, when it's up be careful of her Flash + R ( Summon: Tibbers) combo. She will normally try to do it with at least 3 stacks of her Passive ( Pyromania), so keep track of it to know when she might try to burst you down.

» Watch out for angry Tibbers! Even if you manage to score a kill versus Annie, make sure you have an escape plan for enraged Tibbers.

» She has strong gank assist - Use her lack of range and waveclear to shove her in and poke her down is a great way to gain an edge on Annie. Be careful though - her gank assist with Flash + stun ( Pyromania) can be dangerous when harassing her under the tower.

» Be on the lookout for when Bard tries to line up his stun Q ( Cosmic Binding) on you. Whether he uses a wall, a minion, or even your teammate.

» When playing against Bard, if your mobility spells are on CD or your Flash is down, be careful of his huge catch potential. His R ( Tempered Fate) into Q ( Cosmic Binding) combo can be the mean death to anyone not respecting it.

» Bard's Q ( Cosmic Binding) is his only real way to defend himself. If it misses, look to kill him since he's a squishy target.

» Because of Bard's Meep passive through Traveler's Call ( Bard's Passive) , he wins most auto-attack for auto-attack trades. You can bait out his empowered auto attack with a shield, wait for him to waste it on a minion, or bait him to overextend for autos.

» Keep side brush warded while hiding within the minion wave so Blitzcrank has little options in terms of hooking you while you look to harass or last hit.

» When Blitzcrank's Q ( Rocket Grab) is down, you have up to 20 seconds of free harassing without fear.

» If your Flash is down or you are behind in lane versus a Blitzcrank, do your best to keep your minion wave near the tower or else the Blitzcrank will zone you out of minions. Even worse, he may use his Flash + Q ( Rocket Grab) combo to kill you.

» His tankiness comes from his Passive ( Mana Barrier), which has a 90-second cooldown and is based on 50 percent of his current mana. When he is OOM or it's on CD he is very squishy so try to focus him down during trades.


» Brand's burst comes from the combination of landing 3 abilities that trigger his passive ( Blaze). As long as he's not able to trigger Blaze (his Passive), he won't be able to kill someone during an all-in.

» Avoid standing close to the minion wave to prevent waveclear or poke abilities like his Q ( Pillar of Flame) or his E ( Conflagration) from hitting you.

» If he ever uses his Q ( Sear) for poke, look to immediately all-in or trade into him because it's his only way to defend himself. Bonus points if you can do this away from the minion wave post-6 so his Ultimate ( Pyroclasm) doesn't bounce to you.

» Brand often uses his W ( Pillar of Flame) which has a 10 second CD as his main source of waveclear - it's also his main source of damage early on. Look to harass him while it's down.
» Braum has two ways to engage: jumping onto his allied minions that you're standing next to with his W ( Stand Behind Me) or landing a Q ( Winter's Bite) from a distance. Don't overextend into enemy minions to deny him from being able to jump, and hide behind allied minions so that he can't easily land his Q ( Winter's Bite).

» Try to avoid his Q ( Winter's Bite) poke damage since it can result in his ADC zoning you from farm or the wave. Stay in your wave to make it easier to dodge them.

» Once his Q ( Winter's Bite) is on CD, Braum has no real way of trading besides going for a full all-in using auto attacks to proc his Passive ( Concussive Blows). Use the 10-second window from his rank 1 Q ( Winter's Bite) to poke him down.

» Stand Behind Me ( Braum’s W) is the main thing that makes Braum so tanky - it has a 14 second CD at rank 1. Look to bait it out with poke damage and once it's used, you can easily kill him or his partner.
» Crowstorm ( Fiddlesticks Ultimate) is his most deadly ability and has a 150 second CD. When this ability is up in combination with his Flash, do not attempt any risky plays like dives or staying on the map with low HP. He will easily be able to punish you.

» When playing against lane Fiddlesticks the most annoying part of it is his Reap (E) as it can deal a heavy amount of poke damage at random. It has a 12s CD at rank 1 with no CDR, so to play around it stay away from your minion line when you know it's up and you see him start to cast it

» The best time to strike Fiddlesticks is when he uses his Bountiful Harvest (W) on a minion to heal as he will not be able to use his main damage ability on you.

» He is very good at diving towers and countering a tower dive. Do not attempt a tower dive or staying under tower with low HP while you have no vision of him.
» Janna is very fragile. If you're able to coordinate your damage when you lock her down with CC, you can take her down quickly before she has a chance to push you back.

» Since Janna has no real forms of hard engage, you can safely farm against her and her ADC. Do not get over aggressive and trade into her shield (E Eye of the Storm).

» Janna's main tool in the laning phase is her shield (E Eye of the Storm), which has an 18s CD at level one. Pay attention to the duration and engage her slightly before it wears off to give yourself the biggest window possible to punish that CD.

» Do not trade into her, you'll likely lose against her and her ADC. Instead, remember that she doesn't have a very good hard engage, so grab some sustain and look to out farm her.

» Leona has no form of poke or sustain. If you can poke her down, it should dissuade her from wanting to engage on you and allow you to farm safely.

» Her tankiness comes from Eclipse (W), which has a 14 second CD, and its extra armour/magic resist for 6 seconds. After it's used, she is squishy - look to turn on her for an easy kill.

» Solar Flare (R) has a 90 second CD, which is quite short for a rank 1 Ultimate. Be careful whenever you don't have Flash because she'll be looking to engage with it ASAP. Do your best to stay out of the middle of it so you are slowed instead of stunned.

» Leona will be looking to engage in the early game, so use this to your advantage. If the Leona engages from too far away from her ADC with her Zenith Blade (E), her CC won't actually have any damage to follow it up. This mistake gives you and your ADC an opportunity to turn around and punish her for being overzealous.
» Trading into her Whimsy (W) will often be a losing trade for you. Instead, look to push her into tower since she has low all-in threat.

» Trading into a Lulu lane is quite difficult due to her shield (E) ( Help, Pix!) and target CC. Look to safely farm under your tower instead due to her lack of engage options.

» Help, Pix!(E) is the main way Lulu protects herself or allies in the early game. It has a 2.5-second duration and a 10-second cooldown, so when you see her cast it on an ally, try to trade back as it's about to expire.

» Lulu is a champion that makes great trades, but her durability comes through her spell usage instead of natural tankiness. Look to lock her down with CC and take her out before she can save herself with Wild Growth (R) or Help, Pix!(E).
» She has low threat outside of her Dark Binding (Q), so put the minion wave between you and her while farming to avoid your chances of being hit.

» Whenever she has Flash + Ultimate ( Soul Shackles) and you don't have Flash, she'll attempt to Flash onto you and use Soul Shackles (R). Stay on your side of the map whenever this timing happens to avoid the heavy burst of this combo and its 4.5 second CC chain.

» If you see her cast Black Shield (E)- which has a 23 second CD at rank 1 with a 5-second duration, look to all-in her as it expires - it's her main source of defence pre-6. Alternatively, if you have multiple magic damage abilities, look to use those to break it during a fight and then land your CC for an easy kill.

» Morgana has almost zero pressure if her Dark Binding (Q) misses. If it does, go fully aggressive on her for the next 11 seconds, even to the point of walking past the wave since she has no way of stopping you.
» No need to force trades with a Nami when attempting to farm. Since she has no real way of helping with waveclear, you can shove the lane in. Be careful whenever she has Tidal Wave (her Ultimate) up as it can be used for a great gank assist tool.

» Avoid trading with a Nami when behind, Her ability to out sustain and chase you down with her E ( Tidecaller's Blessing) is strong. Instead, you must avoid poke until you see a chance to engage on her while she's playing too forward.

» Ebb and Flow (W) has a 10s CD, look to trade with her after she uses it on herself or her ADC for sustain. She is unable to trade back with you and will be forced to try and land her Q ( Aqua Prison) to disengage, sidestep this and easily win a trade.

» Nami has a plethora of damage, sustain, and CC in her kit. Therefore, frequent, short trades favor her heavily. However, she's extremely fragile and has no real escape. Coordinate well with your ADC and look to bring Nami down in one or two clean engages.
» Nautilus' burst damage only really comes from his Riptide (his E), which is relatively short ranged and does more DMG the closer you are to him. As long as you avoid his all-in, he won't put out too much pressure on you.

» All of Nautilus' early damage comes from his Titan's Wrath (W). When looking to bully him, don't be afraid to turn and break the shield, once this is done he has no real consistent damage so you can look to kill him.

» It's extremely difficult to avoid Nautilus' CC combo when he has his Ultimate ( Depth Charge), up (120-second cd rank 1). Stay safe and play passive while it's up.

» Keep minions/walls between you and Nautilus at all times so that you can harass him when he has no clear way to land an Dredge Line or when it's on cooldown.
» Be wary of Pyke's ability to roam when trying to farm out against him. He is one of the best roaming Supports due to the speed at which he can rotate and his many different CC combos. Ward the river when playing versus him and call MIA every time he recalls as well.

» Pyke's Passive, Gift of the Drowned Ones, denies him bonus HP in favor of bonus AD, meaning if his W Ghostwater Dive and E Phantom Undertow are not up he is an extremely easy kill. Once you are ahead of Pyke in the lane, look to all-in him as he can die in one CC rotation. However, avoid shorter trades attempting to widdle him down as he will regain his HP when out of sight due to his grey health.

» Pyke is to be feared as he has many ways to secure a kill. He can land a hook with charged up Bone Skewer (Q), dive in and Flash onto you for a stun with Phantom Undertow (E) or dive into melee range for a massive slow using a combination of Ghostwater Dive (W) and instant cast Bone Skewer (Q). To avoid these, you'll need to look to freeze the lane near your tower while standing behind minions to avoid getting caught by Bone Skewer (Q).

» As long as you do not get caught by Pyke's E ( Phantom Undertow) or Q ( Bone Skewer) you will not be harmed by Pyke during the laning phase. Stand slightly outside the minion wave and try to bait out his Q ( Bone Skewer) while you poke/threaten him or his ADC, once he misses you are free to bully the lane as much as you like for the rank one CD of 16s.

» Senna’s positioning in lane is key. If she steps too far forward, she is an easy target to kill. Capitalise on positioning errors by the enemy Senna to gain a lead in lane.

» Senna is vulnerable to hard engage and burst due to her squishy nature. Instead of playing Passive in lane, try to be proactive and engage/fight whenever she wastes an ability or steps too far forward.

» Senna’s Ultimate Dawning Shadow is a global Ultimate. When she is 6, ping your team so they know she can impact the map and execute/protect her allies.

» Keep an eye on your positioning and the health of your minions. By standing inside or behind the minion wave, you can prevent Senna from fully utilising her Curse of the Black Mist as she will not be able to hit you. However, it will instantly root nearby allies if she kills the target (like a minion). Don’t stand near low health minions!.
» As long as you avoid Sona's Power Chorddamage (her Passive), she won't be able to do much harm to you. Just be careful of her Jungler coming while she has her ult up.

» Try to trade with Sona while her Power Chord is down, she does very little poke damage without it.

» Crescendo (R) is an extremely powerful engage tool with a 140 second CD at rank 1 with no CDR. When she is ahead, she will be looking to Flash + R Crescendo you, so keep track of its CD and her Flash.

» Sona has no escape and is the most fragile Support but has incredible poke and sustain. Play around this by not giving her the opportunity to do small and efficient trades. Instead, bide your time and stay on high health until you find the opportunity to do aggressive all-in trades with her.
» She doesn't have a very good way to stop you from farming, but you should be trying to dodge as many Starcall (Q’s) as you can to reduce her ability to sustain.

» Do not be fooled by her Q Starcall’s low damage, dodge! Avoiding them during poke phase and all-ins is very crucial because it enables extra healing for both Soraka and her ADC.

» Trading into Soraka when behind is pointless because she will just heal it all back with her W Astral Infusion. Instead, look to save your CDs and HP for one all-in when you catch her out of position, or for when your Jungler arrives.

» Soraka's laning in the early game is very poor because her Astral Infusion (W) and Equinox (E) have 8 and 24-second cooldowns with no CDR. This means that she is very susceptible to all-ins before she scales up. Avoid letting her out sustain you and get a free early laning phase by playing aggressively against her and her ADC.

Tahm Kench
» His ability to zone you and your ADC from farm is pretty weak when you're even but you need to watch out for his Devour (R). He will be looking to use it to roam or even on his own lane with his Jungler.

» If Tahm Kench misses his Q ( Tongue Lash) which has a 6 second CD with no CDR, he pretty much becomes useless in lane in terms of offensive abilities, so look to poke him down.

» He has a very nasty combo where he can Flash, Exhaust, and Tongue Lash (Q) into Devour (W). If you are away from the tower, be aware of this potential threat.

» Tahm Kench's E ( Thick Skin) is a big part of what makes him tanky. It cannot be used while stunned so save your hard CC for when he reaches 40% health, and then try to burst him down before he can activate his E ( Thick Skin).
» Taric has no poke damage outside of running up and attempting to Dazzle (E) you. On the other hand, he offers great gank setup with Dazzle (E), Flash, into a Cosmic Radiance (R) so that he and his Jungler can dive you under the tower. This combo is likely the only way that Taric can disrupt your ability to farm.

» Cosmic Radiance (R) is Taric's main defensive tool - note that it has a 160 second CD at rank 1, which is longer than most other Ults. After a fight where both you and Taric use your Ults, start preparing for another all-in. As soon as it comes up, you can look to kill him during this timing window.

» Do not think that you are safe under tower versus a Taric. Due to the large amount of armor from Bastion (W) and his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance, he has is one of the best tower divers in the game. Avoid staying at low health under the tower - instead, look to farm safely away from him since he lacks poke damage.

» Taric's main weaknesses in the lane are that he has melee range and doesn't have any reliable tools to engage, especially since Dazzle (E) is extremely telegraphed. You can abuse Taricmore than other Supports with continual harass with very little fear of retaliation if you can dodge his delayed stun attempts.
» Vel'Koz's wave clear and poke abilities are amazing and he will likely be able to out shove you in a farming situation. Look out for him using fog or brushes to launch poke from while you last hit under the tower.

» Whenever Vel'Koz uses his E ( Tectonic Disruption) which is a knock-up and his only self-peel option. Look to all-in him during its 16-second cooldown. Once you're on top of him, it becomes very difficult for him to use his ultimate.

» Getting hit by Vel'Koz's Tectonic Disruption (E) knock-up or his Q ( Plasma Fission) slow will result in getting destroyed by his Ultimate Life Form Disintegration Ray which at rank 1 CD is 120 seconds. Grabbing early movement speed to help you avoid getting hit by these combos is strongly advised.

» Vel'Koz is a pure skillshot champion. Look to dodge his Plasma Fission (Q) by standing in the minion wave and quickly stepping out from the wave to dodge his (W) Void Rift, which he often uses to heavily push you in. It's a bit of a dance where you dodge in and out of the minion wave but if you get boots early on it makes the whole process a lot easier.
» Keep Zileanshoved into his turret. Before he gets points into Rewind (W) and some CDR, he has a hard time getting into range of you and slowing you to land his Double Bomb (two x Time Bomb). Force him under the tower where he has a hard time CSing unless he uses his Time Bombs (Q), which will give you breathing room from his harass.

» Don't be afraid to all-in Zilean, even when he has access to his Ultimate ( Chronoshift). You can easily kill him against after he revives if you're ahead or at the very least force him to play scared and miss CS until his Ultimate ( Chronoshift) comes back.

» Don't get baited by the Timelord. Zilean will try to tease you into trying to kill him when you're behind, but Double Bomb and Chronoshift (R) are a lot to deal with unless you have teammates to back you up. Be careful of getting into his Time Warp (E) range where he can slow you into a guaranteed Double Bomb.

» Zilean is slippery but incredibly squishy. Gain an advantage early by bursting him down or calling for ganks before he gains access to his R Chronoshift at level 6.
» Make sure to avoid getting pushed in when trying to stay even with Zyra. She has an easy time poking and landing skillshots on you when you're forced into the small space around your turret.

» Keep her away from her tower. Her lack of mobility means that if she's remotely far down lane, it's easy to chase her down and kill her when you're ahead. Diving under the tower is risky unless you have CC. She has a lot of CC to try to get the trade kill on you.

» Try and Bait her Grasping Roots (E) - One mistake can be costly when playing against a fed Zyra. Bait out and dodge her E ( Grasping Roots before committing. No matter how far ahead she is, she's still squishy and slow until she purchases Rylai's Crystal Scepter / Liandry's Torment so don't be afraid to chain CC her and burst her down if you have the champions for it.

» Zyra is incredibly squishy early on and has no escapes. She's vulnerable to ganks and aggressive all-ins.

Champion Combos
When it comes to combos for Yuumi, she has a few bread and butter combos. Unfortunately, she is a Utility Support and is known for not having the most impactful combos in the game. Nor does she have many of them. I'm not going to sit here and suggest you do a lot of random key smashing combos for Yuumi as I don't think they are valuable and they are in almost all cases filler. Here are some combo's I have found for her which are pretty basic and useful in everyday gameplay. I've avoided filler combos or things that I do not believe a user would use from game to game.

Also, these combo's are supposed to be basic and simple as my guide is aimed at players who do not play or have never played Yuumi before. Without further delay, let's move on to the combos.

AA > W

For our first super basic combo, we need to talk about giving your ally the shield through your Passive: Feline Friendship. Demount from your ally with You and Me! and then auto attack the enemy when Feline Friendship is up. Then remount with your You and Me! to give them the shield.

W > E

For you to be able to Heal your ally during the laning phase, you will need to be attached to them with your You and Me!so you can Heal them with your Zoomies. This is a very simple combo to use, and pretty self-explanatory. However, it is quite easy to mess up as it is a self casting ability and you might forget that you will Heal yourself if you're not anchored to an ally.

W > Q

Your Q Prowling Projectile is not a very good ability on its own. It's slow moving, easy to dodge and is a pretty basic ability. This is why it is much better to use your Q Prowling Projectile while you're anchored to an ally through your W You and Me!. I recommend that you play around with your Prowling Projectile when using it so it can become empowered and deal increased damage as well as slowing the enemy.

> >
W > Q > W

When playing around in the testing stage on the PBE, Practice Tool and on Live, a cool looking and (potential) well executable combo is the where you're attached to your carry through your You and Me!, cast your Q Prowling Projectile and then use your W You and Me! again on a different ally to extend the length of the combo as well as deal extra damage and slow the enemy. This is a pretty cool looking combo and quite good in action too.

> >
R > W > W

As your Ultimate Final Chapter requires 3 waves to root an enemy, if they are rather far away, you can always cast Final Chapter from slightly afar and then close the gap onto your allies (with You and Me!) to hit as many champions with it as possible. In some cases, it will be necessary to use your W once, where as in others you might need to use You and Me! twice if they are encircled by you and your allies. Alternatively, you can use the secondary W active to hop off your ally. It's up for interpretation really.

Laning Phase

Yuumi's early game is quite like many other Utility or AP Supports. Most notably, she has a rather similar play style to Janna in which she provides heals, shields and will also see moments of aggressive action. During the opening moments to the game, buy your items as soon as possible and quickly make your way to the river where you should sit and wait until the minions are about to spawn. It is a good idea to wait inside the river or at a jungle entrance to ensure that the enemy doesn't invade. I would advise against waiting near your tower because it is not giving your team any information.

In the bottom lane, to hit level 2 you need to kill the first 9 minions. This consists of the first wave of 6 followed by 3 Melee minions on the second wave. If you are playing with a Mordekaiser ADC, take note that he will hit level 2 on the first 7 minions as he doesn't share the experience. Unfortunately Yuumi doesn't have a level 2 power spike like many other champions do. This is because she only has her Q ( Prowling Projectile) to deal damage. However, reaching level 2 is very important as it can allow you to assert dominance and make the enemy play slightly less aggressively. In addition to this, is very important you hit level 2 against certain champions who can all in you such as Thresh, Leona, Blitzcrank or Pyke. If they get the level up first, they may look to pressure you away from the minion wave.

During the laning phase, your goal is to peel and protect your ADC as well as and poke the enemy as much as possible. As you're a Support after all, it is very important that you utilise your starting item and get as much gold from it. You should look to harass the enemy as often as your so you can earn gold on your starting item, complete your warding quest in a more efficient time as well as utilise your Passive ( Feline Friendship) as much as possible so you can get extra mana and a shield. On your first back, you should aim to have between 500 and 700 gold: however, the more the better. On your first back, you should purchase a Control Ward and upgrade your starting item to Frostfang. Many don't realise this but upgrading your starting item earlier will allow you to earn more gold whenever you attack the enemy. So upgrading it and investing the money wisely will allow you to really hit home when you poke as you earn more gold, and also deal extra damage as it naturally gives you more AP stacks.

Mid Game

Once the laning phase is over and the mid-game has started, you'll need to stick close to your ADC at all costs and keep them alive. You need to stick close to your ADC and other carry champions as they will need you to protect them and keep them alive. If you're not there, they will be an easy target for an Assassin like LeBlanc or Zed. They will also get engaged on when the enemy notices that they are alone.

As you're a Support, Yuumi will need to ward the map as she toddled along: placing valuable vision around objectives like the Baron or Dragon as well as keeping vision of the enemy whenever they move around the river or from lane to lane. Warding as a Support is quite difficult but necessary. You must not ward alone as it will allow the enemy to engage or take you down if you show on one of their wards. Additionally, if you go to ward alone, the enemy might be in the area and take you down before you even step foot in the river. How many times have you been pulled by an enemy Blitzcrank out of darkness? If your team is not in a position to help you ward, then do not ward as you will sacrifice yourself: allowing the enemy to take the objective afterwards with the numbers advantage.

If no major objective is up, you should look to siege lane objectives like towers with your team. Poking the enemy and keeping your team/ADC alive is key when it comes to taking them as without the protection you provide, the enemy will be able to fight you or disengage. When sieging, make sure you have vision to the side of your team so the enemy doesn't flank you.

Late Game
The late game is very simple for Yuumi. Keep your team alive and provide vision. Using the same advice from above and not going to ward alone, you should not die when it comes to sieging or placing vision. As death timers are a lot longer during the late game, you need to make sure that you or your anchor through You and Me! do not walk first as you will both be squishy. Fall behind your tank and let them go first- and then ward accordingly when it is safe.

In team fights, you should stick to your carries and use everything you have (all your item actives like Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari to keep your teammates alive for longer. If they die, then you will fall shortly afterwards.

Unfortunately, the late game for Yuumi and many other Supports is very simple and there is not much to talk about. You need to stick with your team and protect them at all costs. Do not go alone as you will get caught out and allow the enemy to take the Elder Dragon, the Baron or take away your Towers.

Early Warding

Once the laning phase is over, you need to continue to place wards as you move around the map. As there are plenty of wards you can place and which all depend on the scenario you’re in, I would like again to remind you of the in-depth warding guide. I’ve created as this and more will be on there. I’m not going to go too in-depth in this section as it is all in there…

As the game develops, you need to continue to buy Control Wards and place them throughout the game. Regardless of if your first Control Ward is still alive, you need to place it somewhere else. As the game has moved on, the likelihood of the enemy walking near your first Control Ward is reduced compared to a fresh new ward.

As a general rule, all the wards you place in the mid and late game will be according to your current position and the games state. For example, if you’re playing around the Mid lane, you would place wards around the Mid lane. If you’re losing, you would have more defensive wards and if you’re winning, you would have more offensive wards. If the game is rather even or you’ve just come out of the laning phase, you would have more even wards in the river.

Where you ward depends initially on the situation, but for the most part you should ward in areas that have high priority or what I like to call high traffic areas. These include: jungle bushes, river entrances, on buffs and around objectives. On the image in this section, you can see more high priority areas.

Regardless of game state, you should always have objectives warded if they’re up or are coming up. A nearby Control Ward or a plain ward on an objective can come in handy and help your team out a lot- so keep an eye on objective timers and the map at all times so your team can move into position if the enemy starts to take it.

This image is taken from my in-depth warding guide. It shows where you may want to ward when trying to take an objective as the red team.

In the later stages of the game, you should not ward alone as if you’re caught out of position- the enemy may use the advantage to force an objective like the Baron or the Elder Dragon, and they may even try to end the game from the advantage and pick up more kills. So it’s important that you do not ward alone.

Team up with a buddy and go to ward major objectives together; or you can go alone if you know that the enemy is not anywhere nearby. If the enemy is nearby, then you cannot ward unless your whole team is together with you. If no one is in a position to ward- then do not do. You cannot ward alone when the enemy is nearby, so just don’t. Wait patiently for your team to come to you and then go and ward together.

Mid-to-Late game Warding

Once the laning phase is over, you need to continue to place wards as you move around the map. As there are plenty of wards you can place and which all depend on the scenario you’re in, I would like again to remind you of the in-depth warding guide. I’ve created as this and more will be on there. I’m not going to go too in-depth in this section as it is all in there…

As the game develops, you need to continue to buy Control Wards and place them throughout the game. Regardless of if your first Control Ward is still alive, you need to place it somewhere else. As the game has moved on, the likelihood of the enemy walking near your first Control Ward is reduced compared to a fresh new ward.

As a general rule, all the wards you place in the mid and late game will be according to your current position and the games state. For example, if you’re playing around the Mid lane, you would place wards around the Mid lane. If you’re losing, you would have more defensive wards and if you’re winning, you would have more offensive wards. If the game is rather even or you’ve just come out of the laning phase, you would have more even wards in the river.

Where you ward depends initially on the situation, but for the most part you should ward in areas that have high priority or what I like to call high traffic areas. These include: jungle bushes, river entrances, on buffs and around objectives. On the image in this section, you can see more high priority areas.

Regardless of game state, you should always have objectives warded if they’re up or are coming up. A nearby Control Ward or a plain ward on an objective can come in handy and help your team out a lot- so keep an eye on objective timers and the map at all times so your team can move into position if the enemy starts to take it.

This image is taken from my in-depth warding guide. It shows where you may want to ward when trying to take an objective as the red team.

In the later stages of the game, you should not ward alone as if you’re caught out of position- the enemy may use the advantage to force an objective like the Baron or the Elder Dragon, and they may even try to end the game from the advantage and pick up more kills. So it’s important that you do not ward alone.

Team up with a buddy and go to ward major objectives together; or you can go alone if you know that the enemy is not anywhere nearby. If the enemy is nearby, then you cannot ward unless your whole team is together with you. If no one is in a position to ward- then do not do. You cannot ward alone when the enemy is nearby, so just don’t. Wait patiently for your team to come to you and then go and ward together.

Tips and Tricks

We are now going to discuss some tips and tricks for Yuumi that should help you learn to play her a little better at the start. This is not meant to be an in-depth section of tips and tricks.

Attaching to an ally that is recalling will also teleport yourself back to base. This is pretty good if you need to back quickly and are in danger of doing so. To some extent, it is very similar to Xayah and Rakan's recall when they back near one another.

Yuumi's W ( You and Me!) will also work on players who are teleporting such as your ADC teleporting somewhere else on the map. It will also work on semi or global Ultimate's if you are attached at the right time. You can tag along with a Shen, Nocturne or Galio when they channel their Ultimate's in any situation that you may be needed in during the mid or late game.

To fully utilise your Passive, make sure you attack the enemy as much as possible whenever you're empowered auto is up. Not only one will it provide you with a shield, but it will also grant you some extra mana. Having extra mana is great during the laning phase as it allows you to use your abilities more frequently.

It should be common sense or pretty obvious at first, but if it's not- this tip should help. When casting your ability while attached, there will be a circle that indicates how far the projectile can travel. Try to avoid getting too close to the outer line as it will cause the projectile to finish. The potential max distance of travel can change depending on the positioning of your anchor. If they move forward or closer to the enemy, you can travel further. If they move away, it will be harder to hit.

Did you know you can use your Summoner Spells like Ignite or Exhaust while attached to an ally? There is no need to recast your and unattached yourself as you can cast within. This is a great little tip and something you can use in every situation because it allows you to improve your consistency your aggression early.

When you are seeking an objective, make sure you unattached yourself from your ally. It is very important that you auto attack the objective so you can not only earn more gold from your Spellthief's Edge, more gold to complete your warding quest but it can also allow you to take the objective quicker as well as burn down some of the tower plates.

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