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Darius Build Guide by AndyslaV

Top 🩸 12.17 🩸 AndyslaV's DARIUS GUIDE by 1 Milion Mastery points OTP

Top 🩸 12.17 🩸 AndyslaV's DARIUS GUIDE by 1 Milion Mastery points OTP

Updated on September 15, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AndyslaV Build Guide By AndyslaV 13 1 19,457 Views 2 Comments
13 1 19,457 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AndyslaV Darius Build Guide By AndyslaV Updated on September 15, 2022
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Runes: VS. MELEE

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

🩸 12.17 🩸 AndyslaV's DARIUS GUIDE by 1 Milion Mastery points OTP

By AndyslaV


Hi, Iam OTP Darius Platinum with 1 milion mastery points. I have been playing LOL since January 2021. Iam 22 years old and Iam from Slovakia. Iam still not a very good player, but I know Darius and I know everything important to be able to explain to you how he works, what items to buy for him, what runes to build and what combo to use. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I would also like to invite you to my YouTube channel, where I will publish darius montage and after some time guide videos. I only have one account on EUNE. When darius is banned, I sometimes play champions like Nasus, Garen, Volibear and Fiora. If I play jungle, I often play champions like Viego, Master Yi and Nocturne.


Darius is a hard solo carry top laner who doesnt need help from a jungler if the right person plays for him. Darius has weak mobility at the beginning, so its necessary to use Ghost. The whole strategy of how you can climb rank is in freezing. If you freeze the line, the enemy is forced to go to your side to the turret in order to get farm and you can take advantage of this and start the Ghost, in most cases the enemy will not have time to go on his side if you pull him with your Apprehend. Its necessary to know your limits and you must know what you can afford for Darius and what you cant. Dont forget that Darius is one of the strongest top laners in early, so take advantage of that and hide in the bushes in lvl1, in which case you will take Crippling Strike as your first ability.


+ Strongest top laner
+ Very good in teamfight
+ 1v9 potential
+ Easy champion
+ Low mana cost on abilities
+ Very good to Low Elo
- Big banrate
- Low mobility
- Bad vs. ranged
- Very easy to kite


Doran's Blade

Buy Doran's Blade if you are playing against a melee champion or if you know that you can possibly kill the enemy even in the early game.

Doran's Shield

Buy Doran's Shield if you are playing against a range champion or against a counter, also buy if you know that you cant kill your opponent easily in the early game and you have to play to mid game and late game.

Bramble Vest

Its the kind of antiheal that Darius mostly needs, buy it if you need antiheal and armor at the same time. its worth buying even at first back because of champions that have lifesteal directly in their abilities. Buy for example against Fiora, Aatrox, Olaf, Warwick

Executioner's Calling

Another type of antiheal. Buy if you play against tanks to have damage, its worth buying against champions like Dr. Mundo or Nasus.

Hearthbound Axe

If you decide to buy Hearthbound Axe, focus on it as the first mythic item and buy the boots as the second. This will give you speed whenever you hit an enemy, so boots are not necessary.

Null-Magic Mantle

its normal magic resist. Always buy first when playing against an AP champion, but at the same time dont get the first item from it, start building a mythic item alongside it and you will get the legendary magic resist item second. Darius needs damage, so dont focus only on magic resist in the early game.

Plated Steelcaps

Standard armor boots. buy if the enemies dont have a lot of CC and they mostly have AD champions.

Mercury's Treads

buy Mercury's Treads if you play mostly against AP champions or if the enemies have a lot of CC.

Boots of Swiftness

Boots of Swiftness is not bought that often because Darius doesnt need extra speed if he has ghost, but in some cases its good if you play mainly against lategame champions like Kayle. Buy these shoes only if you are feeded.


buy Stridebreaker if you play against champions who have dash in abilities or against squishy champions. If enemies has at least one tank, dont buy it.

Trinity Force

Trinity Force is an item that you can buy in absolutely every game. Its good against everyone, especially if you play against tanks. But in some cases a Stridebreaker is better, so buy Trinity Force if enemies have tanks or bruisers.


Its a kind of antiheal that is built from Bramble Vest. I recommend to complete Thornmail as the last or penultimate item. In the early game, Bramble Vest is all you need.

Death's Dance

Death's Dance distributes the damage dealt in three seconds, therefore its the best choice for team fights where there are many AD champions. its good against assassins but also bruisers. Dont buy it against tanks and certainly not against AP champions.

Dead Man's Plate

Good thing if you are feeded and need a little extra movementspeed. Normally dont buy it, buy only if you are really ahead.

Frozen Heart

The absolute best thing against assassins or anyone with high attack speed. Perfect thing for example against Yone, Yasuo, Master Yi, Irelia, Tristana etc. It also reveals the real Shaco if he used Hallucinate. The real Shaco has a flake above it and the fake one has nothing.

Randuin's Omen

Randuin's Omen is bought if you play against champions who have critical strike damage and are hard DPS champions. By activating it, champions in your area will deal lower damage for 4 seconds and slow them down for a short time. Perfectly suitable if you play against Yone, Yasuo, Tryndamere, Master Yi, Kindred.

Force of Nature

Movementspeed and magic resist will make you a walking nightmare for AP champions. You can always buy Force of Nature if you play against at least one AP.

Maw of Malmortius

Maw of Malmortius can absorb AP damage, so choose it if you are playing against someone who can inflict a lot of AP damage on you at one time. Its worth buying if you play against, Kassadin, Katarina, Brand, Cassiopeia, Zyra, etc.

Spirit Visage

Spirit Visage buy only if the enemies have a lot of AP champions. Always prefer Force of Nature and Maw of Malmortius, if these two are not enough then buy Spirit Visage as well.

Silvermere Dawn

Silvermere Dawn is absolutely the best against HARD CC. Can cancel all stuns and limiting effects at once. You can also buy in the early game Quicksilver Sash and Silvermere Dawn can to complete in the late game. Quicksilver Sash can cancel, for example Realm of Death, Nether Grasp, Lilting Lullaby, Infinite Duress, etc.

Sterak's Gage

Sterak's Gage must not be missing in any game, it adds HP, damage, shields. If you decided to buy the Maw of Malmortius, you would not be able to buy the Sterak's Gage. Therefore, decide correctly which of these items to buy, but always buy one of them.

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver is the best item for Darius against tanks. Buy if you always play against at least one tank. Black Cleaver also stacks with Hemorrhage so you dont have to hit your opponent 6x because Hemorrhage will also do the job. For every 1 stack, the target's armor will be reduced by 5% (30% total).

Gargoyle Stoneplate

buy Gargoyle Stoneplate if the enemy has a balanced AD and AP team. Mainly when this item is useful is if you are behind and enemies are fed. Darius needs full stacks Hemorrhage and he could die before he gets it, so such a dose of armor and magic resists will allow you to fight longer.

Chempunk Chainsword

Its an antiheal upgrade from the Executioner's Calling. Gives you HP, Damage. Buy if you dont need armor. If you need armor, prefer Thornmail.


Buy Fimbulwinter if you play against many champions that give true damage. Fimbulwinter will give you a large amount of HP, but to give you the most HP, please buy this item together with Frozen Heart, otherwise it will not be as effective.

Anathema's Chains

Very useful item if the enemies have someone fed. Its most effective to buy it if they have a fed ADC. Dont forget to use that item on the enemy champion (its an activation item)

Control Ward

Dont forget to buy Control Ward. 1 Stealth Ward in bushes is not always enough. you should also put Control Ward in the enemy jungle so you know you can expect a gank. Its best to put it in the bushes in places where the enemy often does not come so as not to destroy it.


{"title":"DARIUS","associatedMaps":[],"associatedChampions":[122],"blocks":[{"items":[{"id":"1054","count":1},{"id":"1055","count":1}],"type":"START"},{"items":[{"id":"6631","count":1},{"id":"3078","count":1}],"type":"MYTHICS"},{"items":[{"id":"3076","count":1},{"id":"3123","count":1}],"type":"ANTI HEAL"},{"items":[{"id":"3047","count":1},{"id":"3111","count":1}],"type":"BOOTS"},{"items":[{"id":"3075","count":1},{"id":"6333","count":1},{"id":"3143","count":1},{"id":"3110","count":1},{"id":"3742","count":1}],"type":"ARMOR"},{"items":[{"id":"4401","count":1},{"id":"3156","count":1},{"id":"3065","count":1},{"id":"6035","count":1}],"type":"MAGIC RESIST"},{"items":[{"id":"3071","count":1},{"id":"3053","count":1},{"id":"3193","count":1},{"id":"6609","count":1},{"id":"3119","count":1},{"id":"3083","count":1},{"id":"8001","count":1}],"type":"OTHERS"}]}



As the first abilities you upgrade R>Q>E>W. In order to know the correct combos and how to play darius, you first need to learn how his passive Hemorrhage works. If Darius hits his opponent 5 times (AA or abilities) he puts full stacks on him, which he can transfer to other enemies. You will know that the enemy has stacks on him so that he will have a noxus symbol above him or another symbol depending on what skin you have. After adding up full stacks you will have more damage and your Noxian Guillotine will cause higher true damage. Therefore, try to use your Noxian Guillotine only after counting all the stacks, you can also use Noxian Guillotine earlier if you know that you will kill the enemy, just keep in mind that if you are in a teamfight and you lose your Noxian Guillotine, it can cost you your life. Therefore, it is necessary to learn when to use Noxian Guillotine correctly. If you kill an enemy with Noxian Guillotine regardless of how many stacks you have, it will immediately give you full stacks and you can transfer them to other champions.
How Darius passive Hemorrhage works

In order for Darius to transfer stacks to other champions, he must first complete all 5 stacks on one target. Here you can notice what happens if, for example, you hit an enemy 4x and then dont finish stacks on them and start hitting another one.
This happens if Darius hits an enemy 4x and then starts attacking another (he doesnt get full stacks)

First super easy combo is AA + W. Crippling Strike resets auto-attack, so always use it after auto-attack for best effect. Crippling Strike also slows down the enemy, so you can also use other more complex combos on him, which is below. Use this combo whenever you can. If the enemy could quickly move elsewhere or use a dash, just use Crippling Strike to slow down.
AA + W (auto-attacks reset)

Another very popular and used combo is E + AA + W + Q. Apprehend doesnt have to be used if it is not necessary. Its good to save Apprehend for situations where the enemy should accidentally Flash or use a dash. Notice in the video that if you use Crippling Strike and Decimate at the same time you cancel the Crippling Strike animation. This is the fastest way to get 3 stacks quickly.
E + AA + W + Q

This combo AA + W + Q + Stridebreaker + AA + E + AA + R is the fastest way to get full stacks. Stridebreaker doesnt have to be used, but if you have it, you use it after you give Decimate, because before Decimate you use Crippling Strike, which slows down the enemy, and when the effect ends, you immediately give him another slow with Stridebreaker
AA + W + Q + Stridebreaker + AA + E + AA + R

This combo is not used that often, but dont forget that you can Noxian Guillotine and Flash at the same time. Try to do this if you are very low HP and you are afraid that the enemy might kill you or if you are under enemy turret and need to leave quickly. Dont forget about Hemorrhage, if the enemy has little HP left after Noxian Guillotine, its quite possible that your Hemorrhage will kill him.
thank you for reading my article, I will update it every patch. I will be glad for any evaluation and dont be afraid to ask any question, I will answer everything. You can also support me by watching some of my videos on YouTube, for example Iam attaching Darius Montage here. Thank you for supporting :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AndyslaV
AndyslaV Darius Guide
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