He can shield your q and you cant dodge the Q if he slows you with his E. If you are forced to match him play the lane carefully, abuse your passive to farm. Pick Grasp here max W and put him back into place.
Aatrox can be good against Malphite. It is hard for you to dodge his abilities since you cant really dodge them. If he starts using his Q's, it makes sense for you to q him also so you have more movementspeed to dodge it.
Take Grasp here and Max W. Eventually hitting him with W will give you a window to ult and kill him.
Her waveclear and AP Damage is astonishing. An E from her on you can result in a solo kill very fast. Stay as healthy as possible and counter harass her with Q. You will eventually be more useful in the teamfights because she can't roam effectively from Top. This is hard but a nice ult and a gank can result in an easy kill for you.
Skill matchup. She can destroy you because of her True Damage and annoying harass. Her Ult can be used to dodge your Ult keep that in mind. Dodging her E is hard but necessary to win this matchup. Ult her on lane from far away when she tries to use e and burst her down from 50%. Make sure her q is on Cooldown and you should win most of the trades. TAKE COMET IN THIS MATCHUP!
This Monster takes no damage from you if you let him get wave priority. Start the game slow let him have the wave and stay away from his E with Grasp. Maxing W and picking Grasp will give you decent damage against him. Push each wave hardcore and go base to refill your mana. It is a skill matchup. Don't let him chomp you and give him a Grasped up W Hit!
Darius is annoying. Be careful of his Level 1 cheese. You have a hard time getting away from him since you have no real escape. Just farm safely and try to keep the wave under control later. He will be on the downside once you have Bramble Vest and a nice engage on him. You must not win this lane to win the game it's Darius. You can control the wave by letting him Q the wave, he has no tp so you can get chunked and tp back. His harass on you will reset the wave back to you.
Dr. Mundo
He is one mile away and will use his Q to farm. You can't win the trades with Grasp so use your Comet Q's to poke him down and later on use your ult to proc his passive and pick it up so it does more damage. All you wanna do is survive the lanephase and scale.
This is an interesting skill matchup. You can buy Bramble Vest to easily deny her but her true damage and vital procs can be lethal to you and she will try to cancel your ult with w so fake your ult and bait it out of her. Be careful early game and reset her passive by running away when the vital is placed poorly. Just relax you will eventually destroy her.
I used to think this is easy but it really is not. A good Garen will time his W perfectly to block your harass even if you time it differently and his signature Q into E is deadly on you. Since his Ult does True Damage you can be destroyed very easily.
But don't worry! There is a way to win this! Take Grasp and control the wave perfectly. If it pushes back to him, get him to harass you since his e will shove the wave and push it back to you. Since he has no TP you can use this to your advantage to get good resets. Don't focus too much on tping away since he will crash waves to your tower fast and will destroy the sidelane. His weakness is his teamfightpower so make use of that.
Gangplank is one of the hardest champs in the game. He can be extremely annoying with his q and can block your slow with W. You will not have an easy time getting to his kegs but I think by staying aggressive with Q and W Trades you both will get chunked pretty hard and you will have a much greater use later on. On lane getting Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabis will make it much easier. Skill matchup
Many will think Gnar is good against Malphite but he really is not. If he is Mini use your ult on him and watch him get Oneshot. Don't even stay near his Mega form and relax on lane early because his poke will be super annoying. Ult him Level 6 and you will win.
He will heal all of your poke and any engage will be denied. His poke is hard to dodge as Malphite.
Play it safe and play for lategame. Just scale and get the wave to your side of the lane.
Pre 6 he will be super annoying so just take the farm you can get. Stay as healthy as possible! Once you are 6 just straight up ult him even full hp and use your full combo on him. After that try to run since he will use his ult. Once he is 30% hp he can not really stay in lane. Trust me it works every time. Sometimes you can even kill him like that.
She will push 24/7 and you have nothing to answer to that. Dodge her W at all costs since it will chunk you hard. Dodge her tentacles it is really not that hard just fake one direction and go to the other side. Go for bramble Vest and go for all ins with your ult. Run away after your ult immediately since she will ult too. But you will be out and her ult will be wasted. Keep that in mind. Help from the jungle can be helpful but take care of her extreme heal.
A good Irelia will make use of your low mobility and go for aggressive plays. Keep it cool early she will try to kill you. You will have the upper hand later if you both get to the wave at the same time since she will want to stack her passive first. Make use of that to harass her and get away after that. You will eventually see openings to punish her. Good Irelias will make it hard for you, it is all about skill this lane.
Take Grasp here and Max E!
A good Jax can make your early game hard and if he gets Blade of the ruined king or Divine sunderer he will do real damage so keep that in mind. He can't do much against you if you use your q and run away to get your passive back. And your e is very effective on him. Take care of his all ins, his e will block your w and this can hurt a lot. Put him down early and keep your foot on the gas, ignore botlane.
Jayce does a ton of damage and can push you to the ground. But you are an armor tank so just relax and chill. Get Warden's Mail and Ninja Tabis and watch the tables turn. Stay in Exp Range, he will deny you last hits but relax and don't call for your jungler too much you will do it.
Kayle can scale hard and be annoying to you later on but before that your harass is much more effective on her. You can actually kill her with ult since she can't cast her ult while knocked up. Take care of the mindgame if she ults before your ult you are actually gonna die :D
Annoying Poke, he is AP and his Ult is just as effective as your Ult in Teamfights later. Yes this lane is hard indeed. Approach this like the Heimer Matchup. Go for the Allin Trades with Ult and run away, he will not be able to punish you. Go for Dorans Shield and Second Wind.
Buy Bramble Vest and poke him down. Q him until he dismounts and all in him with Ult. He has no chance in this matchup if you play it right.
If anyone actually goes Malz Top against you, this will be a miserable time trust me :D He is top so can be ganked easily but that's the only upside of this lane.
Tank Matchup. He will W you once you use your Q so use it wisely. You are more useful later but the laning will be hard, try to push hard and reset every time you can.
Mordekaiser is AP and his Abilities are hard to dodge as Malphite but your Q can make it much easier to do that. Watch his passive he can not shield and heal your damage all the time. Go for all ins before he ults you so you can fully make use of your burst. Just relax he is a lane bully but you are made to win teamfights. Don't die at any costs! Buy Doran's Shield and go for Grasp + Second Wind in this matchup. Proc Grasp once he pulls you in and run.
Nasus is so hard to stop. Try not to push the wave until Level 5 and don't invest too much mana into harassing him. Make full use of Manaflow Band and Harass him hard Level 5 so you can All in him at Level 6. Eventually he will be strong so play for the team and kite him with your Q later. Don't overinvest in punishing him you will not really be able to stop him anyway since you will build tank. Give all kills to your Jungler.
She is horrible for you. She pokes extremely hard, splitpushes hard and her Ult basically counters yours. Play for the team as much as you can. It will be difficult but you can tank which she can't so keep that in mind in the teamfights.
He can block your Q with W so pick up Grasp in this matchup and max W for a nice hit on his face. A nice gank can help but it makes more sense for you to play for the team and make use of your teamfight ult. Don't let Nocturne roam for free punish him for every wave he is not on lane.
This Man will Ult your Q and your Ult so be careful. He is easily gankable so relax and buy armor.
Trades against Ornn are pointless since he will W and stun you which will hurt much more. Keep in mind that Ornn is not the best in teamfights and you can have much more impact on the map so don't use your tp on your lane and focus on helping the others.
His Poke is annoying and his E can block all of your damage so keep that in mind. Unfortunately you can't do too much if he roams so keep your tp in your pocket and countergank him. You will outscale him so don't force the win too much on lane.
Poppy is strong. Her Q Poke and her passive shield can be very good against you. Try to step onto her passive and punish her with Qs. You must not win this lane so just don't feed and you will eventually outscale her.
His early game hits like a truck. Buying Bramble Vest will make it a lot easier but don't invest too much on this lane since you can help your team so much more with your ult so make use of that botlane.
A classic Skill matchup. I changed the Runes to Grasp for this matchup and Max W to bonk her face. Usually you straight outscale her buy warden's Mail early and beat her with Grasp. Bait out her e with your q so your W hits harder.
You can't do much against Rumble in the early stages of the game. But once you have Ult it looks different. Just Ult him and Dodge his Ult afterwards. You will actually see a good trade. Rumble is easily gankable so make use of that by keeping your wave at a good spot. Don't try to get too much cs early it will cost you way too much hp
Ryze is so annoying. His clear and poke will push the wave and keep your hp down so relax and look for all ins with your ult since he can't really escape you. He is super annoying, but he is not very good top so look for jungle help.
After buying Bramble Vest she will be away all the time so just push the wave and if she actually comes to lane you will crush her with your harass and your ult.
Sett can make it very hard for you to trade since his Q basically outtrades all of your damage. Keep it cool and harass him with your Q as much as you can. This poke will stick. Don't look for allins too much since he has the upper hand in this situation. Keep it slow.
His Q and his Passive will deny you any chance to have a decent Trade. This is why you pick Grasp here and Max your W or even E. Once you get taunted he will he do brutal damage on you and his ult is obviously very useful for his team. Try to land poke once he uses Q on the wave since this will proc his Shield. Shen's weakness is his poor waveclear so if you actually manage to get lane priority stay on the gas and push as hard as you can. This will give you nice openings for harass and eventually an allin. Stay patient and react to his plays by hardpushing or Tping for your team. Don't TP on lane you will throw the game like that since Shen will outroam you.
Singed is in a bad spot right now. Your Q Poke will stick and you can actually kill him pretty often with your Ult. A good singed will proxy you but don't worry about him just farm up and help your team with your ult. You are useful all the time while Singed will only be strong after 3 Items.
Annoying Poke, Annoying Ult. Just ult him when your 6 and watch him get destroyed. Run away after ulting him with your Q it will be so good for you.
He has your signature ult and he is AP. This is very bad. You can almost not kill him since his W will heal brutally hard. This doesn't mean your poke won't stick so go for it. Sylas is mana hungry and excells in longer fights so keep the trades short and one shot him before he heals up and eventually kills you. Hard lane and actually also hard in the late game so be careful. Try to go for the kills on lane.
Teemo is annoying but you can easily trade poke with him and Allin him with your ult so don't play scared after level 5. Give him nothing and take everything from him. Stay top don't tp away too often.
Trundle is hard to beat. His sustain and damage are astonishing and his ult is annoying in teamfights. His weakness is his immobility so a nice jungle gank will get you easy kills and later on just ignore him and focus on the carries. Go for Items such as Gargoyle early since the active gives you the most value. Max E against him.
He will try to beat you early but once he uses his rage to heal himself you can easily destroy him. Take care of his all in with lethal temp and ult but usually this matchup ends up with him going 0/10 and being flamed by his team. Max E here and he wont be a problem.
Urgots pushing and poking is very good against you and his allin with ult is deadly so don't even try. Just chill on lane and trade with Q's since he cant block them anymore. Try to help the sidelanes.
Vayne hurts Malphite hard. She must not even be top but if she does farming is very hard so just trade with her and relax. She can't tank your Qs forever.
A good Vlad will dodge every ult of yours so try to surprise him with Flash Ult. Besides that your poke will actually stick on him but take care of his third Q since it will deal a ton of damage and heal him. Buy some AP early and abuse your passive, this is definetely winnable. Don't tp away stay on lane if possible. I like to buy Doran's Ring and Oblivion Orb on my first back this matchup. If offered, rush Morellonomicon to make Vlad feel miserable.
His pushing and his trading is brutal. If you get a poor trade he can even dive you with his ult so keep that in mind. Short Pokes with Q will stick later so don't take risks early game. Or you can Max E against him.
If you go allin make sure you kill him or he actually destroy you. He can hard carry the game so stay toplane.
Pick Grasp in this Matchup and max your E. You will win all the trades and he will be hurt badly.
Wukong shreds your Armor and you will have trouble winning small trades. Don't worry too much about all of the trades let Wukong push he can't do much against you under turret so you can poke him with Q for free. Or Max E and go defensive with Dorans Shield.
Yone is good against Malphite because of his mixed damage, sustain and shielding. Bramble Vest is the MVP here and you going allin on him will be much more favourable for you since he can't escape unless he ults away. He can say the same thing about you so keep that in mind.
This matchup is a bit annoying. You can't really stop him when his ult is up. Dodge his e and go for trades afterwards. Any e from him on you will do good damage so be careful. Trade with Comet and keep him off the wave. If he wants to hit your tower straightup ult him and bonk him hard he can't attack you or he gets Tower Aggro.
Skill Matchup. She deals a lot of damage and can heal up if you trade long. Going for Grasp and maxing E will make the difference in this matchup.
Viego just his heal nerfed his strength lies in his trades and his percentage dmg + execution. Beat him with Q Poke or go Grasp Build and Max E he probably won't stand a chance
Tahm Kench
Hard to beat but you outscale.
Pick Comet in this Matchup and take a lof of care of his W. He may go into bushes to jump on you and lick you.
You outscale him just relax.
Her Sustain and Pushing is very hard for you to live through but once you have ult every gank on her is free so keep that in mind let go of cs in order to stay healthy and maybe start with resolve and doran's shield for the laning phase.
Do not die early game he will snowball off that, other than that just buy armor and he won't be able to do too much. Build Doran's Shield and pick up some cookies. You can either play safe and Max E or go aggressive and play Dorans Ring with Comet.
K'Sante has good Trading and a dangerous all in since you cant dodge it once you are hit, but in teamfight you should excel. Max W in this Matchup and take Grasp, don't bother too much about destroying him in lane later on you will have your value. Still hard.
I like Bard since he can setup your Ult from far away and he can help you escape which is one of Malphite's weaknesses.
Malphite with Ori Ult is busted.
Selfexplaining. The mixed Damage AD and AP is just too much for the enemy to overcome.
Rell is so good, she can set you up perfectly with her Ult so let her do the engage.
Try to avoid this you guys are not compatible with each other.
If you engage for Annie you will win every fight.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol can support Malphite by getting the enemies clumped up together so hold on to your ult if you can.
I like Bard since he can setup your Ult from far away and he can help you escape which is one of Malphite's weaknesses.
Malphite with Ori Ult is busted.
Selfexplaining. The mixed Damage AD and AP is just too much for the enemy to overcome.
Rell is so good, she can set you up perfectly with her Ult so let her do the engage.
Try to avoid this you guys are not compatible with each other.
If you engage for Annie you will win every fight.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol can support Malphite by getting the enemies clumped up together so hold on to your ult if you can.
Hi Summoner! I am Fryx, fellow League of Legends fan just like you are. When I started this Guide I was Diamond 2 but happily I am now Master by only playing Malphite. I used to play Pantheon but after his changes I felt lost and eventually found my future in Malphite, which I am happy to main with over 400 Games and 60% winrate now. Right now I am ranked #39 of the best Malphite's in the world at https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/de/rankings/summoners/malphite/euw. This guide was made to make you a great Malphite in the short time we have together. I would love to see you on one of my streams at Twitch.tv/Fryxnow. It would be an honor for me to entertain you and show you some tricks and tips of League of Legends. If you like the Guide please consider leaving a like and a comment so others can see and talk with me about Malphite
Check out my Malphite Montage:
About the Stone
“THIS ROCK IS INFESTED,” said the voice... Check out Malphite's Story.
Malphite is straightforward and one of the best Toplaners in League of Legends. He is easy and can bring a lot to the team in terms of utility, tankiness and lane control. Thanks to his Passive Granite Shield he can trade very efficiently in lane and his poke with Seismic Shard combined with Arcane Comet will make most of your enemies cry. Obviously you want to play Malphite because his Ultimate Ability Unstoppable Force is one of the best Ultimate Abilities in the Game and can solo win you games.
In this Guide I want to show you the Pros and Cons of Malphite and give you some Tips and Tricks so your enemy opens mid and hands you those juicy LP points over fast and easy.
Pro And Contra
Malphite's Positives
Great Poke on lane Great Initiator with his Ultimate Ability Very Tanky especially against AD Heavy Teamcomps Very good at ganking lanes
Malphite's Negatives
He is rather weak early game He has no lane priority in the early stages of the game Malphite is an immobile Champion without his ultimate Ability Without Ult he is not very useful in teamfights Very Mana Hungry in the early game Weak against AP Damage
As you can see Malphite has very strong positives but also very many negatives which needs to be kept in mind all the time.
Summoner Spells
You always take Flash. You can use Flash and Ult. Makes sense and is absolutely op.
You can use Teleport to come back to lane or to gank other lanes using Teleport. Don't take Ignite
Primary Runes
Is so good with Malphite because since your Seismic Shard slows the enemy it makes it very hard to dodge this rune. It makes Malphite very strong in laning phase since your enemy takes a lot of Damage over time.
Is essential on Malphite since he consumes a lot of Mana in the early game. This rune helps you annoy your enemy even more.
Gives Malphite a lot of Damage since most of the Engage and Poke will be done from over 70% health. Ability haste usually doesn't do much for Malphite.
Improves the early poke damage even more. In combination with Corrupting Potion Malphite's Poke does serious Damage over time.
should be taken if you are sure the enemy will pick up Doran's Shield since the Scorch damage won't stick on your enemy and it makes more sense for you to scale harder through the game.
is good on Malphite but it is very hard for him to get into auto attack range and have it up constantly. In melee matchups it can be very good such as Sion and Shen. I also like to pick it up against any champion that relies on shielding your Q such as Riven.
Secondary Runes
I love the gold value and the extra movementspeed this rune provides. Toplane is expensive. Buying Tear of the Goddess and Warden's Mail has a lot more priority than Boots and therefore it makes sense to take this rune.
Enhances the value of Corrupting Potion and gives you some solid extra sustain on lane.
Is also very good on Malphite since it gives you more laning power and can even be sold for some extra cash. I personally like Magical Footwear more.
Rune Shards
Take Adaptive Force as the first one since some extra damage will be useful. As second and third you should depend it on your Lane/Jungle Matchup. 2 ADs? Take Double Shield 2 APS? Take Double Tenacity and Slow Resist. If they are mixed I would go for 2x Adaptive Force and one Shield. It always depends.
Early Game
Malphite consumes a lot of mana and does not deal a ton of damage in the early game. In the early game it is all about taking farm without losing a lot of hp and using your Seismic Shard to proc Arcane Comet with Manaflow Band and Scorch. If these runes are not up don't use your Seismic Shard. If you do and have lost some considerable Health and Mana always use your Corrupting Potion while your Seismic Shard is travelling so you will proc the Damage over time effect of the item.
If your enemy goes too close to you use an auto attack and animation cancel it with Thunderclap to put him back in his place. Use your Seismic Shard to create space afterwards.
Remember: Malphite is mana hungry so do not use Ground Slam if not absolutely necessary since it does little damage early and consumes a good chunk of your mana.
If you get to push the lane early let the canon minion wave crash go base and buy Tear of the Goddess. This is called the cheater recall since you will only lose 3 melee creeps for going base and will come back fully restored and with a new item.
Malphite can freeze the lane in front of his tower very good because of his passive Granite Shield. Take advantage of that and pull the wave away from your tower so the enemy laner has to come close to your tower and may not be able to poke you or withstand a gank from your jungler.
IMPORTANT: Since you will most of the time will NOT have lane priority in the early game, you should tell your jungler to start topside since you will not be able to help him properly when the scuttle crab spawns should he decide to start botside. This can be very important for your jungler.
Mid Game
Depending on your matchup your team has to decide which lane should be ahead. To keep this part simple: If your enemy laner is a bruiser/carry like Kayle or Riven, you should consider staying on lane most of the time and to deny as much as you can from your laner. Freezing the lane, diving your enemy laner and killing him with your jungler is the priority here.
Against most other matchups it makes sense for you to use your Teleport to gank botlane since combined with your ultimate Unstoppable Force you can easily get priority on dragon and botlane.
If possible, get your jungler the rift herald and destroy the midlane tower with it to get tower plates. You can also use it toplane but make sure the enemy won't freeze the lane afterwards since this can lose you experience very fast.
You can look for plays by activating your Turbo Chemtank to close the gap followed by your Unstoppable Force. This will work many times without you having to burn your Flash
Late Game
Malphite can look for plays flanking the enemy with Unstoppable Force together with Teleport. Most of the time it makes more sense to stay with the team since they need an reliable front line to soak the damage of the enemies initial engage. When fighting front to back, make sure you Ground Slam signature AD targets which require Attackspeed and use your Seismic Shard to create distance once your Health goes down. Gargoyle Stoneplate is great to give you another burst of health if you realize the enemy tends to burst you down.
Imporant: Make sure YOU engage on the enemy and THEY don't engage on you. This is very important since Malphite is NOT good at peeling for his teammates. Yes you can use Unstoppable Force against the enemies frontline but most of the time it will result in the enemy frontline having too much space in the teamfights. So keep this in mind.
Gives you extra armor on your passive Granite Shield so tanking some minions for a freeze is very comfortable for Malphite.
Draws Minion aggro so make sure your passive Granite Shield is not still on cooldown when you use this ability. The minions may attack you and reset the cooldown. Always go into a brush after using your Seismic Shard to reset the aggro.
Use your Seismic Shard before your Flash to cancel the animation. It will help you create distance on sticky situations since turning around and casting Seismic Shard can easily get you killed.
If faced against counter spells like Riposte or Sanguine Pool you should either go extremely close to the enemy and bait out the ability or surprise them with a very fast Flash Unstoppable Force from fog of war.
Hi! Thank you for staying with me until the end!
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