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Recommended Items
Runes: GENERIC (1)
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Akali can be very deadly for Volibear. Her shroud makes it impossible for you to w heal most of the time, and she always wins every small trade she makes on you. Your best bet is to bait out her w, then all in. Once it's gone, your w won't fizzle out due to get going into stealth last second. Always be careful of her all in pottential, especially with ignite. She beats you 1v1 late game unless you have Force Of Nature or Anathema's Chains to counter her damage.
Q max is needed to be able to catch up to have enough speed and do your rotation and to also be able to run out of her range. Doran's ring works best into her. Focus on building a lot of bulk, so a lot of health and resists. Anathema's Chain rush can work. First rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spells.
Sejuani is an amazing jungler to have as Volibear. Her stun gets stacked from both Thundering Smash and Frenzied Maul, meaning it is very quick to get onto an opponent. On top of that she can follow up your engage very well with her ultimate or her q, or even engage herself.
Sejuani is an amazing jungler to have as Volibear. Her stun gets stacked from both Thundering Smash and Frenzied Maul, meaning it is very quick to get onto an opponent. On top of that she can follow up your engage very well with her ultimate or her q, or even engage herself.
Champion Build Guide
On League I go by Federals1, and since 2018 I have hit challenger with at least 900 lp every single season.

I have also hit Challenger on EUW

I was also the number 1

Over the years have gotten top 10/5 on

I will be livestreaming at https://www.twitch.tv/federals123 , so if you want to check it out and see how it's going be sure to tune in! I will be answering any questions and trying to give my thought process while playing, giving general tips and such. I hope if you end up checking it you will enjoy your time.
I will be making more guides in the future, some already being in the works. My goal is to make a guide for every single champion I am extremely confident with, and ones I've been playing for a very long time where I have unique insights to share.
I am currently working on multiple guides but I cannot give an exact date when they will be out. I will post them gradually as I finish them, so if you want to see when they are out for a new champion you can follow and be up to date. To make sure they are done quicker not all of them will them will have a matchup spreadsheet at the start, that alone takes me a week by itself, it's massive.

In the picture you can see that I have managed to get six accounts in Challenger AT ONCE, as well as having an extra GrandMaster account at the same time. These accounts are mine and no one else's. It took quite a while, but I am very happy with this acomplishment. I streamed almost the entire climb, and I had a lot of fun! (no like, for real, like legit fun not ironically)

xMid Game xLate Game
xCombos xAll final items explained |
xPros xCons |

You can make sure you have priority up in top in almost every melee matchup if played correctly, meaning you can follow up on any invade your jungler might want to do. This way you create a solid snowball from the beginning and get the lead going. Solo invading can be done, but it is riksy and most of the time it is not worth to try it.
If you are maxing Q

Playing out the early game properly has become more important with the introduction of the Voidgrubs

Volibear becomes hard to 1v1 mid game with the bruiser build and especially if he has

Alternatively you can look to split push a lot and force people to answer you, especially with the heavy split push build. That way you open up the map for your team to farm waves safer, or take the enemy jungle if possible, perhaps even objectives on the other side of the map like

You still have a lot of damage for teamfights, but any build you do will leave you feeling very easy to kill due to items like

In general, try not to let a game to beyond 25-28 minutes as

If you are insanely fed, then sure you can still decimate people, but you seriously need to close out the game quick before other people get to their items and are able to reliably deal with you. Split pushing can still work, but again, you need to be very mindful of enemies and how likely you are to win 2v1s and 3v1s.

Your passive procs on both your Q


It can be used as an auto attack reset, and if you have your passive


Like his


Using it does not interupt your movement as long as it is inside the range of the ability. If you cast it outside of it,


Much like


These 2 are just some normal combos you can perform on


That is the bread and butter combo you will use for most of your trades if you want to dump everything on your opponent. If you want to save your E


If they have 0 tenacity your ultimate

This is another high burst combo that uses ultimate

Tier 2 boot upgrades:

Tier 3 boot upgrades:

This season I have tested out a ton of runes, and I will have to say, much like with items, you can go nuts with these.



+High 2v1 potential early on
+Sustained damage, can fight for a very long time
+Can stonewall a lot of matchups where the enemy wants to snowball
+Amazing dive setups
+Surprisingly quick when maxing q
+Mixed damage types
+Build variety, one of the highest in the game
+Good split pushing power
+Very good in early skirmishes
+Decent teamfighting mid game
-Basically useless without Flash or ultimate in late game teamfights
-Struggles into a lot of ranged matchups if played incorrectly even by a small margin
-You need to learn your range and damage limits very well or you risk getting run over very hard
-Very immobile, his q speed is not enough into high cc comps or high mobility comps
-Very hard to make him work when behind, basically just a turret disabler

Garen Top Guide

Darius Top Guide

Olaf Top Guide

Dr. Mundo Top Guide

Mordekaiser Top Guide

Udyr Top Guide
Update Log
Season 15
Patch 25.043rd March 2025:
- changed

- added a new guide chapter called Six Accounts in Challenger at once
Patch 25.S1.1
18th January 2025:
- changed the items in the alternative standard build
- added

- removed some 2 core item combos
- renamed the "Ap Focused Bruiser" 3 item combo to "Ap Bruiser 2 Core" and removed

- added

- removed

- added tier 3 boots to the items section
- added tier 2 and tier 3 boots to the all final items explained guide chapter after all the legendary items

- changed

Season 14
Patch 14.2322nd December 2024:
- added

- changed the secondary from

- changed

- changed

Patch 14.23
7th December 2024:
- added

Patch 14.20
9th October 2024:
- added

Patch 14.19
5th October 2024:
- added other guides chapter
- added table of contents
25th September 2024:
- added


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