The nightmare matchup, you won't see him too much low elo but if he is picked before you consider swapping to a counter of his.
He can place a turret to block your E, he will prevent you from farming, he will bully you the moment you decide to W, he will clear all of your tentacles.
It's just not worth playing.
Take second wind. Start dorans, rush spectres cowl and mercs ASAP and play as reserved as possible. Set up your tentacles within tower range, focus on wave and focus on hitting your E within tower range while considering his Q cooldown. You can get cull to aid in replacing your lost gold income.
Ask for jungler ganks (unlikely you will recieve them so don't expect one), if jgler isn't clearing your side then farm it if you can't contest wave.
If he is pushing for your tower, allow him to take it. It hurts but it will allow you to farm MUCH easier and puts him at a greater risk of ganks.
It will be incredibly tilting but if you play for farm, build MR and help your team in fights you'll be ok.
Rush steelcaps.
Similar to Heimer in that you should farm under tower, respect her massively as she will shred you insanely fast.
She can dodge your Q and E with her Q, beware of your positioning near walls to stop her E root, if she misuses E attempt to punish her for it if you're able to.
If she gets fed (which is likely.. rito) consider frozen heart. Otherwise don't stress too much about it and focus on farming and helping your team.
In low elo I'd argue the key to winning these matchups is patience. The type of people to play Vayne top are usually incredibly impatient and will get way too overly aggressive so if you play passively into her she will likely do something stupid that you can punish. Don't force anything.
Rush steelcaps
Another rare one but her mobility will make it very hard to hit anything on her and she can very easily run away from you just as easily as she can run AT you.
She shreds tanks and has stupid range so respect her and play for farm & hope your jungler helps you.
Rush steelcaps & buy bramble early
It's fiora, has parry etc.
Don't look to fight her, play under tower and you'll be fine. Consider cull.
Make sure you have your tentacles set up correctly under tower as she will likely get cocky and try to dive you.
Some fiora players low elo are so bad they confuse your Q animation with E and can bait out a parry, if she misuses parry punish her but be aware of her ult and play around walls & tentacles.
Rush steelcaps & consider bramble
Frustrating matchup but if you play patiently you can make his life hell.
Play safe early farm under tower and look to hit E, will be hard with his ghouls but if you can hit it at least once you can deny him Q stacks off wave and punish him endlessly.
Rush specteres cowl, take swifties
Annoying but he's low mobility and generally a bad Morde will misuse his E a lot which is his only disengage and threat to your E.
Look to punish him when his E is on cooldown, be careful in all ins after 6.
Incredibly annoying "gwen is immume" but she is hard to play and guarenteed to make a mistake at some point.
Just play patient for farm, look to hit E when her Q is on cooldown. It has a long cooldown (22 seconds lvl 1).
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