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Lee's Pros / Cons
High base damages
Great sustain
Very versatile
High skill-cap
Has trouble with some of the current meta matchups
x3 Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage - AD Quints are necessary for early damage.
x6 Greater Mark of Attack Damage - AD Marks are necessary for early damage.
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration x3 Greater Mark of Armor Penetration - Armor Penetration gives him some nice scaling. A lot of top laners build early armor so this comes in handy on the first or second back.
x9 Greater Seal of Armor - Always take this. Non-negotiable.
x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist - These can be swapped out for CDR if they are a heavy AD team. Scaling Magic Resist also works if playing a top laner without any magic damage.
x6 Greater Mark of Attack Damage - AD Marks are necessary for early damage.
Greater Mark of Armor Penetration x3 Greater Mark of Armor Penetration - Armor Penetration gives him some nice scaling. A lot of top laners build early armor so this comes in handy on the first or second back.
x9 Greater Seal of Armor - Always take this. Non-negotiable.
x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist - These can be swapped out for CDR if they are a heavy AD team. Scaling Magic Resist also works if playing a top laner without any magic damage.
This is a great mastery in general for melee champions. If you rely on your teammates more for the damage, take
CDR is very strong on Lee. I would consider Lee an ability-based AD champion rather than an auto attacker, so this is the stronger pickup over . The CDR synergizes really well with and .
If you want to swap out a point in for , that is your choice. However, though Warlord is generally a weak mastery because of Bonus AD, Dangerous Game gives very minimal survivability (5% missing is very low).
If you want to swap out your points in for , you can do so. Recovery will give you stronger sustain in the lane phase, and Enchanted Armor will help keep you alive in particularly end-game teamfights when you have stacked Armor and MR items.
CDR is very strong on Lee. I would consider Lee an ability-based AD champion rather than an auto attacker, so this is the stronger pickup over . The CDR synergizes really well with and .
If you want to swap out a point in for , that is your choice. However, though Warlord is generally a weak mastery because of Bonus AD, Dangerous Game gives very minimal survivability (5% missing is very low).
If you want to swap out your points in for , you can do so. Recovery will give you stronger sustain in the lane phase, and Enchanted Armor will help keep you alive in particularly end-game teamfights when you have stacked Armor and MR items.
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