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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Bridge Between (PASSIVE)
Udyr Passive Ability

The items of this build are heavily based around being super tanky and having all the tools you need to peel for that fed carry! It still gives you the option to split push with the attack speed and sheen proc if you are in a situation where that is the best idea. An other idea that is very obvious about this build is trying to limit how easily kited udyr is with a few slows built into the items! Beware though, you will not do as much burst damage as you were use to with the old udyr s4 builds, but you will stay alive much longer meaning you can potentially do far more sustained damage.
In ranked for udyr you want to make sure you're not falling behind on farm but you want to make sure you have plenty of lane pressure. You can pressure turrets extremely hard early after a successful gank, and the more early gold you get as udyr the better, because udyr scales so well so if he gets his items faster than anyone else, it's over! You will be an unkillable peeling machine that can split push all day because there's no way they're going to kill you with just one enemy. One last thing that should be your prime focus as udyr is buff control, udyr without his buffs struggles, especially with the new dragon buff! Don't let the enemy team control the jungle, because that jungle is rightfully yours!
Udyr has extremely fast clear so make use of it, I tend to do golems/gromp first then whatever buff is closest to it, then the next buff and back and buy first jungle upgrade, then I start the real process of pressuring things and farming at the right time.
You can counter jungle as udyr, but only in certain matchups against champs with no cc, or champs that are either super squishy or get low in the jungle.
You can counter jungle as udyr, but only in certain matchups against champs with no cc, or champs that are either super squishy or get low in the jungle.
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