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Taric Build Guide by Logicknot

Jungle 5.2.4 Jungle Taric - Gem mining in the jungle.

Jungle 5.2.4 Jungle Taric - Gem mining in the jungle.

Updated on December 28, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Logicknot Build Guide By Logicknot 6,759 Views 0 Comments
6,759 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Logicknot Taric Build Guide By Logicknot Updated on December 28, 2015
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Welcome to patch 5.22 Where we can throw the rule book out the door and try something new.

So when I read the patch notes and saw that they were reducing jungles armor to 0 I though. Hey Taric has armor pen and a target stun. I could clear games pretty easy and a target stun that can be cast from range would make pretty good ganks.

On my first build I actually had success smacking around other jungle staples like Vi, Lee Sin, and Xin Zhao. So I kept playing with it and learned some optimal timing and a few rules.
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Rules to follow

Early game sucks for ganking. You can gank but only do it if you are far away from the next jungle camp and it is a quick gank. No waiting around.

Very item dependent. You will only start to make an impact once you have your Ionian Boots of Lucidity and half of Iceborn Gauntlet ( Sheen or Glacial Shroud).

Do not spam all your abilities at once. You have to auto attack in-between spells to proc your passive Gemcraft which lowers your cool-downs by 2 seconds.

Do not let people Kite you. If they start kiting go find something else to do because at that point it is fruitless to chase them unless you have the back up of your team.
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Hey you decided to gank. That's great. You are such a great contributor to the team.

Questions I have for your.
    Does the lane know you are coming? Signal them before you get there that you are on the way .
    Have you chosen a target? When you get there ping a target so your team knows how to focus.
    Do they know you are going in? Ping that you are on the way again before entering the lane.
    Did you are team tell you no? Well you can't make them do pings but hey maybe they did ping for you to retreat. Wouldn't that be nice?
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I wouldn't change much with the runes I have select.

Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration is nice because your damage is about 66% physical and 34% magic.

You will need the tankyness from the other runes at start of game to deal with jungle camps.
Greater Quintessence of Health
Greater Seal of Armor
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist

Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed may be an option if you keep getting outrun. But by late game your cooldown from items and passive should have your Dazzle on a 3 second cooldown.
That combined with Iceborn Gauntlet and maybe a Black Cleaver should allow you to keep pace.
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Tier 1 - Fury You want to get auto attacks off for your Gemcraft Cool-down
Tier 2 - Feast You want to be tanky so the small heal works better then the extra damage you would take with Double Edged Sword
Tier 3 - Natural Talent You will be healing off your Imbue and the life steal and spell vamp have no place in the build
Tier 4 - Oppressor is awesome because of how easy it is to land Dazzle

Tier 1 - Savagery and Wanderer are pretty interchangeable I got with Savagery just for the faster jungle clear.
Tier 2 - Runic Affinity because secret stash is pointless if you are not taking regular health pots
Tier 3 - Meditation The extra mana regen will be key early game and will really keep you going late game
Tier 4 - Dangerous Game is better for team fights as you will get those heals allowing you to tank more.
Tier 5 - [Precision]] The extra cooldown reduction from Intelligence is just not needed.
Tier 6 - Thunderlord's Decree As a jungle the burst you get from this when you walk into a lane is awesome and makes ganks more effective.
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This just lets you keep casting all day long when you are at 40% CDR

Gives a passive armor buff to you and allies. You can remove the buff to damage everything around you and reduce the armor of all targets' hit.

Heal yourself and an ally. If you heal yourself the heal is stronger.

Range target stun. Is a projectile so it can be stopped by Wind Wall and the likes.

AOE burst damage follows by an AD and AP buff for all nearby allies. It actually does a surprising amount of damage to people that have not been stacking health.
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Early Game

Waste as little time as possible ganking. You need to get your Cinderhulk, Boots of Lucidity, And one part of your Iceborn Gauntlets to really start being useful in a group fight.

Taking scuttle crab after blue buff is a good route but be careful of meeting the other jungler.
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Team Fights

Just don't spam all your abilities at once make sure you are procing your passive cooldown reduction.

Just make sure you stun the correct targets to make your team win.

Communication is key ask your team who they want you to stun. They will thank you for asking.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Logicknot
Logicknot Taric Guide
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5.2.4 Jungle Taric - Gem mining in the jungle.

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