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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Bridge Between (PASSIVE)
Udyr Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
play alot of

For all who want to see my Summoner Profile:

AD = Attack Damage
AP = Ability Power
MR = Magic Resistance
ARM = Armor
AoE = Area of Effect
CC = Crowd Control
OP = Overpowered
AS = Attack Speed
CDR = Cooldown Reduction

I run 9

Always when laning you will be using

You need Cooldown Redcution when playing

I am going 21 in Defense for the ultimate lategame tankyness.
It gives you stats based on "%" : ,but Flat stats aswell :
Utility: 9
I take 9 points in Utility, because of the Movementspeed (

First I am maxing

Second I am maxing

Third I am maxing

The rest of the points I put into

Trinity Force
This item provides you much damage as well as the movement speed per attack which synergizes well with your Bear Stance. Sheen is also nice because you are pretty much doubling your phoenix damage. This item gives you all needed stats for becoming a good toplane Udyr.

This is more like a

Frozen Heart
I pretty much like this Item on

Sunfire Cape
This Item is an awesome Item for Udyr, because then you get double AoE with the

Phoenix Stance
-High AoE damage
-Gives per second dmg to nearby enemie champions
-On every third hit bonus damage

Bear Stance
-Gives you movement speed
-Stuns enemie champions on-hit

Turtle Stance
-Shields you for while
-Gives you life steal

Tiger Stance
-Gives you attack speed over time
-The next autohit deals additional damage to anything
-More damage on-hit
+ High mobility
+ High sustain
+ Very strong laning phase, hard to force him out due to turtle
+ Can stun multiple targets really fast:
Blazing Stampede
+ Scales pretty strong into late game
+ Very good waveclear and AoE damage with Phoenix
+ Strong Splitpusher. You can overextend without any problems.
- Runs easily out of mana in early game
- Relies on snowballing from early game to be a huge threat late game
- Slows ruin his ability to close gaps with
Blazing Stampede
- Can be kited easily if you don't have
- No ultimate skill
+ High mobility
+ High sustain
+ Very strong laning phase, hard to force him out due to turtle
+ Can stun multiple targets really fast:

+ Scales pretty strong into late game
+ Very good waveclear and AoE damage with Phoenix
+ Strong Splitpusher. You can overextend without any problems.
- Runs easily out of mana in early game
- Relies on snowballing from early game to be a huge threat late game
- Slows ruin his ability to close gaps with

- Can be kited easily if you don't have

- No ultimate skill
You should always try to splitpush, when you dont have to help your team or won succesful a teamfight. The team just needs you for pushing or taking out enemie champs.
Udyr isnt a teamfight champ, he is a splitpush champ. So make sure that you bait the enemie to you by splitpushing. When the enemie team send 2 or more persons to your lane, then your team can start a teamfight with 4v3 or even 4v2 advantage. You are fast enough to get away from the enemie who are send to you and you maybe can even help your team at teamfighting because of your high mobility. Thats how Udyr works. Taking permanent pressure in mid and late game to the lanes.

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it helped the few who wanted to get started with Udyr Phoenix Toplane and now are enjoying my play style. If you can leave a comment and rate it, I would be very happy. I want to say this is my first guide and I may have still few things to learn and it took me about 3-4 hours to make it. I want to thank Trick2g (via his streams and his youtube channel) who learnt me to play Udyr. Without him this guide wouldnt exist as it is now. If you have any suggestions please dont hesitate to leave it in a comment section.
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