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Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Hello Summoner out there, my Name is Tryonex and this guide shows you how can play Fiora as Jungler. I personally call her the 5 Dashes of Death, because in the late game, if she uses Blade Waltz, she dashes around 5 times, dealing 500 damage + 400 with your additional Attack Damage(if you only fight against one enemy Champion, the last 4 Dashes deal only 1/4 of the maximum Damage, that means 1800 Damage against one Champion!!!). |
Fiora is not ranked as Jungler in Champion tier lists like this(Jungle Tier List 4.5), but she is an Jungler very similar to Master Yi - she has no Crowd Control, but much damage and is very fast with the right items.
Now i only wish you that this guide helps you a lot. Please comment if you're not of the same opinion as I. Have Fun!
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