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Ability Order
Second Skin (PASSIVE)
Kai'Sa Passive Ability
Here we are guys, this is it. Us Kai'sa mains. If you dont go ahead and play Kai'Sa in every roll you cant call yourself a Kai'Sa main. So go ahead and read my "yasuo-mains-only-starterpack-exe" guide to improve your iq and Start trash talking your team begging them to forgive your sins from the summoners code bible. Other-wise instalock adc ziggs is comming to your house on your promo game. so , enjoy theBan.
so for adc Kai'sa u just win. Like how can you lose?
]If they fight u just kill them. Grab your Guinsoo's Rageblade If they come too close just.. Dragon's Rage them away. and if no 1 is ccing them? just use your Enchanted Crystal Arrow no big deal. if they are accross the map? gang plank ult them Cannon Barrage. Next youll say "hey ,Kai sa dosent have those ablityes." And Thats where you are WRONG kiddo. When your teamate dies and they ping u. Its 100% your falt for not Tamkench Devour them away. Also; Cool tip When you see people attacking the tower when your dead Say Thanks guys for using your prssure to split push and getting objectives PING THE GOD DAM TOWERS THEY ARE ATTACKING Because U need to show your Dominant and how much of a shot caller that you ARE.
SPOILER Click here to see into your future
Build ap ish for your passive Second Skin for more plasma damage. While getting Hextech Gunblade and Death's Dance paired up with Ravenous Hunter you will have so much healing from you q Icathian Rain. with thease items + Guinsoo's Rageblade you will probably have all empowerd ablities effect. Making Kai'sa the best champion to main.
She has enough potential for low elo solo carrrie style from the sudden engage Killer Instinct to catch out enemy carries. Beacuse her style is much more indipendant similar to draven adc or vane who can pull out a fight on botlain without the support to engage first. making her very good for buff/ utilize supports like Nami , Janna Lulu. her passive Second Skin makes her aa very usefull aswell, so Braum will be a very good support to go with her. Stand Behind Me for follow ups on her Killer Instinct and peel most ***** off her with Unbreakable
She has enough potential for low elo solo carrrie style from the sudden engage Killer Instinct to catch out enemy carries. Beacuse her style is much more indipendant similar to draven adc or vane who can pull out a fight on botlain without the support to engage first. making her very good for buff/ utilize supports like Nami , Janna Lulu. her passive Second Skin makes her aa very usefull aswell, so Braum will be a very good support to go with her. Stand Behind Me for follow ups on her Killer Instinct and peel most ***** off her with Unbreakable
ty for reading and honor plz. if u like the guide please do vote it but dont click "dislike" cus i dont know why tf people do that. so dont be like them. ty and konichiwa. happy cakedays and god bless away the cancers.
be sure to check my other guides.
NuNu the revolution support
Braum support single handed carrie
He protec but he also attac Rakan support
Kai'Sa Mainns
be sure to check my other guides.
NuNu the revolution support
Braum support single handed carrie
He protec but he also attac Rakan support
Kai'Sa Mainns
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