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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You don't win against her... But do not worry because she doesn't get picked often. Try to help your team snowball so you they can kill her for you. Avoid her in 1v1s late game.
Awesome for ganking as he can taunt just before you come in and secure a 'E' then a easy 'Q'. Also during teamfights you can 'E' in and he can ult onto you for an amazing knockup and engage for a team fight.
Awesome for ganking as he can taunt just before you come in and secure a 'E' then a easy 'Q'. Also during teamfights you can 'E' in and he can ult onto you for an amazing knockup and engage for a team fight.
Champion Build Guide
Pros / Cons
+ Safe pick
+ Amazing Engage
+ Fast Jungle Clears
+ Decent at carrying
+ Nice early game potencial
+ High reward, Low risk
+ AOE damage and CC
+ Good counter ganker
- Gameplay is based around E Elastic Slingshot
- % health damage counters him really hard
- Grevious wounds debuff counters his healing
- Weak duelist
- Your passive revive is useless sometimes

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