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Choose Champion Build:
- The Fish AP Assassin Style
- Ultra Squishy Assassin
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Oh shit, this girl will poke you, block your damage and pull you back after you E. Try not to take to much damage and wait for your jungler. AVOID Q AT ALL COSTS AFTER 6!!!
+ Can scatter enemies by casting ult + Melts all squishys + Seastone Trident applies heal reduction and screws up all sustain badly + Playful / Trickster dumpsters any predictable ability (sorry Karthus) + Urchin Strike also doubles as a neat escape tool |
Fizz's kit is very fundamental to his assassin playstyle which when played correctly can delete someone almost instantly with an also great ult that scatters an enemy team in a bunch (like doing baron nashor). |
- Squishy as hell (before Rod of Ages) - While CDs (cooldowns) are down, useless - Skillshot Ult (sorry urf) and ult is required to secure kills - MANA MONSTER, NOM NOM NOM - Focused in team fights |
Fizz's abilities are all super useful and fundamental to killing opponents quickly, that makes him super vulnerable when his abilities are on cooldown (most importantly Playful / Trickster) . |
Nimble Fighter: // Nimble fighter is a good passive for Fizz's aggressive playstyle in early laning as it negates 4/6/8/10/12/14 damage from auto attacks making minions and champs do less damage allowing you to engage more often and take less damage.
Urchin Strike: // Your Urchin Strike is your main non-ult damaging ability. Does great damage and goes well with your Seastone Trident as it applies on-hit-effects like red buff.
You're going to want to max out Urchin Strike before Seastone Trident and also before Playful / Trickster.
Tips and Tricks
- // Urchin Strike travels a set distance making it a great minion surfer or chasing tool.
- // Urchin Strike works well with Playful / Trickster as you can Playful / Trickster in and Urchin Strike out.
- // Urchin Strike also synergizes with your Seastone Trident as it applies on hit effects.
Seastone Trident: // Seastone Trident is your your main creep farming skill before your AP stacks up with an also extremely useful passive that has helped me get so many creeps that I probably could have not gotten without. Also applies a useful 50% heal reduction lowering sustain based support's (like Soraka) usefulness for the duration of the Grievous Wounds.
You're going to want to max out Seastone Trident after Urchin Strike and after Playful / Trickster.
Tips and Tricks
- // Seastone Trident works well with Urchin Strike as Urchin Strike procs on hit effects.
- // Seastone Trident is a great farming tool before you start to snowball as it adds 25% of your AP onto your auto attack and deals damage over time with it's passive.
- // Feel free to spam Seastone Trident as it has a short CD and low mana cost.
Playful / Trickster: // This is probably what Fizz is most famous for. Incredibly useful ability, like a Zhonya's and Flash in one ability. Short list of abilities and passives this dumpsters: Requiem, Summon: Tibbers, Ethereal Chains, Super Mega Death Rocket!, Rite of the Arcane, Trueshot Barrage, Onslaught of Shadows and Icathian Surprise to name a few.
Also great chase and escape tool.
You're going to want to max out Playful / Trickster after Urchin Strike and before Seastone Trident.
Tips and Tricks
- // Jump over walls, around Braum's Unbreakable and over projectiles.
- // Screws up any predicable ability.
- // Troll Pole in, Urchin Strike out.
Chum the Waters: // This is the main damaging skill of your kit as it accounts for about 50% of your damage. Essential for securing kills and the knockup and range can help cancel the Death Lotus or Requiem and really helps scatter your opponents when they're doing baron nashor or dragon and lead a teamfight as opponent close to the the champ you hit will be knocked aside and damaged as well. Great for also focusing down the carry.
You're going to want to max out Chum the Waters first no matter what is happening. Did I really need to say that? The only ult you might not want to instantly lvl up is maybe (don't take my word on this) Janna. Now level up your Chum the Waters whenever you can or Urf will be unsatisfied with you.
Tips and Tricks
- // Extremely vital with securing kills, slows your target down and does MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE
- // 1275 MAX RANGE! Also a good sniping tool.
- // Your lord Urf appears to aid you in melting millions Teemos with a base 450 damage at rank 3 and a 1:1 AP ratio.
I take Fizz's abilities in this order to increase damage with Urchin Strike and lower the CD on his Playful / Trickster. The reason that I only one point on Seastone Trident
early is because, you won't be autoattacking anyone to death. You're a AP. As always, take points on Chum the Waters whenever you can.
In summary, Fizz is a great AP assassin champ for his quick and silent way of destroying any carry with his outrageously overpowered ability kit and his snowballing potential. Thank you for reading my very first guide and may the manatee be with you. Feel free to upvote if this helped! Downvote with a reason and I will try to fix it up for you!
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