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Runes: Teemos Ritual
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Teemo doesn't counter Darius, he lands one E on you and your toast.
Anybody that can help you bait the enemy team into your giant pit of shrooms will be a great help. Either just pushing them by force with kill potential or just moves that kick people out of the way. Like Vayne, Anivia, ect.
Anybody that can help you bait the enemy team into your giant pit of shrooms will be a great help. Either just pushing them by force with kill potential or just moves that kick people out of the way. Like Vayne, Anivia, ect.
Champion Build Guide
Thats all pretty cool but you can come up with better stuff than that really.
Dont forget Teemo's shrooms bounce off of each other use this to your advantage. If your being zoned backwards, just drop the shroom on them over and over again.
Press the Attack is one of the best runes on Teemo as it is great for your auto attack cancel and it works well with your ability to build attack speed. This will be very very very annoying to the enemy if you take this rune.
Arcane Comet is another great rune on Teemo as it helps him poke with his Q and it gets a lot of extra damage in those bad matchups where you don't want to use Press the Attack. One of the downsides to this rune especially when your playing Teemo is if someone steps on your bomb and your a problem, your comet will go to them FROM YOU and it willgive away your position like in a sting operation, a set up.
Other runes on Teemo aren't as strong and will just not be as effective. The best other rune Teemo that I can think of is Lethal Tempo which is good for a higher attack speed on Teemo.
Captain Teemo on duty!
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