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Alistar Build Guide by Neqster

Support Alistar - Do not make me angry!

Support Alistar - Do not make me angry!

Updated on May 20, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Neqster Build Guide By Neqster 157 11 289,195 Views 4 Comments
157 11 289,195 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Neqster Alistar Build Guide By Neqster Updated on May 20, 2019
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Bone Plating

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Alistar - Do not make me angry!

By Neqster
Alistar is a great combat initiator in bottom lane 2vs2, he is good for catching an enemy, in team fights he have a lot of ground control and additionally he is unbreakable because of his skill "Unbreakable Will" he is durable and it's hard to kill. Alistar in his mechanics he is not complicated, it's easy to play and easy to learn his how to combo. It's very effective, helpful and he have a big impact on the game. So why we should pick Alistar on support? Alistar is a great pick in blind and as first pick. It's hard to make him a useless, you can oppress him on lane in early phase game but Alistar is a the most useful in middle and late game when he can participate in team fights and around objects.


- Durable
- Ground control
- He have potential to a roaming around bottom lane and mid lane
- Strong initiation, but..


- .. it's easy to stopped him
- He don't have any skills for escaping so when you choose a bad time for initiation you probably will be died for nothing.
Triumphant Roar - Alistar charges his roar by stunning or displacing enemy champions or when nearby enemies die. When fully charged he heals himself and all nearby allied champions.
Pulverize - Alistar smashes the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and tossing them into the air.

Alistar smashes the ground, dealing 60/105/150/195/240 (+50% Ability Power) magic damage and tossing nearby enemy units into the air for 1 second.
Headbutt - Alistar rams a target with his head, dealing damage and knocking the target back.

Alistar rams into an enemy, dealing 55/110/165/220/275 (+70% Ability Power) magic damage and knocking them back.
Trample - Alistar tramples nearby enemy units, ignoring unit collision and gaining stacks if he damages an enemy champion. At full stacks Alistar's next basic attack against an enemy champion deals additional magic damage and stuns them.

Alistar tramples the ground, ignoring unit collision and dealing 0 (+0) magic damage over 5 seconds to nearby enemies. Each pulse that damages at least one enemy champion grants Alistar a Trample stack.At 5 Trample stacks Alistar empowers his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal an additional 0 magic damage and stun for 1 second.
Unbreakable Will - Alistar lets out a wild roar, removing all crowd control effects on himself, and reducing incoming physical and magical damage for the duration.

Removes all disables from Alistar. For 7 seconds Alistar takes 55/65/75% reduced physical and magical damage.

Start items:

Relic Shield - Basics and very important item for Alistar in early phase game. This item is giving you sustain and very important and valuable "Wards".
Health Potion - Health potion is giving you sustain and using this is helping you in survival on lane especially in early game.
Warding Totem - Very important "Warding Totem" which in first minute of the game can have a big impact on early phase game. He is giving us and ours jungler a lot of informations about enemy jungle position.


Boots of Mobility - these boots are most often chosen on Alistar. These boots are helping us in initiation of fights and also we have a potential for roaming between bottom lane and mid lane for helping ours allies.
Mercury's Treads - it's worth to buy it when enemy team have a lot of ground control and also when enemy champions are based on magic power.
Ninja Tabi - I buying mostly these boots when enemy based on physical damage.

Support items:

Redemption - This item is giving you opportunity to restoring a little healt to you and your allies on a little area. This item is useful in team fights and when you won a fight but you are have low health for example for start a fight with Baron.
Locket of the iron Solari - This item after activation is giving to you and your allies which are near you a "Shields".

Core items:

Righteous Glory - This is must have for Alistar. This Item after activation is very helping you in your initiation a fights, he is giving you a bust 75% to movement speed when you walk towards your opponent.
Knight's Vow - Useful items. After activation you are connected with your ally with you choose. If your Partner is nearby, heal for 12% of the damage your Partner deals to champions and redirect 12% of the damage your Partner takes from champions to you as true damage. Both effects are reduced to 6% on ranged champions.


Iceborn Gauntlet - This item after using a skill is giving you opportunity for slow down your enemy. Your base attack damage to surrounding enemies and creates a field for 2 seconds that slows enemies inside by 30% (1.5 second cooldown).
Zz'Rot Portal - Very useful item to controlling a wave of minions and for sieging enemy structures. He is also giving you aditionaly movement speed when you are near structures.
Gargoyle Stoneplate - As Alistar with your skill "Unbreakable Will" you are very durable but after activations "Gargoyle Stoneplate" you are like a god. No one can kill you.
Frozen Heart - It's good against AD champions which are based on auto attacks.
Dead Man's Plate - His unique passive is giving us additional movement speed, this useful for initiating fights and for catching enemy.
Zeke's Convergence - UNIQUE Passive: Casting your ultimate near your ally summons a local frost storm for 10 seconds. As the storm rages, nearby enemies are slowed by 20% and your ally's attacks burn their targets for 50% bonus magic damage over 2 seconds (45 second cooldown).
UNIQUE Passive: Frostfire Covenant: Slowing a burning enemy ignites your frost storm to deal 40 magic damage per second and slow by 40% instead for 3 seconds.

Magic Resist:

Spirit Visage - It strengthens our life regeneration, useful for longer fights.
Adaptive Helm - Taking magic damage from a spell or effect reduces all subsequent magic damage taken from that spell or effect by 20% for 4 seconds.
Banshee's Veil - Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 40 seconds. This is very useful when we are want start a fights but enemy can immobilize us.

My Mostly full build

Runes from "Resolve" making us a more durable.
Aftershock - When you immobilize your opponent's like for example stun you will gain additionally Armor and Magic resist. This is very valuable and helpful when you will initiations the fights, with this you are more durable. Also this will be deal a little damage your opponents when they will be near you.

After immobilizing an enemy champion, increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 70-120 for 2.5 seconds. Then explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Damage: 10-120 (+ 10% Ability Power) (+ 15% bonus Attack Damage) (+ 3% of your maximum health)
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Demolish - Actually this runes is very valuable. This help you in destroying "Armor plate" which towers have.

Charge up a powerful attack against a tower over 3 seconds, while within 600 range of it. The charged attack deals 100 (+ 30% of your max health) bonus physical damage.

Cooldown: 45 seconds
Bone Plating - When we take any damage from our enemy his next attacks (3) will be reduced.

After taking damage from an enemy champion, their next three spells or attacks against you deal 25-50 less damage (at levels 1-18).

Duration: 1.5 seconds
Cooldown: 45 seconds
UNFLINCHING - Is giving us additionally insensitivity on slowing down when our summoners spells are on counting down.

After casting a Summoner Spell, gain 15% Tenacity and Slow Resistance for 10 seconds. Additionally, gain 10% Tenacity and Slow Resistance for each Summoner Spell on cooldown.
Runes from "Inspiration" help you in survive early lane phase.
Approach Velocity - Gain 15% Movement Speed towards nearby allied champions that are movement impaired or enemy champions that you impair.

Range: 1000
Biscuit Delivery - With "Biscuit Delivery" you can stay longer on lane and with this you can fights often on bottom lane 2vs2 and this can help you in your diving your opponents under their tower when your jungle or someone else is near.

Gain a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00.

Biscuits restore 15% of your missing health and mana over 15 seconds. Consuming any Biscuit increases your mana cap by 40 mana permanently.
Manaless: Champions without mana restore 20% missing health instead.

These maps presents "Control Wards". I marked places where I usually put "Control Wards". I divided them into categories which are in another colors.

--- Bottom lane - Blue Side ---

Legend of map:

Orange - You must have vision in these place.
    1. Default place for "Control Ward"
    2. When you are pushing enemy for under the tower
    3. When enemy have very aggressive champion in the jungle like Graves, Kinred, Schaco, Xin Zhao
Ligh Blue - This vision is for control on river.
    1. When you are doing dragon. *Good "Control Ward"* can disable all enemy "Wards".
    2. When enemy mid laner have prority and can easly come on bottom lane or have global ultimates for example Galio, Taliayh, Twistad Fate, Aurelion Soul.
    3. Propably your mid laner will put ward in this place.
White - When eneamy have very agresiv champion in the jungle with global ultimate or he is invisible, for example Shaco, Evelyn, Nocturn. I always put ward in place 1 and 2 does not matter which chempion is in the jungle.

Black - This place is for "Control Wards" when you are in defensive and you lost tower but number 1 is good when enemy have invisible enemy or can jump by walls, for example talon, kayn, shaco, evelyn.
--- Bottom lane - Red Side ---

Legend of map:

Orange - You must have vision in these place.
    1. Default place for "Control Ward"
    2. When you are pushing enemy for under the tower
Ligh Blue - This vision is for control on river.
    1. Propably your mid laner will put ward in this place.

    2 and 3. When enemy mid laner have prority and can easly come on bottom lane or have global ultimates for example Galio, Taliayh, Twistad Fate, Aurelion Soul. Also these things with agresive enemy jungle.

    4. When you are doing dragon. Good "Control Ward" can disable all enemy "Wards".
White - When eneamy have very agresiv champion in the jungle with global ultimate or he is invisible, for example Shaco, Evelyn, Nocturn. I always put ward in place 1, 2 and 5 does not matter which chempion is in the jungle. I put ward in the other place (3,4) when I pushing enemy for second tower.

Black - This place is for "Control Wards" or "Ward" when you are in defensive and you lost tower but number 1 is good when enemy have invisible enemy or can jump by walls, for example talon, kayn, shaco, evelyn.
--- Wards around - Baron ---

Orange - This is standard place for "Wards". You will put "Wards" in these place when you will need to have a vision around "Baron"
    1. "Ward" in this place is not important like "2" or "3" but this "Ward" it's very rare and
    players very rarely find it and destroyed so when you lost "Wards" in place "2" and/or
    "3" so you will probably have still visions in this place "1".
    2. If you place a good "Control Ward" in this place you will detect all enemy "Wards".
    Check this.
    3. It's good to keep a vision in this place because you will always saw an enemy
    jungler, where he is going and what he is doing on the river.
Ligh Blue - These are places when you are playing on Blue side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with Baron.
Purple - These are places when you are playing on Red side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with Baron.

Blue and Purple - Situations “Wards” or just you have a free “Wards” in your inventory.
    2. When enemy can jump by the wall or he can be invisible.
--- Wards around - Dragon ---

Orange - Standards "Wards". You will put "Wards" in these place when you will need to have a vision around "Dragon".
    1. If you place a good "Control Ward" in this place you will detect all enemy "Wards". Check this.
    2. It's good to keep a vision in this place because you will always saw an enemy
    jungler, where he is going and what he is doing on the river.
Ligh Blue - These are places when you are playing on Blue side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with "Dragon".
Purple - These are places when you are playing on Red side of map. You could put "Ward" in these places when you will be able to start the fight with "Dragon".

Blue and Purple - Situations “Wards” or just you have a free “Wards” in your inventory.
    1. When enemy can jump by the wall or he can be invisible.
--- Wards around Red buff - Bottom ---
--- Wards around Red buff - Top ---
--- Wards on river ---
--- Wards in the jungle ---
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Neqster
Neqster Alistar Guide
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Alistar - Do not make me angry!

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