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His Q and E combo is hard to out maneuver as a low level blitz. try to avoid being in his range as much as you can or at least block his q to save your degenerate adc that think they're instantly invincible no matter how weak and pathetic they start out to be. that or you could always ban him.
One of the few annoying champs to go against with as a Support, his abilities can save himself and his adc while he heals a lot of damage you and your adc have worked to do to his adc. Also not to mention he can build up a lot of burst damage to be the equivalent of a short range adc. I recommend you try to juke him out in wasting his abilities by making erratic and dangerous movements towards either him or his adc while either trying to get your jg set up for a gank or go grab either him of his adc to your tower for a safer kill....
Well.. That or hope hes either new or too high to understand what the hell hes doing.
I don't remember when he became viable for support or when ever he became as a popular support pick but he can be either a major threat or just some idiot soon to become easy money for your team. As a mage he can safely poke you and your adc while being in the safe confines of his wall of filthy lesser minions while your obviously superior and glorious children minions get slaughtered by his adc who will most likely be Yasou or Ezreal. Avoid his abilities and try to get your adc to wave clear as much as possible to set up a grab to take him down, if you take him first his adc can't do really anything against you & your adc and will retreat to tower, the more often hes dead the more often you can push lane. Also if you and your teamates are low hp or half and hes fed for wall that is good and holy in this god forsaken game, keep away form your allies if he does his R on you or your teammate next to you. If not it will lead to having your team too damaged to stay in a teamfight or having them all killed.
Her constant healing and the healing spell her adc will have will make her and her adc basically invincible for early game and will make it hard for you to help push lane or get your adc fed. best option you can do is try to get the enemy adc as separated from her as best as you can and go for a grab, especially if your under a tower and you adc have some stuns and slows of their own.
The cancerous of all champs to face against for any other champ that use range abilities. But if he's terrible, then it's just hilarious. As either a Adc or Support he's gonna use that Wind wall to block your grabs and your adc's chances to damage or kill him and his teammate. He's also fast and his whirlwind can be a nuisance. Best thing to do as with Rakan is try to play mind games by moving erratically and having your adc to waste a ranged ability to psyche him out into wasting his W. Then you can safely grab him & try to kill him. However most of the time when that happens he will retreat to his mob of dirty lesser minons to protect his soft squishy buttocks from your immeasurable reach... So yeah.. So make sure tell your adc to do their job first and clear those mobs.
You thought That I would be done with only Supports as the main threats? Oh no dear reader if anything I will post ALL threats to both you and your adc in bot lane, and if you started reading adc threats here thank you, if not why in the 9 hells did you not comply to my OCD and read each one by order you inconsiderate fool...
So, lets get started with the king of douchebaggery, the hell on earth for all allied supports and adcs in the game... Unless he's on your side, then of course hes now your best bud in the universe if he doesn't suck. His kit can be aggravating to deal with when trying to pin him down for a kill. His E can have him doge your Q while his other abilities when paired with some champs like Sona can burst your adc to the report icon next your your name at the defeat page if they are as cancerous as he is. The only good options you have is to either body block his abilities from reaching your adc and try to psyche him out in using his E to attempt a grab, and when he uses his R and you see it coming try to dodge it while danger pinging like a madman to get your adc to move the heck out of the way. Unless of course your adc has the reaction time of a blind monkey with arthritis in every joint in their hands and gets killed either way.
A good Lucian can make your choice to play league today feel like an absolute mistake. His speed can get him out of your grabbing range while his other abilities can poke your adc back to spawn. However if you can outmaneuver him and co-ordinate enough with your adc you can get some nice kills on him to make him feel useless instead of the other way around.
Can do a lot of damage, has ridiculous poking potential if his aim isn't off and his traps can insta kill or at least put them to 30% health if placed right. Also most Jhin's go for MS later on making it hard to grab him, try to focus on him in game a much as possible. It will require both of you and your adc to make sure he doesn't become too much of a threat.
Zoe is always someone you should never underestimate. Her entire kit can allow her to towerdive and back while killing your adc before you can react. Always doge her E while body blocking her q to shield your teammate from getting decimated. Just remember that as long as your adc is not a complete potato and you can combo well, you can shut her down before she becomes to much of a threat and even then she still can carry the enemy if you let her.
Rengars aren't as seen as much as the more popular Junglers around. But when he gets his build up and R ready, hoo boy watch out. If your not fast enough he can stun and take out your adc and then hunt you down and finish you too if you & your adc pushes to far. Always place ward in every bush near his jungle, and when you see him try to go in to pull him away from your adc so they can either run or kill him. He will usually only gank your lane if you've gotten the first tower down and are pushing to the second, if so DON'T that's a deathtrap waiting to be sprung. Make sure to know here he is at all times, recommend getting vision wards or control wards for extra security.
Any good thresh can make laning against him a nightmare, his hook isn't as good as your Grab but if his adc coordinates well while yours doesn't is can get your lane behind one kill already and you having to play it more safe. He wont be entirely interested in hooking you unless in early game and your passive is on cooldown. his e can give that much space to discourage you and your adc of giving chase if you get a grab in, and if he combos well while his jungler comes in for a "nice" visit, that can mean the possiblity of you and your adc getting stomped easily. Not to mention he can save his adc by throwing his lantern (unless his adc doesn't know how to properly right click.)
Like my advice with brand try to grab him first and move on to the adc the more often hes dead the more useless he becomes, though he'll be behind his minions and you will probably be keep to yours, by then its only a battle of which adc can wave clear the fastest.
Bard is in between Major and even for me, but I'll put him in major because I know he can be terrible if you let him. He can stun and give off heals to everyone including himself, he can also do his tunnel ability than he can use to bait you into a gank or for a quick escape. Not to mention if he build his ap and meeps he can do a LOT of damage. He'll stick to minons or the bush and try to stun either you or your adc. so try to grab if he available because if you just grab the adc he can save them if your your's isn't fast enough.
Can be either a slightly difficult champ to close in on or an easy booty grab. Her abilities can slow you and your adc down a lot making you think to max your W (Don't), and if she gets her build done her R can change the outcome of a team fight. She'll most likely be an adc, though there are some rare cases of her being a support and if so will either be paired with another support tank or someone with a lot of stuns and slows, which brings us to our next contender.
I've put lux in major instead of Extreme because you can still win even if she's a bit fed. Her stuns and slows can be annoying but easy to dodge if you use your W, however she'll most likely point it at your adc instead of you, try to get you and your adc behind your minions to adsorb her attacks and when there's not any obstacles, you can grab her and finish her off. Her ult can be pretty crazy so try to make sure she cant build AP while you build some extra MR.
Jinx is a bit like Ashe with her R, except instead of slowing she can obliterate your adc and deal a lot more damage per second. Her stuns can stop you momentarily from chasing her down for a kill but if you grab her and her in early game. 7/10 that kill assist is usually guaranteed. The only thing that can stop you and your adc from stomping her is her support who will try their hardest to keep her alive, to be ever watchful of them. Also if you're trying to take down a tower with an adc that's low hp and shes re-spawns at 6, get your adc and run.
The Rat bastard king of hell himself. Teemo is a difficult champ to face against in any role he takes... Well... If they're competent of course. Get either sweeping Lens or some vision/control wards to find his shrooms or him if hes camouflaged, he wont go for his speed boost ability right away so if you have a chance to grab him, do it. The longer a teemo is alive the faster he can level and build to destroy your dreams of victory.
Kai'Sa is great threat if they have a good support, and her upgrades can make her even more of a hassle to deal with, though they tend to fall into a particular category of what I call "cocky champ syndrome", more than once I've seen and enemy or allied Kai'Sa attempt a towerdive to finish off an adc and supp only to get stunned and executed by the tower. Try to body block her abilities and get her when you know she can't escape your Q.
Warwick can be dangerous once hes lvl 6 and ganks you while you and your adc are at half health. His Ult can make him unstoppable until he either hits his target or misses making it impossible to grab him away from your adc, and his E and W can have him chase either you or your adc down to be finished of by his Q or whatever. However Warwick is usually only interested in ganking bot if at least either you or your adc is at half health so make sure to heal them when you get the chance, also make sure to ward a lot. Just because you saw him in one spot across the map doesn't mean he can get to you faster than your lvl 1 Q's 20's cooldown. Also don't pull him when your near your adc, if his passive is on, and one of you that's probably what he wants you to do so he can close the gap. Only engage him if his passive is off and there's no one to help him.
A fed Evelynn is a scary Evelynn, however shes slow can't outmaneuver your Q during early or mid game so if she tries to gank then you can stop her. Most Ev's that have any sense will keep away from bot until lvl 6 or if you're both low on health and she has enough AP to finish one or two of you off. Shes does great short range damage with her Ult and dashes her away form a short distance. Use this to your advantage by either using the explosive cones (or your flash) with your top tank to jump on her as shes jungle farming or something then you can E her to lock her down and once she uses her R to escape Q her to fall right back in and finish her.
A Veigar support or adc in my opinion was originally used as a troll pick, but with the recent updates he can be a challenge if your not careful. His E can lock both you and your adc in place and his other abilities can melt both of you down if you let him stack is passive and his ap build. try to Q him when his E is down and he's then an easy kill. Will probably duo with someone to complement his kit and to counter you (like Yas or Sona).
Braum's a pretty even champ to lane against, sure he can block your Q to deny any kills you or your adc to get, but he isn't as popular as he used to be so seeing him locked in champ select will be rare, also as long as your adc isn't MF you're fine. Wait for his wall ability to end then go for a grab, also most of the time he has worse mana sustain than you so he wont be able to use is abilities as much as you can causing him to focus on defense.
Fiddlesticks is a weird champ to play against as a Sup....
Well to be honest Fiddles is a weird champ to begin with, hes very squishy for most of the game making it easy to Q and feed on him, however his E can silence both you and your adc and stack up some decent damage and his q can literally scare you off from try to Grab his adc, his W can also leech of yours and your adc's health which is very bad if one of you is low on hp, and finally his R can be used as either a second flash or a setup for a surprise gank. Just take note when he uses his Q, E and R and you should be fine.
Haven't versed enough Nami supports so I'm putting her in Even.
Her kit is basically designed to push back you and your team away from chasing down low health champs while trapping you long enough for someone else to pick you off. However, she is squishy and generally slow, as long as everyone avoids her Q, W and R and shes easy pickings.
Miss Fortune
Blitzcrank is a classic counter to MF, thus being between minor and even.
She's Squishy and usually doesn't have enough MS to escape you and your adc, however her E can slow you down, making it hard if you dont have W ready and you already used your E, her Q can bounce off you and onto your adc so watchout if their low health and you're next to them. and her R can melt you if you haven't build enough to tank it.
Only annoying fact is that he can tank up very fast, and he can toss you or tour adc in the firing line of his. Other than that just focus on his adc and push him back so he can't save them.
A Good Vayne is a great adc to have, her high damage and kit can get you both to be more aggressive in you playstyle in the laning phase. However her CC is low compared to some other adcs so help her a little more in that.
Jinx can combo beautifuly with yours if you both get it right allowing an early kill at about lvl 3 or 4. however A few jinx's tend to not move around as much that can get her into trouble later on if she doesn't change that.
Lucians speed makes it hard for enemies to poke and take him own....
Which give you the perfect chance to grab them while they're distracted, his abilities can help chase and finish off a few champs or at least melt their health down to make them recall out of the fight.
Kai'Sa in herself is a strong champ all around, but will still need help. She can chase well can pick off targets but, if she gets herself in trouble in front of a tower there's not much you can do other than try to draw tower agrro and tank it.
A good Marksman with great poking potential. can set up traps that if positioned right can kill champs before they get a chance to run after you do your famous Q + E combo. However he will be focused a lot so protect him as much as you can and also place a lot of wards near the enemy territory so eh can see his targets better when using his ult.
Ezreal is a very strong adc to have. His abilities are made to give him more and more damage, and his E can get him out of most forms of trouble. Stick to him and carry him and he'll carry you and your team.
If they're good she can get both enemy lane champs killed early and she can W her way out of most situations. Her E, Q and R can combo well with your abilities pretty well. But as long as there isn't any champs that can out poke her like Lucian or grab and kill her like Pyke shes won't have to rely on you to save her, and the best you can do is E them for her to get some distance or R to silence whatever they try to pull.
Draven's a strong champ to lane with. Lots of damage like Vayne and can get you into a similar aggressive like playstyle. However, he cannot do any stuns, dodges or slows and if they enemy can hook or grab him into a close range or melee fight? He's kinda done for, so when that happens grab the most dangerous one, and E them so Draven can get away.
One of the more stranger matchups to exist in League. You can both combo your abilities to get champs grabbed and hooked into your tower for easy kills and even if thresh's damage is low at the start, that can build up tremendously if you can get him to farm his passive and much as he can. Problem is your best abilities are usually on a longer cooldown, and the enemy will focus on you to try and stop what you and he will be trying to pull, so be careful, this is a double edge sword in some cases.
Cait is one of the more classic matchups to have in bot lane. She can slow, Stun with her traps and deal a fair amount for damage, however she can be pretty vulnerable early game so take out any threats nearby or discourage the enemy form shutting her down and pushing them back to their towers.
Miss Fortune
Just like Blitz is a classic counter to MF, MF is a classic adc to pair with Blitz (It's like a love hate relationship in those old Romcom shows.)
Her E can combo well with your Q+E and she can finish them off with her Q. Her R is devastating, however she's still squishy and not as strong as she used to be. I recommend you get her to farm and have her build as quick as you can for her to be effective.
The last in the trio of classic matchups. Almost all of her abilities, slow her enemies making it easy to chase down and help her to secure a kill. Great Ashe players can land their ults at the perfect time for their team, they are really someone you want to stick with. But then there's some players that solo push lanes a lot and end up dying as the result, which can end up them feeding the enemy so stick close and babysit them as the good supp you are.
Corgi is an alright champ. Good burst damage and all, but not a lot of mobility. Haven't played with a lot of Corgi's to give a more detailed opinion.
Not the best idea. I don't recommend going blitz with a morde adc. though if they use the runes I think most mordes use now, they can do a quite bit of damage and health sustain. however both of you are melee champs and both of your weaknesses are ranged champs that have good damage and MS. He would practically be ranked low or none if it wasn't for the good damage potential he has.
A Good Vayne is a great adc to have, her high damage and kit can get you both to be more aggressive in you playstyle in the laning phase. However her CC is low compared to some other adcs so help her a little more in that.
Jinx can combo beautifuly with yours if you both get it right allowing an early kill at about lvl 3 or 4. however A few jinx's tend to not move around as much that can get her into trouble later on if she doesn't change that.
Lucians speed makes it hard for enemies to poke and take him own....
Which give you the perfect chance to grab them while they're distracted, his abilities can help chase and finish off a few champs or at least melt their health down to make them recall out of the fight.
Kai'Sa in herself is a strong champ all around, but will still need help. She can chase well can pick off targets but, if she gets herself in trouble in front of a tower there's not much you can do other than try to draw tower agrro and tank it.
A good Marksman with great poking potential. can set up traps that if positioned right can kill champs before they get a chance to run after you do your famous Q + E combo. However he will be focused a lot so protect him as much as you can and also place a lot of wards near the enemy territory so eh can see his targets better when using his ult.
Ezreal is a very strong adc to have. His abilities are made to give him more and more damage, and his E can get him out of most forms of trouble. Stick to him and carry him and he'll carry you and your team.
If they're good she can get both enemy lane champs killed early and she can W her way out of most situations. Her E, Q and R can combo well with your abilities pretty well. But as long as there isn't any champs that can out poke her like Lucian or grab and kill her like Pyke shes won't have to rely on you to save her, and the best you can do is E them for her to get some distance or R to silence whatever they try to pull.
Draven's a strong champ to lane with. Lots of damage like Vayne and can get you into a similar aggressive like playstyle. However, he cannot do any stuns, dodges or slows and if they enemy can hook or grab him into a close range or melee fight? He's kinda done for, so when that happens grab the most dangerous one, and E them so Draven can get away.
One of the more stranger matchups to exist in League. You can both combo your abilities to get champs grabbed and hooked into your tower for easy kills and even if thresh's damage is low at the start, that can build up tremendously if you can get him to farm his passive and much as he can. Problem is your best abilities are usually on a longer cooldown, and the enemy will focus on you to try and stop what you and he will be trying to pull, so be careful, this is a double edge sword in some cases.
Cait is one of the more classic matchups to have in bot lane. She can slow, Stun with her traps and deal a fair amount for damage, however she can be pretty vulnerable early game so take out any threats nearby or discourage the enemy form shutting her down and pushing them back to their towers.
Miss Fortune
Just like Blitz is a classic counter to MF, MF is a classic adc to pair with Blitz (It's like a love hate relationship in those old Romcom shows.)
Her E can combo well with your Q+E and she can finish them off with her Q. Her R is devastating, however she's still squishy and not as strong as she used to be. I recommend you get her to farm and have her build as quick as you can for her to be effective.
The last in the trio of classic matchups. Almost all of her abilities, slow her enemies making it easy to chase down and help her to secure a kill. Great Ashe players can land their ults at the perfect time for their team, they are really someone you want to stick with. But then there's some players that solo push lanes a lot and end up dying as the result, which can end up them feeding the enemy so stick close and babysit them as the good supp you are.
Corgi is an alright champ. Good burst damage and all, but not a lot of mobility. Haven't played with a lot of Corgi's to give a more detailed opinion.
Not the best idea. I don't recommend going blitz with a morde adc. though if they use the runes I think most mordes use now, they can do a quite bit of damage and health sustain. however both of you are melee champs and both of your weaknesses are ranged champs that have good damage and MS. He would practically be ranked low or none if it wasn't for the good damage potential he has.
I'm SpicySkelleton,an old time League player back in about Season 4, which now I'm at mastery 6. This is my first guide so feel free to comment to share your opinion it. I decided to choose blitz Support because he was my first main in league, back when runes and mastery pages were separate things and entirely different. And no you cannot find my name in the players list in Oceania because that isn't my summoner name there. (Well... Not until I change it that is).
Anyway, the reason I consider this an "Old school" Build because, If you go blitz support, you realise not a lot has changed for him over the years. Perhaps a few new champs have been put it to counter him, but still as long as you can land your Q's effectively it's still the same old blitz. I'll tell you the pros and cons while explaining his abilities and spells to you newer players interested in Supp Blitz.
Abilities and Spells
Your Passive can get your out of trouble and any point in game if you have enough MS to escape. However its on a cooldown once it's used so you can be pretty vulnerable to you enemies if it goes off early game.
Blitz's Rocket Grab is your standard go to for him in any lane (except Jungler if your not thinking of invading at the start). It pulls your enemies close for you to combo your abilities to either kill or seriously damage them so you can push lane. However keep in mind your Q can pull all enemies, such as minions jungle mobs and Objective mobs (Drake & Herald). So aim carefully, also to note. It takes about 100 mana to use and Blitz is generally pretty mana hungry if you got nothing to sustain that, so don't spam it and conserve your mana when you actually need it.
Overdrive is a good ability to have you move around the map better while you chase down enemies or run from them. It costs 75 mana and which you can spam once your lvl 5 or higher to move back and forth to the different lanes, I recommend maxing it last because if you build right it wont be 100% necessary unlike you E and Q. Powerfist is should always be your choice when you hit lvl 2. It allows you to knock up enemies for your adc to have enough window time to try and kill them. Always combo it with your Q, then R once you go past lvl 6. Power fist can also stop enemies like Junglers fro chasing down and killing your adc. and if they're doing that under your tower if can secure you a tower kill.
Static Field is a great Ultimate to use in your Q + E combo. It can also silence enemies like Fiddlesticks and Swain's Ultimates. However it's passive can end up you stealing your adcs farm so be careful of that, and it's cost is the same for your Q so don't waste it randomly.
Flash and Ignite are standard go to's as a support. Not much to say here.
Heal and Exhaust are great to slow down you enemies and to keep you and your adc healthy. Also Heal can be used as a slight speed boost if you need it. So if you go heal, convince your adc to go ignite.
Teleport is mainly used for more roaming if you're confident your adc can hold lane while you baabysit your other degenerate teammates that need either a gank or a save.
Pros and Cons
Nice tanky build to mid and late game.
Decent damage to secure kill assist or kills if your teammates can't pull their weight.
Great speed to roam around the map when out of laning phase.
Can be squishy early game if your passive is on cooldown already.
Requires teamwork with your adc to secure kills to feed them.
requires you to have enough skill to land your grabs. If you miss a lot of your grabs early game your lane will suffer.
I hope that explained everything for you. Keep in mind this is my own way of doing support blitzcrank, there may be better builds for him, but for me this is enough. Also if you wanted explanations to the item choices I put in, just hover your cursor to the notes icon near them. With that I hope you have fun with Blitzcrank Support!
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