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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pyromania (PASSIVE)
Annie Passive Ability
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Morgana's spell should can negate your stun. She also has a lot of kill pressure when she lands her binding. Her binding also has the power to stop an engage from you.
Annie is a very strong mage and support. While she has no escape, she has a very powerful stun and burst with some ability power she can shut down a fed adc with ease. However, will need to be careful about ganks in the lanning phase.
Pros and Cons: Pros: -Has a last hitting tool -Decent mana sustain -Level one stun -Good Initiation (flash,tibbers with stun) -Easy to play -Low ban rate |
Cons: -Immobile -Very Squishy -Stun takes time to prepare |
Spelltheif's edge
Starting Spelltheif's edge is undoubtedly the best support to start with. The gold generation as support is essential as well as the extra mana regeneration with the bit of ap as an added bonus. Spelltheif's is also a component to Frost Queen's Claim which adds a lot more power to your already powerful engages. Along the Cool down reduction ad Ap it gives you it is a very good item on Annie.
Sightstone is an essential support item. It provides Vision for your team, gives you the opportunity to deny vision to the enemy team by swaping your trinket to a Sweeping Lens and a little health to make up for Annie's squishyness.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is mostly personal preference. I like it since it gives you lots of ap and some health as well as some extra utility on your spells. The slow it provides is good for asisting your carry in kiting, chasing an enemy, and helps Annie with her lack of mobility by making everyone slow. Rylai's also comes with some health which help you survive in general.
Eye of the Watchers
Eye of the watchers is good if you want to free up a item slot for another ap item. It combines sight stone active with some ap and cool down reduction. In comparison to Frost Queen's Claim, eye of the watchers gives you the sight stone active and sacrifices some ap for it. The mana regeneration, cool down reduction, and gold generation, stays the same. In my opinion, I like Frost Queen's Claim more than Eye of the Watchers because you get more stats and the active if you upgrade from a Frostfang and Fiendish Codex to a Frost Queen's Claim. If you upgrade from a Sightstone and Frostfang to a Eye of the Watchers, you only get a extra ward charge, 50 health , a extra ward charge, and 50% base mana regen. In my opinion Eye of the Watchers provides less stats and a less usefull active than frost queen's claim.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Purchase Zhonya's Hourglass when the enemy team starts to focus you. It will give you some ability power, armor, and the very usefull active of making you invulnerable for a short period. You can use the active to survive some enemy burst and retaliate when their abilities are down.
Hextech Protobelt-01
Hextech Rocketbelt Is very useful on Annie. While the gap closer is a smaller range than flash and it takes some getting used to, once you've had some practice using this item, You can dash into Summon: Tibbers for pick or engage.
Pyromania is Annie's passive. What it does is give Annie a stack of her passive every time she casts a spell. Once she has reached four stacks on her passive, her next offensive spell will stun.
Disintegrate is Annie's Q. It is a point and click ability that deals magic damage. If it kills a target, it's mana cost and half of the cooldown gets refunded.
Incinerate is Annie's W. It's an Area of Effect cone skill shot that deals magic damage.
When the game starts, I highly recommend starting with your w. I recommend this because your AOE stun will provide a lot of pressure early game. Charge your passive up to three stacks if your jungler is starting bot side. Doing so you help with the leash and have your stun up for lane. If your jungler starts top side charge your passive to 4 stacks for your stun when you go into lane. Try to have your stun up at all times and use it when your enemy's engage on you or to start a fight.
Trading is very straight forward with Annie. You use your Q if the enemy has overextended and then follow up with your w and an auto for the Thunderlord's Decree proc. After you use your abilities, you are very very vulnerable. If you adc follow ups, go for the kill. If you can tag both the adc and support with your w stun, do it.
Trading is very straight forward with Annie. You use your Q if the enemy has overextended and then follow up with your w and an auto for the Thunderlord's Decree proc. After you use your abilities, you are very very vulnerable. If you adc follow ups, go for the kill. If you can tag both the adc and support with your w stun, do it.
Miss Fortune
Miss fourtune is good with Annie because the both have massive burst damage. If you can get a Flash and Summon: Tibbers off along with Miss Fourtune's Bullet Time, You basically secured yourself a double kill. This lane is very good at shutting down late game carries like vayne.
Jinx is good with Annie becasue she has lots of damage with her auto's. Annie's lock down allows jinx to get some good auto's of and potentially a kill. Annie's burst combo and jinx's raw damage will basically guarantee a kill if not a double.
Annie is a burst oriented support that provides lot's of utility. While she is vulnerable to ganks, her full burst combo at level 6 as well as an adc's damage will be enough to score a kill. Take Annie in your game if you need to prevent a late game adc from scaling. She is a reliable pick and it is very hard to go wrong with her.
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