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Fiddlesticks General Guide by GrenadeFilmz

Jungle Are You Afraid? Fiddlesticks Jungle In-Depth 5.12 Guide

Jungle Are You Afraid? Fiddlesticks Jungle In-Depth 5.12 Guide

Updated on July 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GrenadeFilmz Build Guide By GrenadeFilmz 4,457 Views 0 Comments
4,457 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GrenadeFilmz Fiddlesticks Build Guide By GrenadeFilmz Updated on July 7, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Brief Introduction About Myself

Hello All! My Summoner Name is GrenadeFilmz, on EUNE. Whilst I am only a pitiful Silver, I have quite a lot of experience on Fiddlesticks, as he is my main since Mid/Late s4.
I chose fiddlesticks, as I found him quite easy to play, and relatively easy to master. I hope that, from this guide, you can understand why I chose fiddlesticks, and how to play him yourself.
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[*] Easy to Play
[*] 3 Point and Click Abilities
[*] High AP Ratios (Espically Ult)
[*] Safe clears in the jungle
[*] Good ganks
[*] Game changing ultimate
[*] Strong Mid/Late Game
[*] Teamfight Master
[*] Argueably the best CC ability in the game [Q]

[*] Squishy
[*] Short Ranged
[*] No mobility (outside of Flash)
[*] Weak to invades
[*] Weak pre6/when ult is on cd
[*] Magus Removed/Runeglaive here
[*] Not AD (No pushing)
[*] Weak to CC
[*] Weak to High Burst
[*] No real escapes (Q)
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Summoner Spells

Whilst Fiddlesticks does not needto jungle, it is necessary for Dragon/Baron Control, even if your top laner/mid laner has smite.

Fiddlesticks needs as, fiddlesticks is short ranged, and has no mobility. This works great in combination with Terrify or his ultimate Crowstorm
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Item Build

Start: WHilst fiddlesticks doesn't need Macheteto jungle, I still recommend it as it makes for slightly safer clearing (You are weak to invades) and the extra bonus gold from it, it makes it very useful.

Why Tear/Seraph's????? : I personally like running tear on fiddlesticks, as it gives very good stats on him. When you get Seraphs Embrace, it gives high mana, some mana regen, AP, and a very nice shield. Shield helps a lot in teamfights as they will focus you.

Zhonyas : You need this item on fiddlesticks. It gives high AP, some armour, and a very nice ACTIVE. Whilst in stasis, if you had your ult acive, it remains on, meaning you can do damage whilst invulnerable. Use this if you have no Seraphs shield active and/or you are about to die in a teamfight.

Stalker's Blade w/ Cinderhulk : Ever since Patch 5.12, when Magus was removed, it is more efficient to get Cinderhulk over Runeglaive for the following reasons:
[*] You don't AA ever on fiddlesticks
[*] Mana isn't a problem after you get AA Staff/Seraphs.
I take Stalker's Blade as you have no problems in the jungle, you don't AA for Skirmisher's Sabre, and the slow is nice in 1vs1's or teamfights.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter : Great item on fiddlesticks. Grants AP, Health, and a slow on 3 of your abilities [As far as I am aware, this doesn't work on Q as it does no damage] In combination with Cinderhulk and your kit, works great.

This all depends on how the game has progressed
Liandrys Torment: General Last Item if you need a small bit more Tank and %hp damage
Abyssal Scepter: General Last Item
Rabadons Deathcap: if you need some flat AP
Righteous Glory: If you need the stats + active for teamfights
Banshees Veil: If they have 1 main ability that wrecks your team, e.g Annie's Tibbers
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Dread Passive:
When you deal spell damage, target has 10 less MR: Helpful in teamfights, but not huge.
Terrify Q:
Your Main CC Ability, Point and Click Fear. Amazing. Allows for easy ganks. In teamfights, use this on their carry, whoever it is.
Drain W: You deal damage over time, and heal yourself for the damage dealt. Your main source of damage pre6. Allows you to heal from damaging them.
Dark Wind E: Does a small bit of damage and silences them for a short duration, bounces.
Crowstorm R:
YOUR MAIN ABILITY. You blink to a target location then do huge damage in AOE, this is what makes you useful in teamfights. High AP Ratio. Don't waste it at all. EVER. Use it wisely. High CD unless you have 40% Cooldown Reduction.
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Fiddlesticks, when Patch 5.13 arrives, will be very strong due to how the Rylai's Crystal Scepter slow is changed. However, even without that, he is still super strong anyway, if you play him right.

Thanks for reading,

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To-Do List

[*] Add Runes/Masteries Chapter
[*] Talk about Teamfighting/Combos Chapter
[*] Add info about Vs. Matchups
[*] Jungle Route
[*] How/When to Gank Chapter
[*] Cleanup
[*] More In-Depth
[*] FAQ
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GrenadeFilmz
GrenadeFilmz Fiddlesticks Guide
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Are You Afraid? Fiddlesticks Jungle In-Depth 5.12 Guide

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