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Easy match up, just poke him and you will be doing fine. But he will probely rush spirit visage so be careful when he have it.
In early you will be doing fine but when she hits level 6 you have to play safe becouse when she has hextech revolver or gun blade shen can just jump on to you and do insane damage.
This match up can go 2 ways bad or good. it most depends on if he goes Ap or Ad. If ad you will do fine and just deny him to farm. But if he goes ap you are screwd. Even with one doran he can do alot of damage. If he buys double doran you need to play super safe becouse hes E will do around 200 damage. So even early he can do alot of damage. IF you are doing bad against ap he will nearly 1 shoot you later.
This is probely one of the easiest match ups, just poke him and when he tries to engage just blind him and he cant do anything.
you will have to play abit of safe against him becouse if he has his fury up he will do alot of damage to him and every spell he has does som kind of damage.
Nothing to special pretty easy match up just poke and farm.
He can be abit annoying with his bleed and Q. When he hits level 6 you need to play a bit safe becouse of hes ult. And you are not that tanky so it will do alot of damage
Realy annoying champ to play against. He can do alot of damage when he engage so be a bit safe.
In this match up you mostely want to farm becouse if you poke him or use spells he can just use hees Q and get his hp back so dont try to fight much.
He is a hard match up he will easy kill you. Your blinds or mushrooms wont do that much against him becouse of hes ult. He doesnt get slowed and hes abilities does alot of damage. So you mostely just want to farm and wait for late game.
He is Probely the easiest match up. He cant do anything against you if he tries just blind him. IN lane you just need to poke and farm. But still play a bit safe becouse he will probely get ganks so always place mushrooms near river so its easy for you to escape.
Just avoid his barrels and you are gona be fine but if you get hit you can take alot of damage so just be aware of thoose
Can be annoying with hes poke in the start. He will probely build black cleaver first or spirit vissage if he build black cleaver its nothing special. But if he buys spirit vissage first it will be hard for you with all the mr early. So this match up deppends on what he builds.
In early its pretty easy but when she gets level 6 she can easy kill you with her ult. Always remove her passive so you dont get hit by them that much.
This match up will be asy pre lvl 6, just poke her as much as possible. If its a good fiora she will win lane super easy, Teemo is very squishy and with her true damge she can kill you pretty easy. Also with her w she can block your Q that will make it harder to kill her.
Pretty easy just poke and farm, if he proxy just try to get him away.
Realy hard match up, i would even consider pick someone else when play Teemo against him. He will poke you and hes passive will be very annoying to play against. Lvl 3 he will probely try to kill you, Pantheon ofter use ignite to so this will make it even harder. If he kills you once he basicly won the lane after that.
Try to avoid her if she does her combo and you dont blind you will take alot of damage.
This match up can go 2 ways, one of them is you win lane huge kill her alot and wins lane. BUT if she kills you she will win lane, she will probely buy Lethality and burst you down. If against try stack hp items!
Hello there, i have played league for around 3 years but the first 2 years i played very bad didnt realy know how to play the game good but this year i started playing properly. The champs i play the most is probely Teemo and Draven. You can add me on EUW my username is Wozeee
Mushrooms are used to a few things like damage and vision.
Theese Noxious Trap are used to give vision over the map for exampel dragon pit. Theese mushrooms are often placed in spots were the enemys are not gona walk in to. I often use them in bushes near enemys buffs or your teams. You can also put mushrooms In bush instead of using wards.
With Teemo you can counter ganks pretty easy with his Noxious Trap. One thing you can do is put Noxious Trap near river so when they are trying to gank they will take damage and get slowed. And when they are slowed you can probely escape. If you have alot of ap you will even maybe be able to 2v1 becouse of how damage your Noxious Trap do. So try to use your mushrooms as often as possible.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
+Fun to play +Not hard to play +Can build everything nothing is bad on him
+Hated by alot of people +Pretty squishy and can get one shoted easy +If they have oracle or Control Ward your Noxious Trap wont do anything
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