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Ability Order
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
I am RitzierJunk, in game Bamboozeld. And I really like Ivern, I guess because he is a Support that can Jungle. I mostly like to play Support and sometimes Jungle, so Ivern is the perfect Champion for me. I also like his kit a lot.
For now, I will leave this as is, and update later. Hope this help's some of the Ivern players out there. Have fun Summoner's!!
Ivern is a Support. But he is best played in the Jungle imo. He does work as a Support too, but you will basically have no Passive. Plus Smite is a must when playing with Ivern.
Ivern is one off the easiest champions to Cheese with, what this means is that you can easily Counter Jungle.
CDR is the most important thing to get on Ivern, this is why you want to rush the CDR items, like Ionian Boots of Lucidity or Redemption.
Ivern is one off the easiest champions to Cheese with, what this means is that you can easily Counter Jungle.
CDR is the most important thing to get on Ivern, this is why you want to rush the CDR items, like Ionian Boots of Lucidity or Redemption.
You want to place your Control Ward into the bush behind your Red Buff, and also ward the enemy Blue Buff. If the enemy jungler is starting at Red, you will then Mark your own red, then walk to the enemy side Blue Buff, Mark it then smite it. This way you will steal an enemy's Buff, have your Buff's Mark be full when you get to it after Krugs and also have your smite ready for your own Blue Buff. After this, you should have stolen one Buff, taken both of your Buffs and also Marked all of your side of the Jungle Camps. At this point you will Recall.
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