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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability

Hello guys, this is my guide of

Note: This

Note II: Please read all the guide before voting, you need to master this champion before making any pentakill. Test the guide first.
As many people said in their guides, this is a GUIDE, you don't have to follow it like the bible.

Let's start :D

There are some Pros and Cons that you should know before buying

- Powerful harassment in early-mid game.
- Easy to grab enemies in front of you and make the things easier to your team.
- Very fun to play and kill with him.
- He has no escape tool, there is no turning back.
- Melee champion, so he can be harassed by ranged champions very easily.
- He has only one skin.

This is the Ability Sequence that you should follow to get the full power of

- [Q]
"Darius swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies struck by the blade take more damage than those struck by the handle.
Deals 70/105/140/175/210 (+0.7) physical damage to all nearby enemies in a circle. Champions in the outer half of the ability are struck by the blade, taking 50% additional damage."
- [W]
"Darius's next attack strikes a crucial artery. As they bleed out, their movement and attack speed is slowed. Crippling Strike's cooldown is lower the more bloodied its target.
The next basic attack deals 120/140/160/180/200% damage and slows the target's movement and attack speed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds."
Crippling Strike's base cooldown is reduced by 1 second for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target.
- [E]
"Darius hones his axe, granting him passive armor penetration. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe's hook and pulls them to him.
Passive: Grants 5/10/15/20/25% armor penetration."
Active: Pulls in all enemies in front of Darius.
- [R]
(Ultimate) "Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed.
Leaps to target enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing 160/250/340 (+0.75) true damage."
For each stack of Hemorrhage on the target, Noxian Guillotine deals an additional 20% damage.
The cooldown is refreshed if Noxian Guillotine kills the target.
(Passive) Darius aims his attacks strategically, causing his target bleed. This effect stacks up to five times.

There are many ways to build

Build number one:

On this build you have some extra initial AD that is very useful to draw first blood or just to deal more damage in early game. Also has enough Armor penetration that will help you all over the game and stacks pretty well with

Build number two:

On this one you have the same Armor and Magic resist but you have no Armor Penetration, instead of that you have full Attack Damage on Marks and Quintesences. It can help you very much in early game but Armor can counter you easily.

Here is the explanation of the masteries.
My build of

21/9/0 to have Damage per level, Critical Damage, some Life Steal, Armor Penetration and Brute Force to kill my enemies. But if you are not that ofensive, you should use this masteries:
9/21/0 to be more tanky and enough powerful to deal moderate damage to enemies. Recommended.

Initial item(s)
Boots This item will help you to be fast and avoid harassment on toplane.
Health Potion You should buy 3 of these after Boots of Speed to have some sustain on toplane.

Mercury's Treads These boots are useful against heavy CCs and give you some magic resist. Pick these if there is heavy magic damage.
Ninja Tabi (Optional. Buy these instead of Mercury's Treads if you need it.) These are very useful against heavy phisical damage, gives you some armor and reduce the damage taken from basic attacks.

Early-mid game item(s)
Frozen Mallet Pick this item for some AD and huge HP + PermaSlow.
Wriggle's Lantern Armor, LifeSteal and some AD, very useful for sustain.
Force of Nature Extreme magic resist, pretty nice health regeneration, extra movement speed and restores your champion's maximum health by 1,75% per 5 secs. Great against heavy magic damage.
Thornmail (Optional. Buy this instead of Force of Nature if you need it.) This item gives you 100 Armor and reflects 30% of the damage you receive from basic attacks.

Late game item(s)
Randuin's Omen Need HP, Armor and AoE Slow? Pick this item and be happy.
Atma's Impaler It gives you 1,5% of your HP as AD. Useful with
Frozen Mallet and
Randuin's Omen

Other viable items
Trinity Force It gives you nice stats. If you buy this, do not buy
Frozen Mallet
Infinity Edge Nice item. Huge AD and brutal crit. strike effects.
Maw of Malmortius Very nice item if you need survival against AP enemies on toplane. Also gives you 55 AD to PwN your foes.
Guardian Angel If you are being focused all the time (not very usual) buy this item to revive instantly and kill you enemies.

Defensive Items (Optional ones)
Frozen Heart Gives you 500 Mana, 99 Armor. Also reduces 20% the Attack speed of nearby enemies.
Quicksilver Sash Gives you some magic resist and removes all debuffs affecting your champion. Just like

Typical TriForce Build
Item Sequence

Trinity Force


Force of Nature

Warmog's Armor

Atma's Impaler

Problems with Heavy damage? Use any of these builds
Heavy AD Enemy Team (With TriForce)
Item Sequence

Warmog's Armor

Atma's Impaler

Ninja Tabi


Heavy AD Enemy Team (Without TriForce)
Item Sequence

Ninja Tabi



Frozen Mallet

Infinity Edge
Heavy AP Enemy Team (With TriForce)
Item Sequence

Trinity Force

Force of Nature

Maw of Malmortius


Warmog's Armor
Heavy AP Enemy Team (Without TriForce)
Item Sequence

Frozen Mallet

Force of Nature

Maw of Malmortius


Infinity Edge

Initial item(s)
Boots You need some speed on dominion, you can't go out there without this.
Prospector's Blade Very similar to
Doran's Blade but with more stats. (You cannot stack this item with other "Prospector" items.
Health Potion Buy as much as you can with the rest of the gold. You will need some sustain to Def the Windmill.

Core build items
Trinity Force This item is great for Darius, it gives you all stats you need.
Sunfire Aegis Armor, nice HP and some AoE damage per second to all nearby enemies.
Atma's Impaler This item will work very well with your
Trinity Force and
Sunfire Aegis because it gives you 1,5% of you HP as AD.
Sanguine Blade Just like
Bloodthirster but modified for dominion. Take it to keep yourself alive on the base.
Force of Nature Pick this item to counter very much magic damage. You can also move faster with this item and arrive to your base faster.

Other optional items
Thornmail In case of heavy phisical damage pick this item and make your enemies kill themselves.
Randuin's Omen Use this item if you need more HP and Armor. Also slows nearby enemies.
Odyn's Veil Why not? This item is great in case of massive magic damage, it gives you HP, Mana and Magic Resist. Also reduces the magic damage taken by 10%.

This new map has a lot of changes and new items. But your build will not change too much:
- There is no

- You will not need

Well you can consider stacking some
Doran's Blade to get much more survival.
Stacking two of these nice items you can get 160 HP, 20 AD and 6% Life Steal. With this you have more sustain in toplane. After stacking this item you can proceed with the normal build.
This is not necessary, only if you need to be more tanky.

Stacking two of these nice items you can get 160 HP, 20 AD and 6% Life Steal. With this you have more sustain in toplane. After stacking this item you can proceed with the normal build.
This is not necessary, only if you need to be more tanky.

Viable Summoner Spells
Ghost(Recommended) This summoner spell is great for Darius and all AD champions in my opinion. You can run faster than your enemies and catch them with
Apprehend or kill'em with
Noxian Guillotine. Also useful to escape.
Exhaust Very nice summoner spell. Slows an enemy champion up to 40% and reduce his damage with basic attacks 70% and damage dealt with spells 35% for 2,5 seconds. It helps you a lot when the enemy team has mass damage. You can deny much of their damage with this awesome spell.
Ignite (Recommended) (Optional. Use it instead of Exhaust if you need it.) Also useful combined with
Hemorrhage to grant you a kill if your oponent run away with low health.

Other viable Summoner Spells

Flash Can be useful in some situations. Teleports you a few metres forward. You can go through walls with this spell and is useful to escape

Vision Ward - Use these in important places (as Dragon, Baron and TriBrushes to avoid ganks)
- Sight Ward - Use these on your jungle's buffs and usual brushes.

- Activate
Crippling Strike and then grab an enemy champion with
Apprehend to hit him in the face and don't let him escape.
- Use
Noxian Guillotine right after stacking passive 5 times, it will deal double damage.
- Try to harass your oponents with
Decimate but don't spam it too much, you use mana, don't forget.

Thank you for reading my guide, hope it was useful for you.
Special thanks to jhoijhoi for making this cool line separators that I used in my guide and for his guide of making guides. Also thanks to TehSkrunch for making the Darius banner that I used on the introduction.
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