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You can't win 1 v 1 against her, your best bet is to dodge her E's and poke her with your Q, you will lose to her every time unless you start the fight with a 5 Stack (5 bleed)
You should dodge this match up every time, you can't do anything to him all game. So you ban him or you dodge because unless they have no idea how to play him, you are losing lane. I always ban him when playing Darius
You can't do much about him, he just stuns you across the lane and if you manage to hook him in he will just stun you and run away.
Complete ******ation of a champion, you can't win against her because she keeps rooting you in lane, I advise dodging if you see Neeko going top and preferably starting to ban her.
You should be able to beat Fiora 1 v 1 if she doesn't manage to hit her vitals. However if both of you have a positive K/DA by level 6, you should win by default with your ulti
Try to not fight him because he will just E in, Stun you, Q and E out. He will burst you down and you won't have hp. The moment you see him use his E, engage him because thats the only chance you got.
Tahm Kench
Incredibly broken, don't try to fight him without ALL you abilties, his shield is very powerful and blocks alot of your 5 stack/bleed. Try to engage once you've poked him for a bit.
Avoid him at all costs, its a barely winnable lane because you just can't do anything against him, He will barrel spam you across the lane and you won't be able to do anything, I recommend banning him in most situations
If you don't bring ghost against a good teemo player, well... YOU'RE DOOMED. You can't possibly think about winning lane without ghost, so if you see a Teemo on the enemy team take Ghost at ALL COSTS.
You should go even with him, however if he hits you with his Q, you should disengage immediately because he will kill you 9/10 times, so if he misses a Q, its an easy kill
She will play very passively however you should be able to beat her because she can't outdamage your 5 stack, just don't turret dive her.
Try not to all in him from point blank distance because he will melt down your hp with his passive. Just be careful and try to hit a five stack with some minions around you
Very easy lane just like Sion except at level 6. He has an execute ulti which will kill you at about 300 hp so be careful with that, but you should still win the lane majority of the time.
You should be able to win every fight against him, your 5 bleed is too much for him, but you should watch out for his damage. Don't auto attack him when he uses his E, walk around him and wait for it to expire, than use your combo and fight him.
Don't let him stack, and its an easy lane.
After the nerfs you should be able to win against Irelia every time in lane, the only exception is if you get ganked by their jungle. Just pull her in with your E and it should be an easy kill.
Shouldn't be a threat, you just five stack him and he has no where to go, He can't outdamage you so the only way he survives is to flash away.
In early game is pretty strong, try not to engage until level 3, but at level 3 you should be able to win a fight against her the entire game.
Same thing as Garen
Jax does outscale you but it doesn't matter because Darius beats Jax in ALL stages of the game, lane should be no problem and late game shouldn't be either. You're just way too tanky for him and your 5 Bleed kills him before he can even get to damage you.
You should be able to win lane against him if you bring ignite, your Q will heal you for a lot so it won't even matter how much damage he deals to you. If he ulties you, just try to kite him in it and get a five stack.
Really easy to win against, Darius is hard coded to beat tanks, so you should be able to beat Sion without a problem.
Same boat as Sion, just can't win against Darius in lane.
Just like Sion and Poppy, really easy to kill and you should be able to win at all stages of the game - This Applies to every tank in the game.
Dr. Mundo
Same as Poppy and Sion
Really good shields, could help you carry the whole team fight
Just very good at teamfighting if she shields and heals you, there is no way for you to die.
Really good shields, could help you carry the whole team fight
Just very good at teamfighting if she shields and heals you, there is no way for you to die.
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