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Recommended Items
Runes: Typical Rune Page
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Abilities
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Bard out-trades you in lane and roams much better than Soraka. Your mid laner and jungler are not happy. Start Relic Shield and take a Guardian rune page.
Senna is typically not as good with ranged supports, but the healing circle allows you two to stay in lane indefinitely. She can also peel you later.
Senna is typically not as good with ranged supports, but the healing circle allows you two to stay in lane indefinitely. She can also peel you later.
Champion Build Guide
Season 9:
Season 8:
Season 7:
I plan to add at least four more chapters: pros & cons of Soraka, specific tips and tricks, how to use active items (such as Mikael's Blessing) to their full potential, and a conclusion of some sort.
If you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to leave comments, or you can come down to my stream and ask me there! c;
- Think of there being a mental checklist for which support item is better to start each game. For Spellthief's Edge to be the better option over Relic Shield, you need to be able to constantly harass in the lane to use your Spellthief's Edge stacks. In order to be able to harass, you need to be in a good enough matchup where you can play aggressively AND be in range to constantly poke.
- Relic Shield more often than Spellthief's Edge on most enchanters (besides Yuumi). If you haven't tried Relic Shield on ranged supports before, give it a shot. The HP regen it gives is mostly wasted because Soraka has the lowest HP regen in the game, but the consistent income is worth losing the mana regen from Spellthief's Edge if you would earn less gold otherwise.
- Generally, I only buy Spellthief's Edge against weak and short-ranged ADCs like Vayne, Twitch, and Sivir. I used to buy it against weak laning supports like Sona as well, but a lot of them are also buying Relic Shield and rarely trading in the lane (which means Spellthief's Edge will generate less gold).
- Whichever support item you have, try to make sure you're never sitting at 3 charges/stacks.
- You can opt for Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads instead of Ionian Boots of Lucidity based on the game. I really like Boots of Swiftness against champions with constant or heavy slows like Ashe, Trundle, or Singed with a Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- I always go Athene's Unholy Grail first. Now that Starcall is only 45 mana at rank 1, it's almost as spammable as pre-nerf so you can stack Athene's Unholy Grail without running out of mana.
- Redemption is generically good on Soraka. It's essentially another Wish but with a 2.5-second delay. If neither Ardent Censer nor Mikael's Blessing are ideal for your situation, that probably means Redemption is the best option. Redemption is especially good with or against champions like [jarvan iv]], Camille, and Galio. Whether they're on your team or not, champions like this set up and start the fight in a smaller, specific area. This helps you preemptively use Redemption. As soon as Jarvan IV uses his Cataclysm, use Redemption on top of that area.
- Consider buying an Ardent Censer if your ADC uses it well (ex: Jinx or Twitch) or another player besides your ADC would benefit from the attack speed (ex: Jax, Master Yi, Tryndamere). Caitlyn doesn't scale as well as other ADCs with attack speed, making the attack speed Ardent Censer gives less valuable on her.
- Mikael's Blessing is especially good against point-and-click or telegraphed hard crowd control such as Twisted Fate's Pick A Card, Sejuani's Glacial Prison Lissandra's Frozen Tomb, and Thresh's Death Sentence. Keep in mind you can't use Mikael's Blessing on abilities like Nautilus's Dredge Line, Malzahar's Nether Grasp, or Mordekaiser's Realm of Death. Mikael's Blessing removes all stuns, roots, taunts, fears, charms, silences, and slows. It does not remove suppressions, airbornes, knock-ups, attack speed slows, blinds, nearsights, or polymorphs. Mikael's Blessing also grants two seconds of slow immunity upon activation. Successfully cleansing an effect will also grant the target 40% bonus movement speed for two seconds. This means that using Mikael's Blessing well can give you and your teammate a ton of value out of the item. Unless there's crowd control that can't be cleansed using Mikael's Blessing, your carries might be able to save 1300 gold and not buy a Quicksilver Sash if you're quick enough at using Mikael's Blessing.
- Shurelya's Battlesong is the Forbidden Idol item I buy the least. Even if Ardent Censer and Mikael's Blessing aren't the most ideal options for your situation, I would still build those two before Shurelya's Battlesong. Only buy one of these if it's your last item and you have no other better options.
- Locket of the Iron Solari is situationally okay and rarely ideal. I would only buy it if I already had Redemption (for the extra Locket of the Iron Solari shield strength. Also because both items aim to achieve a similar goal of healing [or preventing damage] in a small area). More often than not, I end up getting a Locket of the Iron Solari against AoE burst like Karthus's Requiem or Kennen's Slicing Maelstrom.
- Zhonya's Hourglass is a legitimate option against divers/assassins. I regularly buy it second item (after Athene's Unholy Grail) against champs like Talon, Zed, or Fizz.
- Strongly consider building a Quicksilver Sash after against champions like Mordekaiser, Malzahar, or Skarner. Mikael's Blessing doesn't work against their key lockdown abilities.
- Keep an eye on the Salvation marker above your allies' champion. This indicator shows you when teammates are low enough (below 40% HP) for you to gain your passive movement speed. More importantly, it also indicates if they will receive the increased Wish healing.
- You should almost always start with a point in Starcall. Soraka has a stronger level one than most botlaners, so try to take advantage of that every game.
- Most of your Astral Infusion heals should be while you're Rejuvenated to save your own HP and to heal your ally for more. Try your best to avoid casting [astral infusion without landing Starcall first unless you have to.
- You should have Astral Infusion maxed by level nine. Always max Starcall second and Equinox last.
- You can spam Equinox (a 20-second cooldown) in lane to easily stack Manaflow Band (a 15-second cooldown).
- Using Wish to the best of its ability is one of the biggest differences between experienced Soraka players and newer ones. Constantly check on your teammates with your F keys when Wish is available. You need to make sure that your Wish will impact the outcome of the fight/skirmish you're using it for. Try not to use [wish on your Ezreal who's in a 1v4 if he's gonna die anyway.
- Improving your map awareness is key to succeeding with Soraka.
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