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Lucian Build Guide by Joxuu

ADC Diamond's In-depth Lucian guide

ADC Diamond's In-depth Lucian guide

Updated on November 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Build Guide By Joxuu 55 5 1,845,497 Views 100 Comments
55 5 1,845,497 Views 100 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Lucian Build Guide By Joxuu Updated on November 3, 2015
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Hello viewer. My name is jjoxuu and I am a bot lane fanatic. I enjoy playing the support role the most, but I also enjoy playing the roles of ADC and jungle. Finally I can back-up my guide after achieving something, which is this seasons Diamond. I have also picked-up Lucian as my main role.

There are some Lucian guides, but they do not provide a guide that introduces Lucian all that well. I also just wanted to make this guide for my own personal satisfaction: usually I have just focused on filling guides for champions that lacked proper ones in my opinion. I didn't like Lucian at first, because I didn't see the potential until the new season launched. I enjoyed playing and finally decided to master Lucian. I've had huge success with it.

Here are my current stats as Lucian;

Stats from my platinum smurf;

What is the purpose of this ?

I want to discuss a little of the ADC role play style, why would you want to play ADC and some generic thoughts on the role. One big point I would like to make first and clearly: YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THE BOTTOM LANE. Bot lane in the current meta is a 2v2 lane, meaning you have to deal/work with someone else in your team. The most common mistake I see is when ADC's go with the attitude "all me". Don't go shooting off in the chat that your support takes an accidental or secured kill. One of the worst things you can do is go blaming your teammates for your death. By behaving negatively, your support in the lane WILL play a lot worse and stop caring. Instead of saying, "OMG NO WARDS REPORT SUPPORT" you can buy 1 ward yourself or ask for a ward politely, without flaming. If your support secures 1 kill that you would've gotten, do remember that the support may not have the same knowledge as you (for example if u had Q off cooldown); don't flame him and say good job. It was a good play from his point of view.

Why do I play ADC ?

I play ADC because I enjoy communicating with someone in the same lane. I like doing heavy damage and my team relying on that damage. It's also a very strategic and important role where 1 mistake could cost you the whole game. I also enjoy the overall combination of different compositions you can put bot lane, for example: you can combine 2 different kits into 1 strategic move to kill someone off. In the end, I believe it is the high responsibility, the ability to do tons of damage, and communicating with my support as to why I enjoy the ADC role.

Climbing as ADC ?

ADC can be a really effective and a fast way to climb if you know how to play ADC relatively well. The ADC can carry a team really hard if you make the right pick. Most of a team’s damage comes from the ADC and nearly all efforts are put toward protecting them so that he/she can deal as much damage as possible. The majority of the top 50 players in the game have at least 1 ADC in their most played champions list. In lower tiers like bronze, ADC is a great way to get you out as long as you play it well. You can even go 4v5 with an AFK and win; that's how strong the role is. ADC's are often focused in team fights for good reason, but in lower tiers people don't do that as often or do it with too large of a cost.

> Great 1v1
> Mobile
> Has burst
> Has poke
> Good kit
>> Lucian has really good and mobile kit which fits the current meta. Lightslinger is great passive to win off auto-attack trades that are very common during laning phase. Piercing Light is very good after early levels due the insane scale with AD. That makes heavy AD items work well with Lucian. It offers some burst combined with passive. Ardent Blaze is the core while chasing enemy, mostly just used to get Sheen and passive proc. Relentless Pursuit is rather good escape tool and propably the ability that makes Lucian such a great pick. The Culling is great poke/wave clear ability, but is is often misused which can loose a whole team fight.

>> Lucian is somewhat hard to master. You can do well with him without thinking too much, but to play really good as Lucian you need to know few tricks that are often left unnoticed causing many kill losses or unnecessary deaths. Good example is the ultimate usage. The Culling is really good when used properly, but about every second ultimate is completly wasted from what I have seen. Lucian is also rather mana dependant and needs some core AD to start rolling.
> Mana
> Skillshots
> Skill level
> Item reliant
> Ulti usage

Your synergy



Preferred Role:


Lucian in nutshell:

Lucian is a ADC semi-caster that works well trough any stage of the gamme. Never really falls off and only early game can be a little troubling, but still rather easy. I think he does really well against anyone at bottom lane. The most popular ADC pick Jinx is also quite easy lane, so Lucian is safe pick that doesn't loose lane that hard to any ADC. His abilities are great for farming even if you are zoned and I doubt Riot will nerf Lucian for a while.

Your Counters





||| ADC runes are quite boring and work the best with only 1 real set of runes. In marks, attack damage is the way to go. It helps you last hit and your passive scales well with them.

Get armor seals for a bit of armor for early-game resistances against enemy AD carry damage. The damage resistance % skyrockets up, so don't take anything other than these.

For some early defense against the enemy support’s poke, I highly recommend magic resistance over mana regeneration glyphs. Some run 3 mana regen and 6 m. res, but just go for the resistance. It is much better and you shouldn't run out of mana that easily if you show some restraint from spamming skills.

Attack damage once again to last hit easier. With the new updates I don't consider life steal quints that good. You can still run them without any problem but myself I tried attack speed quints and I liked them. You can run either one or just run straight full AD quints. Plenty of options here.



>> Fury for some attack speed, which can also be traded for the cooldown reduction, but the attack speed feels better to me and Butcher to help you with last hitting.

>> Then go for Brute Force . Small amount of AD for late game. It's like an extra Long Sword, which is worth 400 gold. Honestly it is kinda meh, but it is necessary for us to get to the next tier along with picking Feast for the extra sustain.

>> Martial Mastery is useful to help with farming: especially under tower. It gives you some extra damage for poking also. Then Executioner for the bonus % damage for the late game.

>> Here I go for Warlord which is rather nice overall. It is nice to increase the total amount of AD further.

>> Here we access the most cost worthy mastery: Devastating Strikes . Lucian benefits little from the ap penetration also due magic damaging abilities. Finally Frenzy , which could be switched around for the 1.5% increased damage, but I feel like Frenzy actually benefits you, even though you don't need the attack speed that much.

>> Finally the last point for Havoc . Not a "wow" bonus, but 3% extra damage for 1 point is OK I guess. Its not really that much if you start to count how much the percentage is from ~2k damage, but it is still worth it.


>> Block and Recovery . The Block mastery is really good. It seems very little, but it is much more useful than you may think. LoLmath has video of it in youtube I believe, go watch it, if you want to see the math behind this mastery. Health regen gives some extra sustain.

>> I take Unyielding to boost the effect of Block even further, making it a total of 3 less damage per auto-attack and some reduction against spells. Next take Veteran Scars for some extra tankiness, so you don't seem quite as squishy.

>> Juggernaut is worth because it takes only 1 point for 3%. Not that much if you compare my example for 3% extra damage from 1000, but this point is a fair ~+20 health in lane early-game.

>> I have covered a little bit about the utility vs defensive masteries in the following tree. It is pretty much up to what you prefer. Both masteries work well and are viable. Some may wonder why I skip over the enchanted armor and magic resist as it's 5%. The reason is, because you will have around 30-100 resists throughout the game and it is a mere 1.5-5 more defense. It's possible to go for it also though.


>> I did not choose utility masteries over defense. I was arguing and fiddling around with the 9 points in utility, because the HP potion masteries are really good. However, I don't feel like you will be using that much of them in a poke lane where your support is often someone who can keep you sustained. I would go for these in the utility mastery tree if I was going to run that tree:

>> I go for Phasewalker for improved recall that may just save you some time or save you cs. Meditation to ease mana problems a little. Fleet of Foot is a possible choice over summoner CDR from the next tier. Depends on what you prefer.

>> I take Summoner's Insight , because this can be a key factor in bot lane. I see lot's of Barrier and Flash exchanges. You can bait a fight with your 18 second faster Barrier. Little things matter and if you calculate correctly, you can surprise the enemy with faster summoners. Alchemist for improved potions along with Culinary Master . These two combined are quite helpful.

Situational path

Flash is the most important spell in the game and is also the most used. Do not take anything over it! It can save you from tricky situations where you normally wouldn't survive. It is also a last hitting/finishing a champion tool if the enemy is running away from you.

Barrier is a useful summoner spell at any point of the game. It can be used for baiting the enemy in to kill them and for saving you in close-call situations. This summoner spell has become core to most ADC’s after being spotted as useful. It shields more than Ignite does damage, so that's why it is typically taken over it.

Cleanse is considerable against heavy CC bot lane or overall team composition. It removes all CC, so it is a great tool to use against Exhaust in laning phase for example. The question is whether it provides a significant advantage over Barrier.

sp W
SPE >> Rushing Trinity Force is also decent build due the E changes. It would replace youmuu's. Blade of the Ruined King has overruled Bloodthirster due the passive being changed and it gives more mobility to use for E so deffinately a certain pick. Youmuu's Ghostblade is for the same purpose but it synergies better with The Culling when activated.

sp O
SPE >> Taking Berserker's Greaves is the way to go these days. Ionian Boots of Lucidity can be taken as a situational item if you prefer CDR but the attack speed is more useful in my opinion.

SPE >> If you see enemy team building tons of armor, Last Whisper gives more damage than Infinity Edge but if the enemy team however doesn't have armor, Infinity Edge is much better. Infinity Edge is good as first item if you have the money for it during 1st recall against hyper carries like Tristana.

SPE >> Banshee's Veil is the most built defensive item I believe. I prefer it over Mercurial Scimitar as it takes time to finish and as Lucian, you're often far behind using ultimate first so no hard CC should land on you. Merc can be better against Zed's ultimate tho. Guardian Angel is really the all-around defensive item fit in pretty much any time. It's better against champions that gain resets when killing someone or against assassins.

Preferred skill sequence

> > >

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

This ability sequence is all about damage. Ultimate is maxed first which is no surprise. It allows you to clear out minion waves or poke out enemy out of range or while you are zoned. Piercing Light is maxed second because of the great damage scaling it provides and the amount of poke + burst it gives. Ardent Blaze is taken as third as it scales much better than Relentless Pursuit. Offers some extra burst and poke. As said Relentless Pursuit is taken last because it is at it's maximum potential from level 1, so there is no real reason to level it up further.


Lightslinger: Rather good passive out of the ones in league currently. Too bad it got nerfed a little, but it's still ridicilously strong after you get items. In early game it's all about winning trades and as Lucian it's impossible to loose fair trade with this passive.

Piercing Light: Your main ability to deal damage and poke enemies. Use it on a minion facing towards the wanted target if you are out of range from just clicking on the actual target. Q + AA + passive is the core of winning trades. Also very useful when farming minions under tower or minions that are out of range.

Ardent blaze: Not all that great ability, but I do like it's range. The actual range is the explosion range in the form of star. So even if the range meter shows the max range, but it's just for the shooting star not for the explosion radius. I use this ability mostly BEFORE I start going for the actual kill, if I have clear vision so I can take advantage of the movement speed of the ability and Trinity Force. In lane it's ok to farm minions with this.

Relentless Pursuit: The usage of this ability is the key of your positioning. It does work against attack speed slows. It has quite long cooldown, so use it wisely. In lane rush level 2 and use AA + passive + Q + AA to deal close to half of opposing champions health. Only use it offensively when there is no danger of getting caught or you get kill.

The culling: Dangerouse ultimate in the wrong hands. If this ability is used inproperly it will cause huge loss of damage. Never use this in close range if you have other abilities up. Perfect usage is when opponent is out of AA range. You can deal lot's of poke combined with Relentless Pursuit to continue chase. Remember to aim the first shot properly.



SPE >> Quinn is pretty easy to lane against due to her having no long range abilities. Everything she has is limited around her basic attack range. Just be careful not to use ultimate too rashly due Quinn can block it immediatly. As long as you poke and use the range advantage, you should be fine.



SPE >> Draven has quite a strong early game that is somewhat reliant on catching axes and having mobility to chase for free auto-attacks. He outdamages you clearly just with the axes before you get AD scaling. He can stop The Culling easily and Relentless Pursuit is not enough to get out of combat due Draven's W.



SPE >> Kog'Maw relies on his late game damage. Your job is to stop that goal early. Go really aggressive, because this bug only has mere auto-attacks to fight in the beginning. Auto-attack range increases as W is evolved, but the damages are rather minor still. Poke out of lane with Piercing Light and use the Relentless Pursuit wisely for Kog'Maw's slow.



SPE >> Twitch relies on AA damage. Pretty much the same playing style as Quinn. You need to deny farm in this lane, because he has quite good late-game. Before level 6 it is very easy to poke/zone with Piercing Light's range and deny escapes with Relentless Pursuit. Ardent Blaze is good way to stop stealth.



SPE >> Jinx is a semi-easy lane. You have the mobility advantage in lane that can dodge pretty much everything Jinx throws from Zap! to Flame Chompers! and ultimate. Has quite good close combat and poke with Q though, so don't go into AA fights. Go for small bursts and passive usage with Piercing Light and Ardent Blaze.


SPE >> Vayne is really weak pre 6 and you must do the same as you would against a Twitch lane, which is to deny as much as you can during the laning phase before level 6. Lucian gets throwed at level 6 and it comes hard to fight anymore. Stealth + mobility from passive + Q along with Condemn that can block your ulti and stun you.


SPE >> Corki is kinda weak against poke as you tend to build life steal very late on him. He runs out of mana quickly if he tries to keep up with trades. Just poke with Piercing Light and use Relentless Pursuit to dodge his Q and you are fine. He has much better escape/engage with W, so don't count on chasing if you don't have movement speed advantage.



SPE >> Ezreal lanes are about how you use your abilities. Depending on your support, Ezreal lane can go for poke or burst. Ezreal wins the lane if you use your Relentless Pursuit wrong. It's easy Q to your face if you misposition. Stay behind minions and use engage after you have minion wave there. Knowing how to use Piercing Light trough minions to hit further is really important and so is the usage of The Culling. Your ultimate and Ardent Blaze both have range aft


SPE >> Miss Fortune is good in close combat and somewhat long range with her ultimate and her Q. Lacks a bit of mobility, if passive gets blocked, but isn't really a problem. You will lose AA pokes and generally lose fights pre 2. Key to the lane is how you use your level 2 advantage and how you position your & opponents ultimate. This is a skill match-up.


SPE >> Ashe has strong lock-up and poke with long-lasting slows, but Lucian excels in kiting and removing slow effects along with a turn-around damage. The key is about how you use Relentless Pursuit against the W slow and ultimate. If you are not familiar or own good reflexes, it's a medium match-up.


SPE >> Tristana is quite weak in the low levels generally. The AA + E poke can get her through the early game and she gains range and burst with levels. Your best option is to try to zone and go aggressive early with as much cs as you can before Tristana gets too far ahead later on in the game. It is wise to be cautious of Rocket Jump while trying to close for a kill or make an escape.


SPE >> Caitlyn is problematic lane. Cait has really long poke with auto-attacks and Q. Caitlyn has the net escape, but you can counter it with Relentless Pursuit. It's also rather easy to dodge the Q, but auto-attack pokes are really annoying. Rushing level 2 and going all-in when Cait is still level 1 is really important. At Level 6 Caitlyn gets more dangerouse.


SPE >> Graves is a very bursty champion that has insane synergy with burst supports. Graves is very good in close combat battle and provides more burst and Quickdraw is more useful dodging ability in this case. For examplea simple stun from Annie support with Graves burst can kill you in seconds. Try to farm and poke with Q trough as much as you can after some AD items.


SPE >> Sivir is very good in close combat and has a really good ultimate for fights. Siv's Q poke is really strong and it is very hard to land anything on her because of her spell shield. Farm lane and try to burst trough the shield. Long-term fights after 6 are not favorable.


SPE >> You gave good poke and burst, can dodge Varus' abilities rather simply by using Relentless Pursuit, has really strong close combat and you trades quite hard. Play aggressive and use pursuit carefully, because it wins the lane once again. Try to get snowball running.

Supports for Lucian


Thresh - The chain warden

Tank, Fighter, Support

Synergy: High
Jungler ganking potential: High
Specialty: Huge CC, AA poke, Shield
Explanation: Thresh is a great laning partner for Lucian, because Thresh allows Lucian to position better for abilities to land and use Relentless Pursuit for chase in stead of engage.
face of the mountain



Lulu - The Fae Sorceress

Ranged, Mage, Support

Synergy: High
Jungler ganking potential: High
Specialty: Poke, mobility, knockup
Explanation: Lulu synergies well with Lucian poke and mobility. It's really easy to find enemy off-position and the chase potential is just crazy strong. Level 2 should be at least potion, most likely summoner used or even first blood.



Leona - The radiant dawn

Melee, Tank, Support

Synergy: Medium - High
Jungler ganking potential: High
Specialty: Huge CC, burst, initiation
Explanation: Leona fits really well with Lucian if you're not facing really high poke lane. The hard CC, which she offers locks down or should lock down at least 1 champion in bot lane. You can freely use burst and if necessary use Relentless Pursuit for chase and The Culling to finish off.
Face of the mountain



Annie - The Dark Child

Ranged, Mage, burst, Mid

Synergy: High
Jungler ganking potential: Medium
Specialty: Burst, AoE stun
Explanation: Annie is the same as Leona. She offers great burst and AoE stun for Lucian to get to use his burst also. Pretty much a sure kill if executed properly.



Braum - The heart of Freljord

Melee, Tank, Support

Synergy: High
Jungler ganking potential: Medium
Specialty: Shield, CC
Explanation: Braum is a tanky support who specializes in shielding and taking damage in stead of others. Braum's passive works wonders with Lucian's passive. Lucian can play really aggressively and should win almost every lane with this combination
Face of the mountain


Early game can be really rewarding or a farm lane. I can't imagine a lane where you get completly trashed. Aim for even minion score or to snowball a lane. Having more than 3 deaths in lane means you are doing it wrong, most likely misusing Relentless Pursuit or your vision control is not there. For level 1 push the lane. Do not go as far as turret, so your support can't follow, but around the middle. Getting level 2 before your opponent as Lucian is really crucial for rest of the lane. I have won so many lanes by just getting earlier level 2. Once you hit level 2, instantly ping for your support to go in and you follow with Relentless Pursuit + AA + Q + AA. Get a kill, burn a summoner or force potions out of the opponent. You should have lane control, if you get the burst over. Continue then pushing towards tower as you can poke with Piercing Light. Look for kills troughout the laning phase. At level 6 try to get a gank bottom and go for dragon after, if you can force enemy to go back.

Start to look for tower kill after you have reached 6 and if you are winning or even in lane. If you are winning hard, get tower early and go help your mid laner. Helping the mid laner helps to get mid tower. First mid tower is really important tower for the whole team, but especially for jungler. You should have Bloodthirster and Trinity Force if doing good by ~20th minute. This is the point where you barely need any extra damage really. Just Last Whisper for armor penetration against front line.

Mid-game team fights should be dependent on how much you are ahead after laning phase, so if you have gotten that tower at bottom/mid or dragon, you should be fine as a team. Team fights start around the time you have taken first towers and group mid. in team fights it's extremely important to mind your positioning. If they have any kind of assassin in their team, don't you dare to go in range of engage. You are safe to go once they have used major CC or assassin focuses someone else. If you are being zoned out from the fight by hard CC user, this is the time when you use The Culling most effective way. You deal damage in team fight while the enemy ADC may not be able to do so and enemy hard CC/burst is not being used, because you are not in range of it. Usage of Relentless Pursuit is the key in victory. You can do so many outplays with it. Good example is this: When Zed uses his ultimate on you, immediatly use Relentless Pursuit sideways once he has landed. If you use it too early, he will land on you. This way he misses most of the burst and doesn't do much damage.

Late game is where you should really not die. Overall I consider +5 deaths as Lucian too much. You should have banshee up for now, which gives even more outplay chance for Relentless Pursuit. Continue with the same positioning as mid-game. In my opinion the only champion that can destroy Lucian's team fight is Akali. Rest of the champions you can kite with Blessing of the Lizard Elder. It's not easy always, but possible. You can carry a bat**** team if you are fed and you know how to Lucian. Lucian is maybe the hardest champion from AD carries to kill in a team fight and you should take advantage of that. Red buff + movement speed and attack speed slow debuff are really good tools given to you. In the end I could include baron fight I think. Nothing special as I'm pretty sure you know how to do it, but this is important: You can be the one zoning enemy jungler out if you are not really behind. Using The Culling towards jungler or just going straight to him after doing damage to baron, if the enemy team doesn't have dash away. No smite in baron = No smite steal.

Let's start off with a story first to make my point clear. I had been wanting to climb ELO and I wanted to see what I didn't do properly. I took the opportunity when it arose and played a few matches with and against a few Diamond I/Challenger bot lanes. I obviously lost every single time more or less, because of positioning.

I was playing a fair lane Draven, Thresh vs Miss Fortune, Leona.
    • Every time I mispositioned, I got punished by basic attack.
    • Every time I went to get a last hit, I got punished.
    • If I was late from my lane, my opponent was level higher and punished me.
    • Support went warding, I got zoned.
    • I was alone in lane, I got zoned.
    • Every time I lost vision, jungler ganked and I got zoned.

The more I got punished for mispositioning, the more frustrated I got --> Loosing cs, over committing, making more mistakes --> You end up with a death, lost tower + objectives. This was the clear difference between me and my opponent. I knew when I should poke and how to avoid getting poked, but there are so many chances to punish/avoid. He simply used the chances better than I did. I learned a lot that day. Lets take a look at some ways to punish, even the ones that seem basic to many.

I expect you to know bot lane locations, but I'll provide a quick explanation in case I use different terms than you. Locations, positioning and situations are from blue side's point of view.

Red bush = Bush closest to the enemy tower.
Blue bush = Bush closest to your own tower.
River bush = Bush at the end of the river where lanes start.

Keep this in mind while doing this: Minions > Small poke
Here are some simple ways of zoning/punishing;

Enemy assisting blue

So you know they have a mana hungry jungler and that they will start at blue. Depending on how good the ganking potential the jungler has, place a ward at river. Have your support be placed at red bush to either land CC/poke OR zone the enemy towards their tower or force a ward there. Then just push the lane as hard as you can and keep the red bush vision. Basically what this does is allow you to achieve level 2 faster. With your stat and ability advantage, you can either go trade off with the enemy if they go contest minions or they will back-off and you are denying them minion gold.

Lane farming

This is where things get tricky. Let's assume you are even in lane and both supports are not doing anything special to control the bushes. Basically having control of the enemy bush is the base of zoning, but you can't do that at the moment. Poking with abilities is OK, but you can punish the enemy for taking CS, within limits of not loosing CS of your own while doing that. Look at your own minion wave HP, if you see he is going for your melee minions which are low hp and he has a full hp minion wave, FIRE EVERYTHING. At least hit 1 auto-attack. It's not worth it if you loose a minion on the way. The most important minion deny is the big siege minion. Time it right.

Enemy alone in lane

This is really easy and can often lead to burst of summoner/loosing resources/or ending up dead. The most simple rule is when either your enemy has only their ADC or support in lane, go kill/poke/zone. Deny everything you can by simply containing red/blue bush control depending on where your lane is. A second situation is when the support leaves lane to ward. Either punish the enmy ADC by zoning/poking or try to kill the support on their way to ward.

How to prevent getting zoned ?
  • Have sustain
  • Have high CC support
  • Man-up. Know when you can win the trade in stead getting poked 24/7 for nothing
  • Have jungler gank. No matter if river is warded, just CC the enemy bot lane.
  • Have vision and deny it

More useful information;Attack Move/Stutter StepPredicting GanksHow to last hit

Thank you for reading the guide over and I hope you learned something about Lucian. Hopefully I have opened his world and ADC role for you.

Feel free to ask questions or recommend feedback - I will try to respond to them all. This turned out to be quite long guide after all, but if you truly are interested in Lucian, I think you should read it all. This will also be my very last guide. I highly doubt I will make any sort of guides in the future.
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