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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He just straight up out damages you. And if you feed him, he will rip your spine out through your teeth. Play wary and focus on farm and harass, try not to ult when he has his e and ult ready as it sets you up for an easy take down.
Why listen to me?
I do not consider myself the best ADC, Not even in gold. But I have done a lot of research on builds, and played Ezreal every which way until I settled on a few choice items that I thought brought out his potential.
In reality I do not think you should strictly follow my build. I think that every team comp, your's and the enemy's, deserve's a thought or two on which items you can buy. In my experience Ezreal is one of the most versatile ADC's when it comes to items, and one of the most difficult ADC's to master.
Caitlyn, Specialty- harrass, Range- To infinity and beyond, Time to shine- EARLY GAME
Vayne, Specialty- So you think you can tank?, Time to shine- LATE GAME
Kog, look at vayne
Jinx/Lucian- Specialty- get within short range and watch what I do to you
Twitch- The ult range.. The harass.. The freaking invisible rat.
Ezreal- Semi underrated, IE is good on him but not like some others, HUGE Attack speed steroids, Kiting machine, Can shine if in the right hands, So versatile he is like 3 champs in one.
To play Ezreal you must understand that no matter who you are up against, even Graves, there is a way to go Beastmode with Ez. However it is worthy to know that Ez cannot play like some other ADC's and just aa aa aa. He is played more as an AD caster and this can hurt him late game. Ez's short range can put him in a bad spot, but having a flash every 7 seconds or less late game even's it out.
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