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Hi! My summoner name is Boombaaa. Ive been playing since season 3 and my highest rank is plat 1. I ended season five in plat using mainly Nidalee and Taric. this guide should really help you grasp taric and hopefully help you raise your elo. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
-Good Sustain
-High Damage
-Great Early, Mid, and Late Game
-Brings Hard cc
-Can Heal Allies
-Loads Of Fun
-Team Might Feed
-Nothing Else
These runes are pretty standard for high damage assassins. The Magic pen allows you to deal a lot of early damage. The cdr allows you to constantly spam spells which helps them get off cool down even more due to your passive. AP is also good because, well yeah, he scales well. For AD, Attack speed is essential for this build as well as ad, and tank stats let you get close.
Maxing Tarics E provides a lot of cc on a low cool down and damage, if you are being highly out traded in lane though, maxing q is an option. Its in a way like Riven, when you're in a bad matchup, max what gives you sustain (for Riven, E)
Trading with TARIC is EXTREMELY easy. Basically when an opponent comes to you, wait for them to get close, E, and then W auto for your thunder lords proc. Q afterwards to sustain yourself.
Taric has fairly easy combos. Pretty much you always want to E-Auto-W-Auto-Q-Auto-Ult-Auto and just keep going. His passive lets you just keep spamming. This is why loch bane works really well because of the increase in damage on each hit. These combines are about the same for the AD build but activating BORK is usually essential.
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