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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by SparklzMCWalrus

Top Dr.Mundo, the Tankyest Fother Mucker on the rift.

Top Dr.Mundo, the Tankyest Fother Mucker on the rift.

Updated on December 8, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SparklzMCWalrus Build Guide By SparklzMCWalrus 6,129 Views 1 Comments
6,129 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SparklzMCWalrus Dr. Mundo Build Guide By SparklzMCWalrus Updated on December 8, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hello everybody! My Name is SparklzMcWalrus and I'm a top main. My rank is Silver 4 and that is all thanks to Dr.Mundo here. I hope you all enjoy reading my guide and that it helps. If you don't understand anything leave a comment and i'll get back to you.
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You might be wondering why these runes specifically. Well, the scaling Health reg. late game will make you look like a Garen with warmogs and Spirit visage( in which you get these items as well). The CDR marks help you throw out cleavers more often and all the health runes are for sustain in lane. 1 scaling magic resist and 1 scaling armor quint are all you need to become more tanky and durable.
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Standard tank masteries although instead of taking Strength of the Ages you can take Grasp of the undying because that keystone works with spirit savage. I prefer Strength of the ages because it gives you an extra 300 health. That's an extra giants belt. Oppressor is also very good because of the slow on your cleavers.
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Hence the name NO BOOTS NEEDED, this build features no boots. Why? Because Dr.Mundo has many essential items that are all needed to make him an unstoppable,unbreakable wall of health. Warmogs Armor, Spirit visage and Sunfire cape are the 3 most important items on Mundo. Each give massive health, and a passive effect that makes Dr.Mundo the tank he is. The health health reg. on Warmogs Armor, plus the increased healing effects from spirit visage make him have so much healing it will look like he takes no damage. The Sunfire cape makes his W do so much damage per second and makes it easier to farm.
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Skill Sequence

You can start Q just get your e at level 2. I like to start E because it's good if your versing someone who harasses 24/7. It also makes it easier to cs due to the Attack Damage gain. It gives an extra 40 at level 1 which is pretty good. Maxing Q makes it easier to farm if your playing safe AND makes it do more damage which heals you for more.
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The Summoner Spells I chose I like to call my Mundo Try hard Spells. This makes him able to catch up or run away from an enemy champion. This also helps with not getting any boots. You CAN however swap out exhaust for TP if your jungler or mid laner isn't running it.
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Pros / Cons

    Has 4000-6000 health
    can clear a minion wave in seconds
    health regenerates quickly
    late game damage is very high fora tank.
    Doesn't move very fast when not using ghost or ult
    can be kited easily
    does not do damage early on.
    teammates will think your trolling
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Team Work

In team fights, you are the front line. you can tank a billion damage without your ult, and with it you can probably tank the entire enemy team by pressing R. You can easily 1v2 if necessary. You can sometimes count as a second person.
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basically to sum up all of this. Dr.Mundo is the most tankyist mother f**ker in League of Legends. He doesn't need boots to be fast and can easily 1v2. Follow whatever build path you may want that is listed here if you are going to do the NO BOOTS build. AND HAVE FUN DOING IT!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SparklzMCWalrus
SparklzMCWalrus Dr. Mundo Guide
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Dr.Mundo, the Tankyest Fother Mucker on the rift.

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