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Pros / Cons
- Can be hard to lock down
- %HP True damage
- Great self peel
- Melts tanks
- Great repositioning skill
- Dragonslayer skin
- Mechanically intensive
- Can have a difficult laning phase
- Learning how to most effectively use tumble takes time
- Have to position well to output a lot of single target damage
- You have to buy the Dragonslayer skin
For my runes it's a very standard AD setup with AD reds to help with last hitting and having a stronger early game, armour yellows to reduce damage taken from the enemy ad carry in lane and flat MR blues as many supports deal a lot of magic damage early like
Annie and
Karma, and without the flat resist you can lose a lot of HP to just a few of their abilities. This selection of runes allows you to maximise how long you can stay in lane by negating at least some of the opponents poke so you can farm up and become powerful later in the game.
With the recent updates to attack speed and lifeteal quints and now the
Doran's Blade I take attack speed quints over lifesteal, as you can sustain enough just from the blade as it gives the same percentage lifesteal as two lifesteal runes and you can scale much better with attack speed.

With the recent updates to attack speed and lifeteal quints and now the

For my masteries I take a very standard AD carry setup, which include attack speed, attack damage and armour penetration in the offense tree, also taking a point in
Dangerous Game
as it can save your life and net you a double kill in those bot lane all ins and teamfights.
Block/unyielding in the defense tree are pretty much mandatory as they are incredibly good masteries, along with HP regen and flat/% health to be less squishy.
I don't dip into the utility tree as you can easily avoid using too much mana in lane if you do not spam the use of
Combined with
Doran's Blade can easily keep you in lane, this is incredibly important on
Vayne as she can have a difficult laning phase especially against champions such as
Lucian and
Draven who bring a lot of early game damage to the table and being able to stay in lane and farm/gain exp is paramount to you scaling well into mid/late game without being incredibly behind.

Block/unyielding in the defense tree are pretty much mandatory as they are incredibly good masteries, along with HP regen and flat/% health to be less squishy.
I don't dip into the utility tree as you can easily avoid using too much mana in lane if you do not spam the use of

If there is a

I take

Offensive Items

I like to swap out

Defensive Items

End Game

Boot Enchantments
When it comes to boot enchantments there are 3 choices, Homeguard, Furor and Distortion.

Q - Tumble

W - Silver Bolts

E - Condemn

R - Final Hour

You can take
Condemn at level 2 depending on how much cc your lane partner has, if you can stack CC at level 2 you can easily burn a flash or net yourself a kill. If your jungler is coming for an extremely early gank taking
Condemn can help to help set up an easy kill or force a flash.
I usually don't level anything at level 2 unless I am sure I can make use of it, such as someone positioned next to a wall for condemn or if I can do a lot of damage with silver bolt procs following a
Shield of Daybreak for example.
I max
Silver Bolts first because it synergises so well with the attack speed and the %Hp damage you get from building
Blade of the Ruined King first.
I take 2 points in
Tumble before maxing
Silver Bolts though just for a the 5 second cooldown as opposed to 6 just as a personal preference as it has helped me in those slightly longer trades to get two tumble enchanced autos off instead of one.
I then max
Condemn last as it is more useful than your other skills at level 1 comparatively.
Naturally I take points in my ultimate
Final Hour whenever possible at levels 6, 11 and 16.

I usually don't level anything at level 2 unless I am sure I can make use of it, such as someone positioned next to a wall for condemn or if I can do a lot of damage with silver bolt procs following a

I max

I take 2 points in

I then max

Naturally I take points in my ultimate

Early laning
Hitting level 2 first in bot lane is very important because if you are level 2 and your opponent is level 1, the raw stats you gain from being a level higher increase your power dramatically and you also have a 2nd skill which you can use to deal damage, a lane can be decided this early due to being able to force a flash or even get a kill really early on in the game giving you a huge cs and experience advantage. Using this advantage you can easily zone the enemy out of any further cs or experience.
If this happens the only way this lane evens out again, assuming you don't horribly misplay, is if their jungler gets a successful gank or series of ganks as this lane will be relying on it's team to do well so they can farm up to be relevant.
Goals in laning

Losing a lot of hp in any lane is a sure fire way to fall behind and eventually lose lane, luckily for you

The key to laning well as

Trading as Vayne

If you auto attack then tumble and auto attack again your auto attack will be ready to fire as soon as you finish tumbling allowing to you get a good amount of damage out quickly. This is the soft reset.
The hard reset is more complex as you have to be positioned next to a wall, to do this you auto attack, tumble into the wall and then your tumble enchanced auto attack is instantly ready to fire as you don't do the tumble animation because it is cancelled by the wall.
If you are losing an engagement as

When going all in on an opponent, pop your ultimate

General Philosophy
What I like to say about and AD carries teamfight is that the enemies job is to kill you so make the enemies job as hard as possible.
The Main Aim
When it comes to teamfighting you should be trying to position yourself as safely as possible, allowing your team to peel for you easily whilst doing damage to the highest priority that is in range. Whether this is the tank or an out of position carry, just do damage to it whilst making it as hard as possible for the enemy to kill you. This is not just for

Your Advantage Over Other AD Choices
This is where Vayne excels because she can constantly reposition in the fight with the use of

Practice Makes Perfect
Teamfighting isn't exactly something you can learn by reading a guide however, it's takes practice and experience of knowing what is and isn't a safe move for you to make, just try and make sure you deal some damage whilst staying alive to aid your team in winning the fight and you should have done your job, an AD carry really shines when it comes to cleaning up the end of the fight and with the movement speed boost from

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