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Warwick Build Guide by Helibois

Jungle God Carry Warwick to get out of low elo

Jungle God Carry Warwick to get out of low elo

Updated on April 13, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Helibois Build Guide By Helibois 17,057 Views 0 Comments
17,057 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Helibois Warwick Build Guide By Helibois Updated on April 13, 2018
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace



LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hi, My name is Helibois and this is my Warwick build for Season 8. I'm a 22 year old male who has been playing league for around 3-4 years. I am a jungle main and my highest rank has been plat 1 in NA. Currently I play on EU with good friends of mine and play within silver-gold mmr. I am a warwick main with a 90 percent win rate at the moment in ranked solo queue.

This guide is for fellow jungle mains who are sick of being stuck in elo hell of bronze or silver and want to play a fun yet easy champion that will give them the opportunity to carry to gold-plat.

Warwick is currently in a really good place in low elo and he can be really strong early - late game making it really easy to carry the game and pick up the slack of your team mates if they feed. If you play him right and make good calls you can win any game no matter how far behind your team may be.
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About Warwick

Warwick is a pretty easy champion to master. His spells are really basic and don't require too much practice. His ult can be slightly annoying but is really overpowerred. It's the only skill shot you have to worry about hitting on warwick. His other abilities just require you to be within melee range.

You should engage when in range with your blood hunt for the movement speed and use your primal howl just before you engage. You shouldnt think about your Jaws of the beast as more damage but as a gap closer. Of course its really helpful when you need the health because of its strong lifesteal but with practice you can also use it to jump walls when enemies use the plants or even flash over them.

What you need to remember is even though warwick can be really strong early game if he gets ahead, is that warwick is a late game champion and if the game holds out to around 20-30 min + it gives you the opportunity to really go above and beyond and carry your team to victory. Try to focus the adc and any other squishys the team might have because you will be able to run them down without anyone stopping you unless you get hard cced.

Another cool trick is that if your chasing someone through the jungle and dont have vision follow your blood hunt. It practically tells you where your target is. What I like to do sometimes is if I'm chasing a low health target is follow my blood hunt until they stop in a bush and then ult in where the trail stops for an easy kill.
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Team Work

Like in any game, especially when you start climbing, team work is key. As a carry jungler it's your job to make calls that will eventually win you the game. Practice makes perfect but if you see an adc or another squishy farming alone in a lane your the perfect champion for the job to chase them down and get an easy pick.

Your q sustain is also really strong to solo dragons as early as level 4-5. Again, knowing when to do this just requires practice of understanding the game and logic of where the enemy jungler may be.
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Wrap up

Thanks for reading this guide and if it helps I'd sure appreciate the feedback.

I am available for free coaching on the euw right now just add me on my smurf account Snake Mcnuggets. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to give feedback please comment below or visit my stream to ask me directly
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Helibois
Helibois Warwick Guide
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God Carry Warwick to get out of low elo

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