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Riven Humor Guide by Sciurcho

Support Have some fun with Riven support [Riben]

Support Have some fun with Riven support [Riben]

Updated on August 9, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sciurcho Build Guide By Sciurcho 16,312 Views 0 Comments
16,312 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sciurcho Riven Build Guide By Sciurcho Updated on August 9, 2018
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First of, people will call you out for troll picking. Be aware of it. That's why I recommend to play this build only in normal games. Hate will still be there, but less than in ranked. There are some people who enjoy your playstyle tho.

This build is intentionally little explained. It's your job to figure out what's best by thinking of why I picked what and think critically 'is it really the best item?', 'why'd the author max W first?' so you not only improve your gameplay but also your mind. That's my way of guiding you to be a better player and my way to have you explore more. To try it out.

But, I can explain the intention and goal of this build. The idea is, as the supporter, to get to the enemies adc, pin him down for your adc to attack him. Riven x Kalista is a good combo thanks to Kalistas ult.

This build gets more useless the longer the game goes since it's not made for team fights.
It's best to finish quickly.
For the first 3 levels Riven is pretty useless, she's melee and can't get near her enemies that fast. Plus, the enemy adc is usually wide range, it's painful. My tip is to stay in the bushes except for when you can kill some minions with your Relic Shield.

Good luck and don't forget to enjoy the game!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sciurcho
Sciurcho Riven Guide
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