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Hecarim Build Guide by mcasterix123

Hecarim: 2fast2quick top lane guide [6.10]

Hecarim: 2fast2quick top lane guide [6.10]

Updated on May 26, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mcasterix123 Build Guide By mcasterix123 1,862 Views 0 Comments
1,862 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mcasterix123 Hecarim Build Guide By mcasterix123 Updated on May 26, 2016
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Hello denizens of the internet, and welcome to this not very good guide from a just as not good player.

Recently I've been taking Hecarim top out of a morbid curiosity. Most players agree Hecarim is very snowbally, and has to get going to be an effective teammate. I wanted to see how playing a more conservative Hecarim in the top lane with a larger focus on building tanky early would work out. And so far, it has! Mind you, I'm not exactly a high ELO player, nor am I playing against the best of the best, but these are just my thoughts. Anyhoo, on with my poorly qualified guide.
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What's the aim of the build?

The aim of the build is to go tanky, and go fast. You go in, take out some squishy chump or set up a kill, then get out. Your job is to make the other team panic, be that scaring them into flashing away, or soaking up damage and CC to give your teammates the opportunity to move in. Normally it's best to do this by flanking, or going for the 0/6/2 mid laner who's moved half a foot from they're team. Plus ADC's **** themselves when you run straight for them through their entire team, which is always funny/rage inducing.
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While seals and glyphs are your choice, I really recommend attack damage marks and movement speed quints. The marks are to improve your last hitting, though I can understand taking armour penetration. However, I really urge you take move speed quints. The build focuses on you being a mobile tank, so picking these up will be surprisingly helpful.
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I umed and ered over this for a while, but in the end thunderlords is just too useful for assassinating their squishies compared to grasp of the undying. Yeah, your W's healing falls off fairly quickly, but with a corrupting potion you should be able to stay in lane for at least a little while.
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While you are meant to be running around as a lone idiot, to win teamwork is vital. Remember, the reason you're diving in isn't just to get picks, but to divert attention to yourself so your teammates can engage.

Also, try help mid out somewhat often if you reckon an easy kill can be picked up for either of you. Your movement speed let's you get to and from lane fairly quickly so even if your gank only makes them burn their summoner's spells or hell, fails completely, then you won't fall too far behind. Just remember to ping, and try time your ghost and E to do as much damage and knock back as possible.
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tl;dr Run fast, kill squishies, be a bro, have fun.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mcasterix123
mcasterix123 Hecarim Guide
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Hecarim: 2fast2quick top lane guide [6.10]

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