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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Unseen Predator (PASSIVE)
Rengar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If the Darius builds tanky, it's going to be rough. His bleed and pull make trading efficiently very difficult. I advise playing it safe, farming to the best of your ability, and helping other lanes frequently with teleport.

- Spin 4 TR8Rs
P.S. I'll update the Counters list as I play Rengar against more champions in ranked. Feel free to comment your experiences with Rengar below.

You want to build

Your Masteries and Runes should reflect these two strategies.
Although it is a lot of fun to go straight AD and jump from bushes, it's not reliable. You wont help anyone if you die every single time trying to assassinate champions left and right, you'll just feed the opposing team (and therefore lose more often).
This is why I advise taking him top: you wont have to worry about ganking other lanes and/or missing farm. You'll have a consistent gold flow if you farm well, which is especially easy using Rengar's

Play it safe top lane until you get a little practice with Rengar. Once you start getting a feel for the range of Unseen Predator and when to use your Ferocity, you'll see that killing top-laners isn't that difficult. You'll find that OTHER top-laners are often very stubborn and if YOU are patient, you can get a solid 4-8 kills out of them before having to group with the team.
Use your


2. Even in fights where you are the weaker opponent, fighting in bushes will give you the advantage you need (especially the three bushes lined across top and bottom). If you can draw your opponent into this space, you will be able to constantly poke them while sustaining the least amount of damage. You can do this by first getting ahead of them by at least one bush. Once they walk into the open space between the bushes, jump, use your

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