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Spam Q like that little ***** does.When you see that Q flyin towards you, hit that ***** with the W.
Ninja ***** straight no mana, spam Q like she does.
His ult will tilt you since almost all Aatrox's stay under turret
This ***** straight annoying, you're gonna have a tough time close up so just keep your distance and if you have to, stay under tower in fear of getting ganked.
If this **** grabs your *** you're basically done for. Keep away from this dude and poke with Q.
You have an advantage over her early game because of poking. Still, keep your distance and play safe.
just a pile of sticks bruh. Almost all Fiddlesticks mid-laners max that gay crow ****, you can even out the odds by keep distance and occasionally poking with Q.
This champ broke, you're ****ed b. You may have hope with the luck of quick reflexes when she W's(dash). You may also dodge her E(skillshot stun) with your E.
This ***** gonna dash into your *** at lvl 6 so be ready my nigga. Your Q will keep her away and only W when she charms or dashes into you.
If you **** up this dog early game then he literally can't do **** for the rest of the match. Vlad's poke advantage out-ranges his kit, but you should still keep him from stacking because it's infinite.
This man is literally that annoying fly that buzzes around your ****ing dumbass face, avoid his nado Q with your E. Occasionally he'll try and dash into you to get his nado, so just Q/E that nigga to apply AIDS.
Early game will be pretty easy, just poke with Q often. Though mid/late game, watch out for her Q combo , she'll **** you up quick unless you pop that pool my nigga. Her stun is basically unpredictable so good luck tryna dodge that ****. Her ult is a wave so you have a small amount of time to pool that ****head as well.
This flamey nigga burns your *** early game, even the odds with frequent Q's. Avoid his ******* ult with your E with ease to avoid damage to yourself and nearby teammates.
Zed's Q/E does a decent amount of damage early game, though his Q's are easy to avoid. His ***** *** coward ult can't be dodged by your E, so take Zhonyah's ASAP.
Short time to E out of her stun, take Zhoynya's Hourglass if you fear you'll get stunned, it's quicker than your E.
This ghetto time kid has insane poke and mobility, the only time you'll be able to deal any significant damage or poking is when he's farming or engaging. E out of his bubble move when he's in there and stay away from his time copy.
This no mana big boy ****bag is most likely gonna engage on his Q so shen he goes down on you just hit that ***** with the E so you aren't silenced as a ***** and his spinnerooni move doesn't damage you.
Easy at early game with his kit, poke with Q and keep under tower. Look out for his ****ing ******ed autist ult when he engages you under turret swinging like Helen Keller in a boxing match with Jake Paul. E out of his spinny move so he can't engage properly.
This swinging neanderthal ****** can slow you and speed up his own Attack Speed with his W and E. He'll smash your *** into next week with his ice club, E away from him when he ults and occasionally poke with Q.
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