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Jarvan IV Build Guide by Qazi4k

Support Jarvan IV Support Guide

Support Jarvan IV Support Guide

Updated on July 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Qazi4k Build Guide By Qazi4k 2,602 Views 0 Comments
2,602 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Qazi4k Jarvan IV Build Guide By Qazi4k Updated on July 19, 2015
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Hey guy's! Qazi here, just started playing Jarvan IV support. Now, let me tell you. I've enjoyed it beyond belief so I'm here to make a guide about it! In the guide I'll explain J4 supp's
1)Early Game(laning)
2)Mid game
3)Late Game

Let's get started shall we!
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Early Game

Basically with J4 early, just pop your relic stack's,Poke with E+Q early
E+Q+auto = a fair out trade. J4's passive and early damage is IMMENSE!
when they're nearby tower because you zoned them so hard. Just Q+E do not E+Q because you will eat tower agro and likely die.

If you need to dive an enemy run up to them, R+auto, let your AD finish em off and you E+Q away from your ult so there AD won't escape.Provide a whole lot of vision on drag, tri, and river bush.
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Mid Game

ROAM ROAM ROAM!! Gank mid, Siege dragon's. Mid game for supports is all about roaming if you could out roam the enemy jungler and support and provide your team with a whole lot Gank's, kills and dragon lead. Then you've basically won!
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Maintaining a Dragon Lead

Possibly the most important thing in the game, if you don't have a dragon lead and the enemy does they're likely to win.
More drags=more damage, movement speed, pushing power, etc.

Dragon's will passively allow you to win if you maintain good strategies in the match. To maintain a drag lead, you definitely want to group up for drag around 45 seconds before it begins and siege it FAST. Make sure your jungler smites it well. And make sure, you along with all of your team mates spam your abilities on it to ensure the secure!
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Late Game

Late game with J4 supp, basically you want to catch all of them in your R. If you do that and let your team finish them off you basically won the fight there. With the standard build you're at around 4k HP. 300 AD, 150 armor. You'll be doing damage and you won't necessarily take damage, you want to keep objective's such as drag, and baron always warded. It's very crucial! KEEP THAT IN MIND!
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Basically this guide explains that
1)Vision is key
2)Roam makes the enemy tilt, and makes your allies flourish
3)Dragon lead's win game

If you guys have any questions about it.Come add me
Summoner name: Qazi
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Qazi4k
Qazi4k Jarvan IV Guide
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Jarvan IV Support Guide

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