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Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
Jinx Passive Ability
My name is Milan and i am a platinum adc maining Jinx "The Loose Cannon" on EUW.
The reason i choose to make a guide is that i think i know the champion good enough to make a really good guide for her.
My goal with this guide is giving you an idea on how to play Jinx. Players from Bronze/Platinum might find this guide usefull.
How commen am i with Jinx:
I played over a 150 games in normal this season and 65 ranked matches in and around platinum elo.
My win ratio on ranked with Jinx is: 41 : 24 which is roughly a win ratio of 63.1%.
I think with a win ratio of 60% i play Jinx well enough to make a legit guide for you guys.

+ Good wave clear.
+ Great poke with
Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher.
+ Attack speed bonus with
Pow-Pow, the Minigun.
+ Global ultimate with a lot of damage.
+ Great snare with her
Flame Chompers!.
+ Great pushing champion.
- Hard to play really well.
- Short
Pow-Pow, the Minigun range.
- No direct escape spell.
- Mana issues.
+ Good wave clear.
+ Great poke with

+ Attack speed bonus with

+ Global ultimate with a lot of damage.
+ Great snare with her

+ Great pushing champion.
- Hard to play really well.
- Short

- No direct escape spell.
- Mana issues.
We max

Her passive is called:

Whenever you kill or assist on an enemy champion or turret within 3 seconds of destroying it you gain a 175% movement speed bonus that decays over 4 seconds.
Basically you kill and run, Note that sometimes being offensive is the best defence, but dont go all in when you can escape by just walking away.
Her Q is called:

Whenever you press Q you switch guns.


You should use your minigun most of the times and the only reason for switching to rockets will be: Clearing waves, You are out of range with minigun and grouped enemy minions. If this is not the case use your minigun.
Her W is called:

Really a basic spell. Use it when the enemy isnt able to dodge is and use it to catch up to enemies or to slow their chase.
Do not spam this in lane since your mana pool is not to high.
On moments when enemy champions casts a spell like

Her E is called:

Whenever people chase you you just press e to your desired location and they wont be able to chase. They need to flash over it or run around it.
Same works with chasing somebody, Wenn you place the chompers in the enemies desired location you can snare somebody when they walk over it but keep in mind that chompers have to set up first.
Her R is called:

Use this spell when an enemy champion is low to boost its damage. Make sure that people can stand in front of the low enemy so time it well. This spell is really good for bursting people.

It is very good because it gives damage lifesteal and health which is perfect to start laning with.

With the adc item changes it is not worth to buy

So instead of rushing

All of these items are good but one is just better in a different scenario

This item is a must vs champions like

Just buy them and you'll be fine

I will rate the following matchups from 1/10
1= Easy
10= Hard
2/10 Laning vs
Ashe is really easy make sure she doesnt use her
Focus on you and stay behind your minions
Ashe wont be able to do anything to you.
5/10 Laning vs
Caitlyn is hard because of her long range and poke. Play safe and get some life steal. In the mid game you will start to bully
4/10 Laning vs
Corki is ok you should be able to outpoke him till 6. After
Corki hits 6 try to keep your distance from free poke. You will outdamage
Corki in the early and midgame but have a slight disadvantage in the late game.
6/10 Laning vs
Draven is not nice. He is most likely to zone you so try and keep even in cs. When fighting try to keep your distance and use your
Flame Chompers! to make it impossible for
Draven to chase you and flee from you. In the mid/to late game you are even with
Draven so try to get help from roams/ganks.
8/10 Laning vs
Ezreal is ok to do. Stay behind your minions and try to dodge skillshots.
Ezreal will be able to dodge your snares and skillshots so make sure his e is on cooldown before going in.
In the mid game you should be able to bully
4/10 Laning vs
Graves is easy till lv 6. The only way
Graves is able to kill you is with burst so keep your distance. In the whole game you should be able to do good vs
3/10 Laning vs
Kog'Maw is easy and he wont be able to trade with you. Make sure that after 6 you keep dodging
Living Artillery. In the early and mid game you should dominate
Kog'Maw in the late game he will be better then you so try and finish before that.
7/10 Laning vs
Lucian is not easy since he will be able to outdamage you in trades. Try and keep your distance and stay even in farm till 6. When 6 you should be able to burst him if played well.
In the early game you are weaker but in the mid to late game you should be even.
5/10 Laning vs
Miss Fortune is ok. In the mid and lategame you will be able to outdamage
Miss Fortune . Try and poke her and since she doesn't have an escape you can just try and snare her with
Flame Chompers!.
4/10 Laning vs
Quinn is ok. You will be able to outdamage her the whole game when you are able to dodge
Blinding Assault.
Quinn wil be able to do some decent damage to you if not carefull but you could also just snare her with
Flame Chompers!.
9/10 Laning vs
Sivir is really hard.
Sivir will be able to spellshield your snare or even your global ult. Basically you perfect counter. Try and rely on out farming her to be a more usefull threat in teamfights.
8/10 Laning vs
Tristana is ok but she will be able to outdamage and outrange you in the late game. Try and have ganks to make you snowball against her. And keep your distance from her to not take free poke.
4/10 Laning vs
Twitch is ok and the only way he is able to kill you would be trough ganks. In the mid to late game you should be able to 1v1 him because of your insane attack speed. The only way you could die is trough
Ambush so try and ward it up.
1/10 Urgot to be kidding me!
Laning vs
Urgot pre 6 is not easy but even if you go bad you ll outdamage him in the midgame.
Urgot is really weak and you probably wont see him in ranked.
7/10 Laning vs
Varus is not really easy. And his
Chain of Corruption will be able to counter play you really hard. Try and dodge it and keep at range from
Varus. In the mid/late game you should be slightly better.
4/10 Laning vs
Vayne shoudln't be hard and you can poke her for free. Try and deny
Vayne farm and make sure you dont make it to lategame vs a
Vayne. Your early and midgame are really good so try and snowball.
1= Easy
10= Hard

In the mid game you should be able to bully

In the early game you are weaker but in the mid to late game you should be even.

Laning vs

Farming with
Jinx is really easy with the extra attack speed from
Pow-Pow, the Minigun you shouldn't have a problem with last hitting. When 2 or more die at the same time just use you
Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher.
But besides farming you should deny the enemy adc from last hitting. Try and use auto attacks when none of the enemy minions are dying and the enemy adc lasthits one of your minions. Use
Zap! whenever the enemy cant dodge it in lane but dont spam it.
Also play safe, you are
Jinx and you dont have a skill that makes you dodge spells. Also if you fail dont blame anybody besides yourself. This will make you a better player.

But besides farming you should deny the enemy adc from last hitting. Try and use auto attacks when none of the enemy minions are dying and the enemy adc lasthits one of your minions. Use

Also play safe, you are

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