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Get Excited! (PASSIVE)
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Now at the beginning I like to start at the bottom camp no matter what side you are on. So, if you are on purple side you will start at blue and vice versa for blue side.
Some may think that you will need a leash to start but you don't! As long as you can properly kite red and keep him from going back to his camp you won't take a single hit from him. If you think the enemy tema may invade just have your team stand and protect then go back in their lanes.
After I get the red camp I like to proceed to the wolves camp then blue buff. Now this is important, if your top laner is getting pushed back and the enemy is being very aggressive you can easily get a kill from a good gank! Now make sure also that you are aware of where the enemy team jungler started if he started at the bottom with you then he may be coming to you for a counter-gank. This is where you have to be cautious.
If the top lane is not gankable then proceed down to the witch camp and then gank bottom or middle whichever is getting pushed back. If all your lanes are winning then it is important to continue jungling those camps to get to the feral flare faster.
Also, if you have wards place them throughout the enemy jungle so you know where their jungler is, that way you can steal some of his camps and also counter-gank him.
It is also very important to get dragon as soon as possible, most likely level 7 with some help from others. Also, make sure you know the timer of all your camps that way you can better farm those stacks for your FF.
Make sure to be farming as much as as possible to avoid falling behind! If you fail a gank and their jungler is still in the jungle you are falling behind to him, so make sure to keep up the pressure at all times.
Some may think that you will need a leash to start but you don't! As long as you can properly kite red and keep him from going back to his camp you won't take a single hit from him. If you think the enemy tema may invade just have your team stand and protect then go back in their lanes.
After I get the red camp I like to proceed to the wolves camp then blue buff. Now this is important, if your top laner is getting pushed back and the enemy is being very aggressive you can easily get a kill from a good gank! Now make sure also that you are aware of where the enemy team jungler started if he started at the bottom with you then he may be coming to you for a counter-gank. This is where you have to be cautious.
If the top lane is not gankable then proceed down to the witch camp and then gank bottom or middle whichever is getting pushed back. If all your lanes are winning then it is important to continue jungling those camps to get to the feral flare faster.
Also, if you have wards place them throughout the enemy jungle so you know where their jungler is, that way you can steal some of his camps and also counter-gank him.
It is also very important to get dragon as soon as possible, most likely level 7 with some help from others. Also, make sure you know the timer of all your camps that way you can better farm those stacks for your FF.
Make sure to be farming as much as as possible to avoid falling behind! If you fail a gank and their jungler is still in the jungle you are falling behind to him, so make sure to keep up the pressure at all times.
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