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Ability Order
Soul Eater (PASSIVE)
Nasus Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hecarim is a HUGE Nasus counter. With his crazy W sustain, and even crazier damage output, Hecarim is a dangerous opponent. The best Nasus could do is wither Hecarim, which believe it or not, Wither severely hinders his damage output due to Hecarim's passive.

Amazing ganks with

600 stacks at 25 minutes (oh yes, I kid you not)
Good Jungle Sustain with

Extremely diverse build paths (AP is amazing ;)
Great Objective Control (that moment when Q does more damage than Smite)
Extremely good at taking structures (Open the Gates)
Only one form of CC (and its only a slow)
Can be kited quite easily (but all melee's do)
Susceptible to counter-jungling
Players can catch the "Farm Bug" (I'll explain that below)
Mana Problems if you spam W and E
Quite easily Countered

I like to take

Now, this is the drawback. If you wanted to get 78 stacks during the early jungle clears, you will need to stand around and wait for your Q to come back up so you can Q the minions. This means you take a little extra damage, and spend a little extra time in the jungle at the early stages. However, I found it very efficient to auto-attack the other creeps in the jungle camp while you are waiting for your Q to come off cool-down. This will make your clear faster and much more efficient.

1. Smite Enchantment: I think that Chilling Smite with Cinderhulk is the best

2. Righteous Glory: Righteous Glory is a must have item for your team. The ability to engage on an enemy team without casting a spell is a huge bonus, and with its relatively low cool-down, this item is a true beast. This item allows for crazy good ganks, and even better teamfight initiation. The Health and Mana are a huge bonus for Nasus as well.
3. Frozen Heart: This is basically a core item for Nasus. The 20% CDR and 100 armor make you an absolute monster. The important fact about this item though, is the passive which slows the attack speed of your nearby enemies by 15%. This makes it a huge debuff for the enemy ADC, hindering their damage output by a lot. It also destroys auto attack-attack reliant fighters such as Jax and Azir.
4. Trinity Force: Here is the huge debate among Nasus players. Do I get a Sheen item or not? I say OF COURSE YOU DO! The real question is which item. In my personal opinion between Iceborne gauntlet and

5. Spirit Visage: This item probably will give you more lifesteal than a Trundle with every lifesteal item in the game. Ok, that's and exaggeration, but you get the point. You become a godly duelist with this item, as well as gaining some CDR, Magic Resist, and a lot of HP. What is there not to like about it?
6. Ionian Boots of Lucidity: Ok, DON'T FREAK OUT! The only reason I get this item is it is a extremely cheap way to get 15% CDR. The means that you will cap out your CDR with only these boots and a Frozen Heart (assuming you have the

Also, setting up for a counter gank is a great method to swing the favor of a lane. If you see a lane that your allies have pushed up to the enemy turret, chances are that the jungler will gank that lane over a lane that is not pushed. Setting up for the a counter gank may not only save your teammates live, but get your team a couple kills in the process!!!
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