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Season 6 Welcome
Hi Guys welcome to my Lee Sin Guide Jungler Season 6.
I belive that on this season Lee Sin will return to the meta Beacuse of the items change and the ADC changes, Is realy fun champ and very Rewarding champ, I think Lee is the most fun champ I ever played with, Is high mobility and the build I use give him a High Map control!
On this guide i focused on the mobility build I use 90% of the time, I use the Mobility to gank more and Farm less, And with this Build you gonna GANK ALOT!
I belive that on this season Lee Sin will return to the meta Beacuse of the items change and the ADC changes, Is realy fun champ and very Rewarding champ, I think Lee is the most fun champ I ever played with, Is high mobility and the build I use give him a High Map control!
On this guide i focused on the mobility build I use 90% of the time, I use the Mobility to gank more and Farm less, And with this Build you gonna GANK ALOT!
On this guide i focused on the mobility build I use 90% of the time, I use the Mobility to gank more and Farm less, And with this Build you gonna GANK ALOT!
I am a Plat player who plays since season3, I got more then 1k hours on Lee Sin, I started a lot at normal thats why I am Only Plat:)
I made this guide for you all to enjoy the power of Lee sin and get this free elo!
I got more then 60% win as Lee on my Total Accounts Is my main for ever, And you can main him, It worth it!
I made this guide for you all to enjoy the power of Lee sin and get this free elo!
I got more then 60% win as Lee on my Total Accounts Is my main for ever, And you can main him, It worth it!
Dragon's Rage > Sonic Wave > Safegaurd > Tempest
Thats is the order you Max your Skills, Sonic Wave gets Reduced CDR, Safegaurd Give you more Sustain and More Shield DMG, Tempest I think that skill is good only for Invisible Champs like Rengar Twitch Shaco.
Thats is the order you Max your Skills, Sonic Wave gets Reduced CDR, Safegaurd Give you more Sustain and More Shield DMG, Tempest I think that skill is good only for Invisible Champs like Rengar Twitch Shaco.
+ Great at combaining Dmg&Tanky
+ High Mobility!
+ Good disengage with R,also you can set up ganks with it
+ Take most of the 1Vs1 fights
+ Amazing Potential Well rewarded!
+ Energy No Mana!
+ Great Sustain with W
+ Most Fun Champ I ever played with
+ Easy To carry with
+ Great at take Obejctives
+ Game changing Ult if played well
- Falls off late if not mastered
- Very hard to master
- Bad Wave Clear
- You can think your good, And you will feed beacuse your not:)
+ Great at combaining Dmg&Tanky
+ High Mobility!
+ Good disengage with R,also you can set up ganks with it
+ Take most of the 1Vs1 fights
+ Amazing Potential Well rewarded!
+ Energy No Mana!
+ Great Sustain with W
+ Most Fun Champ I ever played with
+ Easy To carry with
+ Great at take Obejctives
+ Game changing Ult if played well
- Falls off late if not mastered
- Very hard to master
- Bad Wave Clear
- You can think your good, And you will feed beacuse your not:)
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