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Taric Build Guide by ScottyChaos

Top Let's Make A New Oath [Season 6 Rework Taric]

Top Let's Make A New Oath [Season 6 Rework Taric]

Updated on October 16, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottyChaos Build Guide By ScottyChaos 10,423 Views 0 Comments
10,423 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottyChaos Taric Build Guide By ScottyChaos Updated on October 16, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Who Am I?

Welcome to my Taric guide! I'm a rankless level 30 summoner and I've been playing since around S2 or S3. This is my first guide since my last atrocity that I tried to create (let's please not get into that), all HELPFUL criticism is always appreciated. (: Without further ado, let's get on with the guide!

Why Taric?

Taric got reworked in one of the latest patches, and I have to say, I'm hooked. His new kit makes him a really good duelist while keeping him super tanky. Played right Taric can dominate any lane he's in, even against other tanks, which is the current meta.
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Pros / Cons

The Good and the Bad

P- Tanky
R- More Health = HEALZ
O- Pretty Good Duel Potential
Taric is one of those champs that has so much potential in almost all lanes. However I find him most viable top lane because of his damage output due to Bravado. Bravado amplifies his next two basic attacks and allows him to strike twice at a faster rate (not a set rate, which can be further increased by more AS) after casting a spell. His main dueling skill, Starlight's Touch, requires no targeting so all you need to worry about is having the 40% CDR, armor, and health from items and runes.
C- Susceptible To Silence
O- Needs To Play Passive Early
N- Mana Reliant
Taric is very dependent on his skills for Bravado AA procs in order to duel. That being said, he's very susceptible to any form of silence, blind or stun. STAY AWAY FROM Teemo and Cho'Gath!
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What About Summoner Spells?

[*]9/10 I pick teleport for the quick backs as Taric is very slow even with t2 boots. This ensures you a little more time to farm as taric's clear is rather pitiful.
[*]This can also be a situational pick as other lanes may pick it as well. Normally top is the main TP user, others being mid and sometimes supp. Pick this also if no one else has it.

[*]Flash is always second pick. Taric has no escape besides using his e but that can be easily avoided. Flash is his getaway option.
[*]Flash can be also used as a last ditch effort to catch a runaway enemy with your stun or a last hit.

[*]Ignite is chosen if you can get the last of their hp down to nothing after trading with them. This is most effective against squishy champs.
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Lore and Abilities


With the most recent patch Taric got a huge rework. He has new splash, new abilities, new... well. Everything! Here's a basic breakdown of Taric and his Abilities.

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Spoiler: Click to view

+An awesome dueling passive
-Can be countered by CC
-Randuin's omen will lower Taric's attack speed overall, and his Bravado will subsequently be less effective as it also is based off of attack speed (but doesn't scale off it).
Spoiler: Click to view

+Main form of dueling and a good heal when out of fights.
-Takes a bit to recharge all three charges, so healing is slow at first
-Countered by Grievous Wounds and can be prevented by silence and stun

Spoiler: Click to view

+A good passive, as Bravado's power increases with AP AND Armor as well.
+Can be cast on himself to begin or continue a combo.
-items with armor pen will not affect how it interacts with Bravado, however you can still be hassled by items such as Black Cleaver which can lower your armor.

Spoiler: Click to view

+A Taric top's new form of initiation. Scales off of Armor AND AP (both covered by a vast selection of items).
+Can be used as a getaway option.
-Stun duration is super lame. You have little time to position yourself well enough to make it count.
-Can be easily countered by stun/silence.
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End Notes

Special thanks to:
    The wiki for ability stats.
    Jhoijhoi for her BBC code guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ScottyChaos
ScottyChaos Taric Guide
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Let's Make A New Oath [Season 6 Rework Taric]

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