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This is all about skill. Darius can easily whittle you down with his bleed so keep your trades to a minimum until you can get more armor. Buy Quicksilver ASAP
If you can bait out his combo and time your stun right you can easily out trade him in bursts. Aatrox favors drawn out battles so Combo him with E+AA+AA and run. Start with W and build into Frozen Heart
Depends on skill here. If she lures you into her Shroud then pop a vision ward. Her burst can get you early game so hold off on going all in until you get tankier. Build a Trinity instead of Iceborn as your third item before building Randuin's and
Don't underestimate the moomoo. He can knock you away so you can't combo him, so try to bait out his combo then combo him in return! His ult makes him super tanky so ignore him while his ult is up.
Avoid long drawn out duels. His ult will stun you and his Despair will whittle you down and his Tantrum will help finish you off. QSS is effective here
Aurelion Sol
This is like putting your own pet down. Sol hates stuns, as his E shuts down when stunned. Combo him then run, as his stars will hit you in close combat. His stun is easy to avoid so make sure you watch out for it. Spirit Visage helps, as well as using boots of speed.
He'll poke you down and harass you out of lane without any issues. As Bard is a range champ he can easily avoid your stun, which you basically center around. His ult can help with tower dives so if you have an OP jungler like Shyv or Xin with a gap closer they can kill you without getting damaged. ALWAYS back when low on health. QSS is a savior here, as well as Spirit Visage.
This is possibly your worst lane match. He can silence you as all your damage is melee based. Silence = broken combo = no damage. He out sustains you even if you have GotU. He can scare you away from farming with his silence as well as his Q, which you should be avoiding at all costs. Items like Spirit Visage/Zzrot will help here to counter his spike damage.
Dr. Mundo
He's a nuisance, nothing more. He'll throw his cleavers at you all he wants but if you try to get hit with as less as possible it'll be less health for him. His Burning Agony will sap his health unless his ult is active. Sunfire Cape and Thornmail help here.
Pretty hard matchup due to being so unpredictable. As Taric mainly focuses armor it'll be easy to hurt you. Try not to stand near him when he uses his W as it gives him damage protection and stuns you as well. Time your stun to his dash or try to stun him before he can start his combo then get away or finish him. Start with Spirit visage for MR and build Frozen Heart to slow his AS.
Eve is a good duelist and very mobile. Her q allows her to dance around your stun and her damage output is too high for your heal to be of any use except to keep on the swinging. Start with Spirit Visage and build Merc treads just incase she builds a Rylai's. Frozen heart helps with her attack speed buff.
She can slow you, she can Parry your AA's, and her ult will make you deader than disco. Thornmail helps here.
He can heal your stun with Citrus and run away while laughing at you, but if you get a couple of quick it's easy damage for you. I suggest buying Trinity Force as it'll still give you all the juicy stats you need, as well as an addition to attack speed to ensure at least your first two swings.
Garen is only scary if you are dumb enough to duel him at low health. If you've killed him enough pre-6 then he'll most likely do true damage to you with his ult which you can't escape. My advice is to stun him during his E or when he's running at you if you're at low health, since that's his cue to ult. Buy Frozen Gauntlet to slow him after your first combo so he doesn't have that much of an opportunity to get away.
Mini Gnar isn't an issue, Mega Gnar is. Mini Gnar can become irrelevant if you buy an early thornmail, as he gets an attack speed steroid from hitting you multiple times. Mega Gnar is a more difficult cancer to deal with. He has just as much tank potential as you and can stun you a lot quicker than you can him. Lure out his stun first before you try to stun him. Mega Gnar can be easily taken down if you buy Trinity instead of Frozen Gauntlets, as well as a Black Cleaver.
Graves can crit you hard with his AA. Try to stand behind minions when you stun him as your stun will reach out across minions. Watch out for his Q as it too can damage you through minions. Randuin's Omen helps here against his crit.
Hecarim is very mobile and a capable player can run around you while spamming Q to damage you all day. He has very good escape so your dueling will be pretty much useless. Building Iceborn Gauntlet will lower his damage as it slows his movement speed while he's in the proc circle.
Illaoi is your dueling equal, if not your superior. Dueling her for long durations will hasten your demise. You own pre 6 so try and rack in as many kills as you can until then. Buy cleaver to lower her armor when dueling her and buy Boots of Swiftness to avoid her tentacles if your soul gets pulled. If you want to sacrifice some armor and are daring enough you can throw a Trinity in there instead of Frozen Gauntlet.
Really hard match-up. If her HP is lower than yours (which it will be), her Equilibrium strike will stun you and she has insane sustain. She owns you prison style. Unless you buy Thornmail and Randuin's.
Jarvan IV
So don't ever listen to me when I say you don't have to worry about J4's buff. His increased attack speed will destroy you as yours is only active when you use skills. He gets trapped by his ult, however, which makes him open to your combo.
Randuin's/Thornmail can help here
His stun is wonky to lure out. He can wait out yours and still have extra time to use it. BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY MOUSE SKILLS ARE NEEDED IN THIS MATCHUP. If you click around just right you can stun him without getting stunned yourself.
As with any AS based melee user, Randuin's Omen/Thornmail works.
All depends on how good the Jayce is. If he watches you stun he can just bat you away like a petulant child. His combo his pure physical damage so you can soak it pretty well. It all comes down to how well you can plan your stun.
Having plenty overall armor and health will help you survive lane. Randuin's will mitigate his W ranged damage (if he's a wuss and won't melee you [which, let's face it, he wont]).
Kayle is a decent melee/ranged hybrid that utilizes on hit magic damage as well as attack speed to deal her damage. Your entire kit is based around armor so avoiding this damage will be tricky. She doesn't need to be near you to deal damage as her E makes her autos ranged. Randuin's is useless here as her E autos aren't regular Auto Attacks. You can stay away from her while she has her e up and wait for it's CD or you can stun her halfway through her E and combo her then.
Don't feel bad when he jumps on you and gets stunned. He generally gets squished by your mace as he has next to no armor. Beware, however, as his damage can surprise you. Most Kha buy Youmuu's, so when it starts you can always buy a handy Randuin's. Having enough HP will help you outheal his Q damage.
Lee Sin
You're a Lee Sin, but mana oriented, which is a giant downside. He can quickly regenerate his energy while you're crawling away after trading. Save your stun for escapes or for when he jumps to you with resonating strike. His MS debuff doesn't affect you but he can easily escape your stun with it. If you virtually ignore him early game he falls off late game as he needs early game plays to scale into late game.
Stunning him can take out his shield and begin your trade. He can take a beating, however, and can just as equally dish it out. Buy frozen heart and a cleaver to tear down his armor so his skills don't hurt you as much.
Mao is pretty annoying as his kit is AP based. This is slightly in his favor however as you need to cast spells to combo, which stacks his passive. He'll probably build Randuin's to slow your attack speed. Even with Trinity Force this is a problem since you want Bravado's auto attacks to strike fast. Cleaver will help tear down his armor and a Sunfire Cape will mitigate his lifesteal (if he has GotU). Mao has no kit devoted to dueling (besides his own spells stacking his passive). However his life steal is nonetheless annoying and can lengthen your duels with him.
Master Yi
Yi isn't an issue. Thornmail and Frozen Heart with Randuin's and he's history. NOTE: Finish Frozen Heart before you start Randuins as two Warden's Mail will NOT stack.
I haven't faced a Morde top as of yet.
This match is annoying. His sustain is better than yours and you don't favor long drawn out battles early game as your mana gets drained fast. Nasus builds tanky so buying a cleaver would help here.
Honestly you shouldn't have too much to worry about as Nautilus isn't the tank he used to be. He can still give you a hard time as his shield also gives him enhanced auto attacks. Naut definitely isn't a pushover but you can split him open with your trusty Black Cleaver.
Teemo is Satan incarnate. His Q blind lasts 2 and a half seconds, and for Taric that's an eternity. Bait out his Q first and wait at least through half the debuff before starting your stun as it takes a second to actually go off. Combo him from there as he is super squishy. Spirit Visage/Banshee's Veil works here.
Yikes this is a hard battle. Trundle is one of the best tank busters in the game as his ult can shred you like paper. Don't let him bite you as it'll lower your attack damage quite a bit which isn't good for Taric. Your stun will be your savior here, as well as staying out of his Frozen Domain, as his dueling skills strengthen with attack speed and lifesteal increase. Using QSS will help with getaways as his Q slows your movement speed.
Both your ults are basically the same except yours takes time to activate. When you see him ult, immediately activate yours then stun him. Thornmail, frozen heart and randuin's omen and voila, a dead Tryndamere.
Yuck. I don't like this lane one bit. Udyr's bear stance has a stun that occurs once every few seconds, but that's once every few seconds you can't afford. Turtle stance give him lifesteal so you've pretty much got your dueling superior right here. Changing stances stacks his passive up to 3 times, which gives him an additional 15 move speed and 30% attack speed for 5 seconds. Only duel him when you get ganks. Your stun helps here, as after you get stunned the first time you have just enough time to cast before you get stunned a second time. Randuin's+Frozen Heart helps here.
In theory this should be a hard match for you. He's ranged and his missiles can hurt you across minions as they have a lock on feature if you stood in his corrosive charge range. Depending on his build order he can get pretty tanky mid-late game when he buys Frozen heart, etc. Don't build cleaver until your 3rd/4th item, build armor to tank out his shots he may get on you. Don't let him kill you too often early game as he falls off hard late game.
Vayne is also a really good tank buster. If she's top then she'll most likely be going with Thunderlord's Decree. It's also likely that while she WILL poke you, it'll be in short bursts, and she'll save going all in if you mess up and allow her to Condemn you to a wall. Slowing her attack speed with a Rand/Frozen combo and buying thornmail will help.
Vladimir is a whole new level of pain for you. His kit can easily counter yours as his W can be used as a counter for your stun. His lifesteal is monstrous and is very bursty. His 1-3 is relatively weak, so try and zone him out often. be careful post six as he gets a huge power spike. Spirit Visdage first, followed by merc treads to counter a possible rylai. He will build tanky so make Cleaver your 3rd item.
Warwick has a passive lifesteal that makes dueling him a little annoying. Thornmail/Sunfire cape combo with a randuin's omen will help against him. He's tanky, so make Cleaver your 3rd item.
This match is annoying as some Wukong users' go with a E>AA>Q combo with a W escape, and your stun might not go off in time to catch him. He can be kited, however, when he jumps in on you so you'll have a fraction of a second to land your stun. His major drawback is you can stop his ult early with your stun and start pounding away at him as much as you can without dying (good Wukong users save their ult for when you're at low health). Frozen heart helps kite him during his combo as it can slow attacking enemies in a circled radius around you. He builds slightly tanky so Cleaver is an option. If you want more attack speed then you can trade Iceborn for a Trinity if you go with either of them.
Xin Zhao
Xin is a super good duelist that brings a kit that'll fatally damage tanks, if not killing them. You can stop his combo with your stun, however, and mitigate his lifesteal with a thornmail. Having a Randuin's will slow his attack speed steroid.
Welcome to my Taric guide! I'm a rankless level 30 summoner and I've been playing since around S2 or S3. This is my first guide since my last atrocity that I tried to create (let's please not get into that), all HELPFUL criticism is always appreciated. (: Without further ado, let's get on with the guide!
Why Taric?
Taric got reworked in one of the latest patches, and I have to say, I'm hooked. His new kit makes him a really good duelist while keeping him super tanky. Played right Taric can dominate any lane he's in, even against other tanks, which is the current meta.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
The Good and the Bad
P- Tanky R- More Health = HEALZ O- Pretty Good Duel Potential
Taric is one of those champs that has so much potential in almost all lanes. However I find him most viable top lane because of his damage output due to Bravado. Bravado amplifies his next two basic attacks and allows him to strike twice at a faster rate (not a set rate, which can be further increased by more AS) after casting a spell. His main dueling skill, Starlight's Touch, requires no targeting so all you need to worry about is having the 40% CDR, armor, and health from items and runes.
C- Susceptible To Silence O- Needs To Play Passive Early N- Mana Reliant
Taric is very dependent on his skills for Bravado AA procs in order to duel. That being said, he's very susceptible to any form of silence, blind or stun. STAY AWAY FROM Teemo and Cho'Gath!
What About Summoner Spells?
[*]9/10 I pick teleport for the quick backs as Taric is very slow even with t2 boots. This ensures you a little more time to farm as taric's clear is rather pitiful.
[*]This can also be a situational pick as other lanes may pick it as well. Normally top is the main TP user, others being mid and sometimes supp. Pick this also if no one else has it.
[*]Flash is always second pick. Taric has no escape besides using his e but that can be easily avoided. Flash is his getaway option.
[*]Flash can be also used as a last ditch effort to catch a runaway enemy with your stun or a last hit.
[*]Ignite is chosen if you can get the last of their hp down to nothing after trading with them. This is most effective against squishy champs.
Lore and Abilities
Lore and Abilities
With the most recent patch Taric got a huge rework. He has new splash, new abilities, new... well. Everything! Here's a basic breakdown of Taric and his Abilities.
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Expected to serve as a stalwart guardian of Demacia, Taric’s life was meant to be the model of focused, selfless dedication to the ideals of king and country. Though he always saw himself as a protector, he never felt the need to limit or define whom and what he protected—be it an ideal, a piece of art, or a stranger’s life. Each could be considered worthy. Each could be seen as beautiful.
Most of Taric’s contemporaries were focused on the martial principles of battle (things that came naturally and effortlessly to him). The young warrior was drawn instead to the fragile wonders that give life meaning, not endless brutish contests for flag or crown.
This was a potentially treasonous philosophy, especially for one of Taric’s standing and role within the Demacian military hierarchy, but he chose to dedicate himself to understanding the simple truths of love, beauty, and life, so he could become their champion. Admired by all, Taric used his disarming manner and innate warmth to charm his way past most obstacles, and on the rare occasion they failed, his skill with hammer and sword could be counted on to settle the matter.
As his quest for understanding broadened, Taric would miss combat training to wander the forest in search of a glimpse of a rare animal, neglect parade drills to sit in a tavern and listen to a bard’s hauntingly simple ballad, and skip regimental meetings to take horseback rides to observe the silver cloak of night settle across the countryside. Taric knew that, in his own way, he was training in a manner just as dedicated and focused as his fellow Demacians, but it wasn’t seen that way by his superiors.
Taric’s casual nature, disregard for orders, and disinterest in his patriotic calling finally put him at odds with nearly everyone in authority—his family, his king, and especially his long-time friend Garen. And while the commoners saw Taric as a charming rogue, Garen recognized him for what he truly was—a man with the potential to become one of Demacia’s greatest heroes. The fact that Taric seemed to be thumbing his nose at his destiny as well as his country enraged Garen.
Eventually, even his former friend could no longer protect him, and Taric’s military career started to crumble. Demotion after demotion pushed Taric further from Demacia’s heart, until, at last, he found himself commanding a small squad of lowly recruits assigned to guard an inconsequential ruined fortress out in the borderland wilds. After weeks spent standing in the rain and mud as ordered, and with no threat evident, Taric decided to let his men sleep while he wandered to a nearby temple to take in its cyclopean architecture.
As morning lit up the temple’s overgrown cloisters, Taric finally decided to head back and check on his men. He was greeted by a scene of carnage. His troops had been butchered in their sleep, their corpses bearing the jagged hallmarks of the Void’s monstrous predators.
Taric had failed his men, his country, and most painfully, his self-avowed mission to protect life.
Returning to Demacia in shame, Taric was stripped of his rank and sentenced by Garen to endure “the Crown of Stone,” a ceremony that demanded a dishonored soldier ascend Mount Targon, known to all as a death sentence, as few mortals had ever survived the climb.
And while the Crown of Stone was traditionally used by the dishonored to simply flee Demacia and make a new life in exile, Taric decided to actually atone for his mistake and set out for the towering spire of Mount Targon.
The ascent nearly claimed him, body and soul, numerous times, but Taric pushed past the pain, past the memories of his mistake, the ghosts of his dead men, and other tests inflicted upon him by the mountain.
As he approached the summit, Taric was challenged by a seemingly neverending myriad of conflicting realities, each warped existence offering a new, horrifying vision. Taric experienced the infinite fates that could befall those who had no one to protect them in their times of crisis. He saw the Alabaster Library engulfed in pitch and flame, and still he dashed into the roiling inferno to retrieve the poetry of Tung. He screamed in rage as the Frostguard ran the last dreamstag off a blind cliff, and then leapt into the abyss himself in a desperate attempt to save it. Before the ebon gates of Noxus, Taric slumped to his knees at the sight of Garen’s shattered body chained aloft as a warning. Between Taric and his friend stood the sum total of Noxus’s might. And yet still, without hesitation, Taric raised his shield and drove all before him. Claiming Garen from the gates, the young warrior marched toward Demacia, heavy with his burden, knowing full well that his return would ensure his execution. As he walked, Taric looked upward—and the blood-strewn fields of Noxus gave way to the star-filled expanse above Mount Targon.
His trials complete, and freed from all illusion, Taric found himself at the pinnacle of the mountain, and he was not alone.
Before him, cut from the sackcloth of night itself, stood something wearing the shape of a man. Its features composed from the pinpoints of stars, Taric was struck by the odd familiarity of its nature.
Its voice spoke in a thousand whispers that cut through Taric like a mountain wind. Though he heard no recognizable words, he understood the figure’s intent with utter clarity.
It called itself “the Protector.”
Impressed by Taric’s steadfast resolve, the otherworldly being deemed the fallen Demacian hero a worthy avatar, imbuing him with its ethereal powers. The Protector spoke of the truths Taric had known his entire life, and of the mantle that he had unknowingly been preparing for with every decision that brought him to the top of the mountain.
As the Protector’s whispers faded, Taric received a final warning: He would stand as the Shield of Valoran, but crashing against him would be a wave of howling madness, an ocean of gnashing teeth intent on consuming all, a squalid horror born of the Void.
Reborn with power and purpose, Taric gladly accepted the seemingly impossible challenge and now dedicates himself to his sworn duty—as the steadfast guardian of an entire world.
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INNATE: After casting an ability, Taric's next two basic attacks within 4 seconds each gain 100% total attack speed, deal 22 - 90 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus armor) bonus magic damage and reduce the cooldowns of his basic abilities by 1 - 0.55 seconds, increased to 6 - 3.3 seconds for Starlight's Touch's recharge time.
+An awesome dueling passive -Can be countered by CC -Randuin's omen will lower Taric's attack speed overall, and his Bravado will subsequently be less effective as it also is based off of attack speed (but doesn't scale off it).
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PASSIVE: Taric stores a charge of Starlight's Touch periodically, up to a maximum of 3 stored at once. Starlight's Touch cannot be cast without charges.
ACTIVE: Taric heals himself and all nearby allied champions, with the amount increasing with every stored charge at the time of cast.
+Main form of dueling and a good heal when out of fights. -Takes a bit to recharge all three charges, so healing is slow at first -Countered by Grievous Wounds and can be prevented by silence and stun
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Passive: Taric and his Bastion Buff Bastion-marked champion gain bonus armor.
Active: Taric shields himself and the target allied champion for 2.5 seconds, blessing them with Bastion Buff Bastion and causing his abilities to be replicated on them while both are near each other, though the effects do not stack.
Shield: 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12% of target's maximum health
Taric can self-cast Bastion to shield himself and his marked ally if he's within range, or the nearest ally. Only one champion can be marked at a time, and selecting a new ally clears the previous mark.
+A good passive, as Bravado's power increases with AP AND Armor as well. +Can be cast on himself to begin or continue a combo. -items with armor pen will not affect how it interacts with Bravado, however you can still be hassled by items such as Black Cleaver which can lower your armor.
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Active: Taric projects a beam of starlight towards the target location, erupting after a 1 second delay, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and Stun icon stunning them.
+A Taric top's new form of initiation. Scales off of Armor AND AP (both covered by a vast selection of items). +Can be used as a getaway option. -Stun duration is super lame. You have little time to position yourself well enough to make it count. -Can be easily countered by stun/silence.
End Notes
End Notes
Special thanks to:
The wiki for ability stats.
Jhoijhoi for her BBC code guide.
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