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Poke and harass level 1 and 2. Be aware once Zed hits 3 since he can WEQ poke. Save windwall for his shadow. Make sure you have a minion wave to dash around, especially at 6 when Zed has ult. You can outplay but very skill dependant since Zed can also dodge your abilties. Zed spikes hard early-mid but you will outscale him late. Take exhaust if you want to screw him over.
Windwall her Charm. Early game if she wasted charm you can all-in easily. She can harass early game so respect that. At 6, she gains 3 flashes for free with her Ult so make sure you have a minion wave before fighting her or else you will be screwed.
You cannot outtrade her early at all. Your best bet is to play a bit more passive and windwall her Q ideally or E if need be. You just need to outscale her but if she messes up you can definitely kill her.
Skill matchup. Sylas's Q slow, as well as his shield and heals are very annoying when you trade. His E is windwallable and it's the only ability to proc his Aftershock rune. You will eventually outscale him.
Easier matchup but still annoying. Save windwall for her E and you can all-in easily. A very vulnerable champ without E. She can pickup spells so be aware of what she picked up. If she overextends and wastes her E then you can all-in. Only annoying part about Zoe is her Q poke so do keep in mind. Cleanse is recommended.
The sustain he gets early is annoying. Windwall his E in trades and you can abuse his weak early game. However, do be careful level 6+ because of his Ult. He can kill you if you aren't careful. He can also be a huge threat later on in fights so be careful.
Aftershock Liss is unkillable if the Liss player even has half a brain. Cleanse is good, but I suggest going Ignite and then get early QSS to cleanse her Ult. QSS is lower CD than Cleanse. If she used up her CC, you can all-in her and you can cancel her E with knockup. Be wary of ganks because Liss sets up one really well.
His poke can go through Windwall, but you have mobility. Dash around and all-in if he overextends. Save windwall for his E. Annoying because of his long-range poke but vulnerable if you all-in on him.
Tough because her QW poke is annoying. Her E also makes it hard to trade very long. Bait out her CD and all-in. At 6 do respect her Ult. Ori players like to save it for after you Ult, so dash out to avoid it if need be.
Shove the first 2 waves to force her under tower. Kat's level 1 is garbage and level 2 is mediocre. Be careful of daggers on the floor as it does a lot of damage. At level 6, save your windwall for her Ult not her Q and you will win eventually.
You counter her every way. Your windwall blocks everything (except her Ult). Time windwalls and all-in if you find an opening. She will mostly stay back to farm so roam later on to get kills. She doesn't pose much threat in lane.
His burst is higher than yours but you win long trades. His E is what you need to look out for and dodge with minions. You can windwall his Ult but the timing needs to be good. Skill dependant matchup since he can dodge your abilities as well. Mostly bait out his E and harass/all-in.
This champs weak VS AD champs and Yasuo is no different. Poke him if he farms and all-in every chance you see. He can't do much to you early and at 6 if he is dumb enough to trade and Ult in, trade and kill him. Simple matchup. Just be careful that he scales hardcore later and can oneshot you.
Yikes. This champ can apply aids and you can't do anything about it. He sets up easy jungle ganks at 6 because of his Ult. Try to abuse his weak early game before he hits 6 as he will end up just permashoving and not fight you. Get QSS later on.
Mostly skill matchup. However, Yasuo has advantage early and outscale her later. Your windwall can block her E and Ulti so make note of that. Do be careful she can outtrade you with her passive stacks and respect her all-in potential.
Abuse his weak early game and be wary of his cage, which can set up ganks. You want some MR to deal with him. Be careful that he can 100-0 you with is ult if you aren't careful. He becomes a beast late. However, if you end up on top of him it's all over.
Block his Q with windwall during trades. Harass with Q if he steps up for CS. He can outshove you and roam so warn your team. If he's MIA, he might look to W in lane from fog of war, respect that. At 6, it's very much a skill matchup.
Annoying poke and range. However, you have mobility to all-in and he's vulnerable. Find all-in opportunites and kill him. Be careful of his burst at 6 since your Windwall cannot block his ulti.
Twisted Fate
Easy matchup. Save Windwall for his Gold Card (W). He's vulnerable so if he overextends just all-in him. Warn your team if he's MIA.
Great Support for later on since his WQ combo sets up easy ults for Yasuo.
Great champ because he gives you free buffed IE later on. His Ult also sets up huge knockups.
Not the best champ to set up knockups but with a Q or Ulti, he can set up free ults.
A solid support with Yasuo to set up knockups for his Ult.
With a tanky support, her Ulti can set up massive knockups = free ulti.
Not as strong since it's telegraphed but with other CC it can be easy to get free ults off.
Love to play Zac with Yasuo. Your E and Ulti sets up free ult for Yasuo.
E Ult in to the enemy team = Free ult for you.
His Ult + Your Ult = GG NO RE
A good Rakan can make it easy for you to get a multiman ult.
Great Support for later on since his WQ combo sets up easy ults for Yasuo.
Great champ because he gives you free buffed IE later on. His Ult also sets up huge knockups.
Not the best champ to set up knockups but with a Q or Ulti, he can set up free ults.
A solid support with Yasuo to set up knockups for his Ult.
With a tanky support, her Ulti can set up massive knockups = free ulti.
Not as strong since it's telegraphed but with other CC it can be easy to get free ults off.
Love to play Zac with Yasuo. Your E and Ulti sets up free ult for Yasuo.
E Ult in to the enemy team = Free ult for you.
His Ult + Your Ult = GG NO RE
A good Rakan can make it easy for you to get a multiman ult.
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