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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
**** this guy and everyone who plays him
some basics: lulu is a defensive support, she synergizes well with farmer adcs, like jinx or varus, and initiator junglers, like malphite. your main role is to protect your adc so they can farm without dying. always remember: you are the support, your life is less valuable than anyone else's. if you see a chance to give your life to save your adc, do it.
i need to go In Depth here because bad lulu players have no clue how to use her kit.
q: lulu's q is a big time slow. however, the projectiles are pretty slow and easy to dodge unless you're running towards lulu. DON'T use this to poke, you'd just be wasting mana. save it for when you're getting chased or when you have your e on someone to extend your range.
w: riot nerfed this recently, making the speed boost even more useless. NEVER use this for a speed boost unless you're leaving base or roaming. if you try to use it to escape, you'll just get slowed and have it on a 15 second cooldown. ONLY use it to polymorph. this is best used on the enemy adc, tower divey people like lee sin, or big damage people like jax.
e: this is what you're gonna be using a lot. in lane, use it to protect your adc from poke and other dangerous stuff. it also gives the person you shield your passive for 6 seconds, which is really helpful on adcs. pretty much never use this on enemies, because you're gonna regret having it on cooldown when your adc takes a spear to the face.
r: this is your big move, this is your Time to Shine. in lane, use this to save your adc's worthless *** a million times, or to give your jungler extra cc when they gank. in teamfights, save it for your team's malphite or wukong so you get a big knockup on the whole enemy team. note: the bonus health isn't affected by grievous wounds, so don't worry about that at all.
q: lulu's q is a big time slow. however, the projectiles are pretty slow and easy to dodge unless you're running towards lulu. DON'T use this to poke, you'd just be wasting mana. save it for when you're getting chased or when you have your e on someone to extend your range.
w: riot nerfed this recently, making the speed boost even more useless. NEVER use this for a speed boost unless you're leaving base or roaming. if you try to use it to escape, you'll just get slowed and have it on a 15 second cooldown. ONLY use it to polymorph. this is best used on the enemy adc, tower divey people like lee sin, or big damage people like jax.
e: this is what you're gonna be using a lot. in lane, use it to protect your adc from poke and other dangerous stuff. it also gives the person you shield your passive for 6 seconds, which is really helpful on adcs. pretty much never use this on enemies, because you're gonna regret having it on cooldown when your adc takes a spear to the face.
r: this is your big move, this is your Time to Shine. in lane, use this to save your adc's worthless *** a million times, or to give your jungler extra cc when they gank. in teamfights, save it for your team's malphite or wukong so you get a big knockup on the whole enemy team. note: the bonus health isn't affected by grievous wounds, so don't worry about that at all.
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