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Choose Champion Build:
Standard build
Snowball, aggressive.
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability

+ High damage to tanks if ahead. + Can reduce damage (Except true damage) can help with execution abilities. + Can dodge damage or impactful crowd control such as ![]() ![]() + Enemy may flame at you for "noob champ" |
- Very vunrable to Crowd control. - No crowd control without red buff. - Often focused in teamfights - Enemy may flame at you for "noob champ" - It isn't easy to use ![]() ![]() |

Is taken first because attack speed and lifesteal in the jungle is extremly usefull, as well as challenging smite which reduces their damage to you, while dealing true damage to them and giving vision.

This item is taken second because all it's stats are usefull for yi, also attack speed and attack damage are essential. Lifesteal helps sustain the jungle, the unique passive and active can be extremely useful. Due to the buff in 6.23 this item is even more useful on yi and should be taken in pretty much every game.

This item can also be used inbetween autos to reset your auto attack, allowing very a second auto if you aa-

This active can also be used on towers!

Max first because the increased movement speed and attack speed are helpfull for ganking and killing squishy and tanky champions faster.

Max second to speed up jungle clear time as well as decrease the cooldown.

Max third as the true damage and passive attack damage it provides adds up to create massive true damage onto your enemies.

Max last because you will not be using it very ofen unless you are using it to reduce damage for 1-2 abilities or 1 tower shot, maxing it for slight reduction for these is not worth it over the damage you could do with
Wuju Style in that time and you will be using lifesteal to regen your health.

Start the side of the jungle that starts with blue buff, this is because this side of the jungle is much easier too clear.
Start with

Then clear

Now you should recall or gank a lane.
Then do

Most/all other spells aren't particularly useful.

While split pushing is a good strategy and can help take down towers and inhibitors, try not to splitpush if it will cause your team to lose towers and/or objectives such as baron.
While in teamfights remember that you aren't to engage this will lead to you being stunned and being focused by the enemy team. Try to wait for your tank/frontline to engage and for your opponents cc to be used.
Also try to flank the enemy team so that you can get straight to their marksman.

This is my first guide on mobafire, I hope it has helpped you with

Thanks for reading my guide.
Watch the video in the spoiler to see what good

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