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Swain Build Guide by Baion

Middle MID/TOP Swain, the Ruthless Crow General

Middle MID/TOP Swain, the Ruthless Crow General

Updated on July 27, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Baion Build Guide By Baion 254 37 750,489 Views 8 Comments
254 37 750,489 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Baion Swain Build Guide By Baion Updated on July 27, 2023
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Swain
  • LoL Champion: Swain
  • LoL Champion: Swain
    Disgusting Heal
  • LoL Champion: Swain
    Preseason 2023

Runes: Strong Early Game (Recommended)

1 2
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Strong Early Game
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

MID/TOP Swain, the Ruthless Crow General

By Baion
About Me
Hello, I’m Baion and this is my second guide on Mobafire! I have been playing since season 8 and have never been interested in playing ranked viciously. I am currently Plat IV on Soloq and Plat II on Flex, and I have been playing Swain mid on my ranked and clash games, it is not my main champ but it's the one I'm having fun currently. So, I decided to make this guide to share my experiences with Swain, the Noxian Grand General. Feel free to make comments and sugestions!
Thanks for your time!
MID Gameplay
Well, Swain's biggest problem on Mid lane is his mana sustein. Because of that, getting the first blood, or even a kill, will get a quick scale as you will have more gold to finish Lost Chapter.
That's why Electrocute and Presence of Mind are essencial to Swain.

Before level 6, try to poke the enemy carefully to use efficiently your precious mana!
Furthermore, Swain is considered a ranged champion, but his skills does more damage close to the enemy, because Death's Hand and Demonic Ascension. So, when poking, try to hit your Nevermove to push the enemy close to you with Ravenous Flock and do more damage with Death's Hand.
After level 6, you probably are in a good position to use skills without worry about mana. So, use your Vision of Empire to get vision from enemy's jungler and shout out to your jungler his next paths or get vision from/try to steal objectives.

After level 9, go to the lane next to the actual objetive and split.
Be careful with ganks at this point, it might cost an crucial fight and, even, the game.

On Team Fights, use your ult when the enemy jumps on you and wait it charge. Zhonya's Hourglass is essencial to survive. When, it is fully stacked, use Flash to burst the enemy backline easily(if you hasn't, it is ok, just try to do damage as much people as you can), or try to hit your Nevermove on them.
Your Death's Hand cooldown on late game is so low (2~3sec)that you will cast it a lot on Team Fights.

After level 14, mechanics are not compensating your macro gaming. So, be aware to not get caught at pick offs and do your best!
Pros and Cons
My currently Swain status at Season 11.
I am putting this to justify that Swain is an easy and strong champ if you know its pros and cons


• High DPS damage
• High AOE damage
• Considerable tankness
• Global Skill (get free assists and vision)( Vision of Empire)
• Stuns more the enemy
• Well-done champ (Lore, Mechanics and Visual)
• Map Crows


• Low mana sustein on Early Game
• Get countered against many poke champs by outrange
• Before Zhonyas, easily burstable.
• No free skins :(
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Baion
Baion Swain Guide
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MID/TOP Swain, the Ruthless Crow General

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