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About this Build
Nidalee is a well-scaling AP champion with tremendous poke. Her additional utility and versatility in form of traps, heals and her cougar form make her a valuable contribution to any team. But what makes her a suitable support ? Her heal is unusually strong with a huge AP ratio, and - after Nunu changes - it is the best AS buff a AD carry can get. Her map awareness from traps gives her team a big advantage for scouting and an enormous resist debuff that comes along with it. Finally lane control from bushes and zoneing is fairly easy with her spears. But in all honesty, she is not an ordinary support and she shouldn't be played as one. Unlike other supports, she is meant to stack AP, her long range allows for that and her good scalings almost make it mandatory. She can snowball and carry games as a second AP carry, as everything she needs for that is a big chunk of AP. Where are her issues when playing support ? Her complete lack of CC needs to be taken into account, either with CC heavy teammates, who compensate for it, or with allout poke teams who synergize with it. Anyone skilled and experienced can play around these weaknesses. Read further if you are curious about Support Nidalee.
This is only a small guide that covers the basics, and it assumes you alredy know a lot about playing support and Nidalee. Have a look at the following guids if you need more in-depth informations:
- Why no
Sightstone ? Unlike other supports, Nidalee gains nothing from early HP but rather needs Mana and AP. Making money for 30 minutes and then buying whatever AP she can get is not an option, she needs the AP right away. Supports can manage warding without the stone. Its not ideal, but I think Nidalee is an exception to the rule.
- Why a
Mejai's Soulstealer ? Its easy to get stacks, its easy to keep them - meaning it is golde efficient AP. But it is more than that. Majais allows you to grow strong on kills and assists rather than farm. The stacks resulting from teamfight double and tripple your gold income - and that holds true regardless if your team was ahead or behind. Essentially it is the Soulstealer that can get your team out of tough situations if you are skilled enough.

Masteries - 9/0/21 AP supportish setup.
Runes - Standard caster page (MPen-Armor-AP/lvl-AP) works well. Replace your Seals for AP/lvl if you can manage the squishyness. No gold runes because they breakeven with AP only after 18 min (Quints) and 26 min (Seals) of uselessness. Get AP and kill stuff.

Takedown (Q) AD, APen, CDR: A powerfull finisher and auto attack reset. You can use
to execute enemies from quite a distance. However, don't get tempted, you will find yourself in a bad spot.
Pounce (W) AP, MPen, CDR: Cover distance faster, escape, chase, juke.
is your bread and butter escape reflex. Learn witch walls you can jump and from what angle.
Swipe (E) CDR, AP, MPen: Farming tool, DPS and part of your execution combo. Just remember not to die.
As you continue to put points into your skills, Mana becomes an even greater concern. That is why Nidalee's core build revolves around no less than 3 Mana items. First, a Philosopher's Stone, the standard way to handle sustain and income in lane. But that is not enough. With exploding Mana costs, she not only needs the regeneration, but a solid mana pool as well. A

With Mana beeing less of an issue, you can focus on your true power and start stacking AP. Two very cheap AP items will make you strong. Firstly,

With these items, your core build is finished. Anything on top is a bonus. Strive for high level AP items and evolve to a second AP carry. Upgrade your boots with

Shard of True Ice and
Twin Shadows are wonderful AP support items. Alltough I rarely get them, they can help you aleviate your lack of CC a little.
- Her hidden passive grants 5 Exp per 5 sec to nearby lower level allies.
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