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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
-Stong mid/late game.
-Extreme sustain.
-Built in tenacity.
-Loads of damage with the Q.
-AD steroid.
-CAN carry games.
-Super tank.
-HP hungry early.
-No real CC.
-No quick engage.
-Healing can be countered.
-Has a hard time against mobile champs if you cant land your Q's.
Mundo is an almonst unkillable tank, so act like one. Being in the middle of the fights, soaking adc, apc damage is your task, but if you dont have much tanky champs, stay not too far away from your squishies - they might need your help. Mundo synchronizes quite good with
Maplhite, Amumu and Kayle
If one likes to go jungling and wants to beat the **** out of the creeps, he should take Mundo. He has one of the fastest clear times of the game, his ganks are pretty good, counter jungling is an easy task for him. But be aware of early invades. Mundo is a mid/late game champ who is extremely hp hungry early. By clearing all the camps you WILL lose all of your bought pots. Do not take risk of staying in the jungle, go back. You dont really fall behind if your early is bad, but its nice to smack them early aswell.
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